public HgDiffFile(HgRepository repo, HgManifestEntry manifest, string path) { this.Path = path; this.Revision = -1; _repo = repo; _manifest = manifest; }
public static HgFlow GetHgFlow(HgRepository hgRepository) { if(hgRepository.Changelog.Tip == null) return new HgFlow(false); // // Check for .hgflow or .flow on open branches foreach(var hgBranch in hgRepository.GetBranches().Where(c => !c.Branch.Closed)) { var hgManifest = hgRepository.Manifest[hgBranch.ManifestNodeID]; if(hgManifest == null) continue; var hgFlowFileEntry = hgManifest[".hgflow"] ?? hgManifest[".flow"]; if(hgFlowFileEntry == null) continue; var hgFlowFile = hgRepository.GetFile(hgFlowFileEntry); if(hgFlowFile == null) continue; var content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(hgFlowFile.Data); var hgFlow = ParseHgFlow(content); if(hgFlow.Enabled) return hgFlow; } // foreach return new HgFlow(false); }
public HgBookmarkManager(HgRepository repository, HgFileSystem fileSystem) { this.repository = repository; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; bookmarksPath = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path.Combine(repository.BasePath, "bookmarks"); }
private IEnumerable<HgChunk> BuildManifestBundleGroup(HgRepository hgRepository, HgRevset hgRevset) { var manifestRevset = new HgRevset(hgRepository.Manifest.Revlog.Entries.Where(hre => hgRevset.Contains(hre.LinkRevision))); var manifest = BuildBundleGroup(hgRepository, hgRepository.Manifest.Revlog, manifestRevset); return manifest; }
public HgDiffDirectory(HgRepository repo, HgChangeset changeset) { _repo = repo; var manifest = repo.Manifest[changeset.ManifestNodeID]; _files = manifest.Files .Select(f => new HgDiffFile(repo, manifest, f.Path.FullPath.TrimStart('/'))) .ToDictionary(f => f.Path); var changes = new Queue<HgChangeset>(); changes.Enqueue(changeset); HgDiffFile file; HgChangeset curr; while (changes.Any() && _files.Values.Any(f => f.Revision < 0)) { curr = changes.Dequeue(); foreach (var path in curr.Files) { if (_files.TryGetValue(path, out file) && file.Revision < 0) file.Revision = (int)curr.Metadata.Revision; } foreach (var change in curr.Metadata.Parents.Select(r => _repo.Changelog[r.NodeID])) { changes.Enqueue(change); } } }
private IEnumerable<HgBundleFile> BuildBundleFiles(HgRepository hgRepository, HgRevset hgRevset, HashSet<string> paths) { var orderedPaths = paths.OrderBy(p => p).ToList(); foreach(var path in orderedPaths) { var bundleFile = BuildBundleFile(hgRepository, hgRevset, path); if(bundleFile != null) yield return bundleFile; } // foreach }
public static bool IsEnabled(HgRepository hgRepository, HgFlow hgFlow) { if(!hgFlow.Enabled) return false; // // Ensure that the "develop" branch is not closed var hgDevelopBranch = hgRepository. GetBranches(). FirstOrDefault(c => !c.Branch.Closed && string.Equals(c.Branch.Name, hgFlow.Development, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)); return hgDevelopBranch != null; }
private HgBundleFile BuildBundleFile(HgRepository hgRepository, HgRevset hgRevset, string path) { // TODO: Do not bundle files without chunks log.Debug("bundling {0}", path); var hgPath = new HgPath(path); var hgFilelog = hgRepository.GetFilelog(hgPath); if(hgFilelog == null) return null; var filelogRevset = new HgRevset(hgFilelog.Revlog.Entries.Where(fre => hgRevset.Contains(fre.LinkRevision))); var hgBundleGroup = BuildBundleGroup(hgRepository, hgFilelog.Revlog, filelogRevset); var hgBundleFile = new HgBundleFile(hgPath, hgBundleGroup); return hgBundleFile; }
public HgBundle BuildBundle(HgRepository hgRepository, HgRevset hgRevset) { log.Debug("bundling changelog"); var paths = new HashSet<string>(); var changelog = BuildChangesetBundleGroup(hgRepository, hgRevset, hc => paths.AddRange(hc.Files)); log.Debug("bundling manifests"); var manifest = BuildManifestBundleGroup(hgRepository, hgRevset); // // List of all files that ever were tracked log.Debug("bundling filelogs"); var files = BuildBundleFiles(hgRepository, hgRevset, paths); var hgBundle = new HgBundle(changelog, manifest, files); return hgBundle; }
public HgMergeOperation(string repoPath, int local = -1, int remote = -1) { _repo = new HgRepository(repoPath); var heads = _repo.GetHeads().Select(h => _repo.Changelog[h.NodeID]).ToArray(); _local = local < 0 ? heads.FirstOrDefault(h => h.Branch.Name == "default") ?? heads.First() : _repo.Changelog[(uint)local]; _remote = remote < 0 ? heads.First(h => h.Metadata.NodeID != _local.Metadata.NodeID) : _repo.Changelog[(uint)remote]; _baseRev = _repo.CommonParent(_local, _remote); var dict = new Dictionary<string, FileCompare>(); foreach (var file in ChangesetManifestPaths(_repo, _baseRev)) { dict[file] = new FileCompare() { Path = file, InBase = FileStatus.Unchanged }; } FileCompare buffer; var modifiedFiles = new HashSet<string>(_local.Files); foreach (var file in ChangesetManifestPaths(_repo, _local)) { if (!dict.TryGetValue(file, out buffer)) { buffer = new FileCompare() { Path = file }; dict.Add(file, buffer); } buffer.InLocal = modifiedFiles.Contains(file) ? FileStatus.Modified : FileStatus.Unchanged; } modifiedFiles = new HashSet<string>(_remote.Files); foreach (var file in ChangesetManifestPaths(_repo, _remote)) { if (!dict.TryGetValue(file, out buffer)) { buffer = new FileCompare() { Path = file }; dict.Add(file, buffer); } buffer.InRemote = modifiedFiles.Contains(file) ? FileStatus.Modified : FileStatus.Unchanged; } _compares = dict.Values.ToArray(); }
public HgManifestTree GetManifestTreeNode(HgRepository hgRepository, HgManifestEntry hgManifestEntry, HgPath hgPath) { var separators = hgPath.FullPath.Count(c => c == '/'); var paths = hgManifestEntry.Files. Select(f => new { file = f, separators = f.Path.FullPath.Count(c => c == '/') }). Where(f => f.file.Path.FullPath.StartsWith(hgPath.FullPath)). ToList(); var directories = paths. Where(d => d.separators > separators). Select(d => d.file.Path.FullPath.SubstringBeforeNth("/", separators)). Distinct(). Select(d => HgManifestNode.Directory(new HgPath(d))). ToList(); var files = paths. Where(f => f.separators == separators). Select(f => HgManifestNode.File(f.file.Path, f.file.FilelogNodeID)). ToList(); var subrepositories = hgRepository.GetSubrepositories(hgManifestEntry). Select(s => new { subrepository = s, separators = s.Path.FullPath.Count(c => c == '/') }). Where(s => s.subrepository.Path.FullPath.StartsWith(hgPath.FullPath) && s.separators == separators). Select(s => HgManifestNode.Subrepository(s.subrepository.Path, s.subrepository.NodeID)). ToList(); return new HgManifestTree(hgPath, directories.Append(files).Append(subrepositories)); }
public static HgRepository Clone(string sourceRepositoryPath, string destinationRepositoryPath) { // // Create dummy repo and then clone over existing files var sourceHgRepository = new HgRepository(sourceRepositoryPath); var destinationHgRepository = HgRepository.Create(destinationRepositoryPath); using(sourceHgRepository.AcquireLock()) { foreach(var hgDataFile in sourceHgRepository.Store.GetDataFiles()) { var destinationPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(destinationRepositoryPath, ".hg\\store", hgDataFile.Path.FullPath.Trim('/')); var directoryName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationPath); if(!Directory.Exists(directoryName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); File.CreateHardlink(hgDataFile.StoreRelativePath, destinationPath); } // foreach } // using return destinationHgRepository; }
public HgAclModule(HgRepository hgRepository, Func<HgPrincipal> hgPrincipalProvider) { this.hgRepository = hgRepository; this.hgPrincipalProvider = hgPrincipalProvider; this.hgRepository.BundleCommitting += BundleCommitting; }
public HgSubrepositoryReader(HgRepository hgRepository) { this.hgRepository = hgRepository; }
public static HgRevsetEntry GetPrimaryMergeStreamBranchHead(HgRepository hgRepository, HgFlow hgFlow, HgFlowStream stream) { var primaryMergeStream = GetPrimaryMergeStream(stream); var primaryMergeStreamBranchHead = primaryMergeStream.HasValue ? hgRepository.GetBranchmap(). Where(bm => bm.Branch == hgFlow[primaryMergeStream.Value].TrimEnd('/')). SelectMany(bm => bm.Heads). OrderByDescending(h => h.Revision). FirstOrDefault() : null; return primaryMergeStreamBranchHead; }
private IEnumerable<HgChunk> BuildChangesetBundleGroup(HgRepository hgRepository, HgRevset hgRevset, Action<HgChangeset> callback) { var hgChangelogReader = new HgChangelogReader(hgEncoder); return BuildBundleGroup(hgRepository, hgRepository.Changelog.Revlog, hgRevset, hred => callback(hgChangelogReader.ReadChangeset(hred))); }
private IEnumerable<HgChunk> BuildBundleGroup(HgRepository hgRepository, HgRevlog hgRevlog, HgRevset hgRevset, Action<HgRevlogEntryData> callback = null) { var hgRevlogReader = new HgRevlogReader(hgRevlog, fileSystem); // // See Pure magic var revisionChunks = hgRevset. Select(hre => hre.Revision). OrderBy(r => r). Select((r, i) => new { r, i }). GroupBy(x => x.r - x.i). Select(x => x.Select(xx => xx.r)). Select(c => c.ToArray()). ToArray(); if(revisionChunks.Length == 0) yield break; byte[] prev = null; uint prevRev = uint.MaxValue; var prediff = false; var hgRevlogEntry = hgRevlog[revisionChunks[0][0]]; if(hgRevlogEntry.FirstParentRevisionNodeID != HgNodeID.Null) { prev = hgRevlogReader.ReadRevlogEntry(hgRevlogEntry.FirstParentRevision).Data; prediff = true; } foreach(var revisionChunk in revisionChunks) { foreach(var revision in revisionChunk) { hgRevlogEntry = hgRevlog[revision]; var hgChangeset = hgRepository.Changelog.Revlog[hgRevlogEntry.LinkRevision]; byte[] data = null; if(prev == null || hgRevlogEntry.BaseRevision == hgRevlogEntry.Revision || prediff || (prevRev != UInt32.MaxValue && prevRev + 1 != revision)) { var hgRevlogEntryData = hgRevlogReader.ReadRevlogEntry(revision); if(prev == null) { // // Trivial case var buffer = new byte[hgRevlogEntryData.Data.Length + 12]; using(var stream = new MemoryStream(buffer)) using(var binaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(stream)) { binaryWriter.Write((uint)0); binaryWriter.Write((uint)0); binaryWriter.Write((uint)hgRevlogEntryData.Data.Length); binaryWriter.Write(hgRevlogEntryData.Data); } // using data = buffer; } // if else { data = BDiff.Diff(prev, hgRevlogEntryData.Data); if(prediff) prediff = false; } // else prev = hgRevlogEntryData.Data; } // if else { data = hgRevlogReader.ReadRevlogEntryDataRaw(revision); prev = MPatch.Patch(prev, new List<byte[]> { data }); } // else if(callback != null) callback(new HgRevlogEntryData(hgRevlogEntry, prev)); if(performIntegrityChecks) { var expectedNodeID = GetRevlogEntryDataNodeID(hgRevlogEntry.FirstParentRevisionNodeID, hgRevlogEntry.SecondParentRevisionNodeID, prev); if(expectedNodeID != hgRevlogEntry.NodeID) { // TODO: Exception class throw new ApplicationException("integrity violation for " + hgRevlogEntry.NodeID.Short); } // if } // if var hgChunk = new HgChunk(hgRevlogEntry.NodeID, hgRevlogEntry.FirstParentRevisionNodeID, hgRevlogEntry.SecondParentRevisionNodeID, hgChangeset.NodeID, data); yield return hgChunk; prevRev = revision; } // foreach } // foreach }
public static bool IsEnabled(HgRepository hgRepository) { var hgFlow = GetHgFlow(hgRepository); return IsEnabled(hgRepository, hgFlow); }
public HgClient(HgRepository repository) { }
private static Tuple<DateTimeOffset, int, string> GetLatestTag(HgRepository hgRepository, HgNodeID hgNodeID) { var revisions = new Stack<uint>(); var revision = hgRepository.Changelog[hgNodeID].Metadata.Revision; var cache = new Dictionary<uint, Tuple<DateTimeOffset, int, string>>(); revisions.Push(revision); while(revisions.Count > 0) { revision = revisions.Pop(); if(cache.ContainsKey(revision)) continue; var hgChangeset = hgRepository.Changelog[revision]; var tags = hgRepository.GetTags().Where(t => t.Name != "tip" && t.NodeID == hgChangeset.Metadata.NodeID).ToList(); if(tags.Count > 0) { cache[revision] = Tuple.Create(hgChangeset.CommittedAt, 0, tags[0].Name); continue; } // if int distance = 0; string name = ""; DateTimeOffset committedAt = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; if(hgChangeset.Metadata.Parents.All(p => cache.ContainsKey(p.Revision))) { var enumerable = hgChangeset.Metadata.Parents.Select(p => cache[p.Revision]).ToList(); if(enumerable.Any()) { var max = enumerable.MaxBy(p => p.Item1); committedAt = max.Item1; distance = max.Item2; name = max.Item3; } // if } else { revisions.Push(revision); foreach(var p in hgChangeset.Metadata.Parents) revisions.Push(p.Revision); continue; } // catch cache[revision] = Tuple.Create(committedAt, distance + 1, name); } // while revision = hgRepository.Changelog[hgNodeID].Metadata.Revision; return cache[revision]; }
public HgArchiveWriter(HgRepository hgRepository) { this.hgRepository = hgRepository; }
private static IEnumerable<string> ChangesetManifestPaths(HgRepository repo, HgChangeset ch) { return repo.Manifest[ch.ManifestNodeID].Files.Select(f => f.Path.FullPath.TrimStart('/')); }
public HgRepositoryVerifier(HgRepository repository) { this.repository = repository; }
public HgAnnotationManager(HgRepository repository) { this.repository = repository; }
public HgTagManager(HgRepository repository, HgFileSystem fileSystem) { this.repository = repository; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; }