private void ReplyMessage(long chatId, string mensagem) { string URL = "" + TelegramBotController.GetBotToken() + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + chatId + "&text=" + mensagem; var getUpdates = WebRequest.Create(URL) as HttpWebRequest; getUpdates.Method = "GET"; object responseItems = new object(); try { string respBody = null; using (var resp = getUpdates.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { var respR = new StreamReader(resp); respBody = respR.ReadToEnd(); } responseItems = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <object>(respBody); } catch { throw new Exception("Error sending the message! chatId: " + chatId); } }
public TelegramUpdate GetUpdates() { string URL = "" + TelegramBotController.GetBotToken() + "/getUpdates"; var getUpdates = WebRequest.Create(URL) as HttpWebRequest; getUpdates.Method = "GET"; object responseItems = new object(); try { string respBody = null; using (var resp = getUpdates.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { var respR = new StreamReader(resp); respBody = respR.ReadToEnd(); } responseItems = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <object>(respBody); } catch { throw new Exception("Error getting updates from Telegram!"); } return(AdjustResponse(responseItems)); }
private void SaveIdLastMessageReplied(long messageId) { XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(Properties.Resources.ADDRESS_UPDATECONTROLS); long lastIdMessageSaved = TelegramBotController.GetLastMessageId(); if (messageId < lastIdMessageSaved) { throw new Exception("Error! The messageId cannot be less than the last message ID saved!"); } xmlDoc.Root.Element("LastMessageId").Remove(); XElement root = xmlDoc.Element("Controls"); root.Add(new XElement("LastMessageId", messageId)); xmlDoc.Save(Properties.Resources.ADDRESS_UPDATECONTROLS); }