         * ==============
         * =
         * = P_MakeDivline
         * =
         * ==============

        public static void P_MakeDivline(r_local.line_t li, p_local.divline_t dl)
            dl.x  = li.v1.x;
            dl.y  = li.v1.y;
            dl.dx = li.dx;
            dl.dy = li.dy;
         * ==================
         * =
         * = P_SightBlockLinesIterator
         * =
         * ===================

        public static bool P_SightBlockLinesIterator(int x, int y)
            int   offset;
            short list;

            r_local.line_t ld;
            int            s1, s2;

            p_local.divline_t dl = new p_local.divline_t();

            offset = y * p_setup.bmapwidth + x;

            offset = p_setup.blockmaplump[p_setup.blockmap + offset];

            for (int i = offset; ; i++)
                list = p_setup.blockmaplump[i];
                if (list == -1)
                ld = p_setup.lines[list];

                if (ld.validcount == r_main.validcount)
                    continue;                                   // line has already been checked
                ld.validcount = r_main.validcount;

                s1 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(ld.v1.x, ld.v1.y, p_maputl.trace);
                s2 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(ld.v2.x, ld.v2.y, p_maputl.trace);
                if (s1 == s2)
                    continue;                                   // line isn't crossed
                p_maputl.P_MakeDivline(ld, dl);
                s1 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(p_maputl.trace.x, p_maputl.trace.y, dl);
                s2 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(p_maputl.trace.x + p_maputl.trace.dx, p_maputl.trace.y + p_maputl.trace.dy, dl);
                if (s1 == s2)
                    continue;                                   // line isn't crossed
                // try to early out the check
                if (ld.backsector == null)
                    return(false);                      // stop checking
                // store the line for later intersection testing
                p_maputl.intercepts[p_maputl.intercept_p].line = ld;

            return(true);                       // everything was checked
            public override bool func(DoomDef.mobj_t thing)
                int  x1, y1, x2, y2;
                int  s1, s2;
                bool tracepositive;

                p_local.divline_t dl = new p_local.divline_t();
                int frac;

                tracepositive = (trace.dx ^ trace.dy) > 0;

                // check a corner to corner crossection for hit

                if (tracepositive)
                    x1 = thing.x - thing.radius;
                    y1 = thing.y + thing.radius;

                    x2 = thing.x + thing.radius;
                    y2 = thing.y - thing.radius;
                    x1 = thing.x - thing.radius;
                    y1 = thing.y - thing.radius;

                    x2 = thing.x + thing.radius;
                    y2 = thing.y + thing.radius;
                s1 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(x1, y1, trace);
                s2 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(x2, y2, trace);
                if (s1 == s2)
                    return(true);       // line isn't crossed
                dl.x  = x1;
                dl.y  = y1;
                dl.dx = x2 - x1;
                dl.dy = y2 - y1;
                frac  = P_InterceptVector(trace, dl);
                if (frac < 0)
                    return(true);               // behind source
                intercepts[intercept_p].frac    = frac;
                intercepts[intercept_p].isaline = false;
                intercepts[intercept_p].thing   = thing;

                return(true);                    // keep going
         * ====================
         * =
         * = P_SightTraverseIntercepts
         * =
         * = Returns true if the traverser function returns true for all lines
         * ====================

        public static bool P_SightTraverseIntercepts()
            int count;
            int dist;

            p_local.intercept_t scan, in_;
            p_local.divline_t   dl = new p_local.divline_t();

            count = p_maputl.intercept_p;
            // calculate intercept distance
            for (int i = 0; i < p_maputl.intercept_p; ++i)
                scan = p_maputl.intercepts[i];
                p_maputl.P_MakeDivline(scan.line, dl);
                scan.frac = p_maputl.P_InterceptVector(p_maputl.trace, dl);

            // go through in order
            in_ = null;                                 // shut up compiler warning

            while ((count--) != 0)
                dist = DoomDef.MAXINT;
                for (int i = 0; i < p_maputl.intercept_p; ++i)
                    scan = p_maputl.intercepts[i];
                    if (scan.frac < dist)
                        dist = scan.frac;
                        in_  = scan;

                if (in_ == null)

                if (!PTR_SightTraverse(in_))
                    return(false);                                      // don't bother going farther
                in_.frac = DoomDef.MAXINT;

            return(true);                       // everything was traversed
         * ===============
         * =
         * = P_InterceptVector
         * =
         * = Returns the fractional intercept point along the first divline
         * =
         * = This is only called by the addthings and addlines traversers
         * ===============

        public static int P_InterceptVector(p_local.divline_t v2, p_local.divline_t v1)
            int frac, num, den;

            den = DoomDef.FixedMul(v1.dy >> 8, v2.dx) - DoomDef.FixedMul(v1.dx >> 8, v2.dy);
            if (den == 0)
            num = DoomDef.FixedMul((v1.x - v2.x) >> 8, v1.dy) +
                  DoomDef.FixedMul((v2.y - v1.y) >> 8, v1.dx);
            frac = d_main.FixedDiv(num, den);

            public override bool func(r_local.line_t ld)
                int s1, s2;
                int frac;

                p_local.divline_t dl = new p_local.divline_t();

                // avoid precision problems with two routines
                if (trace.dx > DoomDef.FRACUNIT * 16 || trace.dy > DoomDef.FRACUNIT * 16 ||
                    trace.dx < -DoomDef.FRACUNIT * 16 || trace.dy < -DoomDef.FRACUNIT * 16)
                    s1 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(ld.v1.x, ld.v1.y, trace);
                    s2 = p_maputl.P_PointOnDivlineSide(ld.v2.x, ld.v2.y, trace);
                    s1 = P_PointOnLineSide(trace.x, trace.y, ld);
                    s2 = P_PointOnLineSide(trace.x + trace.dx, trace.y + trace.dy, ld);
                if (s1 == s2)
                    return(true);                               // line isn't crossed
                // hit the line
                p_maputl.P_MakeDivline(ld, dl);
                frac = p_maputl.P_InterceptVector(trace, dl);
                if (frac < 0)
                    return(true);                               // behind source
                // try to early out the check
                if (earlyout && frac < DoomDef.FRACUNIT && ld.backsector == null)
                    return(false);                      // stop checking
                intercepts[intercept_p].frac    = frac;
                intercepts[intercept_p].isaline = true;
                intercepts[intercept_p].line    = ld;

                return(true);                           // continue
         * ==================
         * =
         * = P_PointOnDivlineSide
         * =
         * = Returns 0 or 1
         * ==================

        public static int P_PointOnDivlineSide(int x, int y, p_local.divline_t line)
            int dx, dy;
            int left, right;

            if (line.dx == 0)
                if (x <= line.x)
                    return((line.dy > 0) ? 1 : 0);
                return((line.dy < 0) ? 1 : 0);
            if (line.dy == 0)
                if (y <= line.y)
                    return((line.dx < 0) ? 1 : 0);
                return((line.dx > 0) ? 1 : 0);

            dx = (x - line.x);
            dy = (y - line.y);

            // try to quickly decide by looking at sign bits
            if (((line.dy ^ line.dx ^ dx ^ dy) & 0x80000000) != 0)
                if (((line.dy ^ dx) & 0x80000000) != 0)
                    return(1);                          // (left is negative)

            left  = DoomDef.FixedMul(line.dy >> 8, dx >> 8);
            right = DoomDef.FixedMul(dy >> 8, line.dx >> 8);

            if (right < left)
                return(0);                              // front side
            return(1);                                  // back side