//turn class month static public void addDays() { ClassMonth oMonth = new ClassMonth(nDay, nMonth, nYear); int nMonthMaxValue = oMonth.getSpecificMonth(nMonth); nDay++; if (nDay > nMonthMaxValue) { nMonth++; nDay = 1; if (nMonth > 12) { nYear++; nMonth = 1; } } }
private void decrementDay(ref int nCurrentDay, ref int nCurrentMonth, ref int nCurrentYear) { ClassMonth oMonth = new ClassMonth(nCurrentDay, nCurrentMonth, nCurrentYear); nCurrentDay--; if (nCurrentDay < 1) { //get the previous month maximum days int nMonthMaxValue = oMonth.getSpecificMonth(nCurrentMonth > 1 ? nCurrentMonth - 1 : 12); nCurrentMonth--; nCurrentDay = nMonthMaxValue; if (nCurrentMonth < 1) { nCurrentYear--; nCurrentMonth = 12; } } }
private void incrementDay(ref int nCurrentDay, ref int nCurrentMonth, ref int nCurrentYear) { ClassMonth oMonth = new ClassMonth(nCurrentDay, nCurrentMonth, nCurrentYear); int nMonthMaxValue = oMonth.getSpecificMonth(nCurrentMonth); nCurrentDay++; if (nCurrentDay > nMonthMaxValue) { nCurrentMonth++; nCurrentDay = 1; if (nCurrentMonth > 12) { nCurrentYear++; nCurrentMonth = 1; } } }
public void decrementDays() { ClassMonth oMonth = new ClassMonth(nDay, nMonth, nYear); nDay--; if (nDay < 1) { //get the previous month maximum days int nMonthMaxValue = oMonth.getSpecificMonth(nMonth > 1 ? nMonth - 1 : 12); nMonth--; nDay = nMonthMaxValue; if (nMonth < 1) { nYear--; nMonth = 12; } } }