static void Main(string[] args) { var course = new Course() { CourseId = 1, CourseName = "Maths" }; var student = new Student() { name = "Dagem Alemu", Describtion = "First Year Student" }; Console.WriteLine("Student name {0} Student Description {1}",, student.Describtion," {2}Course Number Course Name {3}", course.CourseName, course.CourseName); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //object to calculate power Power MyPower = new Power(); Console.WriteLine(MyPower.Power1(3, 2)); //class and static method object UsefulTools.Welcome("SJVS"); //Object to add 2 numbers Addittion Adding = new Addittion(); Console.WriteLine(Adding.Add(5, 7)); //object to check gp gp GP = new gp() { name = "Pascal Harry", gpa = 4.5, R = "" }; gp GP2 = new gp() { name = "Chisom Charles", gpa = 1.2, R = "" }; Console.WriteLine(GP.R); Console.WriteLine(GP2.R); //object to lists out landlords Landlord VGC = new Landlord() { Name = "Pascal Ojinnaka", NoHos = 3, NextKin = "Amen Yalekhue", Estate = "" }; Landlord Ajah = new Landlord() { Name = "Stanley Ojinnaka", NoHos = 6, NextKin = "Stephen Gerrald", Estate = "" }; Landlords landlordss = new Landlords(); landlordss.landlords.Add(VGC); landlordss.landlords.Add(Ajah); foreach (var item in landlordss.landlords) { Console.WriteLine("My name is {0} land lord with {1} " + "houses and my next of kin is {2} and i am a {3}", item.Name, item.NoHos, item.NextKin, item.Estate); } //object to list of mentors Mentor mentor1 = new Mentor() { Location = "Canada", Name = "Pascal Ojinnaka", YearsOfExperience = 3, RegisteredOnZoom = true, Category = "UI/UX" }; Mentor mentor2 = new Mentor() { Location = "United Kingdom", Name = "John-Paul Ojinnaka", YearsOfExperience = 4, RegisteredOnZoom = false, Category = "Coding" }; Console.WriteLine(mentor2.Location); MentorsToBePaid mentorsToPay = new MentorsToBePaid(); mentorsToPay.Mentors.Add(mentor1); mentorsToPay.Mentors.Add(mentor2); try { foreach (Mentor m in mentorsToPay.Mentors) { Console.WriteLine("Our Mentor is {0}, he lives in {1} and has {2} years of experience", m.Name, m.Location, m.YearsOfExperience); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } //object of chef class Chef chef = new Chef(); chef.MakeSpecialDish(); //object of Italian Chef Inherited from Chef class ItalianChef ItalianChef = new ItalianChef(); ItalianChef.MakeSpecialDish(); ItalianChef ItalianChef1 = new ItalianChef(); ItalianChef1.MakeItalianFoods(); //static methods UsefulTools.SayHi("Pascal"); Song phyno = new Song("So Far So Good", "Phyno", 2); Console.WriteLine(Song.SongCount); Console.WriteLine(phyno.songCount()); Song Olamide = new Song("Pawon", "Olamide", 3); Console.WriteLine(Song.SongCount); //object of Movie class with constructor Movie avengers = new Movie("The Avengers", "Josh well", "dog"); Movie shrek = new Movie("Shrek", "Adam Adamson", "PG"); Console.WriteLine(avengers.Rating); //object of Book class Book book1 = new Book(); = "Pascal Ojinnaka"; Book book2 = new Book(); = "Stanley Ojinnaka"; Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(book1.title); //object of Student class with constructor Student student1 = new Student(); Student student2 = new Student(); Console.WriteLine(student1.HasHonors("Jeff Nnoli", "Csc", 3.9)); Console.WriteLine(student2.HasHonors("Emeka Chuks", "MCB", 2.7)); //Code to divide 2 numbers with a try and catch exception try { Console.Write("Enter a num: "); int num1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter a num: "); int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(num1 / num2); } catch (DivideByZeroException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } //method object to calculate power Console.WriteLine(GetPow(3, 3)); //Do and While loop string secretWord = "Pascal"; string guess = ""; int guesscount = 0; int guesslimit = 3; bool outofguess = false; do { if (guesscount < guesslimit) { Console.Write("Enter Secret Word: "); guess = Console.ReadLine(); guesscount++; } else { outofguess = true; } } while (guess != secretWord && !outofguess); if (outofguess) { Console.WriteLine("You have Lost"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You have Won"); } }