public byte[] ExportCSV(FileManager fileManager, IEnumerable<String> columnNames = null) { if (Attributes.IsEmpty) return new byte[0]; //// init stuffs byte[] csvBuffer = new byte[1024]; int csvOffset = 0; bool isProperties = (StringId == "PROPERTIES" || StringId == "_TCv4_PROPERTIES"); ObjectDelegator objectDelegator; if (fileManager == null || !fileManager.DataFileDelegators.ContainsKey(StringId)) { objectDelegator = new ObjectDelegator(Attributes.RowType.GetFields()); FieldInfo headerField = DataType.GetField("header", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); objectDelegator.AddField(headerField); } else { objectDelegator = fileManager.DataFileDelegators[StringId]; } //// header row // tables can have different header values String tableHeaderStr = String.Format("{0}({1})", StringId, FileTools.ObjectToStringGeneric(_excelFileHeader, ",")); // rest of columns List<String> columnsList = new List<String> { tableHeaderStr }; foreach (ObjectDelegator.FieldDelegate fieldDelegate in objectDelegator) { if (columnNames == null) { if (!fieldDelegate.IsPublic) continue; } else if (!columnNames.Contains(fieldDelegate.Name)) { continue; } columnsList.Add(fieldDelegate.Name); } // excel table type-specific columns if (Attributes.HasStats) columnsList.Add("Stats"); if (isProperties) columnsList.Add("Script"); // column header row String[] columns = columnsList.ToArray(); int colCount = columns.Length; int rowCount = Count + 1; // +1 for column headers //// csv generation String[][] strings = new string[rowCount][]; strings[0] = columns; int col = -1; foreach (ObjectDelegator.FieldDelegate fieldDelegate in objectDelegator) { if (!columns.Contains(fieldDelegate.Name) && fieldDelegate.Name != "header") continue; col++; OutputAttribute excelAttribute = GetExcelAttribute(fieldDelegate.Info); //if (fieldDelegate.Name == "spawnFromMonsterUnitType") //{ // int bp = 0; //} int row = 0; foreach (Object rowObject in Rows) { String[] rowStr = strings[++row]; if (rowStr == null) { rowStr = new String[colCount]; strings[row] = rowStr; } if (fieldDelegate.Name == "header") { RowHeader rowHeader = (RowHeader)fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); rowStr[col] = FileTools.ObjectToStringGeneric(rowHeader, ","); continue; } if (fieldDelegate.Name == "code") { int code; if (fieldDelegate.FieldType == typeof(short)) { code = (int)(short)fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); // yes, that extra (int) is *needed* to cast the short correctly } else { code = (int)fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); } if (StringId == "REGION") // can't export region code values as chars due to weird chars { rowStr[col] = "\"" + code + "\""; } else { rowStr[col] = "\"" + _CodeToString(code) + "\""; } continue; } bool isArray = (fieldDelegate.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Array)); if (excelAttribute != null) { if (excelAttribute.IsTableIndex && fileManager != null) { int[] indexValues; Object indexObj = fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); if (isArray) { indexValues = (int[])indexObj; } else { indexValues = new[] { (int)indexObj }; } String[] indexStrs = new String[indexValues.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < indexStrs.Length; i++) { if (indexValues[i] == -1) // empty string/no code { indexStrs[i] = "-1"; continue; } String tableStringId = excelAttribute.TableStringId; String negative = String.Empty; if (indexValues[i] < 0) { indexValues[i] *= -1; negative = "-"; } String indexStr = null; if (fileManager.DataTableHasColumn(tableStringId, "code")) { int code = fileManager.GetExcelIntFromStringId(tableStringId, indexValues[i], "code"); if (code != 0) indexStr = _CodeToString(code); } else if (fileManager.DataTableHasColumn(tableStringId, "name")) { indexStr = fileManager.GetExcelStringFromStringId(tableStringId, indexValues[i], "name"); } if (indexStr == null) { indexStr = fileManager.GetExcelStringFromStringId(tableStringId, indexValues[i]); } indexStrs[i] = negative + indexStr; } rowStr[col] = "\"" + String.Join(",", indexStrs) + "\""; continue; } if (excelAttribute.IsStringOffset) { int offset = (int)fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); if (offset != -1) { rowStr[col] = ReadStringTable(offset); } continue; } if (excelAttribute.IsScript) { int offset = (int)fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); if ((offset == 0)) { FileTools.WriteToBuffer(ref csvBuffer, ref csvOffset, FileTools.StringToASCIIByteArray("0")); continue; } int[] buffer = ReadScriptTable(offset); if (buffer == null) throw new Exceptions.ScriptFormatException("The script bytes were unable to be read using ReadScriptTable.", offset); String scriptString = FileTools.ArrayToStringGeneric(buffer, ","); if (fileManager != null) { if (offset == 9325 /*from DataTable export*/ || offset == 9649 /*from Object export*/ && StringId == "SKILLS") // todo: not sure what's with this script... { /* Compiled Bytes: * 26,30,700,6,26,1,399,358,669,616562688,711,26,62,3,17,669,641728512,26,8,711,26,62,3,17,358,669,322961408,26,5,700,6,26,1,399,358,388,0 * * Ending Stack (FIFO): * SetStat669('sfx_attack_pct', 'all', 30 * ($sklvl - 1)) * SetStat669('sfx_duration_pct', 'all', get_skill_level(@unit, 'Shield_Mastery')) * SetStat669('damage_percent_skill', 8 * get_skill_level(@unit, 'Shield_Mastery')) * SetStat669('damage_percent_skill', 8 * get_skill_level(@unit, 'Shield_Mastery')) + 5 * ($sklvl - 1) * * The last SetStat has strange overhang - decompiling wrong? * Or is it "supposed" to be there? * i.e. It's actually decompiling correctly, but because I've assumed such scripts to be wrong (as the end +5... segment is useless) we get the Stack exception */ scriptString = "ScriptError(" + scriptString + ")"; } else { try { ExcelScript excelScript = new ExcelScript(fileManager); scriptString = "\"" + excelScript.Decompile(_scriptBuffer, offset, scriptString, StringId, row, col, fieldDelegate.Name) + "\""; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); scriptString = "ScriptError(" + scriptString + ")"; } } } rowStr[col] = scriptString; continue; } if (excelAttribute.IsSecondaryString) { int index = (int)fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); if (index != -1) { rowStr[col] = SecondaryStrings[index]; } continue; } if (excelAttribute.IsBitmask) { rowStr[col] = "\"" + fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject) + "\""; continue; } } Object outValue = fieldDelegate.GetValue(rowObject); if (isArray) { rowStr[col] = ((Array)outValue).ToString(","); } else if (fieldDelegate.FieldType == typeof(float)) { rowStr[col] = ((float)outValue).ToString("r"); } //else if (fieldDelegate.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Enum)) // might as well export enums as their string representations //{ // rowStr[col] = ((UInt32)outValue).ToString(); //} else { rowStr[col] = outValue.ToString(); } } } // stats if (Attributes.HasStats) { col++; int row = -1; foreach (String[] rowStr in strings) { if (row == -1) // columns header row { row++; continue; } rowStr[col] = StatsBuffer[row++].ToString(","); } } // properties scripts if (isProperties) { // not point in doing this //if (tableHeader.Unknown1 != 2 || scriptRow == ExcelFunctions.Count - 1) // need 1 extra row for some reason col++; int row = -1; foreach (String[] rowStr in strings) { if (row == -1) { row++; continue; } if (row >= ExcelFunctions.Count) break; ExcelFunction excelScript = ExcelFunctions[row++]; String excelScriptFunction = String.Empty; foreach (ExcelFunction.Parameter paramater in excelScript.Parameters) { excelScriptFunction += String.Format("\n{0},{1},{2},{3}", paramater.Name, paramater.Unknown, paramater.TypeId, paramater.TypeValues.ToString(",")); } if (excelScript.ScriptByteCode != null) { int offset = 0; excelScriptFunction += "\n" + FileTools.ByteArrayToInt32Array(excelScript.ScriptByteCode, ref offset, excelScript.ScriptByteCode.Length / 4).ToString(",") + "\n"; } rowStr[col] = excelScriptFunction; } } //// join string arrays and create byte array String[] rows = new String[rowCount]; col = 0; foreach (String[] rowStr in strings) { rows[col] = String.Join("\t", rowStr); col++; } String csvString = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, rows); return csvString.ToASCIIByteArray(); }