public static BlockData Restore(Unpacker unpacker) { var block = Block.Restore(unpacker); var signatures = new BlockSignatures(unpacker); var chainType = block.ChainType; if (chainType == ChainType.Core) { return(new BlockData <CoreBlock>(block as CoreBlock, signatures)); } if (chainType == ChainType.Service) { return(new BlockData <ServiceBlock>(block as ServiceBlock, signatures)); } if (chainType == ChainType.Data) { return(new BlockData <DataBlock>(block as DataBlock, signatures)); } if (chainType == ChainType.Maintain) { return(new BlockData <MaintainBlock>(block as MaintainBlock, signatures)); } throw new Exception($"ChainType {chainType} not found."); }
public GenesisBlockResult(CoreBlock block, BlockSignatures signature, Key networkPublicKey, ChainKeyStore voteKey, string votePassword, Dictionary <int, List <ServiceTransaction> > serviceTransactions) { Block = block; Signature = signature; NetworkPublicKey = networkPublicKey; NetworkVoteKey = voteKey; NetworkVotePassword = votePassword; ServiceTransactions = serviceTransactions; }
protected BlockData(Block block, BlockSignatures blockSignatures, byte[] data) { Block = block; Signatures = blockSignatures; _data = data; if (block == null || blockSignatures == null) { throw new ArgumentException(""); } }
protected BlockData(Block block, BlockSignatures blockSignatures) { Block = block; Signatures = blockSignatures; if (block == null || blockSignatures == null) { throw new ArgumentException(""); } ToByteArray(); }
protected BlockData(Unpacker unpacker, bool setRawData) { var start = unpacker.Position; Block = Block.Restore(unpacker); Signatures = new BlockSignatures(unpacker); var end = unpacker.Position; if (setRawData) { var size = end - start; unpacker.Position = start; _data = unpacker.UnpackByteArray(size); } }
public BlockSignatures(BlockSignatures blockSignatures) : base(blockSignatures) { }
public static GenesisBlockResult Generate(Base.Storage storage) { (var networkKeyStore, var networkKey, _) = LoadCoreAccountKey(storage, "Network Account", "Heleus Core"); if (networkKeyStore == null) { networkKey = Key.Generate(KeyTypes.Ed25519); var networkPassword = Hex.ToString(Rand.NextSeed(32)); networkKeyStore = new CoreAccountKeyStore("Heleus Core Network Account", CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId, networkKey, networkPassword); SaveCoreAccountKey(storage, networkKeyStore, "Network Account", networkPassword, "Heleus Core"); } Console.WriteLine($"Heleus Core Network Account Key: {networkKey.PublicKey.HexString}."); var networkKeys = new List <NetworkKey>(); var networkChainKeys = new List <PublicChainKey>(); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var keyFlags = GetCoreKeyFlags(i); var keyName = $"Network {GetKeyName(keyFlags, true)}"; (var store, var key, var storePassword) = LoadKeyStore <ChainKeyStore>(storage, null, keyName, "Heleus Core"); if (store == null) { key = Key.Generate(KeyTypes.Ed25519); storePassword = Hex.ToString(Rand.NextSeed(32)); var publicChainKey = new PublicChainKey(keyFlags, CoreChain.CoreChainId, 0, 0, (short)i, key); store = new ChainKeyStore($"Heleus Core {keyName}", publicChainKey, key, storePassword); SaveKeyStore(storage, store, storePassword, null, keyName, "Heleus Core"); } Console.WriteLine($"Heleus Core {keyName}: {key.PublicKey.HexString}."); networkKeys.Add(new NetworkKey { Key = key, Password = storePassword, PublicKey = store.PublicChainKey, Store = store }); networkChainKeys.Add(store.PublicChainKey); } var timestamp = Time.Timestamp; timestamp = Protocol.GenesisTime; var coreOperations = new List <CoreOperation>(); var endPoints = new List <string>(); Console.WriteLine("Type the core chain name (default: Heleus Core)"); var name = Program.IsDebugging ? "Heleus Core" : Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { name = "Heleus Core"; } Console.WriteLine($"Chain name: {name}"); Console.WriteLine("Type the core chain website (default:"); var website = Program.IsDebugging ? "" : Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(website)) { website = ""; } Console.WriteLine($"Chain Website: {website}"); Console.WriteLine("Type the core chain endpoints. (none for none, default:"); while (true) { if (Program.IsDebugging) { var ips = GetLocalIPV4Addresss(); foreach (var ip in ips) { endPoints.Add($"http://{ip}:54321/"); } break; } var ep = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep)) { if (endPoints.Count == 0) { endPoints.Add(""); } break; } if (ep.IsValdiUrl(false)) { Console.WriteLine($"Added endpoint {ep}"); endPoints.Add(ep); } if (ep == "none") { break; } } Console.WriteLine($"Chain Endpoints: {string.Join(", ", endPoints)}"); var useGenesisInfo = false; var useCoreChainEndpoint = false; if (storage.FileExists("genesisservices.txt")) { Console.WriteLine("Process genesisservices.txt [yes/no] (default: yes)"); var p = Program.IsDebugging ? "yes" : Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p) || p.ToLower() == "yes") { Console.WriteLine("Processing genesisservices.txt"); useGenesisInfo = true; if (endPoints.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Use first core chain endpoint, not endpoint from genesisservices.txt [yes/no] (default: no)"); var p2 = Program.IsDebugging ? "yes" : Console.ReadLine()?.ToLower(); if (p2 == "yes") { useCoreChainEndpoint = true; Console.WriteLine($"Using endpoint {endPoints[0]} for all services from genesisservices.txt"); } } } } coreOperations.Add((ChainInfoOperation) new ChainInfoOperation(CoreChain.CoreChainId, CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId, name, website, timestamp, networkChainKeys, endPoints, new List <PurchaseInfo>()).UpdateOperationId(Operation.FirstTransactionId)); coreOperations.Add((AccountOperation) new AccountOperation(CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId, networkKey.PublicKey, timestamp).UpdateOperationId(coreOperations.Count + 1)); // network account coreOperations.Add(((AccountUpdateOperation) new AccountUpdateOperation().UpdateOperationId(Operation.FirstTransactionId + 2)).AddAccount(CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId, coreOperations.Count + 1, long.MaxValue / 2).AddTransfer(CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId, CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId, long.MaxValue / 2, null, timestamp)); var blockStateOperation = new BlockStateOperation(); var nextChainId = CoreChain.CoreChainId + 1; var nextTransactionId = coreOperations.Count + 1; var nextAccountId = CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId + 1; var accounts = new List <AccountOperation>(); var serviceTransactionsList = new Dictionary <int, List <ServiceTransaction> >(); if (useGenesisInfo) { try { var json = storage.ReadFileText("genesisservices.txt"); if (json != null) { var services = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <GenesisService> >(json); if (services != null) { foreach (var service in services) { if (!service.Valid) { continue; } var serviceKeys = new List <PublicChainKey>(); var ep = useCoreChainEndpoint ? endPoints[0] : service.Endpoint; var accountId = service.AccountId; if (accountId != CoreAccount.NetworkAccountId) { var found = accounts.Find((a) => a.AccountId == accountId) != null; if (!found) { (var store, var key, var accountPassword) = LoadCoreAccountKey(storage, "Core Account " + accountId, "Core Accounts"); if (store == null) { key = Key.Generate(KeyTypes.Ed25519); accountPassword = Hex.ToString(Rand.NextSeed(32)); store = new CoreAccountKeyStore(service.AccountName, accountId, key, accountPassword); SaveCoreAccountKey(storage, store, "Core Account " + accountId, accountPassword, "Core Accounts"); } if (accountId == nextAccountId) { var ao = new AccountOperation(accountId, key.PublicKey, timestamp); ao.UpdateOperationId(nextTransactionId); coreOperations.Add(ao); accounts.Add(ao); nextTransactionId++; nextAccountId++; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid account id for {service.Title}, should be {nextAccountId}, but is {accountId}."); continue; } } } Console.WriteLine($"Adding Service {service.Title} with endpoint {ep}."); var count = 2 + service.DataChainCount; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var keyFlags = GetServiceKeyFlags(i); var keyName = $"{service.Name} {GetKeyName(keyFlags, false)}"; var dataChain = i >= 2; if (dataChain) { keyName += $" (ChainIndex {i - 2})"; } (var store, var key, var servicePassword) = LoadKeyStore <ChainKeyStore>(storage, null, keyName, service.Name); if (store == null) { key = Key.Generate(KeyTypes.Ed25519); servicePassword = Hex.ToString(Rand.NextSeed(32)); var signedKey = new PublicChainKey(keyFlags, nextChainId, dataChain ? (uint)i - 2 : 0, 0, (short)i, key); store = new ChainKeyStore($"{service.Name} {keyName}", signedKey, key, servicePassword); SaveKeyStore(storage, store, servicePassword, null, keyName, service.Name); } Console.WriteLine($"{service.Name} {keyName}: {key.PublicKey.HexString}."); serviceKeys.Add(store.PublicChainKey); } var pc = new ChainInfoOperation(nextChainId, accountId, service.Title, service.Website, timestamp, serviceKeys, new List <string> { ep }, new List <PurchaseInfo>()); pc.UpdateOperationId(nextTransactionId); coreOperations.Add(pc); nextTransactionId++; if (service.Revenue > 0) { var rev = new ChainRevenueInfoOperation(nextChainId, service.Revenue, service.RevenueAccountFactor, timestamp); rev.UpdateOperationId(nextTransactionId); coreOperations.Add(rev); nextTransactionId++; } if (service.Accounts > 0) { var serviceTransactions = new List <ServiceTransaction>(); for (var i = 0; i < service.Accounts; i++) { (var accountStore, var accountKey, var accountPassword) = LoadCoreAccountKey(storage, "Core Account " + nextAccountId, "Core Accounts"); if (accountStore == null) { accountKey = Key.Generate(KeyTypes.Ed25519); accountPassword = Hex.ToString(Rand.NextSeed(32)); accountStore = new CoreAccountKeyStore($"Core Account {nextAccountId}", nextAccountId, accountKey, accountPassword); SaveCoreAccountKey(storage, accountStore, "Core Account " + nextAccountId, accountPassword, "Core Accounts"); } (var serviceAccountStore, var serviceAccountKey, var serviceAccountPassword) = LoadKeyStore <ServiceAccountKeyStore>(storage, null, $"{service.Name} Service Account {nextAccountId}", $"{service.Name}/Service Accounts"); if (serviceAccountStore == null) { serviceAccountKey = Key.Generate(KeyTypes.Ed25519); serviceAccountPassword = Hex.ToString(Rand.NextSeed(32)); var signedPublicKey = PublicServiceAccountKey.GenerateSignedPublicKey(nextAccountId, nextChainId, 0, 0, serviceAccountKey.PublicKey, accountKey); serviceAccountStore = new ServiceAccountKeyStore($"{service.Name} Service Account {nextAccountId}", signedPublicKey, serviceAccountKey, serviceAccountPassword); SaveKeyStore(storage, serviceAccountStore, serviceAccountPassword, null, $"{service.Name} Service Account {nextAccountId}", $"{service.Name}/Service Accounts"); } var join = new JoinServiceTransaction(serviceAccountStore.SignedPublicKey) { SignKey = accountKey }; join.ToArray(); serviceTransactions.Add(join); var ao = new AccountOperation(nextAccountId, accountKey.PublicKey, timestamp); ao.UpdateOperationId(nextTransactionId); coreOperations.Add(ao); accounts.Add(ao); nextTransactionId++; nextAccountId++; } blockStateOperation.AddBlockState(nextChainId, Protocol.GenesisBlockId, 0, 0, serviceTransactions.Count); serviceTransactionsList[nextChainId] = serviceTransactions; } nextChainId++; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.HandleException(ex, LogLevels.Error); } } coreOperations.Add(blockStateOperation); blockStateOperation.UpdateOperationId(nextTransactionId); blockStateOperation.AddBlockState(Protocol.CoreChainId, Protocol.GenesisBlockId, Protocol.GenesisBlockNetworkKeyIssuer, 0, nextTransactionId); var block = new CoreBlock(Protocol.GenesisBlockId, Protocol.GenesisBlockNetworkKeyIssuer, 0, timestamp, nextAccountId, nextChainId, Hash.Empty(Protocol.TransactionHashType), Hash.Empty(ValidationOperation.ValidationHashType), coreOperations, new List <CoreTransaction>()); var signatures = new BlockSignatures(block); signatures.AddSignature(block.Issuer, block, networkKey); return(new GenesisBlockResult(block, signatures, networkKey.PublicKey, networkKeys[1].Store, networkKeys[1].Password, serviceTransactionsList)); }
public BlockEvent(BlockType block, BlockSignatures blockSignature) { Block = block; BlockSignature = blockSignature; }
public BlockEvent(BlockData <BlockType> blockData) { Block = blockData.Block; BlockSignature = blockData.Signatures; }