public void Evaluate(List <int> lst, GPFunctionSet gpFunctionSet, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet, GPChromosome c)
            c.Fitness = 0;
            double rowFitness = 0.0;
            double val1       = 0;
            double y;
            // copy constants

            //Translate chromosome to list expressions
            int indexOutput = gpTerminalSet.NumConstants + gpTerminalSet.NumVariables;

            for (int i = 0; i < gpTerminalSet.RowCount; i++)
                // evalue the function
                y = gpFunctionSet.Evaluate(lst, gpTerminalSet, i);
                // check for correct numeric value
                if (double.IsNaN(y) || double.IsInfinity(y))
                    y = 0;

                val1 += System.Math.Pow(((y - gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput]) / gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput]), 2.0);

            rowFitness = val1 / gpTerminalSet.RowCount;

            if (double.IsNaN(rowFitness) || double.IsInfinity(rowFitness))
                //if output is not a number return infinity fitness
                c.Fitness = 0;
            c.Fitness = (float)((1.0 / (1.0 + rowFitness)) * 1000.0);
        public void Evaluate(List <int> lst, GPFunctionSet gpFunctionSet, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet, GPChromosome c)
            c.Fitness = 0;
            double rowFitness = 0.0;
            double y, temp;

            //Translate chromosome to list expressions
            int indexOutput = gpTerminalSet.NumConstants + gpTerminalSet.NumVariables;

            for (int i = 0; i < gpTerminalSet.RowCount; i++)
                // evalue the function
                y = gpFunctionSet.Evaluate(lst, gpTerminalSet, i);

                // check for correct numeric value
                if (double.IsNaN(y) || double.IsInfinity(y))
                    y = 0;
                temp        = y - gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput];
                rowFitness += temp * temp;
            c.Fitness = (float)((1.0 / (1.0 + rowFitness / indexOutput)) * 1000.0);
        public double Evaluate(List <int> tokens, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet, int numRow)
            int countT = tokens.Count;

            //Stack fr evaluation
            Stack <double> arguments = new Stack <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < countT; i++)
                //Debug.Assert(tokens[i] != 2004 || countT <= 2);
                // Ako je token argument onda na osnovu naziv tog argumenta
                //izvlacimo mu vrijednost iz skupa terminala i konstanti
                if (tokens[i] >= 1000 && tokens[i] < 2000)
                    arguments.Push(gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[numRow][tokens[i] - 1000]);
                else//Ako je token funkcija tada ubacene argumente evaluiramo preko odredjene funkcije
                    //Evaluacija funkcije. Svaka funkcija ima bar 1 argument
                    int count = functions[tokens[i] - 2000].Aritry;

                    //Ovdje moramo unazad zapisati varijable zbog Staka
                    double[] val = new double[count];
                    for (int j = count; j > 0; j--)
                        Debug.Assert(arguments.Count > 0);
                        val[j - 1] = arguments.Pop();

                    //Ako je neka funkcija statistička distribucija ili neka druga funkcija koja
                    // zahtjeva ulazne varijable da bi koristila neku statisticku osobinu
                    double[] values = null;
                    if (functions[tokens[i] - 2000].IsDistribution)
                        values = new double[gpTerminalSet.NumVariables];
                        for (int k = 0; k < gpTerminalSet.NumVariables; k++)
                            values[k] = gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[numRow][k];

                    double result = Evaluate(functions[tokens[i] - 2000], values, val);
                    if (double.IsNaN(result) || double.IsInfinity(result))
                    //Izracunavanje izraza
            // return the only value from stack
            Debug.Assert(arguments.Count == 1);
        public void Evaluate(List <int> lst, GPFunctionSet gpFunctionSet, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet, GPChromosome c)
            c.Fitness = 0;
            double rowFitness = 0.0;

            double CovTP  = 0.0;
            double SigmaP = 0.0;
            double SigmaT = 0.0;

            //number of sample case
            int indexOutput = gpTerminalSet.NumConstants + gpTerminalSet.NumVariables;

            double[] y     = new double[gpTerminalSet.RowCount];
            double   ymean = 0;

            //Calculate output
            for (int i = 0; i < gpTerminalSet.RowCount; i++)
                // evalue the function
                y[i] = gpFunctionSet.Evaluate(lst, gpTerminalSet, i);

                // check for correct numeric value
                if (double.IsNaN(y[i]) || double.IsInfinity(y[i]))
                    //if output is not a number return infinity fitness
                    c.Fitness = 0;
                ymean += y[i];

            //calculate AverageValue output
            ymean = ymean / gpTerminalSet.RowCount;

            //Calculate Corelation coeficient
            for (int i = 0; i < gpTerminalSet.RowCount; i++)
                CovTP   = CovTP + ((gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput] - gpTerminalSet.AverageValue) * (y[i] - ymean));
                SigmaP += System.Math.Pow((y[i] - ymean), 2);
                SigmaT += System.Math.Pow((gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput] - gpTerminalSet.AverageValue), 2);

            rowFitness = CovTP / (System.Math.Sqrt(SigmaP * SigmaT));

            if (double.IsNaN(rowFitness) || double.IsInfinity(rowFitness))
                //if output is not a number return zero fitness
                c.Fitness = 0;
            c.Fitness = (float)(rowFitness * rowFitness * 1000.0);
        public string DecodeExpressionInExcellForm(List <int> tokens, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet)
            //Prepare chromoseme for evaluation
            //    List<int> tokens = new List<int>();
            //    FunctionTree.ToListExpression(tokens, c.Root);
            int countT = tokens.Count;

            //Stack fr evaluation
            Stack <string> expression = new Stack <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < countT; i++)
                //Debug.Assert(tokens[i] != 2004 || countT <= 2);
                // Ako je token argument onda na osnovu naziv tog argumenta
                //izvlacimo mu vrijednost iz skupa terminala i konstanti
                if (tokens[i] >= 1000 && tokens[i] < 2000)
                    string varaiable = terminals[tokens[i] - 1000].Name;
                else//Ako je token funkcija tada ubacene argumente evaluiramo preko odredjene funkcije
                    //Evaluacija funkcije. Svaka funkcija ima bar 1 argument
                    int    count    = functions[tokens[i] - 2000].Aritry;
                    string function = functions[tokens[i] - 2000].ExcelDefinition;
                    //Ovdje moramo unazad zapisati varijable zbog Staka
                    double[] val = new double[count];
                    for (int j = count; j > 0; j--)
                        string oldStr = "x" + (j).ToString();
                        string newStr = expression.Pop();
                        function = function.Replace(oldStr, newStr);
                    if (functions[tokens[i] - 2000].IsDistribution)
                        string oldStr = "xn";
                        string newStr = "X" + gpTerminalSet.NumVariables.ToString();
                        function = function.Replace(oldStr, newStr);
                        function = function.Replace("x0", "X1");
                    //Izracunavanje rezultata
                    expression.Push("(" + function + ")");
                    //Izracunavanje izraza
            // return the only value from stack
            Debug.Assert(expression.Count == 1);
            // return arguments.Pop();
        public void Evaluate(List <int> lst, GPFunctionSet gpFunctionSet, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet, GPChromosome c)
            c.Fitness = 0;
            double rowFitness = 0.0;
            double SS_err     = 0.0;
            double SS_tot     = 0.0;
            double y;
            // copy constants

            //Translate chromosome to list expressions
            int indexOutput = gpTerminalSet.NumConstants + gpTerminalSet.NumVariables;

            for (int i = 0; i < gpTerminalSet.RowCount; i++)
                // evalue the function
                y = gpFunctionSet.Evaluate(lst, gpTerminalSet, i);
                // check for correct numeric value
                if (double.IsNaN(y) || double.IsInfinity(y))
                    y = 0;

                //Calculate square error
                rowFitness += System.Math.Pow(y - gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput], 2);
                //Calculate square error
                SS_err += System.Math.Pow(y - gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput], 2);
                SS_tot += System.Math.Pow(gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[i][indexOutput] - gpTerminalSet.AverageValue, 2);

            if (double.IsNaN(rowFitness) || double.IsInfinity(rowFitness))
                //if output is not a number return zero fitness
                c.Fitness = 0;
            c.Fitness = (float)((1.0 / (1.0 + System.Math.Sqrt(rowFitness / gpTerminalSet.RowCount))) * 1000.0);
        public string DecodeWithOptimisationExpression(List <int> tokens, GPTerminalSet gpTerminalSet)
            // return "";
            //Prepare chromoseme for evaluation
            //    List<int> tokens = new List<int>();
            //    FunctionTree.ToListExpression(tokens, c.Root);
            int countT = tokens.Count;

            //Stack fr evaluation
            Stack <double> arguments  = new Stack <double>();
            Stack <string> expression = new Stack <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < countT; i++)
                //Debug.Assert(tokens[i] != 2004 || countT <= 2);
                // Ako je token argument onda na osnovu naziv tog argumenta
                //izvlacimo mu vrijednost iz skupa terminala i konstanti
                if (tokens[i] >= 1000 && tokens[i] < 2000)
                    double var;
                    string varaiable = terminals[tokens[i] - 1000].Name;

                    if (terminals[tokens[i] - 1000].IsConstant)
                        var = gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[0][tokens[i] - 1000];
                        var = double.NaN;
                else//Ako je token funkcija tada ubacene argumente evaluiramo preko odredjene funkcije
                    //Evaluacija funkcije. Svaka funkcija ima bar 1 argument
                    int    count    = functions[tokens[i] - 2000].Aritry;
                    string function = functions[tokens[i] - 2000].Definition;
                    //Ovdje moramo unazad zapisati varijable zbog Staka
                    double[] val = new double[count];
                    for (int j = count; j > 0; j--)
                        val[j - 1] = arguments.Pop();
                        string oldStr = "x" + (j).ToString();
                        string newStr = expression.Pop();
                        function = function.Replace(oldStr, newStr);

                     * //Izracunavanje rezultata
                     * //Ako je neka funkcija statistička distribucija ili neka druga funkcija koja
                     * // zahtjeva ulazne varijable da bi koristila neku statisticku osobinu
                     * //
                     * double[] values = null;
                     * if (functions[tokens[i] - 2000].IsDistribution)
                     * {
                     *  values = new double[gpTerminalSet.NumVariables];
                     *  for (int k = 0; k < gpTerminalSet.NumVariables; k++)
                     *      values[k] = gpTerminalSet.TrainingData[numRow][k];
                     * }*/
                    double result = Evaluate(functions[tokens[i] - 2000], val);
                    if (!double.IsNaN(result))
                        expression.Push("(" + function + ")");
                    //Izracunavanje izraza
            // return the only value from stack
            Debug.Assert(expression.Count == 1);
            // return arguments.Pop();
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for population.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">Size of population.Number must be greather than 0.</param>
        /// <param name="terminalSet">Terminal set.Must be nonnull.</param>
        /// <param name="functionSet">Function set. Must be nonnull.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Parameter of GP. If it pass a null value default parameter is initialized.</param>
        /// <param name="paralelComp">True for parallel multy core evaluation. False for secvencial computing.</param>
        public GPPopulation(int size, GPTerminalSet terminalSet,
                            GPFunctionSet functionSet,
                            GPParameters parameters,
                            bool paralelComp)
            ParalelComputing = paralelComp;
            //During population creating the size must be grether than 1,
            //and papameters must be non null
            if (size < 1)
            //Ako nisu definisani parametri definisi defaultne
            if (parameters == null)
                gpParameters = new GPParameters();
                gpParameters = parameters;

            if (functionSet == null)
            if (terminalSet == null)
            gpFunctionSet = functionSet;
            gpTerminalSet = terminalSet;

            //Extend capasity three time cause crossover and mutation
            population = new List <GPChromosome>(3 * size);
            if (ParalelComputing)
                tempCrossover1  = new List <GPChromosome>(size);
                tempCrossover2  = new List <GPChromosome>(size);
                tempMutation    = new List <GPChromosome>();
                tempPermutation = new List <GPChromosome>();
                temCross        = new ConcurrentStack <GPChromosome>();

            //Creating starting Chromosome
            GPChromosome ancestor = new GPChromosome();

            //Initialize population

            //Evaluacija pocetne populacije
            if (ParalelComputing)

            //Calculate population statistic parameters