private void UpdateCardTooltip()
            //todo: if distance to left or right of overlay < tooltip width -> switch side
            var pos = User32.GetMousePos();
            var relativePlayerDeckPos   = StackPanelPlayer.PointFromScreen(new Point(pos.X, pos.Y));
            var relativeOpponentDeckPos = ListViewOpponent.PointFromScreen(new Point(pos.X, pos.Y));
            var relativeSecretsPos      = StackPanelSecrets.PointFromScreen(new Point(pos.X, pos.Y));
            var visibility = Config.Instance.OverlayCardToolTips ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden;

            //player card tooltips
            if (PointInsideControl(relativePlayerDeckPos, ListViewPlayer.ActualWidth, ListViewPlayer.ActualHeight))
                //card size = card list height / ammount of cards
                var cardSize  = ListViewPlayer.ActualHeight / ListViewPlayer.Items.Count;
                var cardIndex = (int)(relativePlayerDeckPos.Y / cardSize);
                if (cardIndex < 0 || cardIndex >= ListViewPlayer.Items.Count)

                ToolTipCard.SetValue(DataContextProperty, ListViewPlayer.Items[cardIndex]);

                //offset is affected by scaling
                var topOffset = Canvas.GetTop(StackPanelPlayer) + cardIndex * cardSize * Config.Instance.OverlayPlayerScaling / 100;

                //prevent tooltip from going outside of the overlay
                if (topOffset + ToolTipCard.ActualHeight > Height)
                    topOffset = Height - ToolTipCard.ActualHeight;

                SetTooltipPosition(topOffset, StackPanelPlayer);

                ToolTipCard.Visibility = visibility;
            //opponent card tooltips
            else if (PointInsideControl(relativeOpponentDeckPos, ListViewOpponent.ActualWidth, ListViewOpponent.ActualHeight))
                //card size = card list height / ammount of cards
                var cardSize  = ListViewOpponent.ActualHeight / ListViewOpponent.Items.Count;
                var cardIndex = (int)(relativeOpponentDeckPos.Y / cardSize);
                if (cardIndex < 0 || cardIndex >= ListViewOpponent.Items.Count)

                ToolTipCard.SetValue(DataContextProperty, ListViewOpponent.Items[cardIndex]);

                //offset is affected by scaling
                var topOffset = Canvas.GetTop(StackPanelOpponent) + cardIndex * cardSize * Config.Instance.OverlayOpponentScaling / 100;

                //prevent tooltip from going outside of the overlay
                if (topOffset + ToolTipCard.ActualHeight > Height)
                    topOffset = Height - ToolTipCard.ActualHeight;

                SetTooltipPosition(topOffset, StackPanelOpponent);

                ToolTipCard.Visibility = visibility;
            else if (PointInsideControl(relativeSecretsPos, StackPanelSecrets.ActualWidth, StackPanelSecrets.ActualHeight))
                //card size = card list height / ammount of cards
                var cardSize  = StackPanelSecrets.ActualHeight / StackPanelSecrets.Children.Count;
                var cardIndex = (int)(relativeSecretsPos.Y / cardSize);
                if (cardIndex < 0 || cardIndex >= StackPanelSecrets.Children.Count)

                ToolTipCard.SetValue(DataContextProperty, StackPanelSecrets.Children[cardIndex].GetValue(DataContextProperty));

                //offset is affected by scaling
                var topOffset = Canvas.GetTop(StackPanelSecrets) + cardIndex * cardSize * Config.Instance.OverlayOpponentScaling / 100;

                //prevent tooltip from going outside of the overlay
                if (topOffset + ToolTipCard.ActualHeight > Height)
                    topOffset = Height - ToolTipCard.ActualHeight;

                SetTooltipPosition(topOffset, StackPanelSecrets);

                ToolTipCard.Visibility = visibility;
                ToolTipCard.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            if (ToolTipCard.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                var card = ToolTipCard.GetValue(DataContextProperty) as Card;
                if (card != null)
                    if (_lastToolTipCardId != card.Id)
                        _lastToolTipCardId = card.Id;
                _lastToolTipCardId = string.Empty;
        private void MouseInputOnMouseMoved(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            if (!_lmbDown || Visibility != Visibility.Visible)

            var pos    = User32.GetMousePos();
            var newPos = new Point(pos.X, pos.Y);
            var delta  = new Point((newPos.X - _mousePos.X) * 100, (newPos.Y - _mousePos.Y) * 100);

            var panel = _selectedUIElement as StackPanel;

            if (panel != null)
                if (panel.Name.Contains("Player"))
                    if (_resizeElement)
                        Config.Instance.PlayerDeckHeight += delta.Y / Height;
                        _movableElements[panel].Height    = Height * Config.Instance.PlayerDeckHeight / 100;
                        Config.Instance.PlayerDeckTop  += delta.Y / Height;
                        Config.Instance.PlayerDeckLeft += delta.X / Width;
                        Canvas.SetTop(_movableElements[panel], Height * Config.Instance.PlayerDeckTop / 100);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(_movableElements[panel], Width * Config.Instance.PlayerDeckLeft / 100 -
                                       StackPanelPlayer.ActualWidth * Config.Instance.OverlayPlayerScaling / 100);
                else if (panel.Name.Contains("Opponent"))
                    if (_resizeElement)
                        Config.Instance.OpponentDeckHeight += delta.Y / Height;
                        _movableElements[panel].Height      = Height * Config.Instance.OpponentDeckHeight / 100;
                        Config.Instance.OpponentDeckTop  += delta.Y / Height;
                        Config.Instance.OpponentDeckLeft += delta.X / Width;
                        Canvas.SetTop(_movableElements[panel], Height * Config.Instance.OpponentDeckTop / 100);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(_movableElements[panel], Width * Config.Instance.OpponentDeckLeft / 100);
                else if (panel.Name.Contains("Secret"))
                    Config.Instance.SecretsTop  += delta.Y / Height;
                    Config.Instance.SecretsLeft += delta.X / Width;
                    Canvas.SetTop(_movableElements[panel], Height * Config.Instance.SecretsTop / 100);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(_movableElements[panel], Width * Config.Instance.SecretsLeft / 100);

            var timer = _selectedUIElement as HearthstoneTextBlock;

            if (timer != null)
                if (timer.Name.Contains("Turn"))
                    Config.Instance.TimersVerticalPosition   += delta.Y / Height;
                    Config.Instance.TimersHorizontalPosition += delta.X / Width;
                    Canvas.SetTop(_movableElements[timer], Height * Config.Instance.TimersVerticalPosition / 100);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(_movableElements[timer], Width * Config.Instance.TimersHorizontalPosition / 100);

            _mousePos = newPos;