private CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion TranslateClinicalAssertion(TranslationContext context, Node node) { // node is expected to be an ActionGroup // Action types determine the assertion to be created // CreateAction - MissingDataAssertion // UpdateAction - MissingDataAssertion // MessageAction - OutOfRangeAssertion // CollectInformationAction - MissingDataAssertion // Any other action cannot be represented var assertions = new List<CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion>(); var subElements = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "subElements"); if (subElements != null) { foreach (var element in subElements.Children) { if (element.Name == "simpleAction") { switch (element.NodeType.GetLocalName()) { case "CreateAction" : assertions.Add(TranslateCreateAction(context, element)); break; case "UpdateAction" : assertions.Add(TranslateUpdateAction(context, element)); break; case "MessageAction" : assertions.Add(TranslateMessageAction(context, element)); break; case "CollectInformationAction" : assertions.Add(TranslateCollectInformationAction(context, element)); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Translation of {0} actions is not supported.", element.NodeType.GetLocalName())); } } else if (element.Name == "actionGroup") { assertions.Add(TranslateClinicalAssertion(context, element)); } else if (element.Name == "actionGroupReference") { throw new NotSupportedException("Translation of action group references is not supported."); } } } if (assertions.Count > 1) { var compositeAssertion = new CREFModel.CompositeAssertion(); compositeAssertion.CompositionType = GetCompositionType(GetGroupSelectionBehavior(node)); var descriptionNode = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Description"); if (descriptionNode != null) { compositeAssertion.Description = descriptionNode.GetAttribute<string>("value"); } compositeAssertion.CompositeAssertionAssertions.AddRange(assertions); return compositeAssertion; } return assertions[0]; }
private CREFModel.DynamicRuleDynamicRuleAssertion TranslateAssertion(TranslationContext context, Node node) { var result = new CREFModel.DynamicRuleDynamicRuleAssertion(); result.Item = TranslateClinicalAssertion(context, node); return result; }
public static Node ReadNode(XElement element) { var nodeName = element.Name.LocalName; var nodeType = element.GetSchemaInfo().SchemaType; Node result = null; ASTNode astResult = null; if (IsExpression(nodeType)) { astResult = new ASTNode(); result = astResult; } else { result = new Node(); } result.Name = nodeName; result.NodeType = nodeType.QualifiedName.ToString(); var lineInfo = element as IXmlLineInfo; if (lineInfo != null && lineInfo.HasLineInfo()) { result.Line = lineInfo.LineNumber; result.LinePos = lineInfo.LinePosition; } result.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (var a in element.Attributes()) { var schemaInfo = a.GetSchemaInfo(); if (schemaInfo != null && schemaInfo.SchemaType != null && schemaInfo.SchemaType.QualifiedName != null && schemaInfo.SchemaType.QualifiedName.Name == "QName") { result.Attributes.Add(a.Name.LocalName, element.ExpandName(a.Value)); } else { result.Attributes.Add(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value); } } result.Children = new List<Node>(); foreach (var e in element.Elements()) { if (e.Name.LocalName == "description" && astResult != null) { astResult.Description = e.Value; } else { result.Children.Add(ReadNode(e)); } } return result; }
public void ReportMessage(Exception e, Node node) { var message = e as VerificationException; if (message == null) { message = new VerificationException(node.FormatErrorMessage(e.Message), e); } _messages.Add(message); }
private Symbol ProcessAliasedQuerySource(VerificationContext context, HeD.Engine.Model.Node source) { var sourceAlias = source.GetAttribute <String>("alias"); var sourceExpression = source.Children[0] as ASTNode; if (sourceExpression == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Could not determine source expression for alias '{0}'.", sourceAlias)); } Verifier.Verify(context, sourceExpression); return(new Symbol(sourceAlias, sourceExpression.ResultType)); }
private void VerifyExpressionNodes(VerificationContext context, Node node) { var astNode = node as ASTNode; if (astNode != null) { Verifier.Verify(context, astNode); } else { foreach (var child in node.Children) { VerifyExpressionNodes(context, child); } } }
private void TranslateBaseClinicalAssertion(TranslationContext context, Node node, CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion assertion) { var actionIdNode = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "actionId"); if (actionIdNode != null) { assertion.ID = actionIdNode.GetAttribute<string>("root") + ':' + actionIdNode.GetAttribute<string>("extension", ""); } var textEquivalentNode = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "textEquivalent"); if (textEquivalentNode != null) { assertion.Description = textEquivalentNode.GetAttribute<string>("value"); } }
private SQLModel.OrderClause TranslateSortClause(TranslationContext context, Node node) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion TranslateMessageAction(TranslationContext context, Node node) { var result = new CREFModel.OutOfRangeAssertion(); TranslateBaseClinicalAssertion(context, node, result); return result; }
private Model.Expression TranslateRelationshipClause(TranslationContext context, Node relationship) { var relatedTableSpecifier = TranslateAliasedQuerySource(context, relationship); var relatedConditionNode = (ASTNode)relationship.Children.Where(n => n.Name == "suchThat").Single(); var relatedCondition = (Model.Expression)context.TranslateNode(relatedConditionNode); var relatedSelect = new SQLModel.SelectExpression(); relatedSelect.SelectClause = new SQLModel.SelectClause(); relatedSelect.SelectClause.NonProject = true; relatedSelect.SelectClause.Distinct = false; relatedSelect.FromClause = new SQLModel.CalculusFromClause(relatedTableSpecifier); relatedSelect.WhereClause = new SQLModel.WhereClause(relatedCondition); var relatedExists = new Model.UnaryExpression("iExists", relatedSelect); if (relationship.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Without") { return new Model.UnaryExpression("iNot", relatedExists); } else { return relatedExists; } }
private SQLModel.SelectClause TranslateReturnClause(TranslationContext context, Node returnClause) { var result = new SQLModel.SelectClause(); result.Distinct = returnClause.GetAttribute<Boolean>("distinct", true); var expression = returnClause.Children.Single(n => n.Name == "expression"); if (expression.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "Tuple") { foreach (var element in expression.Children) { var column = new SQLModel.ColumnExpression ( (Model.Expression)context.TranslateNode((ASTNode)element.Children.Single(n => n.Name == "value")), element.GetAttribute<String>("name") ); } } return result; }
private void VerifyResponseBindings(VerificationContext context, Node node, Dictionary<string, ParameterDef> containers) { // foreach action // If DeclareResponseAction // Create a parameter with that name // If CollectInformationAction // Create a property on the appropriate parameter with the correct type // Name = // Type = responseCardinality = Single ? responseDataType : List<responseDataType> try { switch (node.NodeType.GetLocalName()) { case "DeclareResponseAction" : { var containerName = node.GetAttribute<string>("name"); var container = new ParameterDef { Name = containerName, ParameterType = new ObjectType(containerName + "Type", new List<PropertyDef> { }) }; containers.Add(container.Name, container); } break; case "CollectInformationAction" : { var responseBinding = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "responseBinding"); if (responseBinding != null) { var containerName = responseBinding.GetAttribute<string>("container"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(containerName)) { containerName = "Responses"; } if (!containers.ContainsKey(containerName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Could not resolve response container name {0}.", containerName)); } var container = containers[containerName]; var containerType = (ObjectType)container.ParameterType; DataType responseType = null; var responseName = responseBinding.GetAttribute<string>("property"); var documentationConcept = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "documentationConcept"); if (documentationConcept != null) { var responseDataType = documentationConcept.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "responseDataType"); if (responseDataType != null) { responseType = context.ResolveType(responseDataType.GetAttribute<string>("value")); } else { responseType = DataTypes.String; } var responseCardinality = documentationConcept.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "responseCardinality"); if (responseCardinality != null) { if (responseCardinality.GetAttribute<string>("value") == "Multiple") { responseType = new ListType(responseType); } } } if (responseType == null) { responseType = DataTypes.String; } if (containerType.Properties.FirstOrDefault(pd => pd.Name == responseName) != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The response container {0} already has a response named {1}.", container.Name, responseName)); } containerType.Properties.Add(new PropertyDef(responseName, responseType)); } } break; } } catch (Exception e) { context.ReportMessage(e, node); } foreach (var child in node.Children) { VerifyResponseBindings(context, child, containers); } }
private SQLModel.TableSpecifier TranslateAliasedQuerySource(TranslationContext context, Node source) { var expression = (ASTNode)source.Children.Where(n => n.Name == "expression").Single(); var alias = source.GetAttribute<String>("alias"); var sqlContext = (SQLTranslationContext)context; sqlContext.PushQueryContext(); try { return new SQLModel.TableSpecifier(SQLTranslationUtilities.EnsureExpression(context.TranslateNode(expression)), alias); } finally { sqlContext.PopQueryContext(); } }
private void TranslateActionSentence(TranslationContext context, Node node, CREFModel.MissingDataAssertion result) { // If we assert that the source artifact can only use specific types of expressions, and that the expressions must be literal (evaluable at compile-time) // then we can translate the basic aspects of the assertion, code, code system, and severity. var proposalExpression = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "actionSentence") as ASTNode; if (proposalExpression != null) { switch (proposalExpression.ResultType.Name) { case "SubstanceAdministrationProposal" : case "SubstanceAdministrationEvent" : { var substanceCode = ((Node)proposalExpression).Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "property" && c.Attributes.ContainsKey("name") && c.GetAttribute<string>("name") == "substance.substanceCode"); if (substanceCode != null) { var codeValue = substanceCode.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "value" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "CodeLiteral"); if (codeValue != null) { result.Code = codeValue.GetAttribute<string>("code"); result.CodeSet = codeValue.GetAttribute<string>("codeSystem"); } } } break; } } }
private CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion TranslateCollectInformationAction(TranslationContext context, Node node) { var result = new CREFModel.MissingDataAssertion(); TranslateBaseClinicalAssertion(context, node, result); var documentationConcept = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "documentationConcept"); if (documentationConcept != null) { var itemCodes = documentationConcept.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "itemCodes"); if (itemCodes != null) { var itemCode = itemCodes.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "itemCode"); if (itemCode != null) { result.Code = itemCode.GetAttribute<string>("code"); result.CodeSet = itemCode.GetAttribute<string>("codeSystemName"); } } } return result; }
private CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion TranslateCreateAction(TranslationContext context, Node node) { var result = new CREFModel.MissingDataAssertion(); TranslateBaseClinicalAssertion(context, node, result); // TODO: Translate the action sentence // In general, this will be extremely difficult because it involves figuring out what object type and code // is created as part of the resulting guidance, and then using that to set the code on the recommendation. // However, it is possible in HeD to actually set the code based on data provided as part of the evaluation. // In this case, it is not possible to determine the code to be returned. Manual translation would have to // be performed in that case. // Another option for translation is to evaluate the action and then just read the code from the appropriate // property on the resulting object. TranslateActionSentence(context, node, result); return result; }
private CREFModel.ClinicalAssertion TranslateUpdateAction(TranslationContext context, Node node) { var result = new CREFModel.MissingDataAssertion(); TranslateBaseClinicalAssertion(context, node, result); // TODO: Translate the action sentence // See the related comment in TranslateCreateAction TranslateActionSentence(context, node, result); return result; }
private string GetGroupSelectionBehavior(Node node) { var behaviorsNode = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "behaviors"); if (behaviorsNode != null) { var behaviorNode = node.Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "behavior" && c.NodeType.GetLocalName() == "GroupSelectionBehavior"); if (behaviorNode != null) { return node.GetAttribute<string>("value"); } } return "All"; }