} // RenderEdit

        public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            string controlId        = "SingleImageGallery_" + page.ID.ToString() + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode;
            SingleImageGalleryDb db = new SingleImageGalleryDb();
            SingleImageGalleryPlaceholderData placeholderData = db.getSingleImageGallery(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true);

            SingleImageData[] imageDatas              = new SingleImageData[0];
            SingleImageDb     singleImageDb           = new SingleImageDb();
            List <CmsPage>    pagesToGatherImagesFrom = new List <CmsPage>();

            // -- gather images to display from selected pages

            CmsPage startPage = CmsContext.getPageById(placeholderData.PageIdToGatherImagesFrom);

            if (placeholderData.RecursiveGatherImages)
                Dictionary <int, CmsPage> allPages = startPage.getLinearizedPages();
                pagesToGatherImagesFrom = new List <CmsPage>(allPages.Values);

            imageDatas = singleImageDb.getSingleImages(pagesToGatherImagesFrom.ToArray(), langToRenderFor);

            imageDatas = filterOutDuplicateImagePaths(placeholderData, imageDatas);
            imageDatas = filterImagesByRequiredTags(placeholderData, imageDatas);
            imageDatas = sortByPageOrder(placeholderData, imageDatas, pagesToGatherImagesFrom.ToArray());

            // -- override the full-sized display

            int imgIdToView = PageUtils.getFromForm("galleryimage", Int32.MinValue);

            if (imgIdToView >= 0)
                foreach (SingleImageData i in imageDatas)
                    if (i.SingleImageId == imgIdToView)
                        writer.Write(renderSinglePageDisplayOfImage(placeholderData, i, imageDatas, pagesToGatherImagesFrom.ToArray()));
                } // foreach
                writer.Write(getGalleryView(placeholderData, imageDatas, pagesToGatherImagesFrom.ToArray(), langToRenderFor));
        } // RenderView
        public override RevertToRevisionResult RevertToRevision(CmsPage oldPage, CmsPage currentPage, int[] identifiers, CmsLanguage language)
            SingleImageDb imageDb = new SingleImageDb();

            foreach (int identifier in identifiers)
                SingleImageData oldData = imageDb.getSingleImage(oldPage, identifier, language, false);
                bool            b       = imageDb.saveUpdatedSingleImage(currentPage, identifier, language, oldData);
                if (!b)
            } // foreach
        public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            string formName = getEditFormName(page, identifier, langToRenderFor);

            SingleImageDb   db    = (new SingleImageDb());
            SingleImageData image = db.getSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true);

            string[] possibleTags = (new SingleImageDb()).getAllPossibleTags();

            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
            // ------- CHECK THE FORM FOR ACTIONS
            string action = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_SingleImageAction", "");

            if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "saveimage")
                image.ImagePath = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "ImagePath", "");
                // remove the Application path from the file location
                if (image.ImagePath.StartsWith(CmsContext.ApplicationPath))
                    image.ImagePath = image.ImagePath.Substring(CmsContext.ApplicationPath.Length);

                image.Caption = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "Caption", "");
                image.Credits = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "Credits", "");

                image.Tags = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "Tags");

                bool b = db.saveUpdatedSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, image);
                if (!b)
                    html.Append("Error: Image not saved - database error");

            string creditsPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPrefix", "Credit:");

            int thumbWidth  = getThumbDisplayWidth(page, paramList);
            int thumbHeight = getThumbDisplayHeight(page, paramList);

            // ------- START RENDERING

            // note: no need to put in the <form></form> tags.

            html.Append("<div class=\"SingleImagePlaceholder Edit\">" + Environment.NewLine);
            string ImageRenderAreaId = formName + "ImageRendered";

            html.Append("<div id=\"" + ImageRenderAreaId + "\"></div>");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(formName + "ImagePath", formName + "ImagePath", image.ImagePath));

            List <string> editParams = new List <string>();

            editParams.Add("i=" + image.SingleImageId);
            editParams.Add("formName=" + formName);
            editParams.Add("tw=" + thumbWidth.ToString());
            editParams.Add("th=" + thumbHeight.ToString());

            string editUrl                    = CmsContext.ApplicationPath + "_system/tools/SingleImage/SingleImageEditor.aspx?" + string.Join("&", editParams.ToArray());;
            string jsResetFunctionName        = formName + "Reset";
            string jsUpdateRenderFunctionName = formName + "UpdateDisplay";

            html.Append("<tr>" + Environment.NewLine);
            html.Append("<td colspan=\"2\">");
            html.Append("<a id=\"" + formName + "OpenEditorLink\" href=\"" + editUrl + "\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href, 'SingleImageEdit','width=680,height=540'); return false;\">select image</a>");
            html.Append(" | ");
            html.Append("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + jsResetFunctionName + "(); return false;\">clear</a>");
            if (CmsConfig.Languages.Length > 1)
                html.Append(" | ");
                html.Append("copy from language: ");
                List <string> langCopyLinks = new List <string>();
                foreach (CmsLanguage lang in CmsConfig.Languages)
                    if (lang != langToRenderFor)
                        string langClick = "document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value = document.getElementById('" + getEditFormName(page, identifier, lang) + "ImagePath').value;" + jsUpdateRenderFunctionName + "(); if (document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value == '') {alert('No image is selected because the source image is blank.');} return false;";
                        langCopyLinks.Add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + langClick + "\">" + lang.shortCode + "</a>");
                } // foreach
                html.Append(string.Join("; ", langCopyLinks.ToArray()));
            html.Append("</tr>" + Environment.NewLine);

            html.Append("</td><td class=\"CaptionInputTD\">");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(formName + "Caption", formName + "Caption", image.Caption.ToString(), 40, 250));

            html.Append("</td><td class=\"CreditInputTD\">");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(formName + "Credits", formName + "Credits", image.Credits.ToString(), 40, 250));
            html.Append("</td></tr>" + Environment.NewLine);

            if (possibleTags.Length > 0)
                foreach (string t in possibleTags)
                    if (t != "")
                        html.Append(PageUtils.getCheckboxHtml(t.Trim(), formName + "Tags", formName + "tag_" + t, t.Trim(), Array.IndexOf(image.Tags, t) > -1));
                        html.Append("<br />");
                } // foreach

            html.Append("</div>" + Environment.NewLine);
            // -- hidden field actions
            html.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + formName + "_SingleImageAction\" value=\"saveImage\">");

            // -- javascript

            StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder();

            js.Append("function " + jsResetFunctionName + "() " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("{ " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value = '';" + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("document.getElementById('" + ImageRenderAreaId + "').innerHTML = '<span style=\"margin: 10px; padding: 10px; background: #edff96; border: 1px solid #C00;\">no image is selected</span>';" + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("} " + Environment.NewLine);

            js.Append("function " + jsUpdateRenderFunctionName + "() " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("{ " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append(" var ImagePath = document.getElementById('" + formName + "ImagePath').value;" + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append(" if (ImagePath == '') { " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("   document.getElementById('" + ImageRenderAreaId + "').innerHTML = '<span style=\"margin: 10px; padding: 10px; background: #edff96; border: 1px solid #C00;\">no image is selected</span>';" + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append(" } // if " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append(" else { " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("   document.getElementById('" + ImageRenderAreaId + "').innerHTML = '<img src=\"" + CmsContext.ApplicationPath + "_system/tools/showThumb.aspx?file='+ImagePath+'&w=" + thumbWidth + "&h=" + thumbHeight + "&nocache='+((new Date()).getTime())+'\">';" + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append(" } // else " + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append(" document.getElementById('" + formName + "OpenEditorLink').href = '" + editUrl + "&SelImagePath='+ImagePath;" + Environment.NewLine);
            js.Append("} " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

            // add javascript to head section
            page.HeadSection.AddJSOnReady(jsUpdateRenderFunctionName + "();");

         * public static string getStandardHtmlView_Old(SingleImageData image, FullSizeImageLinkMode fullSizeLinkMode, string fullSizeDisplayUrl)
         * {
         *  StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
         *  if (image.ImagePath != "")
         *  {
         *      bool linkToLarger = false;
         *      if (image.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight > 0 || image.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth > 0)
         *          linkToLarger = true;
         *      string thumbUrl = showThumbPage.getThumbDisplayUrl(image.ImagePath, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxWidth, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxHeight);
         *      System.Drawing.Size ThumbSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxWidth, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxHeight);
         *      html.Append("<div class=\"SingleImagePlaceholder View\">");
         *      if (linkToLarger)
         *      {
         *          bool useSubmodal = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderUseSubModal", false);
         *          bool useMultibox = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderUseMultibox", false);
         *          int popupPaddingWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupPaddingWidth", 50);
         *          int popupPaddingHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupPaddingHeight", 60);
         *          int maxPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMaxWidth", 700 - popupPaddingWidth);
         *          int maxPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMaxHeight", 500 - popupPaddingHeight);
         *          int minPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMinWidth", 200);
         *          int minPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMinHeight", 200);
         *          string showLargerPagePath = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.DisplayPath", "/_internal/showImage");
         *          NameValueCollection largerParams = new NameValueCollection();
         *          largerParams.Add("i", image.SingleImageId.ToString());
         *          string showLargerPageUrl = CmsContext.getUrlByPagePath(showLargerPagePath, largerParams);
         *          System.Drawing.Size imgLargeSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, image.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth, image.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight);
         *          if (ThumbSize.Width > imgLargeSize.Width || ThumbSize.Height > imgLargeSize.Height)
         *          {
         *              linkToLarger = false;
         *          }
         *          else
         *          {
         *              int popWidth = imgLargeSize.Width + popupPaddingWidth;
         *              int popHeight = imgLargeSize.Height + popupPaddingHeight;
         *              if (popWidth < minPopWidth)
         *                  popWidth = minPopWidth;
         *              if (popHeight < minPopHeight)
         *                  popHeight = minPopHeight;
         *              if (popWidth > maxPopWidth)
         *                  popWidth = maxPopWidth;
         *              if (popHeight > maxPopHeight)
         *                  popHeight = maxPopHeight;
         *              if (useSubmodal &&
         *                  (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalWindow))
         *              {
         *                  string submodalCssClass = "class=\"submodal-" + popWidth.ToString() + "-" + popHeight.ToString() + "\"";
         *                  html.Append("<a " + submodalCssClass + " href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" >");
         *              }
         *              else if (useMultibox && (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalWindow))
         *              {
         *                  string submodalCssClass = "class=\"mb\"";
         *                  html.Append("<a " + submodalCssClass + " href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" rel=\"width:" + popWidth + ",height:" + popHeight + "\" >");
         *              }
         *              else if (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SingleImagePopup || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig)
         *              {
         *                  string onclick = "var w = window.open(this.href, 'popupLargeImage', 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,height=" + popWidth.ToString() + ",width=" + popWidth.ToString() + "'); ";
         *                  onclick += " return false;";
         *                  html.Append("<a href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" onclick=\"" + onclick + "\">");
         *              }
         *              else if (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.ProvidedUrl)
         *                  html.Append("<a href=\"" + fullSizeDisplayUrl + "\">");
         *              else
         *                  linkToLarger = false;
         *          } // else
         *      } // if link to larger
         *      string width = "";
         *      string height = "";
         *      if (!ThumbSize.IsEmpty)
         *      {
         *          width = " width=\"" + ThumbSize.Width + "\"";
         *          height = " height=\"" + ThumbSize.Height.ToString() + "\"";
         *      }
         *      html.Append("<img src=\"" + thumbUrl + "\"" + width + "" + height + ">");
         *      if (linkToLarger)
         *      {
         *          html.Append("</a>");
         *      }
         *      if (image.Caption.Trim() != "")
         *      {
         *          html.Append("<div class=\"caption\">");
         *          html.Append(image.Caption);
         *          html.Append("</div>"); // caption
         *      }
         *      if (image.Credits.Trim() != "")
         *      {
         *          html.Append("<div class=\"credits\">");
         *          string creditsPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPrefix", "");
         *          html.Append(creditsPrefix + image.Credits);
         *          html.Append("</div>"); // credits
         *      }
         *      if (linkToLarger)
         *      {
         *          string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", "");
         *          if (clickToEnlargeText != "")
         *          {
         *              html.Append("<div class=\"clickToEnlarge\">");
         *              html.Append(clickToEnlargeText);
         *              html.Append("</div>"); // clickToEnlarge
         *          }
         *      }
         *      html.Append("</div>");
         *  }
         *  return html.ToString();
         * }

        public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            // -- all rendering in View mode is handled by getStandardHtmlView()
            SingleImageDb   db    = (new SingleImageDb());
            SingleImageData image = db.getSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true);

            int fullWidth  = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayWidth", -1);
            int fullHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayHeight", -1);

            int thumbWidth  = getThumbDisplayWidth(page, paramList);
            int thumbHeight = getThumbDisplayHeight(page, paramList);

            int popupPaddingWidth  = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupPaddingWidth", 50);
            int popupPaddingHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupPaddingHeight", 60);

            int maxPopWidth  = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMaxWidth", 700 - popupPaddingWidth);
            int maxPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMaxHeight", 500 - popupPaddingHeight);

            int minPopWidth  = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMinWidth", 200);
            int minPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMinHeight", 200);

            string withLinkTemplate    = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithLinkTemplate", "<a href=\"{5}\"><img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" /></a>");
            string withoutLinkTemplate = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithoutLinkTemplate", "<img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" />");

            string showLargerPagePath = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.DisplayPath", "/_internal/showImage");

            NameValueCollection largerParams = new NameValueCollection();

            largerParams.Add("i", image.SingleImageId.ToString());
            string showLargerPageUrl = CmsContext.getUrlByPagePath(showLargerPagePath, largerParams);

            System.Drawing.Size imgLargeSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, fullWidth, fullHeight);

            int popWidth  = imgLargeSize.Width + popupPaddingWidth;
            int popHeight = imgLargeSize.Height + popupPaddingHeight;

            if (popWidth < minPopWidth)
                popWidth = minPopWidth;
            if (popHeight < minPopHeight)
                popHeight = minPopHeight;

            if (popWidth > maxPopWidth)
                popWidth = maxPopWidth;
            if (popHeight > maxPopHeight)
                popHeight = maxPopHeight;

            // -- create the SingleImageDisplayInfo object
            SingleImageDisplayInfo displayInfo = new SingleImageDisplayInfo();

            displayInfo.ImagePath = image.ImagePath;

            displayInfo.FullImageDisplayBox  = new System.Drawing.Size(fullWidth, fullHeight);
            displayInfo.ThumbImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
            displayInfo.PopupDisplayBox      = new System.Drawing.Size(popWidth, popHeight);

            displayInfo.FullImageDisplayUrl = showLargerPageUrl;

            displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithLinkTemplate    = withLinkTemplate;
            displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithoutLinkTemplate = withoutLinkTemplate;

            displayInfo.Caption = image.Caption;
            displayInfo.Credits = image.Credits;

            // -- Multilingual CreditsPromptPrefix
            string creditPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPromptPrefix", "");

            string[] creditPrefixParts = creditPrefix.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (creditPrefixParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length)
                int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages);
                if (index >= 0)
                    creditPrefix = creditPrefixParts[index];

            // -- Multilingual ClickToEnlargeText
            string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", "");

            string[] clickToEnlargeTextParts = clickToEnlargeText.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (clickToEnlargeTextParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length)
                int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages);
                if (index >= 0)
                    clickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeTextParts[index];

            displayInfo.CreditsPromptPrefix = creditPrefix;
            displayInfo.ClickToEnlargeText  = clickToEnlargeText;

            string html = getStandardHtmlView(displayInfo);

        } // RenderView