public static List<string> GetRegions(string countryname) { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { List<string> response = new List<string>(); if (countryname.ToUpper() == "U.S.A.") { var states = (from a in context.States where a.staIsActive == true select a.staName); foreach (var state in states) { response.Add(state); } } else { var regions = (from a in context.Nodes where a.nodName == countryname join b in context.Relations on a.nodID equals b.nodParentID join c in context.Nodes on b.nodChildID equals c.nodID select c.nodName); foreach (var region in regions) { response.Add(region); } } return response; } }
public bool SendEmail(string username, string password, string subject, string fromaddress, string toaddress, string cc, string bcc, string body, bool isbodyhtml, string smtp) { if (username == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailserviceuser"] && password == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailservicepwd"]) { HarperLINQ.SimpleMail mail = new SimpleMail(); try { mail.bccemail = bcc; mail.body = body; mail.ccemail = cc; mail.datecreated = DateTime.Now; mail.fromemail = fromaddress; mail.isHtml = isbodyhtml; mail.ishtml = isbodyhtml; mail.smtpAddress = smtp; mail.subject = subject; mail.toemail = toaddress; using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { context.SimpleMails.InsertOnSubmit(mail); context.SubmitChanges(); } return true; } catch { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public ReferralOffer(string keycode_in, string pubcode_in) { try { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { ReferralOffer offer = (from a in context.ReferralOffers where a.keycode == keycode_in && a.pubcode == pubcode_in && a.isactive == true select a).SingleOrDefault(); if (offer != null) { SetData(offer); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEntry = new tbl_AppEventLog(string.Empty, "BusinessLogic", "DataLoadException", "Error loading tbl_ReferralOffer object", string.Format("keycode_in is '{0}', pubcode_in is '{1}'", new object[] {keycode_in, pubcode_in}), ex.Message, string.Empty, "Constructor: tbl_ReferralOffer(string keycode_in, string pubcode_in) "); LogEntry.Save(); throw new DataLoadException(ex.Message); } }
public tbl_Customer(string username_or_emailaddress, bool isusername) { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { tbl_Customer customer; if (isusername) { this.cusUserName = username_or_emailaddress; customer = (from a in context.tbl_Customers where a.cusUserName == this.cusUserName select a).SingleOrDefault(); } else { this.cusEmail = username_or_emailaddress; customer = (from a in context.tbl_Customers where a.cusEmail == this.cusEmail select a).SingleOrDefault(); } if (customer != null) { SetData(customer); } var sfgid = (from a in context.SFG_CustomerNumbers where a.cusID == this.cusID select a.SFGCustNum).SingleOrDefault(); if (sfgid != null) { string s = sfgid.ToString(); this.SfgId = long.Parse(s); } } }
public static SFG_ProdCode GetFromIntCode(string intcode) { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { return (from a in context.SFG_ProdCodes where a.IntCode == intcode select a).Single(); } }
public void Save() { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { context.SimpleMails.InsertOnSubmit(this); context.SubmitChanges(); } }
public ISO3166(object identifier, IdentifierType identifiertype) { try { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { ISO3166 iso = null; switch (identifiertype) { case IdentifierType.Id: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Id == (int)identifier && a.ParentId == null select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.Country_Code_Alpha2: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Alpha2 == (string)identifier && a.ParentId == null select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.Country_Code_Alpha3: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Alpha3 == (string)identifier && a.ParentId == null select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.Country_Code_Numeric: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Numeric == (int)identifier && a.ParentId == null select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.Level1_Subdivision_Code: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Level1_Subdivision == (string)identifier select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.Level2_Subdivision_Code: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Level2_Subdivision == (string)identifier select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.Name: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.Name == (string)identifier select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; case IdentifierType.DisplayName: iso = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.DisplayName == (string)identifier select a).SingleOrDefault(); break; } if (iso == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(identifier, identifiertype); } else { this.Id = iso.Id; this.Alpha2 = iso.Alpha2; this.Alpha3 = iso.Alpha3; this.Numeric = iso.Numeric; this.Level1_Subdivision = iso.Level1_Subdivision; this.Level2_Subdivision = iso.Level2_Subdivision; this.Name = iso.Name; this.ParentId = iso.ParentId; this.SFGCode = iso.SFGCode; this.DisplayName = iso.DisplayName; } } } catch { throw new IdentifierNotUniqueException(identifier, identifiertype); } }
public static List<string> GetEventNames() { List<string> eventnames = new List<string>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { eventnames = (from a in context.tbl_AppEventLogs select a.aelEvent).Distinct<string>().ToList<string>(); } eventnames.Sort(); return eventnames; }
public static List<string> GetSeverities() { List<string> severities = new List<string>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { severities = (from a in context.tbl_AppEventLogs select a.aelSeverity).Distinct<string>().ToList<string>(); } severities.Sort(); return severities; }
public static Suffix GetSuffixBySFGCode(string sfgcode) { Suffix suffix = new Suffix(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { suffix = (from a in context.Suffixes where a.sfgcode == sfgcode select a).SingleOrDefault(); } return suffix; }
public static List<Suffix> GetSuffixes() { List<Suffix> suffixes = new List<Suffix>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { suffixes = (from a in context.Suffixes where a.displayname != null select a).ToList<Suffix>(); } return suffixes; }
public static List<Prefix> GetSFGPrefixes() { List<Prefix> prefixes = new List<Prefix>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { prefixes = (from a in context.Prefixes where a.displayname != null && a.sfgcode != null select a).ToList<Prefix>(); } return prefixes; }
public static List<tbl_NetMembership> GetNetMemberships(int cusid) { List<tbl_NetMembership> subs = new List<tbl_NetMembership>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { subs = (from a in context.tbl_NetMemberships where a.cusID == cusid orderby a.nmbDateStart descending select a).ToList(); } return subs; }
public static List<Country> GetCountries() { List<Country> response = new List<Country>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { var countries = (from a in context.Countries select a); foreach (var country in countries) { response.Add(country); } } return response; }
public tbl_AddressCustomer(int id_in) { tbl_AddressCustomer address; using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { address = (from a in context.tbl_AddressCustomers where a.addID == id_in select a).SingleOrDefault(); } if (address != null) { SetData(address); } }
public void Save() { try { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { context.ReferralOffers.InsertOnSubmit(this); context.SubmitChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ObjectSaveException(ex.Message); } }
public tbl_MembershipType(string mtyCode) { tbl_MembershipType membershiptype = new tbl_MembershipType(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { membershiptype = (from a in context.tbl_MembershipTypes where a.mtyCode == mtyCode select a).SingleOrDefault(); } if (membershiptype != null) { this.mtyCode = membershiptype.mtyCode; this.mtyGUID = membershiptype.mtyGUID; this.mtyName = membershiptype.mtyName; } }
public static List<Referral> GetNeedsReminderList() { List<Referral> referrals = new List<Referral>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { referrals = (from a in context.Referrals where a.friendid == null && a.reminderemailid == null && a.dateredeemed == null && a.testrecord == false && a.datecreated <= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) //this is wrong... seems it will email same folks over and over && a.dateexpires >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(7) orderby select a).ToList<Referral>(); } return referrals; }
public tbl_Customer(long cusid_or_sfgid, bool issfgid) { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { if (issfgid) { this.SfgId = cusid_or_sfgid; this.cusID = (from a in context.SFG_CustomerNumbers where a.SFGCustNum == this.SfgId.ToString() select a.cusID).SingleOrDefault(); } else { this.cusID = (int)cusid_or_sfgid; } tbl_Customer customer = (from a in context.tbl_Customers where a.cusID == this.cusID select a).SingleOrDefault(); if (customer != null) { SetData(customer); } var sfgid = (from a in context.SFG_CustomerNumbers where a.cusID == this.cusID select a.SFGCustNum).SingleOrDefault(); if (sfgid != null) { string s = sfgid.ToString(); this.SfgId = long.Parse(s); } try { var membership = (from a in context.tbl_NetMemberships where a.cusID == this.cusID select a).Take(1).ToArray<tbl_NetMembership>()[0]; if (membership != null) { this.MembershipType = membership.mtyCode; this.MembershipExpires = membership.nmbDateEnd; } } catch { } } }
public void Save() { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { if (this.addID > 0) { tbl_AddressCustomer address = (from a in context.tbl_AddressCustomers where a.addID == this.addID select a).SingleOrDefault(); GetData(address); context.SubmitChanges(); } else { context.tbl_AddressCustomers.InsertOnSubmit(this); context.SubmitChanges(); } } }
public GDSData(int id_in) { try { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { GDSData gdsdata = (from a in context.GDSDatas where a.ID == id_in select a).SingleOrDefault(); SetData(gdsdata); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEntry = new tbl_AppEventLog(string.Empty, "Sideline GDS Report", "DataLoadException", "Error loading tbl_GDSData object", string.Format("id_in is '{0}'", id_in), ex.Message, string.Empty, "Constructor: GDSData(int id_in)"); LogEntry.Save(); throw new DataLoadException(ex.Message); } }
public void Save() { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { tbl_NetMembership netmembership = (from a in context.tbl_NetMemberships where a.cusID == this.cusID && a.mtyCode == this.mtyCode select a).SingleOrDefault(); if (netmembership == null) { netmembership = new tbl_NetMembership(); context.tbl_NetMemberships.InsertOnSubmit(netmembership); } netmembership.cusID = this.cusID; netmembership.mtyCode = this.mtyCode; netmembership.nmbDateCreated = this.nmbDateCreated; netmembership.nmbDateEnd = this.nmbDateEnd; netmembership.nmbDateStart = this.nmbDateStart; netmembership.nmbRenewalCode = this.nmbRenewalCode; context.SubmitChanges(); } }
public Referral(string email_in) { try { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { Referral referral = (from a in context.Referrals where a.friendemail == email_in select a).SingleOrDefault(); if (referral != null) { SetData(referral); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEntry = new tbl_AppEventLog(string.Empty, "BusinessLogic", "DataLoadException", "Error loading tbl_Referral object", string.Format("email_in is '{0}'", email_in), ex.Message, string.Empty, "Constructor: tbl_Referral(string email_in) "); LogEntry.Save(); throw new DataLoadException(ex.Message); } }
//public List<ISO3166> GetAll() { } //public List<ISO3166> GetAllOfType(GeographicType geographictype) { } public static List<ISO3166> GetRegions(string ParentAlpha2) { List<ISO3166> response = new List<ISO3166>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { response = (from a in context.ISO3166s join b in context.ISO3166s on a.ParentId equals b.Id where b.Alpha2 == ParentAlpha2 orderby a.DisplayWeight, a.DisplayName, a.Name select a).ToList(); } return response; }
public static List<ISO3166> GetSFGSafeCountries() { List<ISO3166> response = new List<ISO3166>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { response = (from a in context.ISO3166s where a.ParentId == null && a.SFGCode != null orderby a.DisplayName, a.Name select a).ToList(); } return response; }
public BaseResponse RedeemReferralSubscription(int referralid, string firstname, string lastname, string emailaddress, string countrycode, string address1, string address2, string city, string region, string postal, bool optin, string username, string password) { List<Message> errors = new List<Message>(); string errortext = string.Empty; try { HarperLINQ.Referral referral; #region input validation using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { referral = context.Referrals.SingleOrDefault(r => == referralid); } if (referral == null) { errortext = string.Format(BusinessLogicStrings.invalidReferralIdError, referralid); errors.Add(new Message(MessageSources.AndrewHarper, 0, "RedeemReferralException", errortext, "", "", null)); } else if (referral.dateredeemed != null || referral.friendid > 0) { errortext = string.Format(BusinessLogicStrings.RedeemedReferralError, referralid); errors.Add(new Message(MessageSources.AndrewHarper, 0, "RedeemReferralException", errortext, "", "", null)); } else if (referral.dateexpires <= DateTime.Now) { errortext = string.Format(BusinessLogicStrings.expiredReferralError, referralid); errors.Add(new Message(MessageSources.AndrewHarper, 0, "RedeemReferralException", errortext, "", "", null)); } #endregion else { #region sub order insert Member giftData = new Member(); giftData.FirstName = firstname; giftData.LastName = lastname; giftData.OptIn = optin; giftData.Email = emailaddress; giftData.Address = new Address(); giftData.Address.Address1 = address1; giftData.Address.Address2 = address2; giftData.Address.City = city; giftData.Address.State = region; giftData.Address.PostalCode = postal; giftData.Address.Country = countrycode; SubscriptionServiceRequest request = new SubscriptionServiceRequest(referral, giftData); baseResponse = SubOrderInsert.RedeemReferralSubscription(request); foreach (Message err in baseResponse.Messages) { errors.Add(err); } #endregion MembershipLogic memberlogic = new MembershipLogic(); BaseResponse memberResponse = null; if (errors.Count <= 0) { memberResponse = memberlogic.GetMemberByUserName(emailaddress); } if (!(errors.Count > 0 || memberResponse == null || memberResponse.TypedResponse == null || memberResponse.TypedResponse.Success == false)) { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { GetMemberResponse getMemberResponse = memberResponse.TypedResponse as GetMemberResponse; if (getMemberResponse.MemberFound && getMemberResponse.MemberData != null) { string newMemberId = getMemberResponse.MemberData.MemberId; #region create the user at AH object[] create_response = tbl_Customer.CreateCustomer(address1, address2, "", city, region, countrycode, postal, "Z1", password, "PERSONAL", "", firstname, "", lastname, "", emailaddress, username, newMemberId, referral.pubcode, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(referral.subscriptionlength).ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), username, ""); tbl_Customer customer = (tbl_Customer)create_response[1]; #endregion #region referral data at AH referral = context.Referrals.SingleOrDefault(r => == referralid); referral.dateredeemed = DateTime.Now; referral.friendid = customer.cusID; context.SubmitChanges(); #endregion #region send email Mailer mailer = new Mailer(); mailer.SendEmail( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailserviceuser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailservicepwd"], "Welcome to the Andrew Harper Community!", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["referemailfrom"], referral.friendemail, string.Empty, string.Empty, referral.GetReferralUserCreatedEmailBody(), true, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpserver"]); #endregion } } } else { errortext = string.Format(BusinessLogicStrings.RetrieveMemeberError, new object[] { referralid, emailaddress }); errors.Add(new Message(MessageSources.AndrewHarper, 0, "RedeemReferralException", errortext, "", "", null)); } } baseResponse.TypedResponse = new AHResponse(); if (errors.Count == 0) { baseResponse.TypedResponse.Success = true; } else { baseResponse.TypedResponse.Success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { baseResponse.TypedResponse.Success = false; errortext = string.Format(BusinessLogicStrings.UnknownReferralError, ex.Message); errors.Add(new Message(MessageSources.AndrewHarper, 0, "RedeemReferralException", errortext, "", "", null)); } foreach (Message error in errors) { if (baseResponse == null) { baseResponse = new BaseResponse(); } baseResponse.Messages.Add(error); StringBuilder error_text = new StringBuilder(); error_text.AppendLine("REFERRAL ERROR LOGGED"); error_text.AppendLine(string.Format("REFERRALID {0}", referralid)); baseResponse.Messages.Add(error); error_text.AppendLine(string.Format("ERROR: ", new object[] { })); EventLogger.LogError("SubscriptionLogic.RedeemReferralSubscription", error_text.ToString(), true); } return baseResponse; }
public void Save() { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { tbl_DrupalCartRequest cart = (from a in context.tbl_DrupalCartRequests where == select a).SingleOrDefault(); if (cart == null) { cart = new tbl_DrupalCartRequest(); context.tbl_DrupalCartRequests.InsertOnSubmit(cart); } cart.username = this.username; cart.salutation = this.salutation; cart.firstname = this.firstname; cart.middleinitial = this.middleinitial; cart.lastname = this.lastname; cart.suffix = this.suffix; cart.protitle = this.protitle; =; cart.optin = this.optin; =; cart.add1 = this.add1; cart.add2 = this.add2; cart.add3 = this.add3; =; cart.state = this.state; =; =; =; cart.fax = this.fax; cart.altcity = this.altcity; cart.ccnum = this.ccnum; cart.ccmonth = this.ccmonth; cart.ccyear = this.ccyear; cart.amtpaid = this.amtpaid; cart.ccname = this.ccname; cart.ccadd = this.ccadd; cart.cccity = this.cccity; cart.ccstate = this.ccstate; cart.cczip = this.cczip; cart.pubcode = this.pubcode; cart.keycode = this.keycode; cart.sublen = this.sublen; cart.source = this.source; cart.customertype = this.customertype; cart.expiredate = this.expiredate; cart.startdate = this.startdate; cart.newsletters = this.newsletters; cart.errors = this.errors; cart.responsecode = this.responsecode; cart.mobilephone = this.mobilephone; cart.secondemail = this.secondemail; cart.methodofpayment = this.methodofpayment; cart.cccountry = this.cccountry; cart.ccaddress2 = this.ccaddress2; cart.screenname = this.screenname; cart.newmemberid = this.newmemberid; context.SubmitChanges(); } }
public static List<Referral> GetNonRedeemedList() { List<Referral> referrals = new List<Referral>(); using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { referrals = (from a in context.Referrals where a.friendid == null && a.testrecord == false orderby select a).ToList<Referral>(); } return referrals; }
public void Save() { try { using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { if ( > 0) { Referral referral = (from a in context.Referrals where == select a).SingleOrDefault(); GetData(referral); } else { context.Referrals.InsertOnSubmit(this); } context.SubmitChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ObjectSaveException(ex.Message); } }
public string GetReferralUserCreatedEmailBody() { string sfg_number = string.Empty; if (this.friendid == null || this.friendid <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.friendemail)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot get \"Referral User Created\" email, data is invalid for referral id {0}.",; } #region get sfg number using (AHT_MainDataContext context = new AHT_MainDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AHT_MainConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { try { sfg_number = (from a in context.SFG_CustomerNumbers where a.cusID == this.friendid select a.SFGCustNum).Single(); } catch { throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot get \"Referral User Created\" email, no SFG number available for referral id {0}.",; } } #endregion #region email html string body = @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" """"> <html xmlns=""""> <head> <base target=""_blank"" /> <meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"" /> <title>Welcome to the Andrew Harper Community!</title> </head> <body style=""font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; background-color:#EEEEEE"" > <table cellspacing=""0"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""0"" width=""630""> <tr> <td align=""center"" style=""color:#000000; font-family:Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 7pt; line-height: 150%; padding-bottom:5px;""><strong>Andrew Harper Invitation</strong><br /> Please add <a href=""mailto:[email protected]"" style=""text-decoration: none; color: #36c;"">[email protected]</a> to your address book to ensure that our emails reach your inbox. </td> </tr> </table> <table width=""630"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" style=""border: 3px solid #EEEEEE;"" bgcolor=""#ffffff""> <tr> <td><table cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" width=""100%""> <tr valign=""top"" align=""center""> <td style=""padding-top:10px;""><a href=""""><img src="""" alt=""Membership Invitation from Your Friend"" style=""border:none;""/></a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr align=""center""> <td valign=""top"" style=""padding-bottom: 25px;""><img alt=""Log in now and start traveling!"" src="""" border=""0"" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table style=""font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 1.5;""> <tr> <td width=""30px""><img src="""" /> </td> <td valign=""top""><p>Dear [friendname],</p> <p>Welcome to the Andrew Harper Community! <b>Your membership number is [friendmemberid].</b></p> <p> We look forward to providing you with access to Andrew Harper's legendary travel advice month after month. To take advantage of everything your membership had to offer, be sure to log in at <a href="""" style=""text-decoration:underline; color: #3366CC;""></a> to: </p> <ul style=""margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; list-style-type: disc;""> <li><a href="""" style=""text-decoration:underline; color: #3366CC;"">Search</a> Mr. Harper's reviews of more than 1,000 properties worldwide</li> <li><a href="""" style=""text-decoration:underline; color: #3366CC;"">Explore</a> the expanded, digital version of the <i>Hideaway Report</i></li> <li>Book hotels online at your convenience</li> <li><a href="""" style=""text-decoration:underline; color: #3366CC;"">Find</a> exclusive members-only special offers at incredible properties</li> <li ><a href=""mailto:[email protected]"" style=""text-decoration:underline; color: #3366CC;"">Contact</a> our in-house travel agency for customized itineraries and complimentary assistance in planning your next trip</li> </ul> <p>Thank you again for your order. 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