        public void PatternsTestingThread(int iPatternNum)
            // thread for backpropagation training of NN
            // thread is "owned" by the doc, and accepts a pointer to the doc
            // continuously backpropagates until m_bThreadAbortFlag is set to TRUE
            double[] inputVector        = new double[841]; // note: 29x29, not 28x28
            double[] targetOutputVector = new double[10];
            double[] actualOutputVector = new double[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 841; i++)
                inputVector[i] = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                targetOutputVector[i] = 0.0;
                actualOutputVector[i] = 0.0;
            byte label = 0;
            int  ii, jj;

            var memorizedNeuronOutputs = new NNNeuronOutputsList();

            //prepare for training


            while (_iNextPattern < iPatternNum)

                byte[] grayLevels = new byte[m_Preferences.m_nRowsImages * m_Preferences.m_nColsImages];
                //iSequentialNum = m_MnistDataSet.GetCurrentPatternNumber(m_MnistDataSet.m_bFromRandomizedPatternSequence);
                _MnistDataSet.m_pImagePatterns[(int)_iNextPattern].pPattern.CopyTo(grayLevels, 0);
                label = _MnistDataSet.m_pImagePatterns[(int)_iNextPattern].nLabel;
                if (label < 0)
                    label = 0;
                if (label > 9)
                    label = 9;

                // pad to 29x29, convert to double precision

                for (ii = 0; ii < 841; ++ii)
                    inputVector[ii] = 1.0;  // one is white, -one is black

                // top row of inputVector is left as zero, left-most column is left as zero

                for (ii = 0; ii < MyDefinations.g_cImageSize; ++ii)
                    for (jj = 0; jj < MyDefinations.g_cImageSize; ++jj)
                        inputVector[1 + jj + 29 * (ii + 1)] = (double)((int)(byte)grayLevels[jj + MyDefinations.g_cImageSize * ii]) / 128.0 - 1.0;  // one is white, -one is black

                // desired output vector

                for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
                    targetOutputVector[ii] = -1.0;
                targetOutputVector[label] = 1.0;
                // forward calculate through the neural net

                CalculateNeuralNet(inputVector, 841, actualOutputVector, 10, memorizedNeuronOutputs, false);

                int    iBestIndex = 0;
                double maxValue   = -99.0;

                for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
                    if (actualOutputVector[ii] > maxValue)
                        iBestIndex = ii;
                        maxValue   = actualOutputVector[ii];
                string s = "";
                if (iBestIndex != label)
                    s = "Pattern No:" + _iNextPattern.ToString() + " Recognized value:" + iBestIndex.ToString() + " Actual value:" + label.ToString();
                    if (_form != null)
                        _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 6, s });
                    s = _iNextPattern.ToString() + ", Mis Nums:" + _iMisNum.ToString();
                    if (_form != null)
                        _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 7, s });
                // check if thread is cancelled
                if (m_EventStop.WaitOne(0, true))
                    // clean-up operations may be placed here
                    // ...
                    s = String.Format("Mnist Testing thread: {0} stoped", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
                    // Make synchronous call to main form.
                    // MainForm.AddString function runs in main thread.
                    // To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke
                    if (_form != null)
                        _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 8, s });

                    // inform main thread that this thread stopped
                string s = String.Format("Mnist Testing thread: {0} stoped", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
                _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 8, s });
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputVector"></param>
        void CalculateHessian()
            // controls the Neural network's calculation if the diagonal Hessian for the Neural net
            // This will be called from a thread, so although the calculation is lengthy, it should not interfere
            // with the UI

            // we need the neural net exclusively during this calculation, so grab it now

            double[] inputVector = new double[841];  // note: 29x29, not 28x28

            double[] targetOutputVector = new double[10];
            double[] actualOutputVector = new double[10];

            for (int i = 0; i < 841; i++)
                inputVector[i] = 0.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                targetOutputVector[j] = 0.0;
                actualOutputVector[j] = 0.0;

            byte label = 0;
            int  ii, jj;
            uint kk;

            // calculate the diagonal Hessian using 500 random patterns, per Yann LeCun 1998 "Gradient-Based Learning
            // Applied To Document Recognition"
            string s = "Commencing Caculation of Hessian...";

            // Make synchronous call to main form.
            // MainForm.AddString function runs in main thread.
            // To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke
            if (_form != null)
                _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 3, s });

            // some of this code is similar to the BackpropagationThread() code


            uint numPatternsSampled = m_Preferences.m_nNumHessianPatterns;

            for (kk = 0; kk < numPatternsSampled; ++kk)
                int iRandomPatternNum;

                iRandomPatternNum = _MnistDataSet.GetRandomPatternNumber();
                label             = _MnistDataSet.m_pImagePatterns[iRandomPatternNum].nLabel;

                if (label < 0)
                    label = 0;
                if (label > 9)
                    label = 9;
                byte[] grayLevels = _MnistDataSet.m_pImagePatterns[iRandomPatternNum].pPattern;

                // pad to 29x29, convert to double precision

                for (ii = 0; ii < 841; ++ii)
                    inputVector[ii] = 1.0;  // one is white, -one is black

                // top row of inputVector is left as zero, left-most column is left as zero

                for (ii = 0; ii < MyDefinations.g_cImageSize; ++ii)
                    for (jj = 0; jj < MyDefinations.g_cImageSize; ++jj)
                        inputVector[1 + jj + 29 * (ii + 1)] = (double)((int)(byte)grayLevels[jj + MyDefinations.g_cImageSize * ii]) / 128.0 - 1.0;  // one is white, -one is black

                // desired output vector

                for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
                    targetOutputVector[ii] = -1.0;
                targetOutputVector[label] = 1.0;

                // apply distortion map to inputVector.  It's not certain that this is needed or helpful.
                // The second derivatives do NOT rely on the output of the neural net (i.e., because the
                // second derivative of the MSE function is exactly 1 (one), regardless of the actual output
                // of the net).  However, since the backpropagated second derivatives rely on the outputs of
                // each neuron, distortion of the pattern might reveal previously-unseen information about the
                // nature of the Hessian.  But I am reluctant to give the full distortion, so I set the
                // severityFactor to only 2/3 approx

                // forward calculate the neural network

                _NN.Calculate(inputVector, 841, actualOutputVector, 10, null);

                // backpropagate the second derivatives

                _NN.BackpropagateSecondDervatives(actualOutputVector, targetOutputVector, 10);

                // check if thread is cancelled
                if (m_EventStop.WaitOne(0, true))
                    // clean-up operations may be placed here
                    // ...
                    string ss = "BackPropagation stoped";
                    // Make synchronous call to main form.
                    // MainForm.AddString function runs in main thread.
                    // To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke
                    if (_form != null)
                        _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 3, ss });
                    // inform main thread that this thread stopped


            s = " Caculation of Hessian...completed";
            if (_form != null)
                _form.Invoke(_form._DelegateAddObject, new Object[] { 3, s });