public static void ReportIssue(Mod mod, string issueTitle, string issueBody, Action <string> onSuccess, Action <Exception, string> onError, Action onCompletion = null) { if (!ModFeaturesHelpers.HasGithub(mod)) { throw new HamstarException("Mod is not eligable for submitting issues."); } int maxLines = ModHelpersMod.Instance.Config.ModIssueReportErrorLogMaxLines; IEnumerable <Mod> mods = ModListHelpers.GetAllLoadedModsPreferredOrder(); string bodyInfo = string.Join("\n \n", InfoHelpers.GetGameData(mods).ToArray()); string bodyErrors = string.Join("\n", InfoHelpers.GetErrorLog(maxLines).ToArray()); string url = ""; string title = "Reported from in-game: " + issueTitle; string body = bodyInfo; body += "\n \n \n \n" + "Recent error logs:\n```\n" + bodyErrors + "\n```"; body += "\n \n" + issueBody; var json = new GithubModIssueReportData { githubuser = ModFeaturesHelpers.GetGithubUserName(mod), githubproject = ModFeaturesHelpers.GetGithubProjectName(mod), title = title, body = body }; string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented); byte[] jsonBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonStr); Action <String> onResponse = (output) => { JObject respJson = JObject.Parse(output); //JToken data = respJson.SelectToken( "Data.html_url" ); JToken msg = respJson.SelectToken("Msg"); /*if( data != null ) { * string post_at_url = data.ToObject<string>(); * if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( post_at_url ) ) { * SystemHelpers.Start( post_at_url ); * } * }*/ if (msg == null) { onSuccess("Failure."); } else { onSuccess(msg.ToObject <string>()); } }; Action <Exception, string> wrappedOnError = (Exception e, string str) => { LogHelpers.Log("!ModHelpers.PostGithubModIssueReports.ReportIssue - Failed for POST to " + url + " : " + jsonStr); onError(e, str); }; NetHelpers.MakePostRequestAsync(url, jsonBytes, onResponse, wrappedOnError, onCompletion); }
public static void ReportIssue(Mod mod, string issue_title, string issue_body, Action <string> on_success, Action <Exception, string> on_error, Action on_completion = null) { if (!ModMetaDataManager.HasGithub(mod)) { throw new Exception("Mod is not eligable for submitting issues."); } int max_lines = HamstarHelpersMod.Instance.Config.ModIssueReportErrorLogMaxLines; IEnumerable <Mod> mods = ModHelpers.GetAllMods(); string body_info = string.Join("\n \n", InfoHelpers.GetGameData(mods).ToArray()); string body_errors = string.Join("\n", InfoHelpers.GetErrorLog(max_lines).ToArray()); string url = ""; string title = "In-game: " + issue_title; string body = body_info; body += "\n \n \n \n" + "Recent error logs:\n```\n" + body_errors + "\n```"; body += "\n \n" + issue_body; var json = new GithubModIssueReportData { githubuser = ModMetaDataManager.GetGithubUserName(mod), githubproject = ModMetaDataManager.GetGithubProjectName(mod), title = title, body = body }; string json_str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented); byte[] json_bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json_str); Action <String> on_response = (output) => { JObject resp_json = JObject.Parse(output); //JToken data = resp_json.SelectToken( "Data.html_url" ); JToken msg = resp_json.SelectToken("Msg"); /*if( data != null ) { * string post_at_url = data.ToObject<string>(); * if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( post_at_url ) ) { * SystemHelpers.Start( post_at_url ); * } * }*/ if (msg == null) { on_success("Failure."); } else { on_success(msg.ToObject <string>()); } }; NetHelpers.NetHelpers.MakePostRequestAsync(url, json_bytes, on_response, on_error, on_completion); }
public static void ReportIssue(Mod mod, string issueTitle, string issueBody, Action <Exception, string> onError, Action <bool, string> onCompletion) { if (!ModFeaturesHelpers.HasGithub(mod)) { throw new ModHelpersException("Mod is not eligable for submitting issues."); } int maxLines = ModHelpersMod.Config.ModIssueReportErrorLogMaxLines; IEnumerable <Mod> mods = ModListHelpers.GetAllLoadedModsPreferredOrder(); string bodyInfo = string.Join("\n \n", FormattedGameInfoHelpers.GetFormattedGameInfo(mods).ToArray()); string bodyErrors = string.Join("\n", GameInfoHelpers.GetErrorLog(maxLines).ToArray()); string url = ""; string title = "Reported from in-game: " + issueTitle; string body = bodyInfo; body += "\n \n \n \n" + "Recent error logs:\n```\n" + bodyErrors + "\n```"; body += "\n \n" + issueBody; var json = new GithubModIssueReportData { githubuser = ModFeaturesHelpers.GetGithubUserName(mod), githubproject = ModFeaturesHelpers.GetGithubProjectName(mod), title = title, body = body }; string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented); Action <bool, string> wrappedOnCompletion = (success, output) => { string processedOutput = ""; if (success) { JObject respJson = JObject.Parse(output); JToken data = respJson.SelectToken("Data.html_url"); JToken msg = respJson.SelectToken("Msg"); if (data != null) { string issueUrl = data.ToObject <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issueUrl)) { SystemHelpers.OpenUrl(issueUrl); } } success = msg != null; if (success) { processedOutput = msg.ToObject <string>(); } else { processedOutput = "Failure."; } } onCompletion(success, processedOutput); }; Action <Exception, string> wrappedOnError = (Exception e, string str) => { LogHelpers.Log("!ModHelpers.PostGithubModIssueReports.ReportIssue - Failed for POST to " + url + " : " + jsonStr); onError(e, str); }; WebConnectionHelpers.MakePostRequestAsync(url, jsonStr, e => wrappedOnError(e, ""), wrappedOnCompletion); }