protected void Deposit_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fund = Convert.ToInt32(fundTxt.Text); AccId = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value); SupId = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["SupId"]); if (fundTxt.Text != "" && fund != 0) { using (dbobj) { Supplier sp = new Supplier(); sp = (from s in dbobj.Suppliers where s.SupplierId == SupId select s).FirstOrDefault(); sp.Balance += fund; dbobj.SaveChanges(); SupplierAccount spa = new SupplierAccount(); spa.SupplierId = sp.SupplierId; spa.Particular = "Fund Deposit"; spa.Credit = 0; spa.Amount = fund; spa.Debit = fund; spa.Date = System.DateTime.Now; spa.AccountId = AccId; spa.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); dbobj.SupplierAccounts.Add(spa); dbobj.SaveChanges(); //fund = sp.Balance; Account ac = new Account(); ac = (from a in dbobj.Accounts where a.AccountId == AccId select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (GridView3.Rows.Count >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < GridView3.Rows.Count; i++) { PurcInv = Convert.ToInt32(GridView3.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text); PurchaseInvoice pi = new PurchaseInvoice(); pi = (from p in dbobj.PurchaseInvoices where p.PurchaseInvoiceId == PurcInv select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (fund > 0) { if (fund >= pi.Balance) { /* SupplierAccount spa1 = new SupplierAccount(); * spa1.SupplierId = sp.SupplierId; * spa1.Particular = "Payment for Purchase#" + PurcInv; * spa1.Credit = pi.Balance; * spa1.Debit = 0; * spa1.Date = System.DateTime.Now; * spa1.AccountId = AccId; * spa1.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); * * dbobj.SupplierAccounts.Add(spa); * dbobj.SaveChanges(); */ int accb = Convert.ToInt32(ac.CurrentBalance); int newbal = accb - fund; ac.CurrentBalance = newbal.ToString(); dbobj.SaveChanges(); AccountDetail acd = new AccountDetail(); acd.Particular = "Purchase Inv# " + PurcInv; acd.Amount = fund; acd.Mode = "Outward"; acd.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; acd.AccountId = AccId; acd.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); acd.Type = "Cash"; acd.PurchInvId = PurcInv; dbobj.AccountDetails.Add(acd); dbobj.SaveChanges(); //sp.Balance -= pi.Balance; //dbobj.SaveChanges(); CashTran ct = new CashTran(); ct.Particular = "Purchase Inv# " + PurcInv; ct.Amount = pi.Balance; ct.AccountDetailId = acd.AccountsDetailId; dbobj.CashTrans.Add(ct); dbobj.SaveChanges(); fund = fund - pi.Balance; pi.Paid = pi.Amount; pi.Balance = 0; pi.Status = "Cleared"; dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else if (fund < pi.Balance) { pi.Paid = pi.Paid + fund; pi.Balance = pi.Balance - fund; dbobj.SaveChanges(); /* SupplierAccount spa1 = new SupplierAccount(); * spa1.SupplierId = sp.SupplierId; * spa1.Particular = "Payment for Purchase#" + PurcInv; * spa1.Credit = fund; * spa1.Debit = 0; * spa1.Date = System.DateTime.Now; * spa1.AccountId = AccId; * spa1.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); * * dbobj.SupplierAccounts.Add(spa); * dbobj.SaveChanges(); */ int accb = Convert.ToInt32(ac.CurrentBalance); int newbal = accb - fund; ac.CurrentBalance = newbal.ToString(); dbobj.SaveChanges(); AccountDetail acd = new AccountDetail(); acd.Particular = "Purchase Inv# " + PurcInv; acd.Amount = fund; acd.Mode = "Outward"; acd.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; acd.AccountId = AccId; acd.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); acd.Type = "Cash"; acd.PurchInvId = PurcInv; dbobj.AccountDetails.Add(acd); dbobj.SaveChanges(); //sp.Balance -= fund; //dbobj.SaveChanges(); CashTran ct = new CashTran(); ct.Particular = "Purchase Inv# " + PurcInv; ct.Amount = fund; ct.AccountDetailId = acd.AccountsDetailId; dbobj.CashTrans.Add(ct); dbobj.SaveChanges(); fund = 0; break; } } else { break; } } } } } Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { qntyTxt.Focus(); using (AdvInvSystemEntities dbobj = new AdvInvSystemEntities()) { if (GridView1.Rows.Count != 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text) <= Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text)) { if (spcellTxt.Text != "") { Supplier sp = new Supplier(); sp = (from sup in dbobj.Suppliers where sup.CellNumber == spcellTxt.Text select sup).FirstOrDefault(); if (sp == null) { Supplier spn = new Supplier(); spn.Name = spnmTxt.Text; spn.CellNumber = spcellTxt.Text; spn.Company = spcomTxt.Text; spn.Address = spaddTxt.Text; bal = Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text); spn.Balance = bal; dbobj.Suppliers.Add(spn); dbobj.SaveChanges(); supId = spn.SupplierId; } else { bal = Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text); sp.Balance = sp.Balance + bal; dbobj.SaveChanges(); supId = sp.SupplierId; } } else { supId = 1; } PurchaseInvoice pi = new PurchaseInvoice(); pi.BrandId = Convert.ToInt32(brdDropDown.SelectedItem.Value); pi.Date = System.DateTime.Now; pi.ReferenceId = refTxt.Text; pi.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text); pi.Paid = Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text); pi.Balance = Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text); if (pi.Balance != 0) { pi.Status = "Pending"; } else { pi.Status = "Cleared"; } pi.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); pi.AccountCredit = Convert.ToInt32(AccDropDownlist.SelectedItem.Value); pi.StockLocId = Convert.ToInt32(brnchDownList.SelectedItem.Value); locId = pi.StockLocId; pi.SupplierId = supId; if (PMDropdownlist.SelectedIndex != -1) { pi.PaymentMode = PMDropdownlist.SelectedItem.Value; } dbobj.PurchaseInvoices.Add(pi); dbobj.SaveChanges(); ViewState["purInvId"] = pi.PurchaseInvoiceId; SupplierAccount spa = new SupplierAccount(); spa.SupplierId = supId; spa.Particular = "Purchash inv#" + pi.PurchaseInvoiceId; spa.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text); spa.Debit = pi.Paid; spa.Credit = Convert.ToInt32(amountTxt.Text) - pi.Paid; spa.Date = System.DateTime.Now; spa.AccountId = pi.AccountCredit; spa.UserId = 1; dbobj.SupplierAccounts.Add(spa); dbobj.SaveChanges(); ChequeList cql = new ChequeList(); if (PMDropdownlist.SelectedItem.Value == "Cheque") { cql.Mode = "Outward"; cql.ChequeNumber = chqTxt.Text; cql.Bank = bnkTxt.Text; cql.MadeBy = mbTxt.Text; cql.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(ammTxt.Text); cql.Date = System.DateTime.Now; cql.Status = "Pending"; cql.AccountId = 1; dbobj.ChequeLists.Add(cql); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } ViewState["chequeId"] = cql.ChequeId; PurchaseDetail purD = new PurchaseDetail(); for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { purD.ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text); purD.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Text); purD.Price = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Text); purD.PurchaseInvoice = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["purInvId"]); dbobj.PurchaseDetails.Add(purD); dbobj.SaveChanges(); Product pd = new Product(); pd = (from prod in dbobj.Products where prod.ProductId == purD.ProductId select prod).SingleOrDefault(); if (pd != null) { pd.PurchasePrice = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[6].Text); pd.SalePrice = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[7].Text); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } Stock st = new Stock(); st = (from sup in dbobj.Stocks where sup.ProductId == purD.ProductId && sup.LocationId == locId select sup).FirstOrDefault(); if (st != null) { //st.ProductId = purD.ProductId; st.Quantity += purD.Quantity; //st.LocationId = locId; //dbobj.sp_Add_Stock(st.ProductId, st.LocationId, st.Quantity); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else { Stock st1 = new Stock(); st1.ProductId = purD.ProductId; st1.Quantity = purD.Quantity; st1.LocationId = locId; dbobj.Stocks.Add(st1); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } } if (paidTxt.Text != "" || paidTxt.Text != "0") { int tempAccId = Convert.ToInt32(AccDropDownlist.SelectedItem.Value); Account ac = new Account(); ac = (from act in dbobj.Accounts where act.AccountId == tempAccId select act).FirstOrDefault(); if (ac != null) { ac.CurrentBalance = (Convert.ToInt32(ac.CurrentBalance) - Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text)).ToString(); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } AccountDetail acd = new AccountDetail(); acd.Particular = "Payment inv# " + ViewState["purInvId"]; acd.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text); acd.Mode = "Outward"; acd.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now; acd.AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(AccDropDownlist.SelectedItem.Value); acd.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); acd.Type = PMDropdownlist.SelectedItem.Text; acd.PurchInvId = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["purInvId"]); dbobj.AccountDetails.Add(acd); dbobj.SaveChanges(); //pi.TransactionId = acd.AccountsDetailId; ViewState["transId"] = acd.AccountsDetailId; if (PMDropdownlist.SelectedItem.Text == "Cash") { CashTran ct = new CashTran(); ct.Particular = "Purchase inv# " + ViewState["purInvId"]; ct.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text); ct.AccountDetailId = acd.AccountsDetailId; dbobj.CashTrans.Add(ct); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else if (PMDropdownlist.SelectedItem.Text == "Cheque") { BnkTan bkt = new BnkTan(); bkt.Particular = "Purchase inv# " + ViewState["purInvId"]; bkt.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(paidTxt.Text); bkt.AccountDetailId = acd.AccountsDetailId; if (chqTxt.Text != "") { bkt.ChequeId = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["chequeId"]); } bkt.MadeBy = mbTxt.Text; bkt.DueDate = System.DateTime.Now; dbobj.BnkTans.Add(bkt); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } } Div2.Visible = true; Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } // end of row count condition for checkout else { Div1.Visible = true; } } else { Div1.Visible = true; } } // end of dbobj }