public static void Shutdown() { DiscordRpc.ClearPresence(); DiscordRpc.Shutdown(); }
public void PresencePresetSet(State e) { if (firstRun) { string DLLLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Mods\discord-rpc.dll"; DLLLocation = DLLLocation.Replace(@"\\", @"\"); if (File.Exists(DLLLocation)) { Initialize(); } firstRun = false; } if (isEnabled) { switch (e) { case State.OGMenu: if (currentState != State.OGMenu) { presence.details = "OG Hacknet"; presence.largeImageKey = "oghn"; DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(presence); currentState = State.OGMenu; break; } else { break; } case State.MainMenu: if (currentState != State.MainMenu) { presence.details = "Main Menu"; presence.largeImageKey = "logo"; DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(presence); currentState = State.MainMenu; break; } else { break; } case State.MPLogIn: if (currentState != State.MPLogIn) { presence.details = "Logging in"; presence.largeImageKey = "logo"; DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(presence); currentState = State.MPLogIn; break; } else { break; } case State.InGame: if (currentState != State.InGame) { presence.details = "In Game"; presence.largeImageKey = "logo"; DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(presence); currentState = State.InGame; break; } else { break; } default: Console.Error.WriteLine("Case for e was not found, e = " + e); Console.WriteLine("How the hell did you get here, go back and fix your shit dumbass"); if (currentState != State.Error) { presence.details = "Error"; presence.largeImageKey = "logo"; DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(presence); currentState = State.Error; break; } else { break; } } } }
private void Initialize() { handlers = new DiscordRpc.EventHandlers(); DiscordRpc.Initialize(clientId, ref handlers, true, null); isEnabled = true; }