public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
            //WebClient wc = new WebClient();
            string pageData;
            //pageData = wc.DownloadString("");
            PostSubmitter post = new PostSubmitter();
            post.Url = "";
            post.PostItems.Add("pl_min", "1");
            post.PostItems.Add("pl_max", "20");
            post.PostItems.Add("roe_min", "0");
            post.PostItems.Add("pvp_min", "0");
            post.PostItems.Add("pvp_max", "10");
            post.PostItems.Add("liqcorr_min", "1");
            post.PostItems.Add("margemebit_min", "0");
            post.PostItems.Add("tx_cresc_rec_min", "0.08");
            post.PostItems.Add("liq_min", "100000");
            pageData = post.Post();

            List<Stock> stocks = new List<Stock>();
            HTMLSearchResult searcher = new HTMLSearchResult();
            HTMLSearchResult result;

            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
                result = searcher.GetTagData(pageData, "html", 1).GetTagData("body").
                            GetTagData("table").GetTagData("tr", i + 2).GetTagData("td").GetTagData("span").GetTagData("a");
                Stock stock = new Stock
                    Name = result.TAGData
                result = searcher.GetTagData(pageData, "html", 1).GetTagData("body").
                            GetTagData("table").GetTagData("tr", i + 2).GetTagData("td", 3);
                stock.PL = Convert.ToDouble(result.TAGData);
                result = searcher.GetTagData(pageData, "html", 1).GetTagData("body").
                            GetTagData("table").GetTagData("tr", i + 2).GetTagData("td", 16);
                stock.ROE = Convert.ToDouble(result.TAGData.Split('%').First());
                if (stock.PL > 1 && stock.PL < 20 && stock.ROE > 0)

            stocks = stocks.OrderBy(a => a.PL).ToList();
            i = 1;
            foreach (var stock in stocks)
                stock.PLPosition = i;
            stocks = stocks.OrderByDescending(a => a.ROE).ToList();
            i = 1;
            foreach (var stock in stocks)
                stock.ROEPosition = i;
                stock.Position = stock.PLPosition + stock.ROEPosition;

            return View(stocks.OrderBy(a=>a.Position).ToList());
 private HTMLSearchResult Result(string str)
     HTMLSearchResult ret = new HTMLSearchResult();
     ret.sSearchResult = str;
     return ret;
        //This function returns the html between given two search strings
        /// <summary>
        ///Extracts the Nth occurance of specified tag from the current HTML data.
        /// <param name="sFileData">The HTML page data, that contains the entire html page</param>
        /// <param name="sSearchTag">TAG to search</param>
        /// <param name="nOccurance">The Nth occurance to search for</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an HTMLSearchResult object containing the tag data.</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public HTMLSearchResult GetTagData(string sFileData, string sSearchTag, int nOccurance)
            #region General_Variables_&_Validation
            string sTAGData = "";
            int nStartPos = -1;
            int nEndPos = -1;

            TAGStack = new Stack<string>();
            int nFoundOccurance = 0; // keep track of the no of instances we found, of the search tag.
            int nLen = sFileData.Length;
            int nLevel = 0;
            bool bFound = false;


            if (nLen < 1)
                throw (new ArgumentNullException("File Data cannot be null or blank string"));
            if (sSearchTag.Length < 1)
                throw (new ArgumentNullException("Search Tag cannot be null or blank string"));
            if (nOccurance < 1)
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The occurance number cannot be less than zero."));
            //--------------------START THE SEARCH-----------------
                nLen = nLen - sSearchTag.Length + 1; //the part where we can compare
                for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
                    if (bFound == false)
                        if (sFileData[i] == '<' && sFileData[i + 1] != '/' && sFileData[i + 1] != '!')  //found some tag...
                            int nLastPos = i;
                            sTAGAttribute = ""; //its class member.
                            string sTAGName = ReadTillEndOfTag(sFileData, ref i, out sTAGAttribute);
                            if (string.Compare(sSearchTag, sTAGName, true) == 0)
                                ShowPos(sSearchTag, nLevel, true);
                                bFound = true;
                                nStartPos = i+1;//Need to fix this...
                        else if (sFileData[i] == '<' && sFileData[i + 1] == '/') //end tag found
                            string sEndTAG = "";
                            i += 2;
                            while (sFileData[i] != '>')
                                sEndTAG += sFileData[i++];

                            if (String.Compare(sEndTAG, sSearchTag, true) == 0 && nLevel == 0)
                                throw (new Exception("The Start tag was not found, however its end tag was found"));

                        if (sFileData[i] == '<' && sFileData[i + 1] != '/' && sFileData[i + 1] != '!')  //found some tag...
                            string sTagAttribute = "";
                            string sTAGName = ReadTillEndOfTag(sFileData, ref i, out sTagAttribute);
                            if (String.Compare(sTAGName, "script", true) == 0)
                                int k =i+1;
                                while (i < sFileData.Length)
                                    string substr = sFileData.Substring(k, 9);
                                    if (String.Compare(substr, "</script>", true) == 0)
                                        i = k+9;
                            else if (String.Compare(sTAGName, "input", true) != 0 && String.Compare(sTAGName, "link", true) != 0 && String.Compare(sTAGName, "br", true) != 0 && String.Compare(sTAGName, "meta", true) != 0 && String.Compare(sTAGName, "img", true) != 0)
                                ShowPos(sTAGName, nLevel, true);

                        else if (sFileData[i] == '<' && sFileData[i + 1] == '/')  //end tag found
                            int nLastCharPos = i - 1;
                            string sEndTAG = "";
                            i += 2;
                            while (sFileData[i] != '>')
                                sEndTAG += sFileData[i++];
                            ShowPos(sEndTAG, nLevel, false);
                            if (String.Compare(sEndTAG, sSearchTag, true) == 0 && nLevel == 0)
                                nEndPos = nLastCharPos;
                                bFound = false;

                                if (nFoundOccurance == nOccurance)
                                    sTAGData = sFileData.Substring(nStartPos, nEndPos - nStartPos + 1);
                                    //Console.Write("\nSearch String\n======================================" + sTAGData + "\n==============================");
                                string sPopedTag = TAGStack.Pop();
                                if (string.Compare(sPopedTag, sEndTAG, true) != 0)
                                    //throw (new Exception("Unknown tag end"));

            catch (Exception e)
            HTMLSearchResult result = new HTMLSearchResult();
            result.sSearchResult = sTAGData;
            return result;