public void OnGetSingleTest() { var getSingleRequest = new Region { Id = "existingId" }; var singleRegion = new Region { Id = "existingId", Name = "SomeRegion", Point = new GeoPoint { Lat = 0, Lon = 0 } }; var regionList = new List<Region> { singleRegion }; var expectedSingleResponse = new AdventureRegionGetResponse(getSingleRequest) { AdventureRegions = regionList }; var mock = new Mock<IAdventureRegionRepository>(); mock.Setup(a => a.GetAdventureRegion(getSingleRequest.Id)).Returns(singleRegion); var target = new AdventureRegionService { AdventureRegionRepository = mock.Object }; var actual = target.OnGet(getSingleRequest) as AdventureRegionGetResponse; Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual(expectedSingleResponse, actual); }
public AdventureLocation(Region region) { Point = region.Point; Address = region.Address; Name = region.Name; Picture = region.Picture; Region = region; }
public bool Validate(Region item, IList<ValidationResult> validationErrorResults) { if (null == validationErrorResults) validationErrorResults = new List<ValidationResult>(); bool spotIsValidated = base.Validate(item, validationErrorResults); return validationErrorResults.Count == 0; }
public Region SaveAdventureRegion(Region region) { return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(region.Id)) ? AdventureRegionRepository.Add((Region)region) : AdventureRegionRepository.Update((Region)region); }
public void ValidateTest() { var regionBusiness = new RegionBusiness(); IList<ValidationResult> validationErrorResults = new List<ValidationResult>(); const bool NotValid = false; const bool Valid = true; bool isValidActual; // check validation of null location... not valid. AdventureLocation nullRegion = null; // check validation validationErrorResults.Clear(); isValidActual = regionBusiness.Validate(nullRegion, validationErrorResults); Assert.AreEqual(NotValid, isValidActual, "null is not valid"); // check validation of default location constructor... not valid. Region defaultRegion = new Region(); // check validation validationErrorResults.Clear(); isValidActual = regionBusiness.Validate(defaultRegion, validationErrorResults); Assert.AreEqual(NotValid, isValidActual, "newly constructed empty class is not valid"); // Check validation of a seemly normal location. Region validGenericRegion = new Region(new GeoPoint { Lat = 0.0, Lon = 0.0 }, "Location"); // check validation validationErrorResults.Clear(); isValidActual = regionBusiness.Validate(validGenericRegion, validationErrorResults); Assert.AreEqual(Valid, isValidActual, "Valid generic location"); }
public void OnPostNewTest() { const string regionname = "regionName"; var geoPoint = new GeoPoint { Lat = 0, Lon = 0 }; var newRegionRequest = new Region { Name = regionname, Point = geoPoint }; var newRegion = new Region { Id = "newId", Name = regionname, Point = geoPoint }; var expectedNewRegionResponse = new AdventureRegionSaveResponse(newRegionRequest) { AdventureRegion = newRegion }; var mock = new Mock<IAdventureRegionRepository>(); mock.Setup(a => a.SaveAdventureRegion(newRegionRequest)).Returns(newRegion); var target = new AdventureRegionService {AdventureRegionRepository = mock.Object}; var actual = target.OnPost(newRegionRequest) as AdventureRegionSaveResponse; Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual(expectedNewRegionResponse, actual); }
public AdventureLocation(GeoPoint geoPoint, string name) : base(geoPoint, name) { Region = new Region(geoPoint, name); }
public AdventureLocation() { Region = new Region(); }