/// <summary> /// 绑定Grid /// </summary> protected void BindGrid() { LWareLocatorBB lWareBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { string strWhere = this.StrWhere; //限制库位没有占用 strWhere += " and not exists(select 1 from dbo.UStock where dbo.UStock.wareLocatorNo=dbo.vLWareLocator.wareLocatorNo)"; if (this.ddlWare.SelectedValue != "") { strWhere += " and wareNo='" + this.ddlWare.SelectedValue + "'"; } ds = lWareBB.GetVList(strWhere); this.grid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.grid.DataBind(); //赋值记录条数、页面总数 this.Label3.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); this.Label2.Text = this.grid.PageCount.ToString(); this.currPage.Text = (this.grid.PageIndex + 1).ToString(); } finally { lWareBB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定Grid /// </summary> protected void BindGrid() { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { string strWhere = this.StrWhere; //库位编码 if (this.tbWareLocatorNo.Text.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and wareLocatorNo like '%" + this.tbWareLocatorNo.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%'"; } //库位名称 if (this.tbWareLocatorNm.Text.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and wareLocatorNm like '%" + this.tbWareLocatorNm.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%'"; } //所属库区 if (this.ddlWare.SelectedValue != "") { strWhere += " and wareNo='" + this.ddlWare.SelectedValue + "'"; } ds = wareLocatorBB.GetVList(strWhere); this.grid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.grid.DataBind(); //赋值记录条数、页面总数 this.Label3.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); this.Label2.Text = this.grid.PageCount.ToString(); this.currPage.Text = (this.grid.PageIndex + 1).ToString(); } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 手工保存拣货计划 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSaveDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); LMaterialBB materialBB = new LMaterialBB(); UStockBB stockBB = new UStockBB(); SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); CStockUpDetailBB stockUpDetailBB = new CStockUpDetailBB(); LMaterialRelationBB materialRelationBB = new LMaterialRelationBB(); try { #region 验证数据是否填写完整 string strErrorInfo = "", strWareNo = "", strWareNm = "", strWareLocatorNm = "", strMaterialDesc = "", strWhere = ""; //strStockUpMaterialNo = "", strPalletIndex = "" DataTable dtWareLocator = new DataTable(); DataTable dtMaterial = new DataTable(); DataTable dtStock = new DataTable(); DataTable dtStockUpDetail = new DataTable(); DataRow[] myDataRowArray = null; bool isRightMaterial = false; int planNum = 0, factNum = 0; #region 校验填写库位 if (this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写库位!"; this.txtWareLocarorNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count == 0) { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写正确库位!"; this.txtWareLocarorNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } strWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//库区编码 strWareNm = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString();//库区名称 strWareLocatorNm = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString();//库位名称 if (strWareNo != "GLHJ01" && strWareNo != "GLHJ02" && this.txtPalletNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写托盘号!"; this.txtPalletNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 校验填写库位 #region 校验填写物料 if (this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写物料编号!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } dtMaterial = materialBB.GetVList("materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtMaterial.Rows.Count == 0) { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写正确物料!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } strMaterialDesc = dtMaterial.Rows[0]["materialNm_CH"].ToString();//物料描述 //strStockUpMaterialNo = this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper();//计划备货物料 #endregion 校验填写物料 #region 校验填写数量 if (this.tbNum.Text.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写数量!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (!CommFunction.IsInt(this.tbNum.Text.Trim())) { strErrorInfo = "数量格式错误!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(this.tbNum.Text.Trim()) <= 0) { strErrorInfo = "数量必须大于0!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } //校验拣货数量是否超出计划备货数量 strWhere = "stockUpBillNo='" + this.stockUpBillNo.Text.Trim() + "' and palletIndex='" + this.PalletIndex + "' and materialNo='" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strWhere += " and saleBillNo='" + this.SaleBillNo + "'"; } if (this.LineNum != "" && this.LineNum != "0") { strWhere += " and lineNum='" + this.LineNum + "'"; } if (this.AbsEntry != "" && this.AbsEntry != "0") { strWhere += " and absEntry='" + this.AbsEntry + "'"; } dtStockUpDetail = stockUpDetailBB.GetList(strWhere).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in dtStockUpDetail.Rows) { planNum += Convert.ToInt32(dtStockUpDetail.Rows[0]["num"]);//计算计划备货数量 } //计算实际备货数量 strWhere = "isDel=0 and stockUpBillNo='" + this.stockUpBillNo.Text.Trim() + "' and palletIndex='" + this.PalletIndex + "' and stockUpMaterialNo='" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strWhere += " and saleBillNo='" + this.SaleBillNo + "'"; } if (this.LineNum != "" && this.LineNum != "0") { strWhere += " and lineNum='" + this.LineNum + "'"; } if (this.AbsEntry != "" && this.AbsEntry != "0") { strWhere += " and absEntry='" + this.AbsEntry + "'"; } myDataRowArray = this.DtResult.Select(strWhere); foreach (DataRow row in myDataRowArray) { factNum += Convert.ToInt32(row["num"]); } if (factNum + Convert.ToInt32(this.tbNum.Text.Trim()) > planNum) { if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的提货单【" + this.AbsEntry + "】销售订单【" + this.SaleBillNo + "】行号【" + this.LineNum + "】物料【" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "】计划备货【" + planNum.ToString() + "】,已经备货【" + factNum + "】,填写数量超出还需要备货数量!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的物料【" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "】计划备货【" + planNum.ToString() + "】,已经备货【" + factNum + "】,填写数量超出还需要备货数量!"; } this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 校验填写数量 #region 判断是否重复拣货 strWhere = "isDel=0 and palletIndex='" + this.PalletIndex + "' and wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "' and materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strWhere += " and saleBillNo='" + this.SaleBillNo + "'"; } if (this.LineNum != "" && this.LineNum != "0") { strWhere += " and lineNum='" + this.LineNum + "'"; } if (this.AbsEntry != "" && this.AbsEntry != "0") { strWhere += " and absEntry='" + this.AbsEntry + "'"; } myDataRowArray = this.DtResult.Select(strWhere); if (myDataRowArray.Length > 0) { if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "") { if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的提货单【" + this.AbsEntry + "】销售订单【" + this.SaleBillNo + "】行号【" + this.LineNum + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } } else { if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的提货单【" + this.AbsEntry + "】销售订单【" + this.SaleBillNo + "】行号【" + this.LineNum + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出采购合同【" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "】的物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出采购合同【" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "】的物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } } this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 判断是否重复拣货 #region 根据库位、物料、采购合同号,判断是否有货 strWhere = "wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "' and materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } dtStock = stockBB.GetVList(strWhere).Tables[0]; if (dtStock.Rows.Count == 0) { if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中不存在物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中不存在采购合同【" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "】的物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】!"; } this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 根据库位、物料、采购合同号,判断是否有货 #region 校验物料是否是需要拣出的物料 if (this.StockUpMaterialNo == this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim()) { isRightMaterial = true; } else { DataTable dtConvertMaterial = new DataTable(); dtConvertMaterial = materialRelationBB.GetList("newMaterialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtConvertMaterial.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dtConvertMaterial.Rows) { if (this.StockUpMaterialNo == row["oldMaterialNo"].ToString()) { isRightMaterial = true; break; } } } } if (isRightMaterial == false) { strErrorInfo = "当前物料不在备货计划内!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 校验物料是否是需要拣出的物料 #endregion 验证数据是否填写完整 DataRow myDataRow = this.DtResult.NewRow(); myDataRow["rowId"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); myDataRow["id"] = 0; myDataRow["num"] = this.tbNum.Text.Trim(); myDataRow["stockUpBillNo"] = ""; myDataRow["palletIndex"] = this.PalletIndex;//托盘序号 myDataRow["wareNo"] = strWareNo; myDataRow["wareLocatorNo"] = this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper(); myDataRow["palletNo"] = this.txtPalletNo.Value.Trim(); myDataRow["stockUpMaterialNo"] = this.StockUpMaterialNo;//计划备货物料 myDataRow["materialNo"] = this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim();//实际拣货物料 myDataRow["wareNm"] = strWareNm; myDataRow["wareLocatorNm"] = strWareLocatorNm; myDataRow["materialDesc"] = strMaterialDesc; myDataRow["instantState"] = "01"; myDataRow["financeBillNo"] = this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper();//采购合同号 myDataRow["financeBillSort"] = this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "" ? "备货" : "按单";//采购合同类型 myDataRow["saleBillNo"] = this.SaleBillNo;//销售订单号 myDataRow["docEntry"] = this.DocEntry;//销售订单ID myDataRow["lineNum"] = this.LineNum;//销售订单行号 myDataRow["absEntry"] = this.AbsEntry;//提货单号 myDataRow["isDel"] = false; this.DtResult.Rows.Add(myDataRow); this.BindGridPickOutPlan();//绑定拣货明细列表 } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); materialBB.Dispose(); stockBB.Dispose(); commBB.Dispose(); stockUpDetailBB.Dispose(); materialRelationBB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定库位下拉框 /// </summary> /// <param name="cb"></param> private void BindWareLocator(DropDownList ddlWareLocator) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = wareLocatorBB.GetList(" wareNo='GZT' and isnull(downWareLocatorNo,'')<>''").Tables[0]; ddlWareLocator.DataTextField = "wareLocatorNm"; ddlWareLocator.DataValueField = "wareLocatorNo"; ddlWareLocator.DataSource = dt; ddlWareLocator.DataBind(); ddlWareLocator.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-请选择-", "")); } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 解除库位锁定 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnUnLock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); try { //获取选中的数据Id foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in this.grid.Rows) { CheckBox chkId = (CheckBox)gvrow.FindControl("chkId"); if (chkId.Checked == true) { int id = int.Parse(chkId.ValidationGroup); LWareLocatorData wareLocatorModel = new LWareLocatorData(); wareLocatorModel = wareLocatorBB.GetModel(id); wareLocatorModel.isUsing = false; wareLocatorModel.updtDt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); wareLocatorModel.updtEmpId = this.currentUser.empId; wareLocatorBB.ModifyRecord(wareLocatorModel); } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowErr", "ShowErr(\"" + Server.UrlEncode(ex.Message) + "\",3);", true); return; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定库位 /// </summary> public void BindWareLocatorByWareType(DropDownList ddlWareLocator, string strWareType) { using (LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB()) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("isDel=0 and wareType='" + strWareType + "'"); ddlWareLocator.DataTextField = "wareLocatorNm"; ddlWareLocator.DataValueField = "wareLocatorNo"; ddlWareLocator.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ddlWareLocator.DataBind(); ddlWareLocator.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-请选择-", "")); } }
/// <summary> /// 手动填写 增加拣货计划 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSaveDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); LMaterialBB materialBB = new LMaterialBB(); UStockBB stockBB = new UStockBB(); SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); LMaterialRelationBB materialRelationBB = new LMaterialRelationBB(); try { string strErrorInfo = "", strWareNo = "", strWareNm = "", strWareLocatorNm = "", strMaterialDesc = ""; DataTable dtWareLocator = new DataTable(); DataTable dtMaterial = new DataTable(); DataTable dtStock = new DataTable(); DataTable dtStockUpDetail = new DataTable(); if (this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写库位!"; this.txtWareLocarorNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count == 0) { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写正确库位!"; this.txtWareLocarorNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } strWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//库区编码 strWareNm = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString();//库区名称 strWareLocatorNm = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString();//库位名称 if (strWareNo != "GLHJ01" && strWareNo != "GLHJ02" && this.txtPalletNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写托盘号!"; this.txtPalletNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写物料编号!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } dtMaterial = materialBB.GetVList("materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtMaterial.Rows.Count == 0) { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写正确物料!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } strMaterialDesc = dtMaterial.Rows[0]["materialNm_CH"].ToString();//物料描述 //strStockUpMaterialNo = this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper();//计划备货物料 if (this.tbNum.Text.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写数量!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (!CommFunction.IsInt(this.tbNum.Text.Trim())) { strErrorInfo = "数量格式错误!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(this.tbNum.Text.Trim()) <= 0) { strErrorInfo = "数量必须大于0!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } DataRow drnew = this.DtResultNew.NewRow(); drnew["rowId"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); drnew["id"] = 0; drnew["num"] = this.tbNum.Text.Trim(); drnew["palletIndex"] = "1"; drnew["wareNo"] = strWareNo; drnew["wareLocatorNo"] = this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper(); drnew["palletNo"] = this.txtPalletNo.Value.Trim(); drnew["stockUpMaterialNo"] = this.StockUpMaterialNo;//计划备货物料 drnew["materialNo"] = this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim();//实际拣货物料 //drnew["materialDesc"] = strMaterialDesc; drnew["instantState"] = "01"; drnew["financeBillNo"] = this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper();//采购合同号 //drnew["financeBillSort"] = this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "" ? "备货" : "按单";//采购合同类型 drnew["saleBillNo"] = this.SaleBillNo;//销售订单号 drnew["docEntry"] = this.DocEntry;//销售订单ID drnew["lineNum"] = this.LineNum;//销售订单行号 drnew["isDel"] = false; //去除判断属性 直接进行数据的保存 将校验数据去除 this.DtResultNew.Rows.Add(drnew); this.BindGridPickOutPlan();//绑定拣货明细列表 this.btnSubmit.Enabled = true; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); materialBB.Dispose(); stockBB.Dispose(); commBB.Dispose(); materialRelationBB.Dispose(); } }
public DataTable GetWareLocatorInfoById(string strWareLocatorNo) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("id='" + strWareLocatorNo + "'").Tables[0]; return dt; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }
public bool IsWareLocatorUsing(string strWareLocatorNo) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); LWareBB wareBB = new LWareBB(); try { DataTable dtWare = new DataTable(); DataTable dtWareLocator = new DataTable(); dtWare = wareBB.GetList("wareNo='" + strWareLocatorNo + "'").Tables[0];//获取库区 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareLocatorNo='" + strWareLocatorNo + "'").Tables[0];//获取库位 //如果扫描的为库区,返回true if (dtWare.Rows.Count > 0) { return false; } //判断库位是否正在使用 if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count == 0) { return true; } else if (dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareType"].ToString() == "07" || dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["isUsing"] == DBNull.Value || Convert.ToBoolean(dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["isUsing"]) == false) { return false; } else { return true; } } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); wareBB.Dispose(); } }
public DataTable GetWareLocator(string strWareNo, string strWhere) { using (LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB()) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("isDel=0 and wareNo='" + strWareNo + "'" + strWhere); return ds.Tables[0]; } }
public DataTable GetWareLocatorByWareType(string strWareType) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='" + strWareType + "' and isDel=0").Tables[0]; return dt; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }
public string GetSuggestWareLocator_ForkliftTask(int forkliftTaskId) { string strSuggestWareLocator = ""; BForkliftTaskBB forkliftTaskBB = new BForkliftTaskBB(); LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); LWareLocatorRelationBB wareLocatorRelation = new LWareLocatorRelationBB(); try { vBForkliftTaskData vForkliftTaskModel = new vBForkliftTaskData(); BForkliftTaskData forkliftTaskModel = new BForkliftTaskData(); DataTable dtWareLocator = new DataTable(); //获取叉车任务实例 forkliftTaskModel = forkliftTaskBB.GetModel(forkliftTaskId); vForkliftTaskModel = forkliftTaskBB.GetVModel(forkliftTaskId); if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "01" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "04" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "10") { #region 01 从排托区到质检区、04 从理货区返回质检区、10 从收货区到质检区 //获取没有使用的质检区的所有库位 //2015-08-04 修改增加相应的对应关系 与表LwareLocator之间产生关系 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo))//已有目的库位 { strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; } else//没有目的库位 { //只有原来的库区是在收货区的时候 才进行处理 //if (vForkliftTaskModel.preWareNo == "SHQ") //{ // //首先是查找出所有的可以进行入库的库位 // DataTable dtNew = new DataTable(); // if (vForkliftTaskModel.preLocatorNo.Contains("SH")) // dtNew = wareLocatorRelation.GetList("wareLocatorStartPrefix = 'SH' and isdel = 0").Tables[0]; // else // dtNew = wareLocatorRelation.GetList("wareLocatorStartPrefix = 'S' and isdel = 0").Tables[0]; // for (int i = 0; i < dtNew.Rows.Count; i++) // { // //2015-08-04 数据库实现后发现只能通过程序来进行实现 // dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='01' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0 and wareLocatorNo like '" + dtNew.Rows[i]["wareLocatorEndPrefix"] + "%'").Tables[0]; // if(dtWareLocator.Rows.Count>0) // { // break;//如果大于0的话则进行退出操作 // } // } // // dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='01' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; //} //else //{ //首先要通过叉车能够获取获取托盘上此时有的信息 string palletNO = vForkliftTaskModel.palletNo; DataTable dtPallet = GetBoxByPalletNo(palletNO); string checkMaterial = ""; if (dtPallet != null) { if (dtPallet.Rows.Count > 0 && dtPallet.Rows[0]["materialNO"] != "") { checkMaterial = dtPallet.Rows[0]["materialNO"].ToString(); } } //dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='01' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVListJoey(checkMaterial).Tables[0]; //} if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { //获取推荐库位信息 strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); //更改目的库位的使用状态 commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.LWareLocator set isUsing=1 where wareLocatorNo='" + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "'"); } } #endregion 01 从排托区到质检区、04 从理货区返回质检区、10 从收货区到质检区 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "08" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "02" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "03" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "05" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "06" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "11" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "12") { #region 08 从收货区到收货排托区,02 从质检区到理货区,03 从理货区到正式库区,05 从正式库区到拣货区,06 从拣货区返回正式库区,11 从质检区到正式区,12 托盘移库 strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; #endregion 08 从收货区到收货排托区,02 从质检区到理货区,03 从理货区到正式库区,05 从正式库区到拣货区,06 从拣货区返回正式库区,11 从质检区到正式区,12 托盘移库 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "07") { #region 07 拣货区发货 strSuggestWareLocator = ",发货区,,发货区"; #endregion 07 拣货区发货 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "09") { #region 09 从收货排托区返回收货区 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo))//已有目的库位 { strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; } else { //获取收货区的所有库位 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='05' and isUsing=0").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); //更改目的库位的使用状态 commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.LWareLocator set isUsing=1 where wareLocatorNo='" + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "'"); } } #endregion 09 从收货排托区返回收货区 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "13" || forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "30") { #region 13 从理货区到异常区 //获取没有使用的异常区的所有库位 //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo))//已有目的库位 //{ // strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo // + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm // + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo // + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; //} //else //{ //} //dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='09' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='09' and isDel=0").Tables[0];//临时不限制是否正在使用 if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { //获取推荐库位信息 strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); ////更改目的库位的使用状态 //commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.LWareLocator set isUsing=1 where wareLocatorNo='" // + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "'"); } #endregion 13 从理货区到异常区 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "14") { #region 14 从拣货区到打托区 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo))//已有目的库位 { strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; } else { //获取打托区的所有库位 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='10' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); //更改目的库位的使用状态 //日期 2014-07-22 将打托区占用取消掉 打托区当中可以有多个被占用 //commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.LWareLocator set isUsing=1 where wareLocatorNo='" // + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "'"); } } #endregion 14 从拣货区到打托区 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "15") { #region 15 从打托区到发货区 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo))//已有目的库位 { strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; } else { //获取发货区的所有库位 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='08' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); //更改目的库位的使用状态 commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.LWareLocator set isUsing=1 where wareLocatorNo='" + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "'"); } } #endregion 15 从打托区到发货区 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "20") { #region 20的时候 正式出库 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo))//已有目的库位 { strSuggestWareLocator = vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareNm + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo + "," + vForkliftTaskModel.nextWareLocatorNm; } else { //获取发货区的所有库位 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='11' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); //更改目的库位的使用状态 //commBB.ExecuteSql("update dbo.LWareLocator set isUsing=1 where wareLocatorNo='" // + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "'"); } } #endregion 20 正式库区发货 } else if (forkliftTaskModel.taskType == "30") { //2015-08-07进行修改 #region 退货区生成叉车任务获取相应的库位 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareType='09' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0 and wareNO = 'YCQ'").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strSuggestWareLocator = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString(); //更改叉车任务的目的库位信息 forkliftTaskModel.nextWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//目的库区 forkliftTaskModel.nextLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//目的库位 forkliftTaskBB.ModifyRecord(forkliftTaskModel); #endregion } } } finally { forkliftTaskBB.Dispose(); wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); commBB.Dispose(); } return strSuggestWareLocator; }
public string GetPalletWareInfo(string strPalletNo) { string strWareLocatorNo = ""; BArrangeBillBoxBB arrangeBillBoxBB = new BArrangeBillBoxBB(); LWareBB wareBB = new LWareBB(); LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); LMaterialBB materialBB = new LMaterialBB(); SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); try { DataTable dtArrangeBillBox = new DataTable(); DataTable dtWare = new DataTable(); DataTable dtWareLocator = new DataTable(); //获取托盘下的所有箱子 dtArrangeBillBox = arrangeBillBoxBB.GetVList("palletNo='" + strPalletNo + "' and isnull(wareNo,'')<>''").Tables[0]; if (dtArrangeBillBox.Rows.Count > 0) { string strFinanceBillSort = "", strFinanceBillNo = ""; strFinanceBillSort = dtArrangeBillBox.Rows[0]["financeBillSort"].ToString();//采购合同类型 strFinanceBillNo = dtArrangeBillBox.Rows[0]["financeBillNo"].ToString();//采购合同号 if (strFinanceBillSort == "按单" || strFinanceBillNo.IndexOf("EB16") == -1) { #region 按单 //按单的物料,放置在正式库的平面库区 dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareSortNo='A' and wareType='03' and isUsing=0 and isDel=0").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strWareLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//库位 } #endregion 按单 } else if (strFinanceBillSort == "备货" || strFinanceBillNo.IndexOf("EB16") != -1) { #region 备货 string strMaterialNos = "", strUCodeNos = "", strWareSortNos = "B"; int materialNum = 1; DataTable dtMaterial = new DataTable(); //判断当前托盘是否存在多个物料 strMaterialNos = dtArrangeBillBox.Rows[0]["materialNo"].ToString();//物料编号 strUCodeNos = dtArrangeBillBox.Rows[0]["U_CodeNo"].ToString();//物料U_CodeNo foreach (DataRow row in dtArrangeBillBox.Rows) { if (strMaterialNos.IndexOf(row["materialNo"].ToString()) == -1) { materialNum++; strMaterialNos += "," + row["materialNo"].ToString();//物料编号 } if (strUCodeNos.IndexOf(row["U_CodeNo"].ToString()) == -1) { strUCodeNos += "," + row["U_CodeNo"].ToString();//物料U_CodeNo } } if (materialNum == 1)//托盘上只有一种物料 { dtMaterial = materialBB.GetList("materialNo='" + strMaterialNos + "'").Tables[0];//获取物料信息 strWareSortNos = dtMaterial.Rows[0]["wareSortNo"].ToString();//获取物料的货位分类 } else { foreach (DataRow row in dtArrangeBillBox.Rows) { dtMaterial = materialBB.GetList("materialNo='" + row["materialNo"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0];//获取物料信息 if (dtMaterial.Rows[0]["wareSortNo"].ToString() != "B")//查找货位分类为非高位货架所有类别 { if (strWareSortNos == "B")//如果当前类型为高位货架 { strWareSortNos = dtMaterial.Rows[0]["wareSortNo"].ToString();//货架分类赋新值 } else { if (strWareSortNos.IndexOf(dtMaterial.Rows[0]["wareSortNo"].ToString()) == -1) { strWareSortNos += "," + dtMaterial.Rows[0]["wareSortNo"].ToString(); } } } } } if (strWareSortNos == "D" || strWareSortNos == "E")//流利货架摆放不分库位,推荐到库区即可 { //获取推荐库区信息 dtWare = wareBB.GetVList("wareSortNo='" + strWareSortNos + "' and wareType='03' and isDel=0").Tables[0]; if (dtWare.Rows.Count > 0) { strWareLocatorNo = dtWare.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + ",";//库区 } } else//其他货架,推荐到库位 { //获取推荐库位信息 dtWareLocator = commBB.Query("exec Proc_GetSuggestWareLocator '" + strWareSortNos.Trim(',') + "','" + strUCodeNos.Trim(',') + "','" + strMaterialNos.Trim(',') + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count > 0) { strWareLocatorNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString() + "," + dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNo"].ToString();//库位 } } #endregion 备货 } } } finally { arrangeBillBoxBB.Dispose(); wareBB.Dispose(); wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); materialBB.Dispose(); commBB.Dispose(); } return strWareLocatorNo; }
/// <summary> /// 数据保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strInfo = ""; if (!this.ValidateData(out strInfo)) { strInfo = strInfo.Replace("\"", "'").Replace("\n", ""); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('" + strInfo + "');", true); return; } LWareLocatorData model = new LWareLocatorData(); LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); try { if (this.State == "1") { this.SetModel(ref model); model.isrtDt = DateTime.Now.ToString(); model.isrtEmpId = this.currentUser.empId; this.IdValue = wareLocatorBB.AddRecord(model); } else if (this.State == "2") { model = wareLocatorBB.GetModel(this.IdValue); this.SetModel(ref model); model.updtDt = DateTime.Now.ToString(); model.updtEmpId = this.currentUser.empId; wareLocatorBB.ModifyRecord(model); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowErr", "ShowErr(\"" + Server.UrlEncode(ex.Message) + "\",3);", true); return; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } if (Request.Params["backurl"] != null && Request.Params["backurl"].Trim() != "") { Response.Redirect(Request.Params["backurl"], true); } }
/// <summary> /// 验证页面信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="strErrorInfo">错误提示信息</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool ValidateData(out string strErrorInfo) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); try { strErrorInfo = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); if (this.tbWareLocatorNo.Text.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写库位编码!"; this.tbWareLocatorNo.Focus(); return false; } //判断库区编码是否重复 ds = wareLocatorBB.GetList("wareNo='" + this.tbWareLocatorNo.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "' and id<>" + this.IdValue.ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strErrorInfo = "库位编码重复!"; this.tbWareLocatorNo.Focus(); return false; } if (this.tbWareLocatorNm.Text.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写库位名称!"; this.tbWareLocatorNm.Focus(); return false; } if (this.ddlWare.SelectedValue == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先选择库区!"; this.ddlWare.Focus(); return false; } if (this.tbMaxBoxNum.Text.Trim() != "" && !CommFunction.IsInt(this.tbMaxBoxNum.Text.Trim())) { strErrorInfo = "最多放置箱数不是正确的数字类型!"; this.tbMaxBoxNum.Focus(); return false; } return true; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 展示数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">记录Id</param> private void ShowInfo(int id) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); vLWareLocatorData model = new vLWareLocatorData(); try { model = wareLocatorBB.GetVModel(id); this.tbWareLocatorNo.Text = model.wareLocatorNo; this.tbWareLocatorNm.Text = model.wareLocatorNm; this.ddlWare.SelectedValue = model.wareNo; this.ddlIsBoard.SelectedValue = model.isBoard.ToString(); if (model.maxBoxNum != 0) { this.tbMaxBoxNum.Text = model.maxBoxNum.ToString(); } this.ddlDownWareLocator.SelectedValue = model.downWareLocatorNo; this.ddlReturnWareLocator.SelectedValue = model.returnWareLocatorNo; this.hidMaterialNo.Value = model.materialNo; this.textMaterialDesc.Value = model.materialDesc; } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); } }