public void GetGridData() { string _searchcontent = ""; string _sortname = ""; string _sortdirection = ""; string _pagenumber = ""; string _pagesize = ""; _searchcontent = Parameters["psearchcontent"]; _sortname = Parameters["psortname"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortname)) { sSortName = _sortname; } _sortdirection = Parameters["psortdirection"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortdirection)) { sSortDirection = _sortdirection; } _pagenumber = Parameters["ppagenumber"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagenumber)) { sPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(_pagenumber); } _pagesize = Parameters["ppagesize"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagesize)) { sPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(_pagesize); } List<PmPartymember> lists = new List<PmPartymember>(); PmPartymemberBiz biz = new PmPartymemberBiz(); string _searchtext = _searchcontent; string wheresql = "(FActivistFlag = '1') and (FObjectFlag = '1') and (FPrePartyFlag = '0') and (FPartyFlag = '0') and (FHistoryFlag = '0') "; string _deptid = Parameters["pdeptid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_deptid) || _deptid == "0") { if (userid != "1") { SysUserDeptsBiz udbiz = new SysUserDeptsBiz(); string deptidlist = udbiz.GetUserDeptList(userid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptidlist)) { wheresql += " and (FDepartmentId in (0))"; } else { wheresql += " and (FDepartmentId in (" + deptidlist + "))"; } } } else { wheresql += "(FDepartmentId = " + _deptid + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchtext)) { //difine wheresql wheresql += " and (FMemberName like '%" + _searchtext + "%')"; //for example:wheresql = " (FDepartmentName like '%" + _searchtext + "%') or (FDepartmentCode like '%" + _searchtext + "%')"; } NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", wheresql); NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection(); orderby.Add(_sortname, _sortdirection); Int32 totalcount = 0; lists = biz.Select(where, orderby, Convert.ToInt32(sPageIndex), Convert.ToInt32(sPageSize), out totalcount); for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++) { lists[i].FOperation = "<a iconCls='icon-remove' class='btn' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='delobject(" + lists[i].FMemberId.ToString() + ")'>取消资格</a>"; } string datasource = Utils.GetRepeaterDatasource(lists, sPageIndex, sPageSize, totalcount); Response.Write(datasource); }
public List<SysDepartment> SelectDeptByUser(string _userid) { if (_userid == "1") { return Select(); } else { string deptlist = ""; List<SysUserDepts> lists = new List<SysUserDepts>(); SysUserDeptsBiz biz = new SysUserDeptsBiz(); deptlist = biz.GetUserDeptList(_userid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptlist)) { return null; } else { string sql = ""; sql = "FDepartmentId in (" + deptlist + ")"; NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("codition", sql); return Select(where); } } }
public void GetUserDeptList() { string _userid = Parameters["puserid"]; List<SysUserDepts> lists = new List<SysUserDepts>(); SysUserDeptsBiz biz = new SysUserDeptsBiz(); lists = biz.Select(_userid); Response.Write(Utils.ConvertToJson(lists)); }
public void GetGridData() { string _searchcontent = ""; string _sortname = ""; string _sortdirection = ""; string _pagenumber = ""; string _pagesize = ""; string _deptid = ""; _searchcontent = Parameters["psearchcontent"]; _sortname = Parameters["psortname"]; _deptid = Parameters["pdeptid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortname)) { sSortName = _sortname; } _sortdirection = Parameters["psortdirection"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortdirection)) { sSortDirection = _sortdirection; } _pagenumber = Parameters["ppagenumber"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagenumber)) { sPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(_pagenumber); } _pagesize = Parameters["ppagesize"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagesize)) { sPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(_pagesize); } List<SysMember> lists = new List<SysMember>(); SysMemberBiz biz = new SysMemberBiz(); string _searchtext = _searchcontent; string wheresql = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_deptid) || _deptid == "0") { if (userid != "1") { SysUserDeptsBiz udbiz = new SysUserDeptsBiz(); string deptidlist = udbiz.GetUserDeptList(userid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptidlist)) { wheresql = "(FDepartmentId in (0))"; } else { wheresql = "(FDepartmentId in (" + deptidlist + "))"; } } else { wheresql = "1=1"; } } else { wheresql = "(FDepartmentId = " + _deptid + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchtext)) { wheresql = " and ((FMemberName like '%" + _searchtext + "%') or (FMemberCode like '%" + _searchtext + "%'))"; } NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", wheresql); NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection(); orderby.Add(_sortname, _sortdirection); Int32 totalcount = 0; lists = biz.Select(where, orderby, Convert.ToInt32(sPageIndex), Convert.ToInt32(sPageSize), out totalcount); string datasource = Utils.GetRepeaterDatasource(lists, sPageIndex, sPageSize, totalcount); Response.Write(datasource); }
public void SaveUserDept() { string _userid = Parameters["puserid"]; string _deptid = Parameters["pdeptid"]; SysUserDeptsBiz biz = new SysUserDeptsBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); biz.Insert(_userid, _deptid, out ErrInfo); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }