public DataSet GetMultiMaterial(int dID) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where LID = {0}",dID); return common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); }
public int CreateLayerDetail(int dDID,int dLID,int dSID,int dOrder) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO LayerDetail(DID,LID,SID,Order) VALUES({0},{1},{2},{3})",dDID,dLID,dSID,dOrder); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public void DeleteSingleMaterial(string strIDs) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial Where SID = {0}",strIDs); common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public void DeleteMultiMaterial(string strIDs) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM MultiLayer Where LID = {0}",strIDs); common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public int CreateMultiMeterial(int LID,string Name,string TotalThick) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO SingleMeterial(LID,Name,TotalThick) VALUES({0},'{1}',{2})",LID,strEmptyCheck(Name), strEmptyCheck(TotalThick)); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public int CreateSingleMaterialGraph(int SGID,int SID,string Name,string Measured,string Temperature,string Incidence,string IncAngle,string FreqBand, string GraphType,string X_Axis,string Y_RigidBacking,string Y_AnechoicTermination,string Y_TransmissionLoss) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO SingleMeterialGraph(SGID,SID,Name,Measured,Temperature,Incidence,IncAngle,FreqBand,GraphType,X_Axis," + " Y_RigidBacking,Y_AnechoicTermination,Y_TransmissionLoss)" + " VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}')" ,SGID,SID,Name,Measured,Temperature,Incidence,IncAngle,FreqBand,GraphType,X_Axis,Y_RigidBacking,Y_AnechoicTermination,Y_TransmissionLoss); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public DataSet GetDBDefault_Load() { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where Measured = 1 AND Incidence = 1 AND FreqBand = 1 AND GraphType = 1"; //common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT * from Project"; DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; }
public int GetMax_ID_SingleMeterial() { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT MAX(SID) FROM SingleMeterial"; string strTemp = common_DataBase.ExecuteScalar_Text(); if(strTemp == "") { strTemp = "0"; } return int.Parse(strTemp) + 1; }
public int CreateSingleMaterialGraph(int SGID,int SID,string Name,string Measured,string Temperature,string Incidence,string IncAngle,string FreqBand, string GraphType,string X_Axis,string Y_RigidBacking,string Y_AnechoicTermination,string Y_TransmissionLoss) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO SingleMeterialGraph(SGID,SID,Name,Measured,Temperature,Incidence,IncAngle,FreqBand,GraphType,X_Axis," + " Y_RigidBacking,Y_AnechoicTermination,Y_TransmissionLoss)" + " VALUES({0},{1},'{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},'{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}')" ,SGID,SID,strEmptyCheck(Name),strEmptyCheck(Measured),strEmptyCheck(Temperature),strEmptyCheck(Incidence), strEmptyCheck(IncAngle),strEmptyCheck(FreqBand),strEmptyCheck(GraphType),strEmptyCheck(X_Axis),strEmptyCheck(Y_RigidBacking), strEmptyCheck(Y_AnechoicTermination),strEmptyCheck(Y_TransmissionLoss)); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public int CreateSingleMeterial(int SID,string Name,string MID,string Thick,string BulkDens,string FlowRes,string Sfactor,string Prosity,string ViscousCL, string ThermalCL,string Ymodulus,string PoissionR,string LossFactor,string HP1,string DensityP1,string EmP1,string PRatioP1,string HP2,string DensityP2, string EmP2,string PRatioP2) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO SingleMeterial(SID,Name,MID,Thick,BulkDens,FlowRes,Sfactor,Prosity,ViscousCL,ThermalCL,Ymodulus," + "PoissionR,LossFactor,HP1,DensityP1,EmP1,PRatioP1,HP2,DensityP2,EmP2,PRatioP2) " + " VALUES({0},'{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16},{17},{18},{19},{20})" ,SID,Name,strEmptyCheck(MID),strEmptyCheck(Thick),strEmptyCheck(BulkDens),strEmptyCheck(FlowRes),strEmptyCheck(Sfactor),strEmptyCheck(Prosity), strEmptyCheck(ViscousCL),strEmptyCheck(ThermalCL),strEmptyCheck(Ymodulus),strEmptyCheck(PoissionR),strEmptyCheck(LossFactor),strEmptyCheck(HP1), strEmptyCheck(DensityP1),strEmptyCheck(EmP1),strEmptyCheck(PRatioP1),strEmptyCheck(HP2),strEmptyCheck(DensityP2),strEmptyCheck(EmP2), strEmptyCheck(PRatioP2)); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Flag">0 �̸� ���� �ƴϸ� �Ϻ�</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetMaterialType(int Flag) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(Flag == 0) { common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT * FROM MaterialType ORDER BY MID ASC"; } else { common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT * FROM MaterialType Where Flag = 1 ORDER BY MID ASC"; } DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; }
public int CreateSingleMeterial(int SID,string Name,string MID,string Thick,string BulkDens,string FlowRes,string Sfactor,string Prosity,string ViscousCL, string ThermalCL,string Ymodulus,string PoissionR,string LossFactor,string HP1,string DensityP1,string EmP1,string PRatioP1,string HP2,string DensityP2, string EmP2,string PRatioP2) { // DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(strDate); // strDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO SingleMeterial(SID,Name,MID,Thick,BulkDens,FlowRes,Sfactor,Prosity,ViscousCL,ThermalCL,Ymodulus," + "PoissionR,LossFactor,HP1,DensityP1,EmP1,PRatioP1,HP2,DensityP2,EmP2,PRatioP2) " + " VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}','{20}')" ,SID,Name,MID,Thick,BulkDens,FlowRes,Sfactor,Prosity,ViscousCL,ThermalCL,Ymodulus,PoissionR,LossFactor, HP1,DensityP1,EmP1,PRatioP1,HP2,DensityP2,EmP2,PRatioP2); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public int CreateSingleMeterial(int SID,string Name,string MID,string Thick,string BulkDens,string FlowRes,string Sfactor,string Prosity,string ViscousCL, string ThermalCL,string Ymodulus,string PoissionR,string LossFactor,string HP1,string DensityP1,string EmP1,string PRatioP1,string HP2,string DensityP2, string EmP2,string PRatioP2,string strVendor,string strProducing,string strRemark,string strDate) { DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(strDate); strDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("INSERT INTO SingleMeterial(SID,Name,MID,Thick,BulkDens,FlowRes,Sfactor,Prosity,ViscousCL,ThermalCL,Ymodulus," + "PoissionR,LossFactor,HP1,DensityP1,EmP1,PRatioP1,HP2,DensityP2,EmP2,PRatioP2,Vendor,Producing,Remark,Occurred_Date) " + " VALUES({0},'{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16},{17},{18},{19},{20},'{21}','{22}','{23}','{24}')" ,SID,Name,strEmptyCheck(MID),strEmptyCheck(Thick),strEmptyCheck(BulkDens),strEmptyCheck(FlowRes),strEmptyCheck(Sfactor),strEmptyCheck(Prosity), strEmptyCheck(ViscousCL),strEmptyCheck(ThermalCL),strEmptyCheck(Ymodulus),strEmptyCheck(PoissionR),strEmptyCheck(LossFactor),strEmptyCheck(HP1), strEmptyCheck(DensityP1),strEmptyCheck(EmP1),strEmptyCheck(PRatioP1),strEmptyCheck(HP2),strEmptyCheck(DensityP2),strEmptyCheck(EmP2), strEmptyCheck(PRatioP2),strVendor,strProducing,strRemark,strDate); return common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
public void ModifySingleMaterial(string strIDs,string Thick,string BulkDens,string FlowRes,string Sfactor,string Prosity,string ViscousCL,string ThermalCL, string Ymodulus,string PoissionR,string LossFactor,string strM_ID,string strVendor,string strProducing,string strRemark,string strDate) { DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(strDate); strDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("UPDATE SingleMeterial SET Thick = {1},BulkDens = {2},FlowRes = {3},Sfactor = {4},Prosity = {5},ViscousCL = {6}," + "ThermalCL = {7},Ymodulus = {8},PoissionR = {9},LossFactor = {10},MID = {11} ,Vendor = '{12}',Producing = '{13}',Remark = '{14}'," + "Occurred_Date = '{15}' WHERE SID = {0}", strIDs,strEmptyCheck(Thick),strEmptyCheck(BulkDens),strEmptyCheck(FlowRes),strEmptyCheck(Sfactor),strEmptyCheck(Prosity),strEmptyCheck(ViscousCL), strEmptyCheck(ThermalCL),strEmptyCheck(Ymodulus),strEmptyCheck(PoissionR),strEmptyCheck(LossFactor),strEmptyCheck(strM_ID), strVendor,strProducing,strRemark,strDate); common_DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery_Text(); }
/// <summary> /// ��ȸ �Լ� /// </summary> /// <param name="Category"></param> /// <param name="IncidenceCondition"></param> /// <param name="MaterialType"></param> /// <param name="Option"></param> /// <param name="Frequency">1,Narrow band 2,Octave 3,1/3 Octav</param> public DataSet Search(string Category,string IncidenceCondition,string MaterialType,string Frequency,string strName, string strVendor,string strProducing,string strDate,int dMeasured) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(MaterialType != "0") { if(Category == "Single") { if(strName != "") { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{3}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{4}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND Name LIKE '%{2}%' ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,strName,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{4}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{5}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND FreqBand = {2} AND Name LIKE '%{3}%' ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,Frequency,strName,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } } else { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{2}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{3}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{3}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{4}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND FreqBand = {2} ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,Frequency,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } } } else { if(strName != "") { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND MultiLayer.Name LIKE '%{2}%'",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,strName); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND FreqBand = {2} AND MultiLayer.Name LIKE '%{3}%'",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,Frequency,strName); } } else { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1}",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND FreqBand = {2} ",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,Frequency); } } } } else { if(Category == "Single") { if(strName != "") { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{2}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{3}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND Name LIKE '%{1}%' ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,strName,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{3}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{4}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND FreqBand = {1} AND Name LIKE '%{2}%' ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,Frequency,strName,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } } else { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{1}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{2}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{2}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{3}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND FreqBand = {1} ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,Frequency,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } } } else { if(strName != "") { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND Name LIKE '%{1}%'",IncidenceCondition,strName); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND FreqBand = {1} AND Name LIKE '%{2}%'",IncidenceCondition,Frequency,strName); } } else { if(Frequency == "0") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0}",IncidenceCondition); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND FreqBand = {1} ",IncidenceCondition,Frequency); } } } } DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; }
/// <summary> /// �ش� ���� ID �� �ָ� �װ� �����´� /// </summary> /// <param name="Category"></param> /// <param name="strIDs"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet Search_ID(bool Category,string strID) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(Category == true) { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where SGID = {0}",strID); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where LGID = {0}",strID); } DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; }
/// <summary> /// �̹� �ߺ��Ǵ� �̸��� �ִ��� Ȯ�� /// </summary> /// <param name="strName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ISNameSame(string strName) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SingleMeterial Where Name = '{0}'",strName); return int.Parse(common_DataBase.ExecuteScalar_Text()); }
public DataSet GetSingleMaterialGraph(string strID) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterialGraph Where SGID = {0}",strID); DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; }
public int GetMax_ID_LayerDetail() { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT MAX(DID) FROM LayerDetail"; string strTemp = common_DataBase.ExecuteScalar_Text(); if(strTemp == "") { strTemp = "0"; } return int.Parse(strTemp) + 1; }
public DataSet Search_Parameter(string Category,string IncidenceCondition,string MaterialType,string Frequency,string strName, string strVendor,string strProducing,string strDate,int dMeasured) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(MaterialType != "0") { if(Category == "Single") { if(strName != "") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial WHERE SID IN(SELECT SID FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{3}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{4}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND Name LIKE '%{2}%') ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,strName,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial WHERE SID IN(SELECT SID FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{2}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{3}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1}) ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } } else { if(strName != "") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1} AND MultiLayer.Name LIKE '%{2}%'",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType,strName); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND MID = {1}",IncidenceCondition,MaterialType); } } } else { if(Category == "Single") { if(strName != "") { //common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial WHERE SID IN(SELECT SID FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where ((Vendor LIKE '%{2}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{3}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND Name = '%{1}%') OR(Occurred_Date LIKE '%{4}%')) ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,strName,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial WHERE SID IN(SELECT SID FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{1}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{2}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {3} AND Name LIKE '%{0}%')",strName,strVendor,strProducing,IncidenceCondition); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial WHERE SID IN(SELECT SID FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where (Vendor LIKE '%{1}%' OR Vendor IS NULL) AND (Producing LIKE '%{2}%' OR Producing IS NULL) AND Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0}) ORDER BY SID",IncidenceCondition,strVendor,strProducing,strDate); } } else { if(strName != "") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0} AND Name LIKE '%{1}%'",IncidenceCondition,strName); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = " + dMeasured + " AND Incidence = {0}",IncidenceCondition); } } } DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; }
// public DataSet Search_MultiMaterial(string strName,string strTotalThick) // { // string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured <> 1"; // // if(strname != "") // { // strQuery = strQuery + String.Format(" AND Name = '{0}' ",strName); // } // if(strTotalThick != "") // { // strQuery = strQuery + String.Format(" AND TotalThick = '{0}' ",strTotalThick); // } // // common_DataBase.Query = strQuery; // // DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); // // return ds; // } /// <summary> /// IDs �� �ĸ��������� �ָ� �� �����´� /// </summary> /// <param name="Category"></param> /// <param name="strIDs"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet Search_IDs(string Category,string strIDs) { if(strIDs != "") { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(Category == "Single") { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where SGID IN({0})",strIDs); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where LGID IN({0})",strIDs); } DataSet ds = common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); return ds; } else { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// �̹� ���� �̸��� �����ϴ��� üũ�Ѵ� (������ true) /// </summary> /// <param name="bIsSingle">Single �� true</param> /// <param name="strName">Name</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsExist(bool bIsSingle,string strName) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(bIsSingle == true) { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where Name = '{0}'",strName); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where SingleMeterial.Name = '{0}'",strName); } int dCount = int.Parse(common_DataBase.ExecuteScalar_Text()); if(dCount > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public int GetMax_ID_MultiLayerMaterialGraph() { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = "SELECT MAX(LGID) FROM MultiLayerMaterialGraph"; string strTemp = common_DataBase.ExecuteScalar_Text(); if(strTemp == "") { strTemp = "0"; } return int.Parse(strTemp) + 1; }
public int PassWordCheck(string strPass) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblPass Where Pass = '******'",strPass); return int.Parse(common_DataBase.ExecuteScalar_Text()); }
public DataSet GetSingleMaterial(string dID) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM SingleMeterial Where SID = {0}",dID); return common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text(); }
public int IsGraphExist(bool bIsSingle,int dIsMeasured,int dIncidence,int dFreqBand,int dGraphType,int dID) { common_DataBase = new Common_DataBase(); if(bIsSingle == true) { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT SGID FROM view_SingleGraphInfo Where Measured = {0} AND Incidence = {1} AND FreqBand = {2} AND GraphType = {3} AND SID = {4}",dIsMeasured,dIncidence,dFreqBand,dGraphType,dID); } else { common_DataBase.Query = String.Format("SELECT LGID FROM view_MultiLayerMaterialGraph Where Measured = {0} AND Incidence = {1} AND FreqBand = {2} AND GraphType = {3} AND LID = {4}",dIsMeasured,dIncidence,dFreqBand,dGraphType,dID); } if(common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text().Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { return int.Parse(common_DataBase.GetDataSet_Text().Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } else { return -1; } }