public static IamsItem GetIAMSRecords(HMDObject item) { // Remember to get the list of child records and pass this back to the image order csv somehow... String shelfmark = item.Shelfmark; String itemID = null; if (item.ID != null) // allows for some flexibility on being tied to sharepoint here { itemID = item.ID; } // build the request // Need to use a request with the 'None' format to get the catalogue publication status/state // Also need 'itemtype' field where this can be fonds etc // The only output format of the IAMS request that contains the catalogue publication status is "NONE" // So make two requests to get all the information required var iamsCatStatusRequest = IAMSURL + shelfmark.Replace(" ", "%20").Replace(",", "%2C") + @"&format=None"; var iamsGetUrl = IAMSURL + shelfmark.Replace(" ", "%20").Replace(",", "%2C") + @"&format=Qatar"; // Could use DIPS format, but Qatar gets you more information // Run the first request: var xmlTextReaderIamsNone = new XmlTextReader(iamsCatStatusRequest); var xmlDocumentIamsNone = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlDocumentIamsNone.Load(xmlTextReaderIamsNone); } catch { return(null); } var xmlNodeItemType = xmlDocumentIamsNone.SelectSingleNode("//Header//RecordDetails//ItemType"); var xmlNodeCatStatus = xmlDocumentIamsNone.SelectSingleNode("//Header//RecordDetails//Status"); var iamsItemType = string.Empty; if (xmlNodeItemType != null) { iamsItemType = xmlNodeItemType.InnerText; } var iamsCatStatus = string.Empty; if (xmlNodeCatStatus != null) { iamsCatStatus = xmlNodeCatStatus.InnerText; } var xmlTextReaderIams = new XmlTextReader(iamsGetUrl); var xmlDocumentIams = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlDocumentIams.Load(xmlTextReaderIams); } catch { return(null); } var xmlNodeArk = xmlDocumentIams.SelectSingleNode("//MDARK"); var xmlNodeTitle = xmlDocumentIams.SelectSingleNode("//Title"); var xmlNodeSubSubSeries = xmlDocumentIams.SelectSingleNode("//Ancestors//Ancestor[@level='1']//Reference"); var xmlLogicalLabel = xmlDocumentIams.SelectSingleNode("//LogicalLabel"); var xmlLogicalType = xmlDocumentIams.SelectSingleNode("//LogicalType"); var xmlChildRecords = xmlDocumentIams.SelectNodes("//Children//Child//Reference"); var xmlShelfmark = xmlDocumentIams.SelectSingleNode("//Reference"); var logicalLabel = string.Empty; var logicalType = string.Empty; if (xmlNodeArk == null) { return(null); } var iamsArk = xmlNodeArk.InnerText; var iamsRetrievedShelfmark = string.Empty; bool deleteFlagShelfmark = false; if (xmlShelfmark != null) { iamsRetrievedShelfmark = xmlShelfmark.InnerText; } if (iamsRetrievedShelfmark.ToString().Contains("DEL") || iamsRetrievedShelfmark.ToString().Contains(@"D/")) { deleteFlagShelfmark = true; } var iamsTitle = string.Empty; if (xmlNodeTitle != null) { iamsTitle = xmlNodeTitle.InnerText; } var subSubSeries = string.Empty; if (xmlNodeSubSubSeries != null) { subSubSeries = xmlNodeSubSubSeries.InnerText; } if (xmlLogicalLabel != null) { logicalLabel = xmlLogicalLabel.InnerText; } if (xmlLogicalType != null) { logicalType = xmlLogicalType.InnerText; } List <string> childRecordTitles = new List <String>(); List <string> deletedChildRecordTitles = new List <String>(); bool containsDeletedChildRecords = false; if (xmlChildRecords != null) { foreach (XmlNode record in xmlChildRecords) { var innerText = record.InnerText; childRecordTitles.Add(record.InnerText); if (record.InnerText.ToString().Contains("DEL") || record.InnerText.ToString().Contains(@"D/")) { containsDeletedChildRecords = true; deletedChildRecordTitles.Add(record.InnerText); } } } bool isDeleteFlagPresent = false; if (containsDeletedChildRecords || deleteFlagShelfmark) { isDeleteFlagPresent = true; } var iamsItem = new IamsItem { SharepointID = itemID, ItemShelfmark = shelfmark, ItemDescription = iamsTitle, ArkIdentifier = iamsArk, SubSubSeries = subSubSeries, LogicalLabel = logicalLabel, LogicalType = logicalType, ChildRecordTitles = childRecordTitles, DeletedChildRecordTitles = deletedChildRecordTitles, DeleteFlagPresent = isDeleteFlagPresent, ItemType = iamsItemType, CatalogueStatus = iamsCatStatus }; return(iamsItem); }
public static List <AlephItem> GetAlephRecords(HMDObject item) { String shelfmark = item.Shelfmark; String itemID = null; if (item.ID != null) // allows for some flexibility on being tied to sharepoint here { itemID = item.ID; } if (item.SystemNumber.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("No Aleph system number found when attempting to look up Aleph item for shelfmark: {0}", shelfmark); return(null); } var systemNumber = item.SystemNumber; // build the request var alephURL = ""; var alephRequest = alephURL + "?op=find_doc&doc_num=" + systemNumber + "&base=BLL01"; // uses default BL base system number // Run the first request: var xmlTextReaderAleph = new XmlTextReader(alephRequest); var xmlDocumentAleph = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlDocumentAleph.Load(xmlTextReaderAleph); } catch { return(null); } var alephRecords = xmlDocumentAleph.SelectNodes("//find-doc//record//metadata//oai_marc"); foreach (XmlNode element in alephRecords) { var thisvar = element.InnerText; } // this needs sorting out, but basically want a csv to write the attribute ID as a column and the value as a field // not sure what to do yet if the node has sub-lists, but debug this step by step and see if the node type changes? // nodes with sublists are all varfields! List <AlephItem> alephReturnedItems = new List <AlephItem>(); var doc = XDocument.Load(alephRequest); var fixedfields = from @fixedfield in doc.Descendants("fixfield") let fixedfieldName = (string)@fixedfield.Attribute("id") let fixedfieldValue = (string)fixedfield.Value select new { FixedFieldName = fixedfieldName, FixedFieldValue = fixedfieldValue }; var varfields = from @varfield in doc.Descendants("varfield") let varfieldName = (string)@varfield.Attribute("id") from subfield in @varfield.Descendants("subfield") select new { VarfieldName = varfieldName, SubfieldLabel = (string)subfield.Attribute("label"), SubfieldContents = (string)subfield.Value, }; foreach (var field in fixedfields) { var alephItem = new AlephItem(); alephItem.FieldTitle = field.FixedFieldName; alephItem.FieldValue = field.FixedFieldValue; alephReturnedItems.Add(alephItem); } foreach (var field in varfields) { var alephItem = new AlephItem(); alephItem.FieldTitle = field.VarfieldName + field.SubfieldLabel; alephItem.FieldValue = field.SubfieldContents; alephReturnedItems.Add(alephItem); } return(alephReturnedItems); }
public static List <HMDObject> CheckSourceFolderExists(List <HMDSPObject> itemList) { // Need to translate the source folder paths retrieved from Sharepoint // into the actual source folder locations including the shelfmarks // Shelfmarks need to be transformed as per the DIPS naming requirements List <HMDObject> folderExistenceStatus = new List <HMDObject>(); Console.WriteLine("=======================================\nValidating Source Folder Paths\n======================================="); var thisItem = 1; foreach (var item in itemList) { if (itemList.Count > 20) { if (thisItem % 10 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Processing item {0} of {1}", thisItem, itemList.Count); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Processing item {0} of {1}", thisItem, itemList.Count); } thisItem += 1; HMDObject HMDItem = new HMDObject(); // initialise new HMD object with null vals bool sourceFolderValid = false; bool sourceFolderValidElsewhere = false; string fullSourceFolderPath = ""; string ID = item.ID; string Shelfmark = item.Title; string sourceFolderSP = item.Location; string metadataSource = item.MetadataSource; string sysno = item.SystemNumber; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFolderSP)) { string sourceFolder = sourceFolderSP.Replace("////", "//"); sourceFolder = sourceFolder.TrimEnd(); // trims whitespace from end var sf1 = sourceFolder; sourceFolder = sourceFolder.Replace("/", @"\"); var sf2 = sourceFolder; sourceFolder = sourceFolder.Replace(@"file:", @""); var sf3 = sourceFolder; if (sourceFolder.Contains(@"\\\")) { // I haven't seen a case where this makes the source folder fail yet, so this isn't fatal sourceFolder = sourceFolder.Replace(@"\\\", @"\\"); // this is there in some cases... var sf4 = sourceFolder; } if (sourceFolder.Contains(@"%20")) { sourceFolder = sourceFolder.Replace(@"%20", @" "); } var sfAlt2 = sourceFolder.Split('\\')[2]; // Get the part of the string with server name in try { string sfAlt = sourceFolder.Replace(sfAlt2, @"ad\collections"); bool DirectoryExists = false; bool altDirectoryExists = false; if (Directory.Exists(sourceFolder)) // Optimal case - the URL in sharepoint is correct! { sourceFolderValid = true; DirectoryExists = true; fullSourceFolderPath = ConstructFullFolderName(Shelfmark, sourceFolder); } else { altDirectoryExists = Directory.Exists(sfAlt); if (altDirectoryExists) // Next most-optimal case - URL in sharepoint is wrong but it's just the server { sourceFolderValidElsewhere = true; fullSourceFolderPath = ConstructFullFolderName(Shelfmark, sfAlt); } else { fullSourceFolderPath = ""; } } if (!DirectoryExists && altDirectoryExists) { Console.WriteLine("Folder: {0} \t Exists at {1}: {2}", sourceFolder, sfAlt, altDirectoryExists); } else if (!DirectoryExists && !altDirectoryExists) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Folder {0} not found", sourceFolder); } string folderStatus = DirectoryExists.ToString(); HMDItem.ID = ID; HMDItem.Shelfmark = Shelfmark; HMDItem.SourceFolderPath = sourceFolder; HMDItem.FolderStatus = folderStatus; HMDItem.AltDirectoryExists = altDirectoryExists; HMDItem.SourceFolderValid = sourceFolderValid; HMDItem.FullSourceFolderPath = fullSourceFolderPath; HMDItem.SourceFolderPathValidElsewhere = sourceFolderValidElsewhere; HMDItem.MetadataSource = metadataSource; HMDItem.SystemNumber = sysno; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Shelfmark {0}\n Exception: {1}", Shelfmark, ex); bool DirectoryStatus = false; bool altDirectoryStatus = false; HMDItem.ID = ID; HMDItem.Shelfmark = Shelfmark; HMDItem.SourceFolderPath = sourceFolder; HMDItem.FolderStatus = DirectoryStatus.ToString(); HMDItem.AltDirectoryExists = altDirectoryStatus; HMDItem.SourceFolderValid = sourceFolderValid; HMDItem.FullSourceFolderPath = fullSourceFolderPath; HMDItem.SourceFolderPathValidElsewhere = sourceFolderValidElsewhere; HMDItem.MetadataSource = metadataSource; HMDItem.SystemNumber = sysno; folderExistenceStatus.Add(HMDItem); continue; // really need to handle this exception properly! } } else // in case you're passed something with a null value for source folder { bool DirectoryStatus = false; bool altDirectoryStatus = false; HMDItem.ID = ID; HMDItem.Shelfmark = Shelfmark; HMDItem.SourceFolderPath = null; HMDItem.FolderStatus = DirectoryStatus.ToString(); HMDItem.AltDirectoryExists = altDirectoryStatus; HMDItem.SourceFolderValid = false; HMDItem.FullSourceFolderPath = null; HMDItem.SourceFolderPathValidElsewhere = false; HMDItem.MetadataSource = metadataSource; HMDItem.SystemNumber = sysno; } folderExistenceStatus.Add(HMDItem); } return(folderExistenceStatus); }