private void CheckKeybinds(UIGroup pauseMenuGroup) { if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)_modSettings.HideUiKey)) { _isPauseUiHiddenByKeybind = !_isPauseUiHiddenByKeybind; Logger.Get().Info(this, $"Pause UI is now {(_isPauseUiHiddenByKeybind ? "hidden" : "shown")}"); if (_isPauseUiHiddenByKeybind) { // If we toggled the UI off, we hide it if it was shown pauseMenuGroup.SetActive(false); } else if (_canShowPauseUi) { // If we toggled the UI on again and we are in a pause menu // where we can show the UI, we enabled it pauseMenuGroup.SetActive(true); } } }
private void CreateSettingsUI() { _settingsGroup.SetActive(false); var x = 1920f - 210f; var y = 1080f - 75f; CreateTeamSelectionUI(x, ref y); CreateSkinSelectionUI(x, ref y); CreatePingUiToggle(x, ref y); new ButtonComponent( _settingsGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Back" ).SetOnPress(() => { _settingsGroup.SetActive(false); _connectGroup.SetActive(true); }); }
public PingUI( UIGroup pingUiGroup, ModSettings modSettings, ClientManager clientManager, NetClient netClient ) { _pingUiGroup = pingUiGroup; _modSettings = modSettings; _netClient = netClient; // Since we are initially not connected, we disable the object by default pingUiGroup.SetActive(false); new ImageComponent( pingUiGroup, new Vector2( ScreenBorderMargin, 1080f - ScreenBorderMargin), new Vector2(IconSize, IconSize), TextureManager.NetworkIcon ); var pingTextComponent = new TextComponent( pingUiGroup, new Vector2( ScreenBorderMargin + IconSize + IconTextMargin, 1080f - ScreenBorderMargin - 1), new Vector2(TextWidth, TextHeight), "", FontManager.UIFontRegular, 15, alignment: TextAnchor.MiddleLeft ); // Register on update so we can set the text to the latest average RTT MonoBehaviourUtil.Instance.OnUpdateEvent += () => { if (!netClient.IsConnected) { return; } pingTextComponent.SetText(netClient.UpdateManager.AverageRtt.ToString()); }; // Register on connect and disconnect so we can show/hide the ping accordingly clientManager.RegisterOnConnect(() => { SetEnabled(true); }); clientManager.RegisterOnDisconnect(() => { SetEnabled(false); }); }
public UIManager( ServerManager serverManager, ClientManager clientManager, Game.Settings.GameSettings clientGameSettings, Game.Settings.GameSettings serverGameSettings, ModSettings modSettings, NetClient netClient ) { _modSettings = modSettings; // First we create a gameObject that will hold all other objects of the UI UiGameObject = new GameObject(); // Create event system object var eventSystemObj = new GameObject("EventSystem"); var eventSystem = eventSystemObj.AddComponent <EventSystem>(); eventSystem.sendNavigationEvents = true; eventSystem.pixelDragThreshold = 10; eventSystemObj.AddComponent <StandaloneInputModule>(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(eventSystemObj); // Make sure that our UI is an overlay on the screen UiGameObject.AddComponent <Canvas>().renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay; // Also scale the UI with the screen size var canvasScaler = UiGameObject.AddComponent <CanvasScaler>(); canvasScaler.uiScaleMode = CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ScaleWithScreenSize; canvasScaler.referenceResolution = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f); UiGameObject.AddComponent <GraphicRaycaster>(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(UiGameObject); PrecacheText(); var pauseMenuGroup = new UIGroup(false); var connectGroup = new UIGroup(parent: pauseMenuGroup); var clientSettingsGroup = new UIGroup(parent: pauseMenuGroup); var serverSettingsGroup = new UIGroup(parent: pauseMenuGroup); new ConnectUI( modSettings, clientManager, serverManager, connectGroup, clientSettingsGroup, serverSettingsGroup ); var inGameGroup = new UIGroup(); var infoBoxGroup = new UIGroup(parent: inGameGroup); InfoBox = new InfoBoxUI(infoBoxGroup); var pingGroup = new UIGroup(parent: inGameGroup); var pingUi = new PingUI( pingGroup, modSettings, clientManager, netClient ); new ClientSettingsUI( modSettings, clientGameSettings, clientManager, clientSettingsGroup, connectGroup, pingUi ); new ServerSettingsUI( serverGameSettings, modSettings, serverManager, serverSettingsGroup, connectGroup ); // Register callbacks to make sure the UI is hidden and shown at correct times On.HeroController.Pause += (orig, self) => { // Execute original method orig(self); // Only show UI in gameplay scenes if (!SceneUtil.IsNonGameplayScene(SceneUtil.GetCurrentSceneName())) { _canShowPauseUi = true; pauseMenuGroup.SetActive(!_isPauseUiHiddenByKeybind); } inGameGroup.SetActive(false); }; On.HeroController.UnPause += (orig, self) => { // Execute original method orig(self); pauseMenuGroup.SetActive(false); _canShowPauseUi = false; // Only show info box UI in gameplay scenes if (!SceneUtil.IsNonGameplayScene(SceneUtil.GetCurrentSceneName())) { inGameGroup.SetActive(true); } }; UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.activeSceneChanged += (oldScene, newScene) => { if (SceneUtil.IsNonGameplayScene( { eventSystem.enabled = false; _canShowPauseUi = false; pauseMenuGroup.SetActive(false); inGameGroup.SetActive(false); } else { eventSystem.enabled = true; inGameGroup.SetActive(true); } }; // The game is automatically unpaused when the knight dies, so we need // to disable the UI menu manually // TODO: this still gives issues, since it displays the cursor while we are supposed to be unpaused ModHooks.Instance.AfterPlayerDeadHook += () => { pauseMenuGroup.SetActive(false); }; MonoBehaviourUtil.Instance.OnUpdateEvent += () => { CheckKeybinds(pauseMenuGroup); }; }
public void SetEnabled(bool enabled) { _pingUiGroup.SetActive(enabled && _netClient.IsConnected && _modSettings.DisplayPing); }
private void CreateConnectUI() { // Now we can start adding individual components to our UI // Keep track of current x and y of objects we want to place var x = 1920f - 210.0f; var y = 1080f - 75.0f; new TextComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 30), "Multiplayer", FontManager.UIFontRegular, 24 ); y -= 30; new DividerComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 1) ); y -= 30; new TextComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 30), "Join Server", FontManager.UIFontRegular, 18 ); y -= 40; _addressInput = new HiddenInputComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), _modSettings.JoinAddress, "IP Address" ); y -= 40; var joinPort = _modSettings.JoinPort; _portInput = new InputComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), joinPort == -1 ? "" : joinPort.ToString(), "Port", characterValidation: InputField.CharacterValidation.Integer ); y -= 40; var username = _modSettings.Username; _usernameInput = new InputComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), username, "Username" ); y -= 40; var clientSettingsButton = new ButtonComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Settings" ); clientSettingsButton.SetOnPress(() => { _connectGroup.SetActive(false); _clientSettingsGroup.SetActive(true); }); y -= 40; _connectButton = new ButtonComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Connect" ); _connectButton.SetOnPress(OnConnectButtonPressed); _disconnectButton = new ButtonComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Disconnect" ); _disconnectButton.SetOnPress(OnDisconnectButtonPressed); _disconnectButton.SetActive(false); y -= 40; _clientFeedbackText = new TextComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 30), "", FontManager.UIFontBold, 15 ); _clientFeedbackText.SetActive(false); y -= 30; new DividerComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 1) ); y -= 30; new TextComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 30), "Host Server", FontManager.UIFontRegular, 18 ); y -= 40; var serverSettingsButton = new ButtonComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Host Settings" ); serverSettingsButton.SetOnPress(() => { _connectGroup.SetActive(false); _serverSettingsGroup.SetActive(true); }); y -= 40; _startButton = new ButtonComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Start Hosting" ); _startButton.SetOnPress(OnStartButtonPressed); _stopButton = new ButtonComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Stop Hosting" ); _stopButton.SetOnPress(OnStopButtonPressed); _stopButton.SetActive(false); y -= 40; _serverFeedbackText = new TextComponent( _connectGroup, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(200, 30), "", FontManager.UIFontBold, 15 ); _serverFeedbackText.SetActive(false); // Register a callback for when the connection is successful or failed or disconnects _clientManager.RegisterOnDisconnect(OnClientDisconnect); _clientManager.RegisterOnConnect(OnSuccessfulConnect); _clientManager.RegisterOnConnectFailed(OnFailedConnect); }
private void CreateSettingsUI() { _settingsGroup.SetActive(false); const float pageYLimit = 250; var x = 1920f - 210.0f; var y = pageYLimit; const int boolMargin = 75; const int doubleBoolMargin = 100; const int intMargin = 100; const int doubleIntMargin = 125; var settingsUIEntries = new List <SettingsUIEntry>(); var pages = new Dictionary <int, UIGroup>(); var currentPage = 0; UIGroup currentPageGroup = null; foreach (var settingsEntry in _settingsEntries) { if (y <= pageYLimit) { currentPage++; currentPageGroup = new UIGroup(currentPage == 1, _settingsGroup); pages.Add(currentPage, currentPageGroup); y = 1080f - 75.0f; } var nameChars = settingsEntry.Name.ToCharArray(); var font = FontManager.UIFontRegular; var nameWidth = 0; foreach (var nameChar in nameChars) { font.GetCharacterInfo(nameChar, out var characterInfo, 18); nameWidth += characterInfo.advance; } var doubleLine = nameWidth >= SettingsUIEntry.TextWidth; settingsUIEntries.Add(new SettingsUIEntry( currentPageGroup, new Vector2(x, y), settingsEntry.Name, settingsEntry.Type, settingsEntry.DefaultValue, settingsEntry.InitialValue, settingsEntry.ApplySetting, doubleLine )); if (doubleLine) { y -= settingsEntry.Type == typeof(bool) ? doubleBoolMargin : doubleIntMargin; } else { y -= settingsEntry.Type == typeof(bool) ? boolMargin : intMargin; } } y = pageYLimit - 80; var nextPageButton = new ButtonComponent( _settingsGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Next page" ); nextPageButton.SetOnPress(() => { // Disable old current page pages[_currentPage].SetActive(false); // Increment page if we can if (_currentPage < pages.Count) { _currentPage++; } // Enable new current page pages[_currentPage].SetActive(true); }); y -= 40; var previousPageButton = new ButtonComponent( _settingsGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Previous page" ); previousPageButton.SetOnPress(() => { // Disable old current page pages[_currentPage].SetActive(false); // Decrement page if we can if (_currentPage > 1) { _currentPage--; } // Enable new current page pages[_currentPage].SetActive(true); }); y -= 40; var saveSettingsButton = new ButtonComponent( _settingsGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Save settings" ); saveSettingsButton.SetOnPress(() => { // TODO: check if there are actually changes, otherwise this button will // bombard clients with packets foreach (var settingsUIEntry in settingsUIEntries) { settingsUIEntry.ApplySetting(); } _modSettings.GameSettings = _gameSettings; _serverManager.OnUpdateGameSettings(); }); y -= 40; new ButtonComponent( _settingsGroup, new Vector2(x, y), "Back" ).SetOnPress(() => { _settingsGroup.SetActive(false); _connectGroup.SetActive(true); }); }