public bool AddBgxx(Xm_Ss_Bgxx bgxx, List<Item_File> fileInfos) { ArrayList sqls = new ArrayList(); sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildInsertSql(bgxx)); //插入基本信息的文件。 foreach (Item_File fileInfo in fileInfos) { sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildInsertSql(fileInfo)); } return OracleHelper.ExecuteCommand(sqls); }
public bool UpdateBgxxData(Xm_Ss_Bgxx bgxx, ActionEnum gcxxAction, Xm_Gcxx gcxx, Xm_Xmzj xmzjgs, List<Item_File> files) { ArrayList sqls = new ArrayList(); string tmpSql; sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSql(bgxx)); if (gcxx != null) { switch (gcxxAction) { case ActionEnum.Insert: tmpSql = "delete from xm_gcxx where itemcode = '{0}' and stage = '{1}' and xh >= {2}"; tmpSql = string.Format(tmpSql, gcxx.ItemCode, (int)gcxx.Stage, gcxx.Xh); sqls.Add(tmpSql); sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildInsertSql(gcxx)); break; case ActionEnum.Update: sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSql(gcxx)); break; } } if (xmzjgs != null) { tmpSql = "delete from xm_xmzj where itemcode = '{0}' and stage = '{1}' and xh = '{2}'"; tmpSql = string.Format(tmpSql, xmzjgs.ItemCode, (int)xmzjgs.Stage, xmzjgs.Xh); sqls.Add(tmpSql); sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildInsertSql(xmzjgs)); //清空项目所有的文件。 tmpSql = "delete from item_file where itemcode = '{0}' and stage = '{1}' and xh = '{2}' and filecode in ('{3}')"; tmpSql = string.Format(tmpSql, xmzjgs.ItemCode, (int)xmzjgs.Stage, xmzjgs.Xh, (int)FileCode.预算补充文件); sqls.Add(tmpSql); //插入基本信息的文件。 foreach (Item_File fileInfo in files) { sqls.Add(SqlBuilder.BuildInsertSql(fileInfo)); } } return OracleHelper.ExecuteCommand(sqls); }