private void btnImage_Code_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Multi.UseAble) { throw new FormatException("Effect cannot be created from image!\n" + "The scanlines: " + String.Join(", ", Multi.BlackLines) + " " + "would need 3 black sections, and the scanlines: " + String.Join(", ", Multi.WhiteLines) + " at least 3 white ones.\n" + "Both of which cannot be done using only 2 windows without further HDMA (which this tool doesn't implement)"); } else { new ShowCode(Multi.Code()).ShowDialog(); } } catch (FormatException FE) { ShowCode.ShowMessage(FE); } catch (Exception Ex) { ShowCode.ShowMessage(Ex); } }
private void btnMulCod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string code = ""; if (_fg) { code += _mulMath.Code() + "\n"; } code += EffectClasses.FullColorHDMA.Code(_mulRed, _mulGreen, _mulBlue, ChooseChannel.GetOneChannel, ChooseChannel.GetTwoChannel, ChooseChannel.GetThreeChannels); ShowCode.ShowCodeDialog(code); } catch (EffectClasses.AbordException) { } catch (Exception ex) { ShowCode.ShowMessage(ex); } }
private void btnDynamic_Code_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { new ShowCode(Dynamic_Circle.Code()).ShowDialog(); } catch (FormatException FE) { ShowCode.ShowMessage(FE); } catch (Exception Ex) { ShowCode.ShowMessage(Ex); } }