private void tsbtsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string code = txtma.Text; string name = txtname.Text.Replace("'", "''"); string branch = cbbranch.SelectedValue.ToString(); //string branchID = gen.GetString("select BranchID from Branch where BranchCode='" + branch + "'"); string dc = txtdc.Text.Replace("'", "''"); string mst = txtmst.Text; string email = txtemail.Text; if (txtemail.Text != "") { try { gen.GetString("select * from AccountingObject where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtemail.Text + "'"); } catch { XtraMessageBox.Show("Mã khách phụ không tồn tại vui lòng kiểm tra lại.", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } string tknh = txttknh.Text; string tnh = txtnh.Text; string chucdanh = txtcv.Text; string cmnd = txtcmnd.Text; DateTime ngaycap = dtngaycap.Value; DateTime ngaysinh = dtborn.Value; string noicap = txtnoicap.Text; string dtcq = txtdtcq.Text; string dtnr = txtdtnr.Text; string dtdd = txtdtdd.Text; string kh = chbkh.Checked.ToString(); string ncc = chncc.Checked.ToString(); string person = "True"; string ntd = chbntd.Checked.ToString(); string sex; string hsl = txthsl.Text; if (txthsl.Text == "") { hsl = "0"; } string gtgc = txtgtgc.Text.Replace(",", "."); if (rbfemale.Checked == true) { sex = "0"; } else { sex = "1"; } /*if (active == "1") * { * string sql = "update AccountingObject set AccountingObjectName=N'" + name + "',BranchID='" + branchID + "',ContactSex='" + sex + "', * EmployeeBirthday='" + ngaysinh + "',Address=N'" + dc + "',EmailAddress='" + email + "',BankAccount='" + tknh + "',BankName='" + tnh + "', * CompanyTaxCode='" + mst + "',ContactTitle=N'" + chucdanh + "',ContactMobile='" + dtdd + "',ContactOfficeTel='" + dtcq + "', * ContactHomeTel='" + dtnr + "',IsPersonal='" + person + "',IdentificationNumber='" + cmnd + "',IssueDate='" + ngaycap + "', * IssueBy='" + noicap + "',Inactive='" + ntd + "',IsVendor='" + ncc + "',IsCustomer='" + kh + "',FamilyDeductionAmount='" + gtgc + "',SalaryScaleID='" + hsl + "' where AccountingObjectID='" + role + "'"; * nhanvien.checknhanvien(active, txtma, txtname, sql, this); * } * else * { * string nv = "True"; * string insu = "False"; * string labe = "False"; * //string sql = "insert into AccountingObject(AccountingObjectID,AccountingObjectCode,AccountingObjectName,BranchID,Address,EmailAddress,BankAccount,BankName,CompanyTaxCode,ContactTitle,ContactMobile,ContactOfficeTel,ContactHomeTel,IsPersonal,IdentificationNumber,IssueDate,IssueBy,Inactive,IsVendor,IsCustomer,IsEmployee,Insured,LabourUnionFee,FamilyDeductionAmount,AccountingObjectCategory,ContactSex,EmployeeBirthday,SalaryScaleID) values(newid(),'" + code + "',N'" + name + "','" + branchID + "',N'" + dc + "','" + email + "','" + tknh + "','" + tnh + "','" + mst + "',N'" + chucdanh + "','" + dtdd + "','" + dtcq + "','" + dtnr + "','" + person + "','" + cmnd + "','" + ngaycap + "','" + noicap + "','" + ntd + "','" + ncc + "','" + kh + "','" + nv + "','" + insu + "','" + labe + "','" + gtgc + "','','" + sex + "','" + ngaysinh + "','" + hsl + "')"; * //nhanvien.checknhanvien(active, txtma, txtname, sql, this); * }*/ AccountingObject data = new AccountingObject(); if (active == "0") { data.AccountingObjectID = Guid.NewGuid();// tao guiid moi } else { data.AccountingObjectID = Guid.Parse(role);; } //data.ClientID = Globals.clientid; data.CompanyCode = Globals.companycode; data.AccountingObjectCode = code; data.AccountingObjectName = name; data.BranchID = Guid.Parse(branch); data.ContactSex = Int32.Parse(sex); data.EmployeeBirthday = ngaysinh; data.Address = dc; data.EmailAddress = email; data.BankAccount = tknh; data.BankName = tnh; data.CompanyTaxCode = mst; data.ContactTitle = chucdanh; data.ContactMobile = dtdd; data.ContactOfficeTel = dtcq; data.ContactHomeTel = dtnr; data.IsPersonal = true; data.IsEmployee = true; data.IdentificationNumber = cmnd; data.IssueDate = ngaycap; data.ContactTitle = chucdanh; data.IssueBy = noicap; data.Inactive = chbntd.Checked; data.IsVendor = chncc.Checked; data.IsCustomer = chbkh.Checked; try { data.FamilyDeductionAmount = Int32.Parse(gtgc); data.SalaryScaleID = Int32.Parse(hsl); } catch { } var db = gen.GetNewEntity(); // khai bao new entity Framework { try { if (active == "0") { db.AccountingObjects.Add(data); //insert } else { db.Entry(data).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; // update } db.SaveChanges(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Submit successfully", "tsbtsave_Click", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //catch (DbUpdateException ex) // exception khac catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) // exception khac { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.TargetSite + ex.InnerException.Message + active, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtSQL.Text = ex.Message + data + active; } } //lvpq.DataSource = data ; //txtSQL.Text = data.AccountingObjectID + data.AccountingObjectCode; }
private void tsbtsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string code = txtma.Text; string name = txttc.Text.Replace("'", "''"); string branch = cbbranch.SelectedValue.ToString(); // branchID //string branchID = gen.GetString("select BranchID from Branch where BranchCode='" + branch + "'"); string dc = txtdc.Text.Replace("'", "''"); string mst = txtmst.Text; string dt = txtdt.Text; string fax = txtfax.Text; string web = txtwweb.Text; string email = txtemail.Text; if (txtemail.Text != "") { try { gen.GetString("select * from AccountingObject where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtemail.Text + "'"); } catch { XtraMessageBox.Show("Mã khách phụ không tồn tại vui lòng kiểm tra lại.", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } string tknh = txttknh.Text; string tnh = txtnh.Text; string dg = txtdg.Text; string sntd = txtsntd.Text; string hn = txthn.Text; string tinh, quan; try { clsItem cls1 = (clsItem)cbprovince.SelectedItem; tinh = cls1.PstrValue; } catch { tinh = ""; } try { clsItem cls2 = (clsItem)cbdistrist.SelectedItem; quan = cls2.PstrValue; } catch { quan = ""; } string tencon = txttencon.Text.Replace("'", "''"); string chucdanh = txtcdcon.Text; string dccon = txtdccon.Text.Replace("'", "''"); string cmnd = txtscmnd.Text; DateTime ngaycap = dateTimePicker1.Value; string noicap = txtnccon.Text; string dtcq = txtdtcq.Text; string dtnr = txtdtnr.Text; string dtdd = txtdtdd.Text; string emailcon = txtemailcon.Text; string kh, ncc; if (rbkhncc.Checked == true) { kh = "True"; ncc = "True"; } else { kh = rbkh.Checked.ToString(); ncc = rbncc.Checked.ToString(); } string person = rbcn.Checked.ToString(); string ntd = chbntd.Checked.ToString(); string khncc; if (rbkhncc.Checked == true) { khncc = "Khách hàng; Nhà cung cấp"; } else { if (rbncc.Checked == true) { khncc = "Nhà cung cấp"; } else { khncc = "Khách hàng"; } } if (txtma.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Mã khách hàng, nhà cung cấp không được bỏ trống.", "HAMACO"); } else if (txttc.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Tên khách hàng, nhà cung cấp không được bỏ trống.", "HAMACO"); } /*else * { * if (active == "1") * { * try * { * string kq = gen.GetString("select * from hamaco.dbo.AccountingObject where CompanyTaxCode='" + txtmst.Text + "' and CompanyTaxCode<>'' and AccountingObjectCode<>'" + txtma.Text + "'"); * MessageBox.Show("Mã số thuế này đã tồn tại. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại.", "Thông báo"); * return; * } * catch * { * gen.ExcuteNonquery("update hamaco.dbo.AccountingObject set AccountingObjectName=N'" + name + "',BranchID='" + branchID + "',Address=N'" + dc + "',Tel='" + dt + "',Fax='" + fax + "',EmailAddress='" + email + "',Website=N'" + web + "',BankAccount='" + tknh + "',BankName=N'" + tnh + "',CompanyTaxCode='" + mst + "',Description=N'" + dg + "',ContactName=N'" + tencon + "',ContactTitle=N'" + chucdanh + "',ContactMobile='" + dtdd + "',ContactEmail='" + emailcon + "',ContactOfficeTel='" + dtcq + "',ContactHomeTel='" + dtnr + "',ContactAddress=N'" + dccon + "',IsPersonal='" + person + "',IdentificationNumber='" + cmnd + "',IssueDate='" + ngaycap + "',IssueBy=N'" + noicap + "',Inactive='" + ntd + "',DueTime='" + hn + "',MaximizeDebtAmount='" + sntd + "',IsVendor='" + ncc + "',IsCustomer='" + kh + "',Province='" + tinh + "',District='" + quan + "',AccountingObjectCategory=N'" + khncc + "',Village=N'" + cbprovince.Text + "' where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtma.Text + "'"); * gen.ExcuteNonquery("update hamaco_ta.dbo.AccountingObject set AccountingObjectName=N'" + name + "',BranchID='" + branchID + "',Address=N'" + dc + "',Tel='" + dt + "',Fax='" + fax + "',EmailAddress='" + email + "',Website=N'" + web + "',BankAccount='" + tknh + "',BankName=N'" + tnh + "',CompanyTaxCode='" + mst + "',Description=N'" + dg + "',ContactName=N'" + tencon + "',ContactTitle=N'" + chucdanh + "',ContactMobile='" + dtdd + "',ContactEmail='" + emailcon + "',ContactOfficeTel='" + dtcq + "',ContactHomeTel='" + dtnr + "',ContactAddress=N'" + dccon + "',IsPersonal='" + person + "',IdentificationNumber='" + cmnd + "',IssueDate='" + ngaycap + "',IssueBy=N'" + noicap + "',Inactive='" + ntd + "',DueTime='" + hn + "',MaximizeDebtAmount='" + sntd + "',IsVendor='" + ncc + "',IsCustomer='" + kh + "',Province='" + tinh + "',District='" + quan + "',AccountingObjectCategory=N'" + khncc + "',Village=N'" + cbprovince.Text + "' where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtma.Text + "'"); * gen.ExcuteNonquery("update hamaco_tn.dbo.AccountingObject set AccountingObjectName=N'" + name + "',BranchID='" + branchID + "',Address=N'" + dc + "',Tel='" + dt + "',Fax='" + fax + "',EmailAddress='" + email + "',Website=N'" + web + "',BankAccount='" + tknh + "',BankName=N'" + tnh + "',CompanyTaxCode='" + mst + "',Description=N'" + dg + "',ContactName=N'" + tencon + "',ContactTitle=N'" + chucdanh + "',ContactMobile='" + dtdd + "',ContactEmail='" + emailcon + "',ContactOfficeTel='" + dtcq + "',ContactHomeTel='" + dtnr + "',ContactAddress=N'" + dccon + "',IsPersonal='" + person + "',IdentificationNumber='" + cmnd + "',IssueDate='" + ngaycap + "',IssueBy=N'" + noicap + "',Inactive='" + ntd + "',DueTime='" + hn + "',MaximizeDebtAmount='" + sntd + "',IsVendor='" + ncc + "',IsCustomer='" + kh + "',Province='" + tinh + "',District='" + quan + "',AccountingObjectCategory=N'" + khncc + "',Village=N'" + cbprovince.Text + "' where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtma.Text + "'"); * gen.ExcuteNonquery("update hamaco_vithanh.dbo.AccountingObject set AccountingObjectName=N'" + name + "',BranchID='" + branchID + "',Address=N'" + dc + "',Tel='" + dt + "',Fax='" + fax + "',EmailAddress='" + email + "',Website=N'" + web + "',BankAccount='" + tknh + "',BankName=N'" + tnh + "',CompanyTaxCode='" + mst + "',Description=N'" + dg + "',ContactName=N'" + tencon + "',ContactTitle=N'" + chucdanh + "',ContactMobile='" + dtdd + "',ContactEmail='" + emailcon + "',ContactOfficeTel='" + dtcq + "',ContactHomeTel='" + dtnr + "',ContactAddress=N'" + dccon + "',IsPersonal='" + person + "',IdentificationNumber='" + cmnd + "',IssueDate='" + ngaycap + "',IssueBy=N'" + noicap + "',Inactive='" + ntd + "',DueTime='" + hn + "',MaximizeDebtAmount='" + sntd + "',IsVendor='" + ncc + "',IsCustomer='" + kh + "',Province='" + tinh + "',District='" + quan + "',AccountingObjectCategory=N'" + khncc + "',Village=N'" + cbprovince.Text + "' where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtma.Text + "'"); * //gen.ExcuteNonquery("update hamaco_qlk.dbo.AccountingObject set AccountingObjectName=N'" + name + "',BranchID='" + branchID + "',Address=N'" + dc + "',Tel='" + dt + "',Fax='" + fax + "',EmailAddress='" + email + "',Website=N'" + web + "',BankAccount='" + tknh + "',BankName=N'" + tnh + "',CompanyTaxCode='" + mst + "',Description=N'" + dg + "',ContactName=N'" + tencon + "',ContactTitle=N'" + chucdanh + "',ContactMobile='" + dtdd + "',ContactEmail='" + emailcon + "',ContactOfficeTel='" + dtcq + "',ContactHomeTel='" + dtnr + "',ContactAddress=N'" + dccon + "',IsPersonal='" + person + "',IdentificationNumber='" + cmnd + "',IssueDate='" + ngaycap + "',IssueBy=N'" + noicap + "',Inactive='" + ntd + "',DueTime='" + hn + "',MaximizeDebtAmount='" + sntd + "',IsVendor='" + ncc + "',IsCustomer='" + kh + "',Province='" + tinh + "',District='" + quan + "',AccountingObjectCategory=N'" + khncc + "',Village=N'" + cbprovince.Text + "' where AccountingObjectCode='" + txtma.Text + "'"); * this.myac(); * this.Close(); * } * } * else * { * try * { * string kq = gen.GetString("select * from hamaco.dbo.AccountingObject where CompanyTaxCode='" + txtmst.Text + "' and CompanyTaxCode<>''"); * MessageBox.Show("Mã số thuế này đã tồn tại. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại.", "Thông báo"); * return; * } * catch * { * string nv = "False"; * string insu = "False"; * string labe = "False"; * string sql = "insert into hamaco.dbo.AccountingObject(AccountingObjectID,AccountingObjectCode,AccountingObjectName,BranchID,Address,Tel,Fax,EmailAddress,Website,BankAccount,BankName,CompanyTaxCode,Description,ContactName,ContactTitle,ContactMobile,ContactEmail,ContactOfficeTel,ContactHomeTel,ContactAddress,IsPersonal,IdentificationNumber,IssueDate,IssueBy,Inactive,DueTime,MaximizeDebtAmount,IsVendor,IsCustomer,Province,District,IsEmployee,Insured,LabourUnionFee,FamilyDeductionAmount,AccountingObjectCategory,Village) values(newid(),'" + code + "',N'" + name + "','" + branchID + "',N'" + dc + "','" + dt + "','" + fax + "','" + email + "',N'" + web + "','" + tknh + "',N'" + tnh + "','" + mst + "',N'" + dg + "',N'" + tencon + "',N'" + chucdanh + "','" + dtdd + "','" + emailcon + "','" + dtcq + "','" + dtnr + "',N'" + dccon + "','" + person + "','" + cmnd + "','" + ngaycap + "',N'" + noicap + "','" + ntd + "','" + hn + "','" + sntd + "','" + ncc + "','" + kh + "','" + tinh + "','" + quan + "','" + nv + "','" + insu + "','" + labe + "','0',N'" + khncc + "',N'" + cbprovince.Text + "')"; * cuspro.checkcuspro(active, txtma, txttc, sql, this); * } * } * if (active == "1") * gen.ExcuteNonquery("insert into MSC_Auditting_Log(EventID,LoginName,ComputerName,Time,PermissionTypeAlias,Reference) values(newid(),'" + gen.GetString("select UserName from MSC_User where UserID='" + userid + "'").ToString() + "','" + System.Environment.MachineName + "',GETDATE(),N'Sửa mã khách','" + txtma.Text + "')"); * else * gen.ExcuteNonquery("insert into MSC_Auditting_Log(EventID,LoginName,ComputerName,Time,PermissionTypeAlias,Reference) values(newid(),'" + gen.GetString("select UserName from MSC_User where UserID='" + userid + "'").ToString() + "','" + System.Environment.MachineName + "',GETDATE(),N'Thêm mã khách','" + txtma.Text + "')"); * }*/ AccountingObject data = new AccountingObject(); if (active == "0") { data.AccountingObjectID = Guid.NewGuid();// tao guiid moi } else { data.AccountingObjectID = Guid.Parse(role);; } //data.ClientID = Globals.clientid; data.CompanyCode = Globals.companycode; data.AccountingObjectCode = code; data.AccountingObjectName = name; //data.BranchID = Guid.Parse(branch); data.Address = dc; data.EmailAddress = email; data.BankAccount = tknh; data.BankName = tnh; data.CompanyTaxCode = mst; data.ContactTitle = chucdanh; data.ContactMobile = dtdd; data.ContactOfficeTel = dtcq; data.ContactHomeTel = dtnr; data.IsPersonal = true; data.IsEmployee = false; data.IdentificationNumber = cmnd; data.IssueDate = ngaycap; data.ContactTitle = chucdanh; data.IssueBy = noicap; data.Tel = txtdt.Text; data.Fax = txtfax.Text; data.Website = txtwweb.Text; data.Description = txtdg.Text; try { data.MaximizeDebtAmount = Int32.Parse(txtsntd.Text); data.DueTime = Int32.Parse(txthn.Text); } catch { } data.ContactName = txttencon.Text; data.ContactAddress = txtdccon.Text; data.ContactEmail = txtemailcon.Text; data.Inactive = chbntd.Checked; if (rbkhncc.Checked == true) { data.IsCustomer = true; data.IsVendor = true; } else { if (rbncc.Checked == true) { data.IsVendor = true; } else { data.IsCustomer = true; } } try { //data.BranchID = Guid.Parse(cbbranch.Text); data.BranchID = Guid.Parse(branch); } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.TargetSite + ex.InnerException.Message + active, "branch", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } data.Inactive = chbntd.Checked; data.IsPersonal = rbcn.Checked; data.Province = tinh; data.District = quan; var db = gen.GetNewEntity(); // khai bao new entity Framework { try { if (active == "0") { db.AccountingObjects.Add(data); //insert } else { db.Entry(data).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; // update } db.SaveChanges(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Submit successfully", "tsbtsave_Click", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //catch (DbUpdateException ex) // exception khac catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) // exception khac { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.TargetSite + ex.InnerException.Message + active, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // txtSQL.Text = ex.Message + data + active; } } }