private void validateInput() { byte unk6, anisotropy; ushort textureIndex, unkC; uint flags, unk10; bool unk6Valid, anisotropyValid, textureIndexValid, unkCValid, flagsValid, unk10Valid; flagsValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.flagsTextBox.Text, out flags, "Flags is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); textureIndexValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.textureIndexTextBox.Text, out textureIndex, "Texture Index is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); unk6Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToByte(this.unknown6TextBox.Text, out unk6, "Unknown 6 is not a valid 1 byte hex value"); anisotropyValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToByte(this.anistropyTextBox.Text, out anisotropy, "Anisotropy is not a valid 1 byte hex value"); unkCValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.unknownCTextBox.Text, out unkC, "Unknown C is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); unk10Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.unknown10TextBox.Text, out unk10, "Unknown 10 is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); foreach (GcmfMaterial material in materials) { if (flagsValid) { material.Flags = flags; } if (textureIndexValid) { material.TextureIdx = textureIndex; } if (unk6Valid) { material.Unk6 = unk6; } if (anisotropyValid) { material.AnisotropyLevel = anisotropy; } if (unkCValid) { material.UnkC = unkC; } if (unk10Valid) { material.Unk10 = unk10; } } }
private void validateInput() { ushort unk10, unk14, unk16, unk18, unk1A; uint renderFlags, unk4, unk8, unkC, unk40; uint layer; bool unk10Valid, unk14Valid, unk16Valid, unk18Valid, unk1AValid, renderFlagsValid, unk4Valid, unk8Valid, unkCValid, unk40Valid, layerValid; float boundingSphereX, boundingSphereY, boundingSphereZ, unk3C, primaryXCoordScale, primaryYCoordScale, secondaryXCoordScale, secondaryYCoordScale; bool boundingSphereXValid, boundingSphereYValid, boundingSphereZValid, unk3CValid, primXValid, primYValid, secXValid, secYValid; renderFlagsValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.renderFlagsTextBox.Text, out renderFlags, "Render Flags is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); layerValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.layerTextBox.Text, out layer, "Layer is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); if (layer != 0 && layer != 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Layer is not 0 or 1"); } unk4Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.unknown4TextBox.Text, out unk4, "Vertex Shading A 0x04 is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); unk8Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.unknown8TextBox.Text, out unk8, "Vertex Shading B 0x08 is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); unkCValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.unknownCTextBox.Text, out unkC, "Specular Tint 0x0C is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); unk10Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.unknown10TextBox.Text, out unk10, "Transparency 0x10 is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); unk14Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.unknown14TextBox.Text, out unk14, "Unknown 0x14 is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); unk16Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.unknown16TextBox.Text, out unk16, "Primary Material Index 0x16 is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); unk18Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.unknown18TextBox.Text, out unk18, "Secondary Material Index 0x18 is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); unk1AValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToShort(this.unknown1ATextBox.Text, out unk1A, "Tertiary Material Index 0x1A is not a valid 2 byte hex value"); byte[] matrixSpecificIds = new byte[8]; bool[] matrixSpecificIdsValid = new bool[8]; matrixSpecificIdsValid[0] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId1TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[0], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id One is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[1] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId2TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[1], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Two is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[2] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId3TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[2], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Three is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[3] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId4TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[3], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Four is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[4] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId5TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[4], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Five is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[5] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId6TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[5], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Six is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[6] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId7TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[6], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Seven is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixSpecificIdsValid[7] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.matrixId8TextBox.Text, out matrixSpecificIds[7], "Transformation Matrix Specific Id Eight is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); boundingSphereXValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereCenterXTextBox.Text, out boundingSphereX, "Bounding Sphere Center X is not a valid float value"); boundingSphereYValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereCenterYTextBox.Text, out boundingSphereY, "Bounding Sphere Center Y is not a valid float value"); boundingSphereZValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereCenterZTextBox.Text, out boundingSphereZ, "Bounding Sphere Center Z is not a valid float value"); unk3CValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.unknown3CTextBox.Text, out unk3C, "Unknown 0x3C is not a valid float value"); unk40Valid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.unknown40TextBox.Text, out unk40, "Unknown 0x40 is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); primXValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.primaryXCoordScale.Text, out primaryXCoordScale, "Primary X coordinate scale is not a valid float value"); primYValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.primaryYCoordScale.Text, out primaryYCoordScale, "Primary Y coordinate scale is not a valid float value"); secXValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.secondaryXCoordScale.Text, out secondaryXCoordScale, "Secondary X coordinate scale is not a valid float value"); secYValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.secondaryYCoordScale.Text, out secondaryYCoordScale, "Secondary Y coordinate scale is not a valid float value"); foreach (GcmfMesh mesh in meshes) { if (renderFlagsValid) { mesh.RenderFlags = (GcmfMesh.RenderFlag)renderFlags; } if (layerValid) { mesh.Layer = (GcmfMesh.MeshLayer)layer; } if (unk4Valid) { mesh.Unk4 = unk4; } if (unk8Valid) { mesh.Unk8 = unk8; } if (unkCValid) { mesh.UnkC = unkC; } if (unk10Valid) { mesh.Unk10 = unk10; } if (unk14Valid) { mesh.Unk14 = unk14; } if (unk16Valid) { mesh.PrimaryMaterialIdx = unk16; } if (unk18Valid) { mesh.SecondaryMaterialIdx = unk18; } if (unk1AValid) { mesh.TertiaryMaterialIdx = unk1A; } mesh.calculatedUsedMaterialCount = Convert.ToByte(((unk16 != ushort.MaxValue) ? 1 : 0) + ((unk18 != ushort.MaxValue) ? 1 : 0) + ((unk1A != ushort.MaxValue) ? 1 : 0)); for (int i = 0; i < matrixSpecificIds.Length; i++) { if (matrixSpecificIdsValid[i]) { mesh.TransformMatrixSpecificIdxsObj1[i] = matrixSpecificIds[i]; } } float bSphereX, bSphereY, bSphereZ; if (boundingSphereXValid) { bSphereX = boundingSphereX; } else { bSphereX = mesh.BoundingSphereCenter.X; } if (boundingSphereYValid) { bSphereY = boundingSphereY; } else { bSphereY = mesh.BoundingSphereCenter.Y; } if (boundingSphereZValid) { bSphereZ = boundingSphereZ; } else { bSphereZ = mesh.BoundingSphereCenter.Z; } mesh.BoundingSphereCenter = new OpenTK.Vector3(bSphereX, bSphereY, bSphereZ); if (unk3CValid) { mesh.Unk3C = unk3C; } if (unk40Valid) { mesh.Unk40 = unk40; } if ((primXValid) && (primYValid) && !(primaryXCoordScale == 1 && primaryYCoordScale == 1)) { OpenTK.Vector2 primaryScaleFactor = new OpenTK.Vector2(primaryXCoordScale, primaryYCoordScale); foreach (GcmfTriangleStrip strip in mesh.Obj1StripsCcw) { foreach (GcmfVertex vert in strip) { vert.PrimaryTexCoord = OpenTK.Vector2.Divide((OpenTK.Vector2)vert.PrimaryTexCoord, primaryScaleFactor); } } foreach (GcmfTriangleStrip strip in mesh.Obj1StripsCw) { foreach (GcmfVertex vert in strip) { vert.PrimaryTexCoord = OpenTK.Vector2.Divide((OpenTK.Vector2)vert.PrimaryTexCoord, primaryScaleFactor); } } } if ((secXValid) && (secYValid) && !(secondaryXCoordScale == 1 && secondaryYCoordScale == 1)) { try { OpenTK.Vector2 secondaryScaleFactor = new OpenTK.Vector2(secondaryXCoordScale, secondaryYCoordScale); foreach (GcmfTriangleStrip strip in mesh.Obj1StripsCcw) { foreach (GcmfVertex vert in strip) { vert.SecondaryTexCoord = OpenTK.Vector2.Divide((OpenTK.Vector2)vert.SecondaryTexCoord, secondaryScaleFactor); } } foreach (GcmfTriangleStrip strip in mesh.Obj1StripsCw) { foreach (GcmfVertex vert in strip) { vert.SecondaryTexCoord = OpenTK.Vector2.Divide((OpenTK.Vector2)vert.SecondaryTexCoord, secondaryScaleFactor); } } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show("This mesh does not have any secondary texture coordinates to scale. No scaling was applied.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
private void validateInput() { // Validate input uint sectionFlags; bool sectionFlagsValid; sectionFlagsValid = FlagHelper.parseHexToInt32(this.sectionFlagsTextBox.Text, out sectionFlags, "Section Flags is not a valid 4 byte hex value"); float boundingSphereX, boundingSphereY, boundingSphereZ, boundingSphereRadius; bool boundingSphereXValid, boundingSphereYValid, boundingSphereZValid, boundingSphereRadiusValid; boundingSphereXValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereCenterX.Text, out boundingSphereX, "Bounding Sphere Center X is not a valid float value"); boundingSphereYValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereCenterY.Text, out boundingSphereY, "Bounding Sphere Center Y is not a valid float value"); boundingSphereZValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereCenterZ.Text, out boundingSphereZ, "Bounding Sphere Center Z is not a valid float value"); boundingSphereRadiusValid = FlagHelper.parseFloat(this.boundingSphereRadius.Text, out boundingSphereRadius, "Bounding Sphere Radius is not a valid float value"); byte[] matrixDefaultIds = new byte[8]; bool[] matrixDefaultIdsValid = new bool[8]; matrixDefaultIdsValid[0] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdOne.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[0], "Transformation Matrix Default Id One is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[1] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdTwo.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[1], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Two is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[2] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdThree.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[2], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Three is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[3] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdFour.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[3], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Four is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[4] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdFive.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[4], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Five is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[5] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdSix.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[5], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Six is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[6] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdSeven.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[6], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Seven is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); matrixDefaultIdsValid[7] = FlagHelper.parseByte(this.transformationMatrixDefaultIdEight.Text, out matrixDefaultIds[7], "Transformation Matrix Default Id Eight is not a valid byte value (0-255)"); foreach (Gcmf model in models) { // Copy new values if (sectionFlagsValid) { model.SectionFlags = sectionFlags; } float bSphereX, bSphereY, bSphereZ; if (boundingSphereXValid) { bSphereX = boundingSphereX; } else { bSphereX = model.BoundingSphereCenter.X; } if (boundingSphereYValid) { bSphereY = boundingSphereY; } else { bSphereY = model.BoundingSphereCenter.Y; } if (boundingSphereZValid) { bSphereZ = boundingSphereZ; } else { bSphereZ = model.BoundingSphereCenter.Z; } model.BoundingSphereCenter = new OpenTK.Vector3(bSphereX, bSphereY, bSphereZ); if (boundingSphereRadiusValid) { model.BoundingSphereRadius = boundingSphereRadius; } for (int i = 0; i < matrixDefaultIds.Length; i++) { if (matrixDefaultIdsValid[i]) { model.TransformMatrixDefaultIdxs[i] = matrixDefaultIds[i]; } } } }