AppendNode() public method

public AppendNode ( ) : Gtk.TreeIter
return Gtk.TreeIter
        public TreeIter AddAddin(AddinHeader info, object dataItem, AddinStatus status)
            addinData [info] = dataItem;
            TreeIter iter;

            if (ShowCategories)
                TreeIter piter = TreeIter.Zero;
                if (info.Category == "")
                    string otherCat = Catalog.GetString("Other");
                    piter = FindCategory(otherCat);
                    piter = FindCategory(info.Category);
                iter = treeStore.AppendNode(piter);
                iter = treeStore.AppendNode();
            UpdateRow(iter, info, dataItem, status);
 public static TreeModel CreateLeagueList(Country country)
     #if DEBUG
     TreeStore ls = new TreeStore (typeof(string));
     TreeIter iter = ls.AppendNode ();
     ls.SetValue (iter, 0, Catalog.GetString ("Current league"));
     foreach (League league in country.Leagues) {
         iter = ls.AppendNode ();
         ls.SetValue (iter, 0,;
     return ls;
        public TreePosition AddChild(TreePosition pos)
            IterPos tpos = GetIterPos(pos);

            Gtk.TreeIter it;
            if (pos == null)
                it = Tree.AppendNode();
                it = Tree.AppendNode(tpos.Iter);
            return(new IterPos(version, it));
        public TreeIter AddAddin(AddinHeader info, object dataItem, bool enabled, bool userDir)
            Gdk.Pixbuf icon;
            if (userDir)
                icon = userPackage;
                icon = package;

            addinData [info] = dataItem;
            TreeIter piter = TreeIter.Zero;

            if (info.Category == "")
                string otherCat = Catalog.GetString("Other");
                piter = FindCategory(otherCat);
                piter = FindCategory(info.Category);

            TreeIter iter = treeStore.AppendNode(piter);

            UpdateRow(iter, info, dataItem, enabled, icon);
        public OriginView(Battle.Core.BattleSession session, Battle.Core.OriginDefinition orig) : base(5, 2, false)
            this.SizeRequested += HandleSizeRequested;
            this.SizeAllocated += HandleSizeAllocated;
            //this.session = session;
            //this.orig = orig;

            Label label1 = new Label("Name: ");
            Label label2 = new Label("Description: ");
            Entry entry1 = new Entry();
            Entry entry2 = new Entry();

            entry1.IsEditable = false;
            entry1.Text       = orig.Name;

            entry2.IsEditable = false;
            entry2.Text       = orig.Description;

            Gtk.TreeStore store1 = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string));
            foreach (string prov in orig.Provides())
                //string[] vs = new string[1];
                //vs[0] = prov;
                TreeIter i = store1.AppendNode();
                store1.SetValue(i, 0, prov);
            TreeView treeview1 = new TreeView(store1);

            treeview1.AppendColumn("Provides", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            Gtk.TreeStore store2 = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string));
            foreach (string req in orig.Requires())
                string[] vs = new string[1];
                vs[0] = req;
            TreeView treeview2 = new TreeView(store2);

            treeview2.AppendColumn("Requires", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            this.Attach(new Label("Origin"), 0, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0);

            this.Attach(label1, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            this.Attach(entry1, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0);

            this.Attach(label2, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            this.Attach(entry2, 1, 2, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0);

            this.Attach(treeview1, 0, 2, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 1, 1);

            this.Attach(treeview2, 0, 2, 4, 5, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 1, 1);
        public OriginView(Battle.Core.BattleSession session, Battle.Core.OriginDefinition orig)
            : base(5, 2, false)
            this.SizeRequested += HandleSizeRequested;
            this.SizeAllocated += HandleSizeAllocated;
            //this.session = session;
            //this.orig = orig;

            Label label1 = new Label("Name: ");
            Label label2 = new Label("Description: ");
            Entry entry1 = new Entry();
            Entry entry2 = new Entry();

            entry1.IsEditable = false;
            entry1.Text = orig.Name;

            entry2.IsEditable = false;
            entry2.Text = orig.Description;

            Gtk.TreeStore store1 = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string));
            foreach (string prov in orig.Provides())
                //string[] vs = new string[1];
                //vs[0] = prov;
                TreeIter i =  store1.AppendNode();
                store1.SetValue(i, 0, prov);
            TreeView treeview1 = new TreeView(store1);
            treeview1.AppendColumn("Provides", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            Gtk.TreeStore store2 = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string));
            foreach (string req in orig.Requires())
                string[] vs = new string[1];
                vs[0] = req;
            TreeView treeview2 = new TreeView(store2);
            treeview2.AppendColumn("Requires", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            this.Attach(new Label("Origin"), 0, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0);

            this.Attach(label1, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            this.Attach(entry1, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0);

            this.Attach(label2, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            this.Attach(entry2, 1, 2, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0);

            this.Attach(treeview1, 0, 2, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 1, 1);

            this.Attach(treeview2, 0, 2, 4, 5, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 1, 1);
        /** Create the model for the startup country files combo.
         * @param countryList The List of country files found */
        public static TreeModel CreateCountryList(string[] countryList)
            #if DEBUG
            TreeStore ls = new TreeStore(typeof(Pixbuf), typeof(string));
            TreeIter iterContinent = new TreeIter ();
            string currentContinent = string.Empty;
            foreach (string country in countryList) {
                string[] elements = country.Split(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string continent = elements [0];
                if (continent != currentContinent) {
                    iterContinent = ls.AppendNode ();
                    ls.SetValue(iterContinent, 1, continent);
                    currentContinent = continent;

                Pixbuf flag = PixbufFromFilename (string.Format ("flag_{0}.png", elements [1]));
                TreeIter iterCountry = ls.AppendNode (iterContinent);
                ls.SetValues(iterCountry, flag, elements[1]);
            return ls;
        /** Fill a tree model with the users. */
        public static TreeModel CreateUsers()
            #if DEBUG
            TreeStore ls = new TreeStore(typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string));
            for (int i = 0; i < Variables.Users.Count; i++) {
                TreeIter iter = ls.AppendNode ();
                ls.SetValues (iter, i + 1, Variables.Users [i].Name, Variables.Users [i];

                if (Variables.status [0] == StatusValue.STATUS_TEAM_SELECTION) {
                    if (Variables.Users [i].Scout == Quality.QUALITY_NONE) {
                        ls.SetValue (iter, 3, Variables.LeagueCupGetName(Variables.Users[i].Team.clid));
                    } else {
                        int index = (int)Variables.Users [i].Scout;
                        ls.SetValue (iter, 3, Variables.Country.Leagues[index].name);
                } else {
                    ls.SetValue (iter, 3, Variables.LeagueCupGetName(Variables.Users[i].Team.clid));
            return ls;
  * Creates the model for the treeview in the team selection window.
  * The model contains a list of all the teams from the leagues in
  * the country::leagues array; if show_cup_teams is TRUE, the
  * teams from international cups are shown, too.
  * @param show_cup_teams Whether or not teams from international
  * cups are shown.
  * @param show_user_teams Whether or not user teams are shown.
  * @return The model containing the team names.
 public static TreeModel CreateTeamSelectionList(Country country, bool showCupTeams, bool showUserTeams)
     #if DEBUG
     int count = 1;
     TreeStore ls = new TreeStore(typeof(int), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(Team), typeof(string), typeof(Team));
     for (int i = 0; i < country.Leagues.Count; i++) {
         League league = country.Leagues [i];
         for (int j = 0; j < league.teams.Count; j++) {
             Team team = league.teams [j];
             if (!team.IsUserTeam())
                 Pixbuf symbol = PixbufFromFilename (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (team.symbol) ? team.symbol : league.symbol);
                 TreeIter iter = ls.AppendNode();
                 ls.SetValues (iter, count++, symbol, team,, team);
     if (showCupTeams) {
     return ls;
 private TreeStore populateTreeStoreFromSession()
     TreeStore ts = new TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));
     TreeIter iter;
     TreeIter parent = ts.AppendNode();
     iter = parent;
     ts.SetValues(iter, "Nanoc","Human, male");
     iter = ts.AppendNode(iter);
     ts.SetValues(iter, "Abilities", "");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Charisma","0");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Dexterity","+1");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Intelligence", "0");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Power","0");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Perception","+1");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Strength","+4");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Stamina","+2");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Willpower","+1");
     iter = ts.AppendNode(parent);
     ts.SetValues(iter, "Experience", "");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Level", "1");
     ts.AppendValues(iter, "Barbarian", "230");
     iter = ts.AppendNode(parent);
     ts.SetValues(iter, "Adventures", "");
     return ts;
        private void ShowAdd2Page()

            Header = CmisSync.Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString("Which", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            VBox layout_vertical   = new VBox (false, 12);

            Button cancel_button = new Button (cancelText);
            cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {
                Controller.PageCancelled ();

            Button continue_button = new Button (continueText)
                Sensitive = false
            continue_button.Clicked += delegate {
                        Controller.saved_repository, Controller.saved_remote_path);

            Button back_button = new Button (backText)
                Sensitive = true
            back_button.Clicked += delegate {

            TreeStore repoStore = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof (string), typeof (SelectionTreeItem));
            TreeIter iter;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> repository in Controller.repositories)
                iter = repoStore.AppendNode();
                repoStore.SetValues(iter, repository.Value , new SelectionTreeItem(repository.Key, "/"));
            Gtk.TreeView treeView = new Gtk.TreeView(repoStore);
            treeView.HeadersVisible = false;
            treeView.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Single;
            treeView.AppendColumn("Name", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);
            treeView.CursorChanged += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {
                TreeSelection selection = (o as TreeView).Selection;
                TreeModel model;
                if (selection.GetSelected(out model, out iter)) {
                    SelectionTreeItem sti = model.GetValue(iter, 1) as SelectionTreeItem;

                    // Identify the selected remote path.
                    Controller.saved_remote_path = sti.fullPath;

                    // Identify the selected repository.
                    TreeIter cnode = iter;
                    TreeIter pnode = iter;
                    while (model.IterParent(out pnode, cnode)) {
                        cnode = pnode;
                    Controller.saved_repository = (model.GetValue(cnode, 1) as SelectionTreeItem).repository;

                    // Load sub-folders if it has not been done already.
                    // We use each item's Tag to store metadata: whether this item's subfolders have been loaded or not.
                    if (sti.childrenLoaded == false)
                        this.GdkWindow.Cursor = wait_cursor;

                        // Get list of subfolders asynchronously
                        GetSubfoldersDelegate dlgt = new GetSubfoldersDelegate(CmisUtils.GetSubfolders);
                        IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(Controller.saved_repository,
                                Controller.saved_remote_path, Controller.saved_address,
                                Controller.saved_user, Controller.saved_password, null, null);
                        while (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) {
                            while (Application.EventsPending()) {
                        string[] subfolders = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar);

                        TreePath tp = null;
                        // Create a sub-item for each subfolder
                        foreach (string subfolder in subfolders) {
                            TreeIter newchild = repoStore.AppendNode(iter);
                            repoStore.SetValues(newchild, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(subfolder),
                                    new SelectionTreeItem(null, subfolder));
                            if (null == tp) {
                                tp = repoStore.GetPath(newchild);
                        sti.childrenLoaded = true;
                        if (null != tp) {
                        this.GdkWindow.Cursor = default_cursor;
                    continue_button.Sensitive = true;


            ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow() {
                ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In

            layout_vertical.PackStart (new Label(""), false, false, 0);
            layout_vertical.PackStart (sw, true, true, 0);
        private void ShowAdd2Page()
            Header = CmisSync.Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString("Which", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            VBox layout_vertical = new VBox(false, 12);

            Button cancel_button = new Button(cancelText);

            cancel_button.Clicked += delegate {

            Button continue_button = new Button(continueText)
                Sensitive = false

            continue_button.Clicked += delegate {
                    Controller.saved_repository, Controller.saved_remote_path);

            Button back_button = new Button(backText)
                Sensitive = true

            back_button.Clicked += delegate {

            TreeStore repoStore = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(SelectionTreeItem));
            TreeIter  iter;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> repository in Controller.repositories)
                iter = repoStore.AppendNode();
                repoStore.SetValues(iter, repository.Value, new SelectionTreeItem(repository.Key, "/"));
            Gtk.TreeView treeView = new Gtk.TreeView(repoStore);
            treeView.HeadersVisible = false;
            treeView.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Single;
            treeView.AppendColumn("Name", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);
            treeView.CursorChanged += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) {
                TreeSelection selection = (o as TreeView).Selection;
                TreeModel     model;
                if (selection.GetSelected(out model, out iter))
                    SelectionTreeItem sti = model.GetValue(iter, 1) as SelectionTreeItem;

                    // Identify the selected remote path.
                    Controller.saved_remote_path = sti.fullPath;

                    // Identify the selected repository.
                    TreeIter cnode = iter;
                    TreeIter pnode = iter;
                    while (model.IterParent(out pnode, cnode))
                        cnode = pnode;
                    Controller.saved_repository = (model.GetValue(cnode, 1) as SelectionTreeItem).repository;

                    // Load sub-folders if it has not been done already.
                    // We use each item's Tag to store metadata: whether this item's subfolders have been loaded or not.
                    if (sti.childrenLoaded == false)
                        this.GdkWindow.Cursor = wait_cursor;

                        // Get list of subfolders asynchronously
                        GetSubfoldersDelegate dlgt = new GetSubfoldersDelegate(CmisUtils.GetSubfolders);
                        IAsyncResult          ar   = dlgt.BeginInvoke(Controller.saved_repository,
                                                                      Controller.saved_remote_path, Controller.saved_address.ToString(),
                                                                      Controller.saved_user, Controller.saved_password, null, null);
                        while (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100))
                            while (Application.EventsPending())
                        string[] subfolders = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar);

                        TreePath tp = null;
                        // Create a sub-item for each subfolder
                        foreach (string subfolder in subfolders)
                            TreeIter newchild = repoStore.AppendNode(iter);
                            repoStore.SetValues(newchild, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(subfolder),
                                                new SelectionTreeItem(null, subfolder));
                            if (null == tp)
                                tp = repoStore.GetPath(newchild);
                        sti.childrenLoaded = true;
                        if (null != tp)
                        this.GdkWindow.Cursor = default_cursor;
                    continue_button.Sensitive = true;

            ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow()
                ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In


            layout_vertical.PackStart(new Label(""), false, false, 0);
            layout_vertical.PackStart(sw, true, true, 0);
        public DemoMain()
            window = new Gtk.Window("TestForm1");
            Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 0);
            hbox1 = new Gtk.HBox(false, 0);
            Gtk.HBox hbox2 = new Gtk.HBox(false, 0);
            Gtk.HBox hbox3 = new Gtk.HBox(false, 0);
            window.SetDefaultSize(600, 400);
            window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler(WindowDelete);

            button1          = new Gtk.Button("button1");
            button1.Clicked += Button1Clicked;
            button2          = new Gtk.Button("button2");
            button3          = new Gtk.Button("button3");
            Gtk.Button button4 = new Gtk.Button("button4");
            button4.Clicked += Button4Clicked;
            Gtk.Button button5 = new Gtk.Button("button5");
            Gtk.Button button6 = new Gtk.Button("button6");
            Gtk.Button button7 = new Gtk.Button("button7");
            button7.Sensitive = false;

            scaleButton1 = new Gtk.ScaleButton(0, 0, 100, 10, new string [0]);


            button3.Accessible.Description = "help text 3";
            button3.Sensitive = false;

            label1 = new Gtk.Label("label1");

            textBox1 = new Gtk.Entry();
            Gtk.Entry textBox2 = new Gtk.Entry();
            textBox2.Visibility = false;
            textBox2.Sensitive  = false;
            textBox2.IsEditable = false;
            textBox3            = new Gtk.TextView();
            // TODO: scrollbars
            Gtk.CheckButton checkbox1 = new Gtk.CheckButton("checkbox1");
            Gtk.CheckButton checkbox2 = new Gtk.CheckButton("checkbox2");
            checkbox2.Sensitive = false;

            Gtk.TreeStore   store = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));
            Gtk.TreeIter [] iters = new Gtk.TreeIter [2];
            iters [0] = store.AppendNode();
            store.SetValues(iters [0], "item 1", "item 1 (2)");
            iters [1] = store.AppendNode(iters [0]);
            store.SetValues(iters [1], "item 1a", "item 1a (2)");
            iters [0] = store.AppendNode();
            store.SetValues(iters [0], "item 2", "item 2 (2)");
            iters [1] = store.AppendNode(iters [0]);
            store.SetValues(iters [1], "item 2a", "item 2a (2)");
            iters [1] = store.AppendNode(iters [0]);
            store.SetValues(iters [1], "item 2b", "item 2b (2)");
            treeView1 = new Gtk.TreeView(store);
            AddTreeViewColumn(treeView1, 0, "column 1");

            treeView2 = new Gtk.TreeView(store);
            AddTreeViewColumn(treeView2, 0, "column 1");
            AddTreeViewColumn(treeView2, 1, "column 2");
            treeView2.Accessible.Name = "treeView2";

            tableStore = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string));
            iters [0]  = tableStore.AppendNode();
            tableStore.SetValues(iters [0], "False", "Alice", "24", "");
            iters [0] = tableStore.AppendNode();
            tableStore.SetValues(iters [0], "True", "Bob", "28", "");
            dataGridView1 = new Gtk.TreeView(tableStore);
            dataGridView1 = new Gtk.TreeView(tableStore);
            dataGridView1 = new Gtk.TreeView(tableStore);
            AddTreeViewColumn(dataGridView1, 0, "Gender");
            AddTreeViewColumn(dataGridView1, 1, "Name");
            AddTreeViewColumn(dataGridView1, 2, "Age");
            dataGridView1.Accessible.Name = "dataGridView1";

            hboxPanel = new Gtk.HBox();
            Gtk.Button btnRemoveTextBox = new Gtk.Button("Remove");
            btnRemoveTextBox.Clicked += RemoveTextBoxClicked;
            Gtk.Button btnAddTextBox = new Gtk.Button("Add");
            btnAddTextBox.Clicked     += AddTextBoxClicked;
            txtCommand                 = new Gtk.Entry();
            txtCommand.Accessible.Name = "txtCommand";
            Gtk.Button btnRun = new Gtk.Button("Run");
            btnRun.Clicked += btnRunClicked;

            Gtk.TreeStore treeStore = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string));
            Gtk.TreeIter  iter      = treeStore.AppendNode();
            treeStore.SetValue(iter, 0, "Item 0");
            iter = treeStore.AppendNode();
            treeStore.SetValue(iter, 0, "Item 1");
            listView1 = new Gtk.TreeView(treeStore);
            AddTreeViewColumn(listView1, 0, "items");
            listView1.Accessible.Name = "listView1";

            hbox2.Accessible.Name = "groupBox2";

            hbox3.Sensitive       = false;
            hbox3.Accessible.Name = "groupBox3";


            Gtk.Menu file = new Gtk.Menu();
            file.Append(new Gtk.MenuItem("_New"));
            file.Append(new Gtk.MenuItem("_Open"));
            file.Append(new Gtk.CheckMenuItem("Check"));
            Gtk.MenuItem fileItem = new Gtk.MenuItem("File");
            fileItem.Submenu = file;
            Gtk.Menu edit = new Gtk.Menu();
            edit.Append(new Gtk.MenuItem("_Undo"));
            edit.Append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
            edit.Append(new Gtk.MenuItem("_Cut"));
            edit.Append(new Gtk.MenuItem("Copy"));
            edit.Append(new Gtk.MenuItem("_Paste"));
            Gtk.MenuItem editItem = new Gtk.MenuItem("Edit");
            editItem.Submenu = edit;
            Gtk.MenuBar menuBar = new Gtk.MenuBar();

            hbox.Add(new Gtk.SpinButton(0, 100, 1));
            hbox.Add(new Gtk.ToggleButton("ToggleButton"));
            Gtk.Adjustment adj = new Gtk.Adjustment(50, 0, 100,
                                                    1, 10, 10);
            hbox.Add(new Gtk.VScrollbar(adj));

        private void btnRunClicked(object o, EventArgs args)
            const string sampleText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";

            string cmd = txtCommand.Text;

            if (cmd == "click button1")
            else if (cmd == "set textbox3 text")
                textBox3.Buffer.Text = sampleText;
            else if (cmd == "set textBox3 long text")
                textBox3.Buffer.Text = "very very very very very very very very long text to enable the horizontal scroll bar";
            else if (cmd.StartsWith("set textbox3 to "))
                textBox3.Buffer.Text = cmd.Substring(16).
                                       Replace("\\n", "\n").
                                       Replace("\\r", "\r");
            else if (cmd == "select textbox3")
                if (textBox3.Buffer.Text.Length < 4)
                    textBox3.Buffer.Text = sampleText;
                Gtk.TextIter startIter, endIter;
                textBox3.Buffer.GetSelectionBounds(out startIter, out endIter);
                int start, end;
                start     = startIter.Offset;
                end       = endIter.Offset;
                end       = (end - start == 3? 4: 3);
                start     = 0;
                startIter = textBox3.Buffer.GetIterAtOffset(start);
                endIter   = textBox3.Buffer.GetIterAtOffset(end);
                textBox3.Buffer.MoveMark("selection_bound", startIter);
                textBox3.Buffer.MoveMark("insert", endIter);
            else if (cmd == "add table row")
                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
                iter = tableStore.AppendNode();
                tableStore.SetValues(iter, "true", "Mallory", "40");
            else if (cmd == "add table column")
                AddTreeViewColumn(treeView2, 3, "more");
            else if (cmd == "enable multiselect")
                listView1.Selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Multiple;
            else if (cmd == "disable multiselect")
                listView1.Selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Single;
            else if (cmd == "change button3 name")
                button3.Accessible.Name = "xyzzy";
            else if (cmd == "change button3 helptext")
                button3.Accessible.Description = "plugh";
            else if (cmd == "enable button3")
                button3.Sensitive = true;
            else if (cmd == "disable button3")
                button3.Sensitive = false;
            else if (cmd == "focus textBox3")
            else if (cmd == "focus button2")
            else if (cmd.StartsWith("change title:"))
                window.Title = cmd.Substring(cmd.IndexOf(':') + 1);
            else if (cmd == "open FileChooser" && chooser == null)
                chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog("FileChooser", window, FileChooserAction.Open, "data", 0);
            else if (cmd == "close FileChooser" && chooser != null)
                chooser = null;
文件: GtkForm.cs 项目: mono/uia2atk
		public DemoMain ()
			window = new Gtk.Window ("TestForm1");
			Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 0);
			hbox1 = new Gtk.HBox (false, 0);
			Gtk.HBox hbox2 = new Gtk.HBox (false, 0);
			Gtk.HBox hbox3 = new Gtk.HBox (false, 0);
			hbox.Add (hbox1);
			window.SetDefaultSize (600, 400);
			window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (WindowDelete);

			button1 = new Gtk.Button ("button1");
			button1.Clicked += Button1Clicked;
			button2 = new Gtk.Button ("button2");
			button3 = new Gtk.Button ("button3");
			Gtk.Button button4 = new Gtk.Button ("button4");
			button4.Clicked += Button4Clicked;
			Gtk.Button button5 = new Gtk.Button ("button5");
			Gtk.Button button6 = new Gtk.Button ("button6");
			Gtk.Button button7 = new Gtk.Button ("button7");
			button7.Sensitive = false;

			scaleButton1 = new Gtk.ScaleButton (0, 0, 100, 10, new string [0]);

			hbox1.Add (hbox3);
			hbox1.Add (hbox2);
			hbox1.Add (button3);
			hbox1.Add (button2);

			button3.Accessible.Description = "help text 3";
			button3.Sensitive = false;

			label1 = new Gtk.Label ("label1");

			textBox1 = new Gtk.Entry ();
			Gtk.Entry textBox2 = new Gtk.Entry ();
			textBox2.Visibility = false;
			textBox2.Sensitive = false;
			textBox2.IsEditable = false;
			textBox3 = new Gtk.TextView ();
			// TODO: scrollbars
			Gtk.CheckButton checkbox1 = new Gtk.CheckButton ("checkbox1");
			Gtk.CheckButton checkbox2 = new Gtk.CheckButton ("checkbox2");
			checkbox2.Sensitive = false;

			Gtk.TreeStore store = new Gtk.TreeStore (typeof (string), typeof (string));
			Gtk.TreeIter [] iters = new Gtk.TreeIter [2];
			iters [0] = store.AppendNode ();
			store.SetValues (iters [0], "item 1", "item 1 (2)");
			iters [1] = store.AppendNode (iters [0]);
			store.SetValues (iters [1], "item 1a", "item 1a (2)");
			iters [0] = store.AppendNode ();
			store.SetValues (iters [0], "item 2", "item 2 (2)");
			iters [1] = store.AppendNode (iters [0]);
			store.SetValues (iters [1], "item 2a", "item 2a (2)");
			iters [1] = store.AppendNode (iters [0]);
			store.SetValues (iters [1], "item 2b", "item 2b (2)");
			treeView1 = new Gtk.TreeView (store);
			AddTreeViewColumn (treeView1, 0, "column 1");
			treeView1.CollapseAll ();

			treeView2 = new Gtk.TreeView (store);
			AddTreeViewColumn (treeView2, 0, "column 1");
			AddTreeViewColumn (treeView2, 1, "column 2");
			treeView2.CollapseAll ();
			treeView2.Accessible.Name = "treeView2";

			tableStore = new Gtk.TreeStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string));
			iters [0] = tableStore.AppendNode ();
			tableStore.SetValues (iters [0], "False", "Alice", "24", "");
			iters [0] = tableStore.AppendNode ();
			tableStore.SetValues (iters [0], "True", "Bob", "28", "");
			dataGridView1 = new Gtk.TreeView (tableStore);
			dataGridView1 = new Gtk.TreeView (tableStore);
			dataGridView1 = new Gtk.TreeView (tableStore);
			AddTreeViewColumn (dataGridView1, 0, "Gender");
			AddTreeViewColumn (dataGridView1, 1, "Name");
			AddTreeViewColumn (dataGridView1, 2, "Age");
			dataGridView1.Accessible.Name = "dataGridView1";

			hboxPanel = new Gtk.HBox ();
			Gtk.Button btnRemoveTextBox = new Gtk.Button ("Remove");
			btnRemoveTextBox.Clicked += RemoveTextBoxClicked;
			Gtk.Button btnAddTextBox = new Gtk.Button ("Add");
			btnAddTextBox.Clicked += AddTextBoxClicked;
			txtCommand = new Gtk.Entry ();
			txtCommand.Accessible.Name = "txtCommand";
			Gtk.Button btnRun = new Gtk.Button ("Run");
			btnRun.Clicked += btnRunClicked;
			hboxPanel.Add (btnRemoveTextBox);
			hboxPanel.Add (btnAddTextBox);

			Gtk.TreeStore treeStore = new Gtk.TreeStore (typeof (string));
			Gtk.TreeIter iter = treeStore.AppendNode ();
			treeStore.SetValue (iter, 0, "Item 0");
			iter = treeStore.AppendNode ();
			treeStore.SetValue (iter, 0, "Item 1");
			listView1 = new Gtk.TreeView (treeStore);
			AddTreeViewColumn (listView1, 0, "items");
			listView1.Accessible.Name = "listView1";
			listView1.ExpandAll ();

			hbox2.Add (button5);
			hbox2.Add (checkbox1);
			hbox2.Add (checkbox2);
			hbox2.Add (button4);
			hbox2.Accessible.Name = "groupBox2";

			hbox3.Add (button7);
			hbox3.Add (button6);
			hbox3.Sensitive = false;
			hbox3.Accessible.Name = "groupBox3";

			hbox.Add (textBox3);
			hbox.Add (textBox2);
			hbox.Add (textBox1);
			hbox.Add (label1);
			hbox.Add (button1);
			hbox.Add (treeView1);
			hbox.Add (treeView2);
			hbox.Add (listView1);
			hbox.Add (dataGridView1);
			hbox.Add (txtCommand);
			hbox.Add (btnRun);
			hbox.Add (hboxPanel);
			hbox.Add (scaleButton1);

			Gtk.Menu file = new Gtk.Menu ();
			file.Append (new Gtk.MenuItem ("_New"));
			file.Append (new Gtk.MenuItem ("_Open"));
			file.Append (new Gtk.CheckMenuItem ("Check"));
			Gtk.MenuItem fileItem = new Gtk.MenuItem ("File");
			fileItem.Submenu = file;
			Gtk.Menu edit = new Gtk.Menu ();
			edit.Append (new Gtk.MenuItem ("_Undo"));
			edit.Append (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
			edit.Append (new Gtk.MenuItem ("_Cut"));
			edit.Append (new Gtk.MenuItem ("Copy"));
			edit.Append (new Gtk.MenuItem ("_Paste"));
			Gtk.MenuItem editItem = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Edit");
			editItem.Submenu = edit;
			Gtk.MenuBar menuBar = new Gtk.MenuBar ();
			menuBar.Append (fileItem);
			menuBar.Append (editItem);
			hbox.Add (menuBar);

		hbox.Add (new Gtk.SpinButton (0, 100, 1));
		hbox.Add (new Gtk.ToggleButton ("ToggleButton"));
			Gtk.Adjustment adj = new Gtk.Adjustment (50, 0, 100,
				1, 10, 10);
		hbox.Add (new Gtk.VScrollbar (adj));

			window.Add (hbox);
			window.ShowAll ();
        public CoverageView(string fileName, ProgressBar status)
            store = new TreeStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (object));
            tree = new TreeView (store);

            CellRendererText renderer = new CellRendererText ();
            CellRendererText coverageRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
            // LAME: Why is this property a float instead of a double ?
            renderer.Xalign = 0.5f;

            tree.AppendColumn ("Classes", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);
            tree.AppendColumn ("Lines Hit", renderer, "text", 1);
            tree.AppendColumn ("Lines Missed", renderer, "text", 2);
            tree.AppendColumn ("Coverage", coverageRenderer, "text", 3);

            tree.GetColumn (0).Resizable = true;
            tree.GetColumn (1).Alignment = 0.0f;
            tree.GetColumn (1).Resizable = true;
            tree.GetColumn (2).Alignment = 0.0f;
            tree.GetColumn (2).Resizable = true;
            tree.GetColumn (3).Alignment = 0.0f;
            tree.GetColumn (3).Resizable = true;
            tree.GetColumn (3).SetCellDataFunc (coverageRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc (RenderCoverage));

            tree.HeadersVisible = true;

            model = new CoverageModel ();
            foreach (string filter in DEFAULT_FILTERS) {
            model.AddFilter (filter);
            this.status = status;
            model.Progress += Progress;
            model.ReadFromFile (fileName);

            TreeItem root = new TreeItem (store, null, model, "PROJECT");

            Hashtable classes2 = model.Classes;

            namespaces = new Hashtable ();
            string[] sorted_names = new string [classes2.Count];
            classes2.Keys.CopyTo (sorted_names, 0);
            Array.Sort (sorted_names);
            Progress ("Building tree", 0.95);
            foreach (string name in sorted_names) {
            ClassCoverageItem klass = (ClassCoverageItem)classes2 [name];

            if (klass.filtered)

            string namespace2 = klass.name_space;
            TreeItem nsItem = (TreeItem)namespaces [namespace2];
            if (nsItem == null) {
                nsItem = new TreeItem (store, root, (CoverageItem)model.Namespaces [namespace2], namespace2);
                //				nsItem.SetPixmap (0, namespaceOpenPixmap);
                namespaces [namespace2] = nsItem;

            if (nsItem.model.filtered)

            ClassItem classItem = new ClassItem (store, nsItem, klass,;

            if (klass.ChildCount != 0) {
                TreeIter treeIter = store.AppendNode (classItem.iter);
                store.SetValues (treeIter, "<loading>");

            tree.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (root.Iter), false);

            // it becomes very hard to navigate if everything is expanded
            //foreach (string ns in namespaces.Keys)
            //	tree.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (((TreeItem)namespaces [ns]).Iter), false);

            tree.RowExpanded += new RowExpandedHandler (OnRowExpanded);
            tree.RowCollapsed += new RowCollapsedHandler (OnRowCollapsed);
            tree.ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler (OnButtonPress);
            tree.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Single;

            source_views = new Hashtable ();
            window_maps = new Hashtable ();
            Progress ("Done", 1.0);
            // LAME: Why doesn't widgets visible by default ???
            tree.Show ();