static void AccelEdited_cb(IntPtr inst, IntPtr path_string, uint accel_key, int accel_mods, uint hardware_keycode) { try { CellRendererAccel __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as CellRendererAccel; __obj.OnAccelEdited(GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(path_string), accel_key, (Gdk.ModifierType)accel_mods, hardware_keycode); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, false); } }
static void AccelCleared_cb(IntPtr inst, IntPtr path_string) { try { CellRendererAccel __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject(inst, false) as CellRendererAccel; __obj.OnAccelCleared(GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(path_string)); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(e, false); } }
private void AddColumns(TreeView treeView) { { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererText(); cell.Editable = true; cell.Edited += this.TextStringEdited; column.Title = Column.TextString.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.TextString); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererText(); cell.Editable = true; cell.Edited += this.TextDoubleEdited; column.Title = Column.TextDouble.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.TextDouble); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererText(); column.Title = Column.TextBool.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.TextBool); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererToggle(); cell.Toggled += this.ToggleCheckBoxToggled; cell.Active = true; cell.Activatable = true; column.Title = Column.ToggleCheckBox.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "active", (int)Column.ToggleCheckBox); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererToggle(); cell.Toggled += this.ToggleRadioButtonToggled; cell.Active = true; cell.Activatable = true; cell.Radio = true; column.Title = Column.ToggleRadioButton.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "active", (int)Column.ToggleRadioButton); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { // Note: the text in this renderer has to be parseable as a floating point number var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererSpin(); cell.Editable = true; cell.Edited += this.SpinTest1Edited; // Adjustment - Contains the range information for the cell. // Value: Must be non-null for the cell to be editable. cell.Adjustment = new Adjustment(0, 0, float.MaxValue, 1, 2, 0); // ClimbRate - Provides the acceleration rate for when the button is held down. // Value: Defaults to 0, must be greater than or equal to 0. cell.ClimbRate = 0; // Digits - Number of decimal places to display (seems to only work while editing the cell?!?). // Value: An integer between 0 and 20, default value is 0. cell.Digits = 3; column.Title = Column.Spin.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.Spin); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { ListStore model = new ListStore(typeof(string)); model.AppendValues("Value1"); model.AppendValues("Value2"); model.AppendValues("Value3"); var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererCombo(); cell.Width = 75; cell.Editable = true; cell.Edited += this.ComboEdited; // bool. Whether to use an entry. // If true, the cell renderer will include an entry and allow to // enter values other than the ones in the popup list. cell.HasEntry = true; // TreeModel. Holds a tree model containing the possible values for the combo box. // Use the CellRendererCombo.TextColumn property to specify the column holding the values. cell.Model = model; // int. Specifies the model column which holds the possible values for the combo box. // Note: this refers to the model specified in the model property, not the model // backing the tree view to which this cell renderer is attached. cell.TextColumn = 0; column.Title = Column.Combo.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.Combo); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererAccel(); cell.AccelMode = CellRendererAccelMode.Other; cell.Editable = true; cell.AccelEdited += new AccelEditedHandler(this.OnAccelEdited); cell.AccelCleared += new AccelClearedHandler(this.OnAccelCleared); column.Title = Column.Accel.ToString(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.Accel); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererProgress(); column.Title = Column.Progress.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.ProgressText); column.AddAttribute(cell, "value", (int)Column.Progress); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererText(); column.Title = Column.PixbufStockLabel.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.PixbufStockLabel); treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererPixbuf(); column.Title = Column.PixbufStockIcon.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "stock-id", (int)Column.PixbufStockIcon); treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererPixbuf(); column.Title = Column.PixbufCustom.GetDescription(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "pixbuf", (int)Column.PixbufCustom); treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } }
private void SetupTreeView() { { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererText(); column.Title = Column.Action.ToString(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.Action); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } { var column = new TreeViewColumn(); var cell = new CellRendererAccel(); cell.AccelMode = CellRendererAccelMode.Other; cell.Editable = true; cell.AccelEdited += new AccelEditedHandler(this.OnAccelEdited); cell.AccelCleared += new AccelClearedHandler(this.OnAccelCleared); column.Title = Column.Shortcut.ToString(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", (int)Column.Shortcut); this.treeview1.AppendColumn(column); } this.treeview1.RowActivated += new RowActivatedHandler(this.OnRowActivated); this.treeview1.ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler(this.OnButtonPress); this.treeStore1 = (TreeStore)this.SetupTreeViewModel(); this.treeview1.Model = this.treeStore1; this.treeview1.ExpandAll(); this.treeview1.Selection.SelectPath(TreePath.NewFirst()); }