static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 17) + "\r\nGSM class example\r\n" + new string('=', 17)); GSM stupidGsm = new GSM("Galaxy Kles3", "Gnusmas", 700, "Acho"); string gsmInfo = stupidGsm.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(gsmInfo); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 21) + "\r\nDisplay class example\r\n" + new string('=', 21)); Display newDisplay = new Display(5.2, 16000000); Console.WriteLine("Display size: {0} inches\r\nDisplay colors: {1}", newDisplay.Size, newDisplay.NumberOfColors); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 21) + "\r\nBattery class example\r\n" + new string('=', 21)); Battery newBattery = new Battery(BatteryType.LiIon, 700, 600); Console.WriteLine("Battery model: {0}\r\nHours Idle: {1}\r\nHours Talk: {2}", newBattery.Model, newBattery.HoursIdle, newBattery.HoursTalk); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 39) + "\r\nCall histroy and price of calls example\r\n" + new string('=', 39)); GSM anotherTest = new GSM(); anotherTest.AddCall(new Calls(new DateTime(2015, 3, 17), "+359873876678", 100)); Console.WriteLine(anotherTest.CallHistory[0]); Console.WriteLine("Total price of calls: {0:F2}", anotherTest.TotalPriceOfCalls()); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 31) + "\r\nCall history test class example\r\n" + new string('=', 31)); CallHistoryTest testHistrory = new CallHistoryTest(); testHistrory.TestTheCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 22) + "\r\nGSM test class example\r\n" + new string('=', 22)); GsmTest fewGsms = new GsmTest(); fewGsms.CreateAFewGSMs(2); }