public override void PaintControl(RichTextBox control, ControlPaintArgs args) { INode controlNode = new ControlNode(control); IRuleset ruleset = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(controlNode); RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset); Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle borderRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X - 3, clientRect.Y - 3, clientRect.Width + 6, clientRect.Height + 6); ScrollBars visibleScrollbars = ControlUtilities.GetVisibleScrollBars(control); if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Vertical)) { borderRect = new Rectangle(borderRect.X, borderRect.Y, borderRect.Width + SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth, borderRect.Height); } if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Horizontal)) { borderRect = new Rectangle(borderRect.X, borderRect.Y, borderRect.Width, borderRect.Height + SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight); } args.PaintBackground(borderRect); args.PaintBorder(borderRect); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(GroupBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); IRuleset textBackgroundRuleset = new Ruleset(); textBackgroundRuleset.AddProperty(ruleset.BackgroundColor); SizeF textSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(control.Text, control.Font); Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle backgroundRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + (int)textSize.Height / 2, clientRect.Width, clientRect.Height - (int)textSize.Height / 2); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X + 6, clientRect.Y, (int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height); Rectangle textBackgroundRect = new Rectangle(textRect.X, backgroundRect.Y, textRect.Width, textRect.Height - (int)textSize.Height / 2); e.Clear(); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, backgroundRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, backgroundRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, textBackgroundRect, textBackgroundRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, textBackgroundRect, textBackgroundRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintText(e.Graphics, textRect, ruleset, control.Text, control.Font, TextFormatFlags.Top); }
// Private members private void PaintItems(ListBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < control.Items.Count; ++i) { PaintItem(control, e, i); } }
// Private members private void PaintDropDownArrow(ComboBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { INode controlNode = new ControlNode(control); UserNode dropDownArrowNode = new UserNode(string.Empty, new[] { "DropDownArrow" }); dropDownArrowNode.SetParent(controlNode); dropDownArrowNode.SetStates(controlNode.States); IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(dropDownArrowNode); // Create the arrow rectangle to match the bounds of the default control. Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle arrowRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.Right - 12, clientRect.Y + 9, 7, 6); e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; using (Pen pen = new Pen(ruleset.Color?.Value ?? SystemColors.ControlText)) { pen.Width = 2.0f; pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Center; pen.StartCap = LineCap.Flat; pen.EndCap = LineCap.Flat; PointF bottomMidpoint = new PointF(arrowRect.Left + arrowRect.Width / 2.0f, arrowRect.Bottom - 1); e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(arrowRect.Left, arrowRect.Top), bottomMidpoint); e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(arrowRect.Right, arrowRect.Top), bottomMidpoint); } }
private void PaintGenericControl(ControlPaintArgs e) { IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(new ControlNode(e.Control)); RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(e.Control, ruleset); e.PaintBackground(); e.PaintBorder(); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(ProgressBar control, ControlPaintArgs args) { args.PaintBackground(); args.PaintBorder(); args.ClipToBorder(); PaintProgress(control, args); }
private void PaintLines(TreeView control, TreeNodeCollection nodes, ControlPaintArgs args) { const int buttonWidth = 9; if (control.ShowLines && control.Nodes.Count > 0) { if (control.ShowRootLines || nodes[0].Level != 0) { UserNode lineNode = new UserNode(string.Empty, new[] { "Lines" }); lineNode.SetParent(new ControlNode(control)); IRuleset lineRuleset = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(lineNode); Color lineColor = lineRuleset.Color?.Value ?? Color.Black; using (Pen linePen = new Pen(lineColor)) { linePen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot; // Draw a line from the first node down to the last node. TreeNode firstNode = nodes[0]; TreeNode lastNode = nodes[nodes.Count - 1]; int x1 = firstNode.Bounds.X - 8; int x2 = x1; int y1 = firstNode.Bounds.Y + (firstNode.Nodes.Count > 0 ? buttonWidth - 1 : 2); int y2 = lastNode.Bounds.Y + (firstNode.Nodes.Count > 0 ? buttonWidth - 1 : 13); args.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2)); // Draw horizontal lines connecting the vertical line to each of the nodes. foreach (TreeNode childNode in nodes) { x1 = firstNode.Bounds.X - buttonWidth + 1; x2 = childNode.Bounds.X + 2; y1 = childNode.Bounds.Y + 12; y2 = y1; args.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2)); } } } // Draw lines for the child nodes. foreach (TreeNode node in nodes) { if (node.IsExpanded) { PaintLines(control, node.Nodes, args); } } } }
public override void PaintControl(PictureBox control, ControlPaintArgs args) { args.PaintBackground(); if (control.Image != null) { args.Graphics.DrawImage(control.Image, new Rectangle(0, 0, control.Width, control.Height), (ImageSizeMode)control.SizeMode); } args.PaintBorder(); }
// Private members private void PaintButton(ControlPaintArgs e, Rectangle clientRect, TriangleOrientation arrowOrientation, IRuleset ruleset) { e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, clientRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, clientRect, ruleset); clientRect.Inflate(new Size(-5, -3)); clientRect.Offset(1, 0); using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(ruleset.Color?.Value ?? Color.Black)) e.Graphics.FillTriangle(brush, clientRect, arrowOrientation); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(TabControl control, ControlPaintArgs e) { // Paint the background. e.PaintBackground(); e.PaintBorder(); // Paint the tabs. PaintTabs(control, e); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(NumericUpDown control, ControlPaintArgs e) { IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); // Update the color of the NumericUpdateDown, which updates the color of the UpDownEdit (inheriting from TextBox). RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset); // Like TextBoxes, NumericUpDowns are 23 pixels high. // Because the NumericUpDown has BorderStyle.None, we need to adjust it to look like a bordered control. Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; int x = clientRect.X - 2; int y = clientRect.Y - 2; int w = clientRect.Width + 3; int h = clientRect.Height + 4; double topWidth = ruleset.BorderTopWidth?.Value ?? 0; double rightWidth = ruleset.BorderRightWidth?.Value ?? 0; double bottomWidth = ruleset.BorderBottomWidth?.Value ?? 0; double leftWidth = ruleset.BorderLeftWidth?.Value ?? 0; if (topWidth <= 1) { topWidth = 0; } if (rightWidth <= 1) { rightWidth = 0; } if (bottomWidth <= 1) { bottomWidth = 0; } if (leftWidth <= 1) { leftWidth = 0; } x -= (int)leftWidth; y -= (int)topWidth; w += (int)leftWidth + (int)rightWidth; h += (int)topWidth + (int)bottomWidth; Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset); }
private void PaintProgress(ProgressBar control, ControlPaintArgs args) { double progress = (double)control.Value / control.Maximum; IRuleset progressRuleset = GetProgressRuleset(control, args); Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle progressRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y, (int)Math.Floor(clientRect.Width * progress), clientRect.Height); args.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(args.Graphics, progressRect, progressRuleset); args.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(args.Graphics, progressRect, progressRuleset); }
// Private members private void PaintTabs(TabControl control, ControlPaintArgs e) { if (control.TabPages.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < control.TabPages.Count; ++i) { TabPage tabPage = control.TabPages[i]; Rectangle tabRect = control.GetTabRect(i); UserNode tabNode = new UserNode(tabRect, control.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)); tabNode.SetParent(new ControlNode(control)); tabNode.AddClass("tab"); if (i == 0) { tabRect = new Rectangle(tabRect.X + 2, tabRect.Y, tabRect.Width - 2, tabRect.Height); } if (control.SelectedIndex == i) { // Draw selected tab. tabNode.AddState(NodeStates.Checked); IRuleset tabRuleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(tabNode); Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(tabRect.X - 2, tabRect.Y - 2, tabRect.Width + 2, tabRect.Height + 4); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(tabRect.X, tabRect.Y - 2, tabRect.Width, tabRect.Height); if (i == 0) { drawRect = new Rectangle(drawRect.X + 2, drawRect.Y, drawRect.Width - 2, drawRect.Height); } e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, drawRect, tabRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, drawRect, tabRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintText(e.Graphics, textRect, tabRuleset, tabPage.Text, control.Font, textFormatFlags: TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter); } else { // Draw unselected tab. IRuleset tabRuleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(tabNode); Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(tabRect.X, tabRect.Y, tabRect.Width, tabRect.Height + 2); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, drawRect, tabRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, drawRect, tabRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintText(e.Graphics, tabRect, tabRuleset, tabPage.Text, control.Font, textFormatFlags: TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter); } } } }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(Control control, ControlPaintArgs e) { IControlRenderer renderer = GetRenderer(control); if (renderer is null) { PaintGenericControl(e); } else { renderer.PaintControl(control, e); } }
// Protected members protected virtual void PaintBackground(TreeView control, ControlPaintArgs args) { IRuleset ruleset = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); Rectangle borderRect = RenderUtilities.GetOuterBorderRectangle(control, ruleset); if (ruleset.BackgroundColor.HasValue() && ruleset.BackgroundColor.Value != control.BackColor) { control.BackColor = ruleset.BackgroundColor.Value; } args.PaintBackground(borderRect); args.PaintBorder(borderRect); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(CheckBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { e.PaintBackground(); e.PaintBorder(); PaintCheck(control, e); IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X + CheckWidth + 3, clientRect.Y - 1, clientRect.Width, clientRect.Height); e.StyleRenderer.PaintText(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset, control.Text, control.Font, ControlUtilities.GetTextFormatFlags(control.TextAlign)); }
public override void PaintControl(DataGridView control, ControlPaintArgs args) { // Draw the background/border of the control. IRuleset ruleset = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); Rectangle borderRect = RenderUtilities.GetOuterBorderRectangle(control, ruleset); if (ruleset.BackgroundColor.HasValue() && ruleset.BackgroundColor.Value != control.BackColor) { control.BackgroundColor = ruleset.BackgroundColor.Value; } args.PaintBackground(borderRect); args.PaintBorder(borderRect); }
private void PaintItem(ListBox control, ControlPaintArgs e, int itemindex) { Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle itemRect = control.GetItemRectangle(itemindex); object item = control.Items[itemindex]; if (itemRect.IntersectsWith(clientRect)) { IRuleset itemRuleset = GetItemRuleset(control, e, itemindex); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, itemRect, itemRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, itemRect, itemRuleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintText(e.Graphics, itemRect, itemRuleset, control.GetItemText(item), control.Font); } }
public override void PaintControl(TreeView control, ControlPaintArgs args) { PaintBackground(control, args); if (!args.ParentDraw) { PaintLines(control, control.Nodes, args); int visibleIndex = 0; foreach (TreeNode node in control.Nodes) { visibleIndex = PaintNodeAndChildNodes(control, node, visibleIndex, args); } } }
protected virtual void PaintNodeButton(TreeView control, TreeNode node, ControlPaintArgs args) { const int buttonWidth = 9; const int detailPadding = 2; UserNode nodeButtonNode = new UserNode(string.Empty, new[] { "Button" }); nodeButtonNode.SetParent(new ControlNode(control)); if (node.IsSelected) { nodeButtonNode.AddState(NodeStates.Checked); } IRuleset nodeButtonRuleset = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(nodeButtonNode); Rectangle nodeRect = node.Bounds; Rectangle buttonRect = new Rectangle(nodeRect.X - buttonWidth - 3, nodeRect.Y + nodeRect.Height - buttonWidth - 1, buttonWidth, buttonWidth); args.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(args.Graphics, buttonRect, nodeButtonRuleset); args.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(args.Graphics, buttonRect, nodeButtonRuleset); if (PaintNodeButtonContent) { Color detailColor = nodeButtonRuleset.Color?.Value ?? Color.Black; buttonRect.Inflate(-detailPadding, -detailPadding); int x = buttonRect.X; int y = buttonRect.Y; int x2 = x + buttonRect.Width - 1; int y2 = y + buttonRect.Height - 1; int midX = x + (buttonRect.Width / 2); int midY = y + (buttonRect.Height / 2); using (Pen detailPen = new Pen(detailColor)) { args.Graphics.DrawLine(detailPen, new Point(x, midY), new Point(x2, midY)); if (!node.IsExpanded) { args.Graphics.DrawLine(detailPen, new Point(midX, y), new Point(midX, y2)); } } } }
// Private members private void PaintNode(TreeView control, TreeNode node, int visibleIndex, ControlPaintArgs args) { // Check that the node bounds size is valid to avoid drawing in the top-left corner. // if (node.Bounds.Width > 1 && node.Bounds.Height > 1) { // Paint the node content. PaintNodeContent(control, node, visibleIndex, args); // Paint the expand/collapse button to the left of the node. if (control.ShowPlusMinus && node.Nodes.Count > 0) { PaintNodeButton(control, node, args); } } }
private void PaintCheck(CheckBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { INode controlNode = new ControlNode(control); UserNode checkNode = new UserNode(string.Empty, new[] { "Check" }); checkNode.SetParent(controlNode); checkNode.SetStates(controlNode.States); IRuleset parentRuleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(checkNode, inherit: false); if (!ruleset.Any()) { ruleset = CreateDefaultCheckRuleset(); } ruleset.InheritProperties(parentRuleset); Rectangle clientRect = e.Control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle checkRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + (int)(clientRect.Height / 2.0f - CheckWidth / 2.0f) - 1, CheckWidth, CheckWidth); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, checkRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, checkRect, ruleset); // Draw the checkmark. if (control.Checked) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(ruleset.Color?.Value ?? SystemColors.ControlText)) { e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Center; pen.Width = 2.0f; pen.StartCap = LineCap.Square; pen.EndCap = LineCap.Square; e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, checkRect.X + 3, checkRect.Y + checkRect.Height / 2.0f, checkRect.X + checkRect.Width / 2.0f - 1, checkRect.Y + checkRect.Height - 5); e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, checkRect.X + checkRect.Width / 2.0f - 1, checkRect.Y + checkRect.Height - 5, checkRect.X + checkRect.Width - 4, checkRect.Y + 3); } } }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(ComboBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset); Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; e.PaintBackground(); // Match the foreground bounds of the default control. // The text is cut off behind the drop-down arrow. Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X + 1, clientRect.Y, clientRect.Width - 21, clientRect.Height); e.PaintText(textRect); PaintDropDownArrow(control, e); e.PaintBorder(); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(Control control, ControlPaintArgs e) { Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; clientRect.Offset(-1, 1); Rectangle topButtonRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y, clientRect.Width, clientRect.Height / 2); Rectangle bottomButtonRect = new Rectangle(topButtonRect.X, clientRect.Y + clientRect.Height / 2, topButtonRect.Width, topButtonRect.Height); Rectangle topButtonClickRect = topButtonRect; Rectangle bottomButtonClickRect = bottomButtonRect; topButtonClickRect.Offset(0, -1); bottomButtonClickRect.Offset(0, -1); e.Clear(); e.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; PaintButton(e, topButtonRect, TriangleOrientation.Up, e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(new ControlNode(control, topButtonClickRect))); PaintButton(e, bottomButtonRect, TriangleOrientation.Down, e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(new ControlNode(control, bottomButtonClickRect))); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(Button control, ControlPaintArgs e) { TextFormatFlags textFormatFlags = ControlUtilities.GetTextFormatFlags(control.TextAlign); e.Clear(); e.PaintBackground(); if (control.Image != null) { const int horizontalPadding = 4; const int verticalPadding = 4; Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(horizontalPadding, verticalPadding, control.Width - horizontalPadding * 2, control.Height - verticalPadding * 2); e.Graphics.DrawImage(control.Image, imageRect, control.ImageAlign); } e.PaintText(textFormatFlags); e.PaintBorder(); }
private void PaintCheck(RadioButton control, ControlPaintArgs e) { INode controlNode = new ControlNode(control); UserNode checkNode = new UserNode(string.Empty, new[] { "Check" }); checkNode.SetParent(controlNode); checkNode.SetStates(controlNode.States); IRuleset parentRuleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(checkNode, inherit: false); if (!ruleset.Any()) { ruleset = CreateDefaultCheckRuleset(); } ruleset.InheritProperties(parentRuleset); Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; Rectangle checkRect = new Rectangle(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + (int)(clientRect.Height / 2.0f - CheckWidth / 2.0f), CheckWidth, CheckWidth); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, checkRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, checkRect, ruleset); // Draw the checkmark. if (control.Checked) { using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(ruleset.Color?.Value ?? SystemColors.ControlText)) { e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; e.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; checkRect.Inflate(-3, -3); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(brush, checkRect); } } }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(ListBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { Rectangle borderRect = RenderUtilities.GetOuterBorderRectangle(control, e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control)); if (ControlUtilities.GetVisibleScrollBars(control).HasFlag(ScrollBars.Vertical)) { borderRect = new Rectangle(borderRect.X, borderRect.Y, borderRect.Width + SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth, borderRect.Height); } e.PaintBackground(); if (!e.ParentDraw) { GraphicsState graphicsState = e.Graphics.Save(); e.ClipToBorder(borderRect); PaintItems(control, e); e.Graphics.Restore(graphicsState); } e.PaintBorder(borderRect); }
private int PaintNodeAndChildNodes(TreeView control, TreeNode node, int visibleIndex, ControlPaintArgs args) { if (node.IsVisible) { PaintNode(control, node, visibleIndex++, args); foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes) { visibleIndex = PaintNodeAndChildNodes(control, childNode, visibleIndex, args); } } return(visibleIndex); }
// Public members public override void PaintControl(TextBox control, ControlPaintArgs e) { IRuleset ruleset = e.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(control); // Update the color of the TextBox itself. RenderUtilities.ApplyColorProperties(control, ruleset); // Draw the background the TextBox. // The height of regular TextBoxes is 23 pixels, with 3 pixels of horizontal padding. Rectangle clientRect = control.ClientRectangle; int x = clientRect.X - 3; int y = clientRect.Y - 4; int w = clientRect.Width + 6; int h = clientRect.Height + 7; double topWidth = ruleset.BorderTopWidth?.Value ?? 0; double rightWidth = ruleset.BorderRightWidth?.Value ?? 0; double bottomWidth = ruleset.BorderBottomWidth?.Value ?? 0; double leftWidth = ruleset.BorderLeftWidth?.Value ?? 0; if (topWidth <= 1) { topWidth = 0; } if (rightWidth <= 1) { rightWidth = 0; } if (bottomWidth <= 1) { bottomWidth = 0; } if (leftWidth <= 1) { leftWidth = 0; } x -= (int)leftWidth; y -= (int)topWidth; w += (int)leftWidth + (int)rightWidth; h += (int)topWidth + (int)bottomWidth; ScrollBars visibleScrollbars = ControlUtilities.GetVisibleScrollBars(control); if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Vertical)) { w += SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth; } if (visibleScrollbars.HasFlag(ScrollBars.Horizontal)) { h += SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight; } //GraphicsState graphicsState = graphics.Save(); Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); //graphics.SetClip(drawRect); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset); e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, drawRect, ruleset); //graphics.Restore(graphicsState); }
protected virtual void PaintNodeContent(TreeView control, TreeNode node, int visibleIndex, ControlPaintArgs args) { UserNode treeNodeNode = new UserNode(string.Empty, new[] { "Node", "TreeViewNode" }); treeNodeNode.SetParent(new ControlNode(control)); if (node.IsSelected) { treeNodeNode.AddState(NodeStates.Checked); } if (visibleIndex % 2 == 0) { treeNodeNode.AddClass("Even"); } else { treeNodeNode.AddClass("Odd"); } IRuleset treeNodeRuleset = args.StyleSheet.GetRuleset(treeNodeNode); Rectangle nodeRect = node.Bounds; Rectangle backgroundRect = new Rectangle(nodeRect.X + 2, nodeRect.Y + 1, nodeRect.Width, nodeRect.Height - 1); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(nodeRect.X + 1, nodeRect.Y + 3, nodeRect.Width - 1, nodeRect.Height - 3); if (control.FullRowSelect) { backgroundRect = new Rectangle(0, backgroundRect.Y, control.Width, backgroundRect.Height); } args.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(args.Graphics, backgroundRect, treeNodeRuleset); args.StyleRenderer.PaintText(args.Graphics, textRect, treeNodeRuleset, node.Text, control.Font, TextFormatFlags.Default | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter); args.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(args.Graphics, backgroundRect, treeNodeRuleset); }