/// <summary> /// Handle events from UIElements and/or backend objects /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="eventID"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> public virtual void HandleEvent(bool DownStream, Backend.Events eventID, params object[] data) { if (DownStream) { // Frontend to backend (send) switch (eventID) { case Events.FinishedAnimation: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.FinishedAnimation, data); break; case Events.MoveActor: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.MoveActor, data); break; case Backend.Events.Chat: if (_logic is PureLogic) { _statusbox.AddLine((string)data[0], Color.Pink); } else { (_logic as NetLogic).SendChat((string)data[0]); } break; case Backend.Events.AddDragItem: _draggedObject = (GridElement)data[0]; _toolbar.dragItem = _draggedObject; break; case Backend.Events.Settings: if (_focus is Lobby) { _status = Backend.GameStatus.NoRedraw; NetPlayer tmp = ((Lobby)_focus).network; _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _focus = null; if (tmp.connected) { if (_logic is PureLogic) { _logic = new NetLogic(this, tmp); ((NetLogic)_logic).RequestMap(); } else { tmp.parent = _logic; HandleEvent(true, Events.ContinueGame, true); } } else { if (_logic is NetLogic) { _logic = new PureLogic(this); _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Initialize); HandleEvent(true, Events.ContinueGame, true); } else HandleEvent(true, Events.ContinueGame, true); } } break; case Events.Initialize: if (_logic is PureLogic) { _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Initialize); _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.ContinueGame); } break; case Events.TileEntered: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.TileEntered, data); break; case Backend.Events.ShowMenu: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); if (_focus is CharacterWindow) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 13); _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } if (_status == Backend.GameStatus.Running) { _ShowMenu(); } else HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 0); break; case Backend.Events.ShowCharacter: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); if (_status == Backend.GameStatus.Running) _ShowCharacterWindow((Backend.Actor)data[0], 0); else { if (_focus is CharacterWindow) { if (((CharacterWindow)_focus).page != 0) { ((CharacterWindow)_focus).page = 0; _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 10); return; } HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 0); } else { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _focus = null; _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } _ShowCharacterWindow((Backend.Actor)data[0], 0); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 10); } } break; case Backend.Events.ShowAbilities: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); if (_status == Backend.GameStatus.Running) _ShowCharacterWindow((Backend.Actor)data[0], 2); else { if (_focus is CharacterWindow) { if (((CharacterWindow)_focus).page != 2) { ((CharacterWindow)_focus).page = 2; _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 12); return; } HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 0); } else { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _focus = null; _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } _ShowCharacterWindow((Backend.Actor)data[0], 2); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 12); } } break; case Backend.Events.ShowInventory: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); if (_status == Backend.GameStatus.Running) _ShowCharacterWindow((Backend.Actor)data[0], 1); else { if (_focus is CharacterWindow) { if (((CharacterWindow)_focus).page != 1) { ((CharacterWindow)_focus).page = 1; _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 11); return; } _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _focus = null; _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 0); } else { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _focus = null; _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } _ShowCharacterWindow((Backend.Actor)data[0], 1); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 11); } } break; case Backend.Events.FetchFile: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); if (data.Length > 0) { string file = data[0].ToString(); _files2fetch.Enqueue(file); if (_status != Backend.GameStatus.FetchingData) { _prevState = _status; _status = Backend.GameStatus.FetchingData; _LoadFile(file, wc_DownloadProgressChanged, wc_DownloadFileCompleted); } } break; case Backend.Events.LoadFromCheckPoint: _status = Backend.GameStatus.NoRedraw; _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.LoadFromCheckPoint, _playerID); break; case Backend.Events.Network: if (_logic is NetLogic) { _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); _ShowLANWindow(((NetLogic)_logic).network); } else { _ShowLANWindow(); } /* //_secondPlayer = true; _lan = true; foreach (UIElement element in _interfaceElements) { element.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ToggleButton, Backend.Events.Player2, true); element.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ToggleButton, Backend.Events.Player1, false); element.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ToggleButton, Backend.Events.Local, false); element.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ToggleButton, Backend.Events.LAN, true); } // _mainmap2.enabled = false; _mainmap1.Resize(new Rectangle(5, 5, _graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 230, ((_graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 20)) - 115));*/ break; case Backend.Events.ContinueGame: if ((_status != Backend.GameStatus.NoRedraw) || (data.Count() > 0)) { _PlayMusic(); _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.ContinueGame); if (_logic is PureLogic) { for (int i = 0; i < _logic.map.actors.Count; ++i) { if (_logic.map.actors[i] is Player) { _playerID = i; break; } } } if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); } _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, -1); if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { _mainmap1.noMove = true; } _mainmap1.playerID = _playerID; _minimap1.playerID = _playerID; _logic.map.actors[_playerID].online = true; _mainmap1.resetActors(); //_mainmap2.resetActors(); _mana.actor = _logic.map.actors[_playerID]; _health.actor = _logic.map.actors[_playerID]; _toolbar.actor = _logic.map.actors[_playerID]; _status = GameStatus.Running; _focus = null; } break; case Backend.Events.About: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.Pause); if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _focus = null; } _ShowAbout(); break; case Backend.Events.EndGame: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.EndGame); Exit(); break; case Backend.Events.NewMap: _status = Backend.GameStatus.NoRedraw; _logic.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.NewMap); break; case Backend.Events.ResetGame: _status = Backend.GameStatus.NoRedraw; _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.ResetGame); break; case Backend.Events.ButtonPressed: switch ((Backend.Buttons)data[0]) { case Backend.Buttons.Save: _ShowFileDialog(true); break; case Backend.Buttons.Restore: _ShowFileDialog(false); break; } break; case Backend.Events.ActivateAbility: _logic.HandleEvent(true, Events.ActivateAbility, data); break; case Backend.Events.SaveLoad: if (_logic is PureLogic) { PureLogic tmp = _logic as PureLogic; if ((bool)data[0]) tmp.Save((string)data[1]); else tmp.Restore((string)data[1]); } HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame); break; case Backend.Events.ChangeMap: _status = Backend.GameStatus.NoRedraw; _playerID = (int)data[0]; _logic.map.actors[_playerID].online = true; _mainmap1.playerID = _playerID; _minimap1.playerID = _playerID; _mainmap1.map = _logic.map; _minimap1.map = _logic.map; _health.actor = _logic.map.actors[_playerID]; _mana.actor = _logic.map.actors[_playerID]; _toolbar.actor = _logic.map.actors[_playerID]; _mainmap1.resetActors(); if (_logic.map.actors[_playerID].tile != null) _minimap1.MoveCamera(_logic.map.actors[_playerID].tile.coords); HandleEvent(false, Events.ShowMessage, "You entered " + _logic.map.name + "."); _PlayMusic(); _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; _logic.HandleEvent(false, Events.ContinueGame); break; } } else { // Backend to Frontend (received) switch (eventID) { case Backend.Events.AddPlayer: _mainmap1.resetActors(); break; case Backend.Events.RemovePlayer: _mainmap1.resetActors(); break; case Backend.Events.Disconnect: HandleEvent(true, Events.Network); break; case Backend.Events.Attack: _mainmap1.HandleEvent(true, Events.AnimateActor, data[0], Backend.Activity.Attack); break; case Backend.Events.ActorText: if (data.Length > 3) _mainmap1.floatNumber((Coords)data[1], (string)data[2], (Color)data[3]); else _mainmap1.floatNumber((Coords)data[1], (string)data[2], Color.White); // defender, _map.actors[defender].tile.coords, "Evade") break; case Backend.Events.DamageActor: // , defender, _map.actors[defender].tile.coords, _map.actors[defender].health, damage); _mainmap1.HandleEvent(true, Events.AnimateActor, data[0], Backend.Activity.Hit); if ((int)data[0] == _playerID) { _PlaySoundEffect(SoundFX.Damage); } _mainmap1.floatNumber((Coords)data[1], ((int)data[3]).ToString(), ((int)data[0] == _playerID) ? Color.Red : Color.White); break; case Backend.Events.KillActor: if ((int)data[0] < _logic.map.actors.Count) { _mainmap1.HandleEvent(true, Events.AnimateActor, data[0], Backend.Activity.Die); if ((int)data[0] == _playerID) { _PlaySoundEffect(SoundFX.Damage); } _mainmap1.floatNumber((Coords)data[1], ((int)data[3]).ToString(), ((int)data[0] == _playerID) ? Color.Red : Color.White); HandleEvent(false, Events.ShowMessage, _logic.map.actors[(int)data[0]].name + " was killed."); } break; case Backend.Events.ChangeStats: break; case Backend.Events.FireProjectile: break; case Backend.Events.PlaySound: _PlaySoundEffect((Backend.SoundFX)data[0]); break; case Backend.Events.ActivateAbility: /* if ((int)data[0] == _playerID) { if ((int)data[1] < 0) { int item = (int)data[1] + 1; } else { if ((int)data[1] > 0) { int ability = (int)data[1] - 1; } } }*/ break; case Backend.Events.Dialog: //from, to, message, new Backend.DialogLine[] { new Backend.DialogLine("Goodbye", -1) } _ShowTextBox((string)data[2]); HandleEvent(false, Events.ShowMessage, ((Actor)data[1]).name + "->" + ((Actor)data[0]).name + ":" + (string)data[2]); break; case Backend.Events.Shop: _ShowShopWindow((Actor)data[0], (Actor)data[1]); HandleEvent(false, Events.ShowMessage, ((Actor)data[0]).name + " and " + ((Actor)data[1]).name + " traded items."); break; case Events.SetItemTiles: break; case Events.Checkpoint: break; case Events.GameOver: _ShowEndGame("You escaped from the Dungeon!", "Game won"); break; case Backend.Events.FinishedAnimation: break; case Backend.Events.AnimateActor: _mainmap1.HandleEvent(true, Events.AnimateActor, data); break; case Backend.Events.ShowMessage: _AddMessage(data[0].ToString(), data.Length > 1 ? data[1] : null); break; case Events.MoveActor: _mainmap1.HandleEvent(true, Events.MoveActor, data); break; case Backend.Events.ChangeMap: _logic.ChangeMap((string)data[0], (Coords)data[1]); break; } } }
public void AddChild(UIElement child) { if (_children.Count == _focusID) child.focus = true; _children.Add(child); }
/// <summary> /// Setup and display a window used for saving / loading files /// </summary> private void _ShowFileDialog(bool save) { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 13); _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; } _screenshot(); FileDialog _fileDialog = new FileDialog(this, _spriteBatch, Content, center(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, 600, 390), save); _interfaceElements.Add(_fileDialog); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if ((_status == GameStatus.Running) || (_logic is NetLogic)) _logic.Update(gameTime); if ((_backMusic != null) && ((MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Paused) || ((MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped)))) { MediaPlayer.Play(_backMusic); } if (_status != GameStatus.NoRedraw) { if ((_logic.map.actors[_playerID].health < 1) && (_status != Backend.GameStatus.GameOver) && (_status != Backend.GameStatus.Paused)) { _status = Backend.GameStatus.GameOver; _ShowEndGame(); } else if (_status != Backend.GameStatus.GameOver) { foreach (Keys k in _events.keys) { switch (k) { case Keys.T: _statusbox.focus = true; break; case Keys.Up: HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.MoveActor, _playerID, Backend.Direction.Up, _logic.map.actors[_playerID].moveIndex); break; case Keys.Left: HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.MoveActor, _playerID, Backend.Direction.Left, _logic.map.actors[_playerID].moveIndex); break; case Keys.Right: HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.MoveActor, _playerID, Backend.Direction.Right, _logic.map.actors[_playerID].moveIndex); break; case Keys.Down: HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.MoveActor, _playerID, Backend.Direction.Down, _logic.map.actors[_playerID].moveIndex); break; case Keys.Space: HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.MoveProjectile, null, _logic.map.actors[_playerID].tile.parent, _logic.map.actors[_playerID].direction); break; } } if ((!_updating) && (_status != Backend.GameStatus.FetchingData)) { { // _updating = true; _events.Update(gameTime); if (_backgroundcolor.R > 0) // Remove Red Tint { _backgroundcolor.R -= 1; }; if (_backgroundcolor.G > 0) // Remove Green Tint { _backgroundcolor.G -= 1; }; for (int i = 0; i < _interfaceElements.Count; ++i) { UIElement element = _interfaceElements[i]; if (!_dragging) { if (element.IsHit(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y)) { if ((_focus == null) || (!_focus.holdFocus)) { _focus = element; } } } if (_status == Backend.GameStatus.Running || ((_status == Backend.GameStatus.Paused) && (element.ignorePause))) element.Update(gameTime); } if (_focus != null) { if (Mouse.GetState().ScrollWheelValue != _mouseWheel) { int Difference = _mouseWheel - Mouse.GetState().ScrollWheelValue; _mouseWheel = Mouse.GetState().ScrollWheelValue; _focus.ScrollWheel(Difference / Math.Abs(Difference)); } if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (_mousepos.X != -1) { _dragging = true; _focus.MoveContent(new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X - _mousepos.X, Mouse.GetState().Y - _mousepos.Y)); } _mousepos.X = Mouse.GetState().X; _mousepos.Y = Mouse.GetState().Y; } } if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton != ButtonState.Pressed) { _mousepos.X = -1; _mousepos.Y = -1; _dragging = false; } _updating = false; } } base.Update(gameTime); } else { _events.Update(gameTime); if (_focus != null) { _focus.Update(gameTime); } } } }
/// <summary> /// A text displayed if the player died /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> private void _ShowEndGame(string message = "You have failed in your mission. Better luck next time.", string title = "Game over!") { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 13); _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } _status = Backend.GameStatus.GameOver; // _logic.map.Save("savedroom" + _logic.map.id + ".xml"); Rectangle rect = center(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, 500, 150); Window _gameOver = new Window(this, _spriteBatch, Content, rect); Statusbox stat; rect = inner(rect); if (_logic is PureLogic) { _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 40, 80, 32), "New Maps", (int)Backend.Buttons.NewMap)); if (_logic.map.actors[_playerID].lives > 0) { _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Left + 90, rect.Bottom - 40, 150, 32), "Respawn (" + _logic.map.actors[_playerID].lives.ToString() + " left)", (int)Backend.Buttons.Load)); } bool hasSave = false; foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(".\\save")) { string tmp = dir.ToLower().Trim(); if (tmp.Substring(tmp.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1) != "auto") { hasSave = true; break; } } if (hasSave) _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Right - 215, rect.Bottom - 40, 65, 32), "Restore", (int)Backend.Buttons.Restore)); _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Right - 140, rect.Bottom - 40, 65, 32), "Restart", (int)Backend.Buttons.Restart)); _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Right - 65, rect.Bottom - 40, 65, 32), "Quit", (int)Backend.Buttons.Quit)); } else { _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 40, 80, 32), "Resurrect", (int)Backend.Buttons.Load)); _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Right - 170, rect.Bottom - 40, 80, 32), "Disconnect", (int)Backend.Buttons.Connect)); _gameOver.AddChild(new Button(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Right - 80, rect.Bottom - 40, 80, 32), "Quit", (int)Backend.Buttons.Quit)); } _gameOver.AddChild(stat = new Statusbox(_gameOver, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 450, 200, 0), false, true)); stat.AddLine(title + "\n \n" + message); _interfaceElements.Add(_gameOver); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; }
/// <summary> /// Setup and display a window containing credits /// </summary> private void _ShowAbout() { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 13); _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; Rectangle rect = center(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, 600, 300); Window _about = new Window(this, _spriteBatch, Content, rect); rect = inner(rect); _about.AddChild(new Button(_about, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Left + 45, rect.Bottom - 42, rect.Width - 90, 32), "Ok", (int)Backend.Buttons.Close)); // _mainMenu.AddChild(new ProgressBar(this, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 160) / 2.0f), (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) + 80, 300, 30), ProgressStyle.Block,100,2)); Statusbox stat; _about.AddChild(stat = new Statusbox(_about, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height - 50), false, true)); stat.AddLine("Dungeon Crawler 2013\n\n Developed by Group 22\n\n" + "*********************************\n\n" + "Music: Video Dungeon Crawl by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0\n\n" + "http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?collection=029\n\n" + "Graphics: Tile Graphics by Reiner Prokein\n\n" + "http://www.reinerstilesets.de/de/lizenz/ "); _interfaceElements.Add(_about); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; }
private void _ShowShopWindow(Backend.Actor actor1, Backend.Actor actor2) { if (!(_focus is CharacterWindow)) { _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; Shop c = new Shop(this, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 250) / 2.0f), (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) - 200, 500, 300), actor1, actor2); _interfaceElements.Add(c); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; } }
private void _ShowLANWindow(NetPlayer network = null) { if (_focus is Window) { _focus.Dispose(); _interfaceElements.Remove(_focus); _toolbar.HandleEvent(true, Backend.Events.ContinueGame, 13); _status = Backend.GameStatus.Running; } _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; Lobby _lobby = new Lobby(this, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 340) / 2, (GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 200) / 2, 680, 400), network); _interfaceElements.Add(_lobby); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; }
private void _ShowCharacterWindow(Backend.Actor actor, uint page = 0) { if (!(_focus is CharacterWindow)) { _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; CharacterWindow c = new CharacterWindow(this, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 250) / 2.0f), (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) - 240, 500, 480), actor); _interfaceElements.Add(c); c.page = page; _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; } else { (_focus as CharacterWindow).page = page; } }
/// <summary> /// Display Main Menu /// </summary> private void _ShowMenu() { _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; Rectangle rect = center(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, 300, 300); Window _mainMenu = new Window(this, _spriteBatch, Content, rect); rect = inner(rect); if (!(_logic is NetLogic)) { _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 280, 32, 0), "Continue", (int)Backend.Buttons.Close)); _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 280, 32, 50), "Restart", (int)Backend.Buttons.Restart)); _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 280, 32, 90), "New Maps", (int)Backend.Buttons.NewMap)); _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top + 130, 135, 32), "Save", (int)Backend.Buttons.Save)); bool hasSave = false; foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(".\\save")) { string tmp = dir.ToLower().Trim(); if (tmp.Substring(tmp.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1) != "auto") { hasSave = true; break; } } if (hasSave) _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle(rect.Right - 135, rect.Top + 130, 135, 32), "Restore", (int)Backend.Buttons.Restore)); /* _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 160) / 2.0f), (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) - 30, 140, 60), "Local", (int)Buttons.Local, !_lan)); */ } _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 280, 146, 170), "Multiplayer " + ((_logic is NetLogic) ? "(online)" : "(offline)"), (int)Backend.Buttons.LAN, _lan)); /* _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 160) / 2.0f), (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) + 40, 300, 60), "Settings", (int)Buttons.Settings)); */ _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 280, 186, 210), "Credits", (int)Backend.Buttons.Credits)); _mainMenu.AddChild(new Button(_mainMenu, _spriteBatch, Content, center(rect, 280, 226, 250), "Quit", (int)Backend.Buttons.Quit)); // _mainMenu.AddChild(new ProgressBar(this, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 160) / 2.0f), (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) + 80, 300, 30), ProgressStyle.Block,100,2)); _interfaceElements.Add(_mainMenu); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; }
/// <summary> /// Display a dialog with Ok button /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Message to display</param> private void _ShowTextBox(string message) { _status = Backend.GameStatus.Paused; Client.Window _messagebox = new Client.Window(this, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) / 2.0f) - 300, (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) - 100, 600, 200)); Client.Statusbox stat = new Client.Statusbox(_messagebox, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) / 2.0f) - 300 + 10, (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) - 70, 590, 110), false, true); stat.AddLine(message); _messagebox.AddChild(stat); _messagebox.AddChild(new Client.Button(_messagebox, _spriteBatch, Content, new Rectangle((int)((GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) / 2.0f) - 65, (int)(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f) + 30, 130, 40), "Goodbye!", (int)Backend.Buttons.Close)); _interfaceElements.Add(_messagebox); _messagebox.ChangeFocus(); _focus = _interfaceElements[_interfaceElements.Count - 1]; }