public YesNoDialog(Backend.IHandleEvent parent, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ContentManager content, Rectangle displayRect, string question = "Quit?", string yes = "Yes", string no = "No") : base(parent, spriteBatch, content, displayRect) { AddChild(_yes = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 85, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 85, 30), yes, (int)Backend.Buttons.Yes)); AddChild(_no = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 5, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 85, 30), no, (int)Backend.Buttons.No)); AddChild(_question = new Statusbox(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 10, _displayRect.Top + 10, _displayRect.Width - 20, _displayRect.Height - 60), false, true)); _question.AddLine(question); ChangeFocus(); }
public FileDialog(Backend.IHandleEvent parent, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ContentManager content, Rectangle displayRect, bool save) : base(parent, spriteBatch, content, displayRect) { _save = save; _BuildList(); AddChild(_filename = new TextInput(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 10, _displayRect.Top + 5, _displayRect.Width - 40, 20), "Name:", ((save) ? "Savegame" : _files[0].name), "Enter a name for your savegame", 20, save)); AddChild(_ok = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 115, _displayRect.Bottom - 40, 85, 30), ((save) ? "Save" : "Restore"), (int)Backend.Buttons.Close)); AddChild(_cancel = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 10, _displayRect.Bottom - 40, 85, 30), "Cancel", (int)Backend.Buttons.Cancel)); _background = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Minimap"); _arrows = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Arrows"); _font = _content.Load<SpriteFont>("SmallFont"); }
public Lobby(Backend.IHandleEvent parent, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ContentManager content, Rectangle displayRect, NetPlayer netplayer = null) : base(parent, spriteBatch, content, displayRect) { string myGUID = ""; if (Properties.Settings.Default.guid != "NONE") { myGUID = Properties.Settings.Default.guid; } else { myGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.guid = myGUID; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } AddChild(_ipEntry = new TextInput(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 5, _displayRect.Top + 5, _displayRect.Width - 250, 30), "Server:", "localhost", "Enter a server to connect to or localhost to test locally", -1, true)); AddChild(_playerName = new TextInput(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 5, _displayRect.Top + 50, _displayRect.Width - 250, 30), "Computer-ID:", myGUID, "Enter a unique ID for your computer", -1, true)); AddChild(_listPlayers = new Statusbox(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 5, _displayRect.Top + 100, _displayRect.Width - 10, _displayRect.Height - 160), true, true)); //_ok = new Button(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 90, _displayRect.Bottom - 50, 80, 40), "Ok", (int)Backend.Buttons.Close); AddChild(_launchServer = new Button(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 210, _displayRect.Top + 5, 200, 40), "Launch Server", (int)Backend.Buttons.StartServer)); AddChild(_cancel = new Button(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 10, _displayRect.Bottom - 50, 80, 40), "Cancel", (int)Backend.Buttons.Cancel)); AddChild(_connect = new Button(this, spriteBatch, content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 160, _displayRect.Top + 50, 150, 40), "Connect", (int)Backend.Buttons.Connect)); if (netplayer == null) { _network = new NetPlayer(this); _network.playername = _playerName.text; } else { _launchServer.Hide(); _network = netplayer; _network.parent = this; _ipEntry.text = _network.server; _playerName.text = _network.playername; if (netplayer.connected) { _connect.label = "Disconnect"; _listPlayers.AddLine("Connected.", Color.Green); } else { _connect.label = "Connect"; _listPlayers.AddLine("Disconnected.", Color.Red); } } // IP-Entry-Field (Dropdown?) // Button to launch server // Entry fField for player name // List of players }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public Shop(Backend.IHandleEvent parent, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ContentManager content, Rectangle displayRect, Backend.Actor actor1, Backend.Actor actor2) : base(parent, spriteBatch, content, displayRect) { _buyer = actor1; _seller = actor2; _background = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Minimap"); _arrows = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Arrows"); _rows = (int)((_displayRect.Height - 65) / (_height + 3)); _font = _content.Load<SpriteFont>("SmallFont"); AddChild(_steal = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 5, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 80, 30), "Steal", (int)ShopButtons.Steal, false)); AddChild(_buy = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + 90, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 80, 30), "Buy", (int)ShopButtons.Buy, false)); AddChild(_sell = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 170, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 80, 30), "Sell", (int)ShopButtons.Sell, false)); AddChild(_modify = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Right - 85, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 80, 30), "Modify", (int)ShopButtons.Modify, false)); AddChild(_sellergold = new NumberEntry(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + (_displayRect.Width - 80) / 2 - 70, _displayRect.Top + 12, 102, 20), "Gold",, "Seller's gold", 3, false)); AddChild(_buyergold = new NumberEntry(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + (_displayRect.Width - 107), _displayRect.Top + 12, 102, 20), "Gold",, "Buyer's gold", 3, false)); AddChild(_leave = new Button(this, _spriteBatch, _content, new Rectangle(_displayRect.Left + (_displayRect.Width - 80) / 2, _displayRect.Bottom - 35, 80, 30), "Leave", (int)ShopButtons.Leave, false)); _buy.Hide(); _sell.Hide(); _modify.Hide(); _steal.Hide(); }