Inheritance: IDownloader
文件: Agent.cs 项目: diva/Grider
        // This is the very first agent
        public Agent(string gridserver, string gridserverkey, ulong regionhandle, IPEndPoint endpoint, uint httpport)
            GridServerURL = gridserver;
            GridServerSendKey = gridserverkey;
            TheRegion = new RegionInfo();
            uint x = 0, y = 0;
            Utils.LongToUInts(regionhandle, out x, out y);
            TheRegion.RegionLocX = x;
            TheRegion.RegionLocY = y;
            //region.RegionHandle = regionhandle;
            TheRegion.ExternalHostName = endpoint.Address.ToString();
            TheRegion.InternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), (int)0);
            TheRegion.HttpPort = httpport;
            //regionHandle = regionhandle;
            regionEndPoint = endpoint;
            //simHttpPort = httpport;

            CapsSeed = agentCircuitData.CapsPath;

            if (Home == null)
                Home = TheRegion;

            RegClient = new RegionClient(proxy, "http://" + TheRegion.ExternalHostName + ":" + TheRegion.HttpPort.ToString(), CapsSeed);

            Console.WriteLine("[Grider]: New agent for region " + TheRegion.ExternalEndPoint.Address + ":" + TheRegion.HttpPort + " at " + TheRegion.RegionLocX + "-" + TheRegion.RegionLocY);
文件: Agent.cs 项目: diva/Grider
        // All other agents
        public Agent(RegionInfo regInfo, Vector3 pos, Vector3 look)
            TheRegion = regInfo;
            regionEndPoint = TheRegion.ExternalEndPoint;
            position = pos;
            lookAt = look;

            CapsSeed = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
            RegClient = new RegionClient(proxy, "http://" + TheRegion.ExternalHostName + ":" + TheRegion.HttpPort.ToString(), CapsSeed);

            Console.WriteLine("[Grider]: New agent for region " + TheRegion.ExternalEndPoint.Address + ":" + TheRegion.HttpPort + " at "
                + TheRegion.RegionLocX + "-" + TheRegion.RegionLocY + " with caps seed " + CapsSeed);