        public static bool DrawScales(Graphics graphics, Geometry.Box box, Colors colors, bool fill)
            if (!box.IsValid())

            LocalCS cs = new LocalCS(box, graphics, fill);

            // Aabb
            float min_x = cs.ConvertX(box.Min[0]);
            float min_y = cs.ConvertY(box.Min[1]);
            float max_x = cs.ConvertX(box.Max[0]);
            float max_y = cs.ConvertY(box.Max[1]);

            // pen for lines
            Pen   penAabb   = new Pen(colors.AabbColor, 1);
            float maxHeight = 20.0f;
            // font and brush for text
            Font       font      = new Font(new FontFamily(System.Drawing.Text.GenericFontFamilies.SansSerif), maxHeight / 2.0f);
            SolidBrush brushText = new SolidBrush(colors.TextColor);

            // Scales
                float wWidth  = graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Width;
                float wHeight = graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Height;
                // In CS coordinates
                double mi_x   = cs.InverseConvertX(0);
                double mi_y   = cs.InverseConvertY(wHeight);
                double ma_x   = cs.InverseConvertX(wWidth);
                double ma_y   = cs.InverseConvertY(0);
                double mima_x = ma_x - mi_x;
                double mima_y = ma_y - mi_y;
                // Esstimate numbers of strings for both axes
                double esst_x   = Math.Abs(mima_x) < 10 ? mima_x / 10 : mima_x;
                float  wStrNumX = wWidth / StringWidth(graphics, font, esst_x) / 1.25f;
                float  wStrNumH = wHeight / StringWidth(graphics, font, 1.0) / 2.0f;
                // Find closest power of 10 lesser than the width and height
                double pd_x = AbsOuterPow10(mima_x / wStrNumX);
                double pd_y = AbsOuterPow10(mima_y / wStrNumH);
                // Find starting x and y values being the first lesser whole
                // values of the same magnitude, per axis
                double x = ScaleStart(mi_x, pd_x);
                double y = ScaleStart(mi_y, pd_y);
                // Make sure the scale starts outside the view
                if (x > mi_x)
                    x -= pd_x;
                if (y > mi_y)
                    y -= pd_y;
                // Create the string output pattern, e.g. 0.00 for previously calculated step
                string xStrFormat  = StringFormat(pd_x);
                string yStrFormat  = StringFormat(pd_y);
                float  wd_x        = cs.ConvertDimensionX(pd_x);
                int    smallScaleX = SmallScaleSegments(wd_x, 10);
                float  wd_x_step   = wd_x / smallScaleX;
                float  wd_x_limit  = wd_x - wd_x_step / 2;
                float  wd_y        = cs.ConvertDimensionY(pd_y);
                int    smallScaleY = SmallScaleSegments(wd_y, 10);
                float  wd_y_step   = wd_y / smallScaleY;
                float  wd_y_limit  = wd_y - wd_y_step / 2;
                // Draw horizontal scale
                double limit_x = ma_x + pd_x * 1.001;
                for (; x < limit_x; x += pd_x)
                    float wx = cs.ConvertX(x);
                    // scale
                    graphics.DrawLine(penAabb, wx, wHeight, wx, wHeight - 5);
                    // value
                    string xStr     = Util.ToString(x, xStrFormat);
                    SizeF  xStrSize = graphics.MeasureString(xStr, font);
                    float  xStrLeft = wx - xStrSize.Width / 2;
                    float  xStrTop  = wHeight - 5 - xStrSize.Height;
                    graphics.DrawString(xStr, font, brushText, xStrLeft, xStrTop);
                    // small scale
                    for (float wsx = wx + wd_x_step; wsx < wx + wd_x_limit; wsx += wd_x_step)
                        graphics.DrawLine(penAabb, wsx, wHeight, wsx, wHeight - 3);
                // Draw vertical scale
                double limit_y = ma_y + pd_y * 1.001;
                for (; y < limit_y; y += pd_y)
                    float wy = cs.ConvertY(y);
                    // scale
                    graphics.DrawLine(penAabb, wWidth, wy, wWidth - 5, wy);
                    // value
                    string yStr     = Util.ToString(y, yStrFormat);
                    SizeF  yStrSize = graphics.MeasureString(yStr, font);
                    float  yStrLeft = wWidth - 5 - yStrSize.Width;
                    float  yStrTop  = wy - yStrSize.Height / 2;
                    graphics.DrawString(yStr, font, brushText, yStrLeft, yStrTop);
                    // small scale
                    for (float wsy = wy - wd_y_step; wsy > wy - wd_y_limit; wsy -= wd_y_step)
                        graphics.DrawLine(penAabb, wWidth, wsy, wWidth - 3, wsy);

        private void imageGrid_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Point point = e.GetPosition(imageGrid);

            m_mouseVLine.X1         = point.X;
            m_mouseVLine.Y1         = 0;
            m_mouseVLine.X2         = point.X;
            m_mouseVLine.Y2         = image.ActualHeight;
            m_mouseVLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            m_mouseHLine.X1         = 0;
            m_mouseHLine.Y1         = point.Y;
            m_mouseHLine.X2         = image.ActualWidth;
            m_mouseHLine.Y2         = point.Y;
            m_mouseHLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            if (m_currentBox != null && m_currentBox.IsValid())
                if (m_currentLocalCS == null)
                    m_currentLocalCS = new LocalCS(m_currentBox, (float)image.ActualWidth, (float)image.ActualHeight);
                    m_currentLocalCS.Reset(m_currentBox, (float)image.ActualWidth, (float)image.ActualHeight);
                m_mouseTxt.Text = "(" + Util.ToString(m_currentLocalCS.InverseConvertX(point.X))
                                  + " " + Util.ToString(m_currentLocalCS.InverseConvertY(point.Y))
                                  + ")";
                Canvas.SetLeft(m_mouseTxt, point.X + 2);
                Canvas.SetTop(m_mouseTxt, point.Y + 2);
                m_mouseTxt.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                m_mouseTxt.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            if (m_mouseDown)
                if (m_pointDown[0] != point.X || m_pointDown[1] != point.Y)
                    double ox = m_pointDown[0];
                    double oy = m_pointDown[1];
                    double x  = Math.Min(Math.Max(point.X, 0), image.ActualWidth);
                    double y  = Math.Min(Math.Max(point.Y, 0), image.ActualHeight);
                    double w  = Math.Abs(x - ox);
                    double h  = Math.Abs(y - oy);

                    double prop  = h / w;
                    double iProp = image.ActualHeight / image.ActualWidth;
                    if (prop < iProp)
                        h = iProp * w;
                    else if (prop > iProp)
                        w = h / iProp;

                    double l = ox;
                    double t = oy;

                    if (ox <= x)
                        if (ox + w > image.ActualWidth)
                            w = image.ActualWidth - ox;
                            h = iProp * w;
                        if (ox - w < 0)
                            w = ox;
                            h = iProp * w;
                        l = ox - w;

                    if (oy <= y)
                        if (oy + h > image.ActualHeight)
                            h = image.ActualHeight - oy;
                            w = h / iProp;
                        if (oy - h < 0)
                            h = oy;
                            w = h / iProp;
                        t = oy - h;

                    if (w > 0 && h > 0)
                        Canvas.SetLeft(m_selectionRect, l);
                        Canvas.SetTop(m_selectionRect, t);
                        m_selectionRect.Width  = w;
                        m_selectionRect.Height = h;

                        m_selectionRect.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        private void imageGrid_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Point point = e.GetPosition(imageGrid);

            m_mouseVLine.X1         = point.X;
            m_mouseVLine.Y1         = 0;
            m_mouseVLine.X2         = point.X;
            m_mouseVLine.Y2         = image.ActualHeight;
            m_mouseVLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            m_mouseHLine.X1         = 0;
            m_mouseHLine.Y1         = point.Y;
            m_mouseHLine.X2         = image.ActualWidth;
            m_mouseHLine.Y2         = point.Y;
            m_mouseHLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            if (m_currentBox != null && m_currentBox.IsValid())
                // TODO: pass correct fill parameter later when point plot is implemented
                bool fill = true;
                if (m_currentLocalCS == null)
                    m_currentLocalCS = new LocalCS(m_currentBox, (float)image.ActualWidth, (float)image.ActualHeight, fill);
                    m_currentLocalCS.Reset(m_currentBox, (float)image.ActualWidth, (float)image.ActualHeight, fill);
                m_mouseTxt.Text = "(" + Util.ToString(m_currentLocalCS.InverseConvertX(point.X))
                                  + " " + Util.ToString(m_currentLocalCS.InverseConvertY(point.Y))
                                  + ")";
                Canvas.SetLeft(m_mouseTxt, point.X + 2);
                Canvas.SetTop(m_mouseTxt, point.Y + 2);
                m_mouseTxt.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                m_mouseTxt.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            if (m_mouseDown)
                if (m_pointDown[0] != point.X || m_pointDown[1] != point.Y)
                    double originx = m_pointDown[0];
                    double originy = m_pointDown[1];
                    double x       = Math.Min(Math.Max(point.X, 0), image.ActualWidth);
                    double y       = Math.Min(Math.Max(point.Y, 0), image.ActualHeight);
                    double width   = Math.Abs(x - originx);
                    double height  = Math.Abs(y - originy);

                    if (originx > x)
                        originx -= width;
                    if (originy > y)
                        originy -= height;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(m_selectionRect, originx);
                    m_selectionRect.Width = width;
                    Canvas.SetTop(m_selectionRect, originy);
                    m_selectionRect.Height = height;

                    m_selectionRect.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;