public RSAKeyPair(BigInteger e, BigInteger d, BigInteger n, BigInteger u, BigInteger p, BigInteger q) { _publickey = new RSAPublicKey(e, n); _d = d; _u = u; _p = p; _q = q; }
/// <summary> /// constructs from file /// </summary> /// <param name="path">file name</param> /// <param name="passphrase">passphrase or empty string if passphrase is not required</param> public SSH1UserAuthKey(string path, string passphrase) { #if PODEROSA_KEYFORMAT PrivateKeyLoader loader = new PrivateKeyLoader(path); loader.LoadSSH1PrivateKey( passphrase, out _modulus, out _publicExponent, out _privateExponent, out _primeP, out _primeQ, out _crtCoefficient, out _comment); #else Stream s = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open); byte[] header = new byte[32]; s.Read(header, 0, header.Length); if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(header) != "SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1\n") throw new SSHException(String.Format(Strings.GetString("BrokenKeyFile"), path)); SSH1DataReader reader = new SSH1DataReader(ReadAll(s)); s.Close(); byte[] cipher = reader.Read(2); //first 2 bytes indicates algorithm and next 8 bytes is space reader.Read(8); _modulus = reader.ReadMPInt(); _publicExponent = reader.ReadMPInt(); _comment = reader.ReadString(); byte[] prvt = reader.GetRemainingDataView().GetBytes(); //必要なら復号 CipherAlgorithm algo = (CipherAlgorithm)cipher[1]; if (algo != 0) { Cipher c = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH1, algo, ConvertToKey(passphrase)); byte[] buf = new byte[prvt.Length]; c.Decrypt(prvt, 0, prvt.Length, buf, 0); prvt = buf; } SSH1DataReader prvtreader = new SSH1DataReader(prvt); byte[] mark = prvtreader.Read(4); if (mark[0] != mark[2] || mark[1] != mark[3]) throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("WrongPassphrase")); _privateExponent = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); _crtCoefficient = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); _primeP = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); _primeQ = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); #endif }
public static DSAKeyPair GenerateNew(int bits, Rng random) { BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1); BigInteger[] pq = findRandomStrongPrime(bits, 160, random); BigInteger p = pq[0], q = pq[1]; BigInteger g = findRandomGenerator(q, p, random); BigInteger x; do { x = BigInteger.GenerateRandom(q.BitCount()); } while ((x < one) || (x > q)); BigInteger y = g.ModPow(x, p); return new DSAKeyPair(p, g, q, y, x); }
/// <summary> /// Read SSH1 private key parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="passphrase">passphrase for decrypt the key file</param> /// <param name="modulus">private key parameter is set</param> /// <param name="publicExponent">private key parameter is set</param> /// <param name="privateExponent">private key parameter is set</param> /// <param name="primeP">private key parameter is set</param> /// <param name="primeQ">private key parameter is set</param> /// <param name="crtCoefficient">private key parameter is set</param> /// <exception cref="SSHException">failed to parse</exception> public void LoadSSH1PrivateKey( string passphrase, out BigInteger modulus, out BigInteger publicExponent, out BigInteger privateExponent, out BigInteger primeP, out BigInteger primeQ, out BigInteger crtCoefficient) { PrivateKeyFileFormat format = ProbeFormat(); ISSH1PrivateKeyLoader loader; if (format == PrivateKeyFileFormat.SSH1) loader = new SSH1PrivateKeyLoader(keyFile, keyFilePath); else throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("UnsupportedPrivateKeyFormat")); loader.Load(passphrase, out modulus, out publicExponent, out privateExponent, out primeP, out primeQ, out crtCoefficient); }
/// <summary> /// Read SSH1 private key parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="passphrase">passphrase for decrypt the key file</param> /// <param name="modulus">private key parameter</param> /// <param name="publicExponent">private key parameter</param> /// <param name="privateExponent">private key parameter</param> /// <param name="primeP">private key parameter</param> /// <param name="primeQ">private key parameter</param> /// <param name="crtCoefficient">private key parameter</param> /// <param name="comment">comment</param> /// <exception cref="SSHException">failed to parse</exception> public void Load( string passphrase, out BigInteger modulus, out BigInteger publicExponent, out BigInteger privateExponent, out BigInteger primeP, out BigInteger primeQ, out BigInteger crtCoefficient, out string comment) { if (keyFile == null) throw new SSHException("A key file is not loaded yet"); byte[] hdr = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PrivateKeyFileHeader.SSH1_HEADER); if (!ByteArrayUtil.ByteArrayStartsWith(keyFile, hdr)) throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("NotValidPrivateKeyFile")); SSH1DataReader reader = new SSH1DataReader(keyFile); reader.Read(hdr.Length); byte[] cipher = reader.Read(2); //first 2 bytes indicates algorithm and next 8 bytes is space reader.Read(8); modulus = reader.ReadMPInt(); publicExponent = reader.ReadMPInt(); comment = reader.ReadString(); byte[] prvt = reader.GetRemainingDataView().GetBytes(); //必要なら復号 CipherAlgorithm algo = (CipherAlgorithm)cipher[1]; if (algo != 0) { Cipher c = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH1, algo, SSH1PassphraseToKey(passphrase)); c.Decrypt(prvt, 0, prvt.Length, prvt, 0); } SSH1DataReader prvtreader = new SSH1DataReader(prvt); byte[] mark = prvtreader.Read(4); if (mark[0] != mark[2] || mark[1] != mark[3]) throw new SSHException(Strings.GetString("WrongPassphrase")); privateExponent = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); crtCoefficient = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); primeP = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); primeQ = prvtreader.ReadMPInt(); }
/// <summary> /// Read integer. /// </summary> /// <param name="bigint">BigInteger instance will be stored if succeeded.</param> /// <returns>true if succeeded.</returns> public bool ReadInteger(out BigInteger bigint) { BERTagInfo tagInfo = new BERTagInfo(); if (ReadTagInfo(ref tagInfo) && tagInfo.IsConstructed == false && tagInfo.TagNumber == TAG_INTEGER && tagInfo.Length != LENGTH_INDEFINITE && tagInfo.Length > 0) { byte[] buff = new byte[tagInfo.Length]; int len = strm.Read(buff, 0, tagInfo.Length); if (len == tagInfo.Length) { bigint = new BigInteger(buff); return true; } } bigint = null; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public CurveEd25519() { _curveName = "edwards25519"; _publicKeyAlgorithm = PublicKeyAlgorithm.ED25519; _p = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex( // 2^255 - 19 "7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffed" )); _d = BigInteger.Parse( "37095705934669439343138083508754565189542113879843219016388785533085940283555" ); _bx = BigInteger.Parse( "15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202" ); _by = BigInteger.Parse( "46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960" ); _l = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex( // 2^252 + 0x14def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed "1000000000000000000000000000000014def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed" )); }
public RSAPublicKey(BigInteger exp, BigInteger mod) { _e = exp; _n = mod; }
/// <summary> /// Extract an message from the encoded message (EM) described in PKCS#1 /// </summary> /// <param name="input">encoded message bits</param> /// <param name="type">type number (1 or 2)</param> /// <returns>message bits</returns> public static BigInteger StripPKCS1Pad(BigInteger input, int type) { byte[] strip = input.GetBytes(); int stripLen = strip.Length; int i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= stripLen) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid EM format"); } if (strip[i] != 0) { break; } i++; } if (strip[i] != type) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid PKCS1 padding {0}", type)); } i++; int padLen = 0; while (true) { if (i >= stripLen) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid EM format"); } byte b = strip[i]; if (b == 0) { break; } if (type == 1 && b != 0xff) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid PKCS1 padding"); } padLen++; i++; } if (padLen < 8) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid PKCS1 padding"); } i++; // skip 0x00 if (i >= stripLen) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid PKCS1 padding, corrupt data"); } byte[] val = new byte[stripLen - i]; Buffer.BlockCopy(strip, i, val, 0, val.Length); return new BigInteger(val); }
// Tests signature verification using test vectors from NIST CAVP. // internal static void TestSignatureVerification() { using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"186-3ecdsatestvectors\SigVer.rsp")) { EllipticCurve curve = null; byte[] msg = null; BigInteger qx = null; BigInteger qy = null; BigInteger r = null; BigInteger s = null; string result = null; int testCount = 0; while (true) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } var match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(line, @"\[([-\w]+),(SHA-\d+)\]"); if (match.Success) { string curveName = "nist" + match.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("-", ""); curve = FindByName(curveName); if (curve != null) { using (var hashFunc = ECDSAHashAlgorithmChooser.Choose(curve)) { var hashName = "SHA-" + hashFunc.HashSize.ToString(); if (hashName == match.Groups[2].Value) { Debug.WriteLine("Test " + curve.CurveName); } else { // hash function doesn't match curve = null; } } } msg = null; qx = qy = r = s = null; result = null; testCount = 0; continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Msg = ") && curve != null) { msg = BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(6).Trim()); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Qx = ") && curve != null) { qx = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(5).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Qy = ") && curve != null) { qy = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(5).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("R = ") && curve != null) { r = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(4).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("S = ") && curve != null) { s = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(4).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Result = ") && curve != null) { result = line.Substring(9, 1); if (msg != null && qx != null && qy != null && r != null && s != null) { var pk = new ECDSAPublicKey(curve, new ECPoint(qx, qy)); var buf = new SSH2DataWriter(); buf.WriteBigInteger(r); buf.WriteBigInteger(s); var sig = buf.ToByteArray(); string verRes; try { pk.Verify(sig, msg); verRes = "P"; } catch (VerifyException) { verRes = "F"; } if (verRes != result) { throw new Exception("verification result doesn't match"); } ++testCount; Debug.WriteLine("Pass #{0}", testCount); } msg = null; qx = qy = r = s = null; result = null; } } } }
private BigInteger SignCore(BigInteger input, BigInteger pe, BigInteger qe) { BigInteger p2 = (input % _p).ModPow(pe, _p); BigInteger q2 = (input % _q).ModPow(qe, _q); if (p2 == q2) return p2; BigInteger k; if (q2 > p2) { k = (q2 - p2) % _q; } else { // add multiple of _q greater than _p BigInteger d = _q + (_p / _q) * _q; k = (d + q2 - p2) % _q; } k = (k * _u) % _q; BigInteger result = k * _p + p2; return result; }
public DSAPublicKey(BigInteger p, BigInteger g, BigInteger q, BigInteger y) { _p = p; _g = g; _q = q; _y = y; }
public DSAKeyPair(BigInteger p, BigInteger g, BigInteger q, BigInteger y, BigInteger x) { _publickey = new DSAPublicKey(p, g, q, y); _x = x; }
/// <summary> /// Point dooubling over the curve /// </summary> private bool PointDouble( BigInteger.ModulusRing ring, ECPoint p1, out ECPoint p3) { if (p1 is ECPointAtInfinity) { p3 = p1; return true; } if (p1.Y == 0) { p3 = new ECPointAtInfinity(); return true; } // x3 = {(3 * x1^2 + a)/(2 * y1)}^2 - (2 * x1) // y3 = {(3 * x1^2 + a)/(2 * y1)} * (x1 - x3) - y1 try { BigInteger x1 = p1.X; BigInteger y1 = p1.Y; BigInteger x1_2 = ring.Multiply(x1, x1); BigInteger lambda = ring.Multiply(x1_2 + x1_2 + x1_2 + a, (y1 + y1).ModInverse(p)); BigInteger x3 = ring.Difference(ring.Multiply(lambda, lambda), x1 + x1); BigInteger y3 = ring.Difference(ring.Multiply(lambda, ring.Difference(x1, x3)), y1); p3 = new ECPoint(x3, y3); return true; } catch (Exception) { p3 = null; return false; } }
private static BigInteger findRandomGenerator(BigInteger order, BigInteger modulo, Rng random) { BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1); BigInteger aux = modulo - new BigInteger(1); BigInteger t = aux % order; BigInteger generator; if (AsUInt64(t) != 0) { return null; } t = aux / order; while (true) { generator = BigInteger.GenerateRandom(modulo.BitCount()); generator = generator % modulo; generator = generator.ModPow(t, modulo); if (generator != one) break; } aux = generator.ModPow(order, modulo); if (aux != one) { return null; } return generator; }
/// <summary> /// Calculate point multiplication /// </summary> /// <param name="k1">scalar</param> /// <param name="k2">scalar</param> /// <param name="t">point</param> /// <param name="infinityToNull"> /// if result was point-at-infinity, and this parameter was true, /// null is returned instead of <see cref="ECPointAtInfinity"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>point on the curve, point at infinity, or null if failed</returns> public override ECPoint PointMul(BigInteger k1, BigInteger k2, ECPoint t, bool infinityToNull) { BigInteger.ModulusRing ring = new BigInteger.ModulusRing(p); BigInteger k = ring.Multiply(k1, k2); return PointMul(k, t, infinityToNull); }
/// <summary> /// Point addition over the curve /// </summary> private bool PointAdd( BigInteger.ModulusRing ring, ECPoint p1, ECPoint p2, out ECPoint p3) { if (p1 is ECPointAtInfinity) { p3 = p2; return true; } if (p2 is ECPointAtInfinity) { p3 = p1; return true; } if (p1.X == p2.X) { if (p1.Y == p2.Y) { return PointDouble(ring, p1, out p3); } else { p3 = new ECPointAtInfinity(); return true; } } // x3 = {(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)}^2 - (x1 + x2) // y3 = {(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)} * (x1 - x3) - y1 try { BigInteger x1 = p1.X; BigInteger y1 = p1.Y; BigInteger x2 = p2.X; BigInteger y2 = p2.Y; BigInteger lambda = ring.Multiply(ring.Difference(y2, y1), ring.Difference(x2, x1).ModInverse(p)); BigInteger x3 = ring.Difference(ring.Multiply(lambda, lambda), x1 + x2); BigInteger y3 = ring.Difference(ring.Multiply(lambda, ring.Difference(x1, x3)), y1); p3 = new ECPoint(x3, y3); return true; } catch (Exception) { p3 = null; return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Calculate point multiplication /// </summary> /// <param name="k">scalar</param> /// <param name="t">point</param> /// <param name="infinityToNull"> /// if result was point-at-infinity, and this parameter was true, /// null is returned instead of <see cref="ECPointAtInfinity"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>point on the curve, point at infinity, or null if failed</returns> public override ECPoint PointMul(BigInteger k, ECPoint t, bool infinityToNull) { if (t == null) { return null; } BigInteger.ModulusRing ring = new BigInteger.ModulusRing(p); ECPoint r; if (!PointMul(ring, t, k, out r)) { return null; } if (infinityToNull && r is ECPointAtInfinity) { return null; } return r; }
/// <summary> /// Validate if the point satisfies the equation of the elliptic curve. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">value of X</param> /// <param name="y">value of Y</param> /// <returns>true if the values satisfy.</returns> public override bool ValidatePoint(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { if (x == 0 || x >= p || y == 0 || y >= p) { return false; } BigInteger y2 = (y * y) % p; BigInteger fx = ((x * x + a) * x + b) % p; return y2 == fx; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">public key algorithm which uses this curve</param> /// <param name="curveName">curve name</param> /// <param name="p">odd prime</param> /// <param name="a">curve parameter</param> /// <param name="b">curve parameter</param> /// <param name="G">base point</param> /// <param name="n">order n of G</param> /// <param name="h">cofactor</param> public EllipticCurveFp( PublicKeyAlgorithm algorithm, string curveName, BigInteger p, BigInteger a, BigInteger b, ECPoint G, BigInteger n, BigInteger h) { this._algorithm = algorithm; this._curveName = curveName; this.p = p; this.a = a; this.b = b; this.G = G; this.n = n; this.h = h; }
// Tests point-multiplication using test vectors // internal static void TestPointMultiplication() { using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"nisttv")) { EllipticCurve curve = null; string ks = null; BigInteger k = null; BigInteger x = null; BigInteger y = null; int testCount = 0; while (true) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } var match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(line, @"Curve:\s+(\w+)"); if (match.Success) { string curveName = "nist" + match.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant(); curve = FindByName(curveName); if (curve != null) { Debug.WriteLine("Test " + curve.CurveName); } ks = null; k = x = y = null; testCount = 0; continue; } if (line.StartsWith("k = ") && curve != null) { ks = line.Substring(4).Trim(); k = BigInteger.Parse(ks); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("x = ") && curve != null) { x = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(4).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("y = ") && curve != null) { y = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(4).Trim())); if (k != null && x != null) { ECPoint p = curve.PointMul(k, curve.BasePoint, true); if (p == null || p is ECPointAtInfinity) { throw new Exception("test failed"); } if (p.X != x) { throw new Exception("test failed: X doesn't match"); } if (p.Y != y) { throw new Exception("test failed: Y doesn't match"); } ++testCount; Debug.WriteLine("Pass #{0} : {1}", testCount, ks); } k = x = y = null; } } } }
// Tests public key validation using test vectors from NIST CAVP. // internal static void TestPKV() { using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"186-3ecdsatestvectors\PKV.rsp")) { EllipticCurve curve = null; string qxs = null; BigInteger qx = null; BigInteger qy = null; string result = null; int testCount = 0; while (true) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } var match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(line, @"\[([-\w]+)\]"); if (match.Success) { string curveName = "nist" + match.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("-", ""); curve = FindByName(curveName); if (curve != null) { Debug.WriteLine("Test " + curve.CurveName); } qx = qy = null; qxs = null; result = null; testCount = 0; continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Qx = ") && curve != null) { qxs = line.Substring(5).Trim(); qx = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(qxs)); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Qy = ") && curve != null) { qy = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(5).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Result = ") && curve != null) { result = line.Substring(9, 1); if (qx != null && qy != null) { var pk = new ECDSAPublicKey(curve, new ECPoint(qx, qy)); string r = pk.IsValid() ? "P" : "F"; if (r != result) { throw new Exception("validation result doesn't match"); } ++testCount; Debug.WriteLine("Pass #{0} : {1}", testCount, qxs); } qx = qy = null; qxs = null; result = null; } } } }
private static ulong AsUInt64(BigInteger num) { int bits = num.BitCount(); if (bits >= 64) throw new ArgumentException("too large BigInteger value"); byte[] data = num.GetBytes(); ulong val = 0; foreach (byte b in data) { val = (val << 8) | b; } return val; }
public ECPoint(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; }
private static BigInteger[] findRandomStrongPrime(int primeBits, int orderBits, Rng random) { BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1); ulong[] table_q, table_u, prime_table; PrimeSieve sieve = new PrimeSieve(16000); uint table_count = sieve.AvailablePrimes() - 1; int i, j; bool flag; BigInteger prime = null, order = null; order = BigInteger.GeneratePseudoPrime(orderBits); prime_table = new ulong[table_count]; table_q = new ulong[table_count]; table_u = new ulong[table_count]; i = 0; for (uint pN = 2; pN != 0; pN = sieve.getNextPrime(pN), i++) { prime_table[i] = pN; } for (i = 0; i < table_count; i++) { table_q[i] = ((AsUInt64(order % new BigInteger(prime_table[i]))) * 2UL) % prime_table[i]; } while (true) { BigInteger u = BigInteger.GenerateRandom(primeBits); BigInteger aux = order << 1; BigInteger aux2 = u % aux; u = u - aux2; u = u + one; if (u.BitCount() <= (primeBits - 1)) continue; for (j = 0; j < table_count; j++) { table_u[j] = AsUInt64(u % new BigInteger(prime_table[j])); } aux2 = order << 1; for (i = 0; i < (1 << 24); i++) { ulong cur_p; ulong value; flag = true; for (j = 1; j < table_count; j++) { cur_p = prime_table[j]; value = table_u[j]; if (value >= cur_p) value -= cur_p; if (value == 0) flag = false; table_u[j] = value + table_q[j]; } if (!flag) continue; aux = aux2 * new BigInteger(i); prime = u + aux; if (prime.BitCount() > primeBits) continue; if (prime.IsProbablePrime()) break; } if (i < (1 << 24)) break; } return new BigInteger[] { prime, order }; }
public byte[] SignWithSHA1(byte[] data) { byte[] hash = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(data); byte[] buf = new byte[hash.Length + PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length]; Array.Copy(PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID, 0, buf, 0, PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length); Array.Copy(hash, 0, buf, PKIUtil.SHA1_ASN_ID.Length, hash.Length); BigInteger x = new BigInteger(buf); //Debug.WriteLine(x.ToString(16)); int padLen = (_publickey._n.BitCount() + 7) / 8; BigInteger xx = RSAUtil.PKCS1PadType1(x.GetBytes(), padLen); byte[] result = Sign(xx.GetBytes()); return result; }
public void Verify(byte[] data, byte[] expecteddata) { byte[] first = new byte[data.Length / 2]; byte[] second = new byte[data.Length / 2]; Array.Copy(data, 0, first, 0, first.Length); Array.Copy(data, first.Length, second, 0, second.Length); BigInteger r = new BigInteger(first); BigInteger s = new BigInteger(second); BigInteger w = s.ModInverse(_q); BigInteger u1 = (new BigInteger(expecteddata) * w) % _q; BigInteger u2 = (r * w) % _q; BigInteger v = ((_g.ModPow(u1, _p) * _y.ModPow(u2, _p)) % _p) % _q; if (v != r) throw new VerifyException("Failed to verify"); }
private static BigInteger PrimeExponent(BigInteger privateExponent, BigInteger prime) { BigInteger pe = prime - new BigInteger(1); return privateExponent % pe; }
public static RSAKeyPair GenerateNew(int bits, Rng rnd) { BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1); BigInteger p = null; BigInteger q = null; BigInteger t = null; BigInteger p_1 = null; BigInteger q_1 = null; BigInteger phi = null; BigInteger G = null; BigInteger F = null; BigInteger e = null; BigInteger d = null; BigInteger u = null; BigInteger n = null; bool finished = false; while (!finished) { p = BigInteger.GeneratePseudoPrime(bits / 2); q = BigInteger.GeneratePseudoPrime(bits - (bits / 2)); if (p == 0) { continue; } else if (q < p) { t = q; q = p; p = t; } t = p.GCD(q); if (t != one) { continue; } p_1 = p - one; q_1 = q - one; phi = p_1 * q_1; G = p_1.GCD(q_1); F = phi / G; e = one << 5; e = e - one; do { e = e + (one + one); t = e.GCD(phi); } while (t != one); // !!! d = e.modInverse(F); d = e.ModInverse(phi); n = p * q; u = p.ModInverse(q); finished = true; } return new RSAKeyPair(e, d, n, u, p, q); }
// Tests key pair validation using test vectors from NIST CAVP. // internal static void TestKeyPair() { using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"186-3ecdsatestvectors\KeyPair.rsp")) { EllipticCurve curve = null; string ds = null; BigInteger d = null; BigInteger qx = null; BigInteger qy = null; int testCount = 0; while (true) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } var match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(line, @"\[([-\w]+)\]"); if (match.Success) { string curveName = "nist" + match.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("-", ""); curve = FindByName(curveName); if (curve != null) { Debug.WriteLine("Test " + curve.CurveName); } d = qx = qy = null; ds = null; testCount = 0; continue; } if (line.StartsWith("d = ") && curve != null) { ds = line.Substring(4).Trim(); d = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(ds)); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Qx = ") && curve != null) { qx = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(5).Trim())); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("Qy = ") && curve != null) { qy = new BigInteger(BigIntegerConverter.ParseHex(line.Substring(5).Trim())); if (d != null && qx != null) { var pk = new ECDSAPublicKey(curve, new ECPoint(qx, qy)); var kp = new ECDSAKeyPair(curve, pk, d); if (!kp.CheckKeyConsistency()) { throw new Exception("validation failed"); } ++testCount; Debug.WriteLine("Pass #{0} : {1}", testCount, ds); } d = qx = qy = null; ds = null; } } } }