public void TestProtoFileWithConflictingType()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (
                    ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message " +
                                                    test + @" {
  optional string name = 1;
} "))
                    RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto." + test, true, true);
        public void TestMultipleProtoFiles()
            using (TempFile source1 = TempFile.Attach("MyMessage.cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto1 = new ProtoFile("MyMessage.proto", @"
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
                    using (TempFile source2 = TempFile.Attach("MyMessageList.cs"))
                        using (ProtoFile proto2 = new ProtoFile("MyMessageList.proto", @"
package nunit.simple;
import ""MyMessage.proto"";
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessageList {
  repeated MyMessage messages = 1;
                            RunProtoGen(0, proto1.TempPath, proto2.TempPath);
                            Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source1.TempPath, source2.TempPath);
                            //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                            Type t1 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                            Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t1), "Expect an IMessage");
                            //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                            Type t2 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessageList", true, true);
                            Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t2), "Expect an IMessage");
                            //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                            a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto.MyMessage", true, true);
                            a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto.MyMessageList", true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileKeepingTheProtoBuffer()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile protobuf = TempFile.Attach(test + ".pb"))
                using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                    using (
                        ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
} ")
                        RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "--descriptor_set_out=" + protobuf.TempPath);
                        Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(protobuf.TempPath), "Missing: " + protobuf.TempPath);
                        Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                        //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                        Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                        Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                        //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                        a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithoutIgnoreGoogleProtobuf()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (
                    ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = ""MyNewNamespace"";
" +
                    string google = Path.Combine(TempPath, "google\\protobuf");
                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(OriginalWorkingDirectory, "google\\protobuf")))
                        File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(google, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);
                    //Without the option this fails due to being unable to resolve google/protobuf descriptors
                    RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
        public void TestProtoFileDisablingClsComplianceFlags()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", @"
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional uint32 name = 1;
} "))
                    //CS3021: Warning as Error: xx does not need a CLSCompliant attribute because the assembly does not have a CLSCompliant attribute
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath);
                    RunCsc(1, source.TempPath, "/warnaserror+");
                    //Now we know it fails, make it pass by turning off cls_compliance generation
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "-cls_compliance:false");
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath, "/warnaserror+");
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileAndIgnoreGoogleProtobuf()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", @"
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = ""MyNewNamespace"";
" + DefaultProto))
                    string google = Path.Combine(TempPath, "google\\protobuf");
                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(OriginalWorkingDirectory, "google\\protobuf")))
                        File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(google, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "-ignore_google_protobuf:true");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);

                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("MyNewNamespace.MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("MyNewNamespace." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithNewExtension()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".Generated.cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "-file_extension:.Generated.cs");
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithIgnoredUmbrellaNamespaceDueToNesting()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "-nest_classes:true", "-umbrella_namespace:MyUmbrella.Namespace");
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test + "+MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileInDifferentDirectory()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
                    Environment.CurrentDirectory = OriginalWorkingDirectory;
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "--proto_path=" + TempPath);
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithNewOutputFolder()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(@"generated-code\" + test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
                    RunProtoc(1, proto.TempPath, "-output_directory=generated-code");
                    RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-output_directory=generated-code");
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithExplicitEmptyUmbrellaNamespace()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", @"
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message " + test + @" {
  optional string name = 1;
} "))
                    //Forces the umbrella class to not use a namespace even if a collision with a type is detected.
                    RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "-umbrella_namespace:");
                    //error CS0441: 'nunit.simple.TestProtoFileWithExplicitEmptyUmbrellaNamespace': a class cannot be both static and sealed
                    RunCsc(1, source.TempPath);
        public void TestOneProtoFileWithBufferFile()
            using (TempFile source1 = TempFile.Attach("MyMessage.cs"))
                using (TempFile protobuf = TempFile.Attach("MyMessage.pb"))
                    using (
                        ProtoFile proto1 = new ProtoFile("MyMessage.proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
                        using (TempFile source2 = TempFile.Attach("MyMessageList.cs"))
                            using (
                                ProtoFile proto2 = new ProtoFile("MyMessageList.proto",
package nunit.simple;
import ""MyMessage.proto"";
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessageList {
  repeated MyMessage messages = 1;
                                //build the proto buffer for MyMessage
                                RunProtoGen(0, proto1.TempPath, "--descriptor_set_out=" + protobuf.TempPath);
                                //build the MyMessageList proto-buffer and generate code by including MyMessage.pb
                                RunProtoGen(0, proto2.TempPath, protobuf.TempPath);
                                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source1.TempPath, source2.TempPath);
                                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                                Type t1 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t1), "Expect an IMessage");
                                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                                Type t2 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessageList", true, true);
                                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t2), "Expect an IMessage");
                                //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                                a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto.MyMessage", true, true);
                                a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto.MyMessageList", true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithIncludeImports()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (
                    ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = ""MyNewNamespace"";

package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
} ")
                    string google = Path.Combine(TempPath, "google\\protobuf");
                    foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(OriginalWorkingDirectory, "google\\protobuf")))
                        File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(google, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);
                    //if you specify the protoc option --include_imports this should build three source files
                    RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);

                    //you can (and should) simply omit the inclusion of the extra source files in your project
                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t = a.GetType("MyNewNamespace.MyMessage", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                    //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                    a.GetType("MyNewNamespace." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithServiceInternal()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;

            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
                using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).service_generator_type = GENERIC;

package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
// test a very simple service.
service TestService {
  rpc Execute (MyMessage) returns (MyMessage);

                    RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-nest_classes=false", "-public_classes=false");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);

                    Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                    //assert that the service type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t1 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.TestService", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IService).IsAssignableFrom(t1), "Expect an IService");
                    Assert.IsTrue(t1.IsAbstract, "Expect abstract class");
                    //assert that the Stub subclass type is in the expected namespace
                    Type t2 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.TestService+Stub", true, true);
                    Assert.IsTrue(t1.IsAssignableFrom(t2), "Expect a sub of TestService");
                    Assert.IsFalse(t2.IsAbstract, "Expect concrete class");
        public void TestProtoFileKeepingTheProtoBuffer()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile protobuf = TempFile.Attach(test + ".pb"))
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
} ")
                RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "--descriptor_set_out=" + protobuf.TempPath);
                Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(protobuf.TempPath), "Missing: " + protobuf.TempPath);
                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestOneProtoFileWithBufferFile()
            using (TempFile source1 = TempFile.Attach("MyMessage.cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto1 = new ProtoFile("MyMessage.proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
            using (TempFile source2 = TempFile.Attach("MyMessageList.cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto2 = new ProtoFile("MyMessageList.proto",
package nunit.simple;
import ""MyMessage.proto"";
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessageList {
  repeated MyMessage messages = 1;
                //build the proto buffer for MyMessage
                RunProtoc(0, proto1.TempPath);
                //build the MyMessageList proto-buffer and generate code by including MyMessage.pb
                RunProtoc(0, proto2.TempPath);
                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source1.TempPath, source2.TempPath);
                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                Type t1 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t1), "Expect an IMessage");
                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                Type t2 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessageList", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t2), "Expect an IMessage");
                //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto.MyMessage", true, true);
                a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto.MyMessageList", true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithServiceInternal()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).service_generator_type = GENERIC;

package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
// test a very simple service.
service TestService {
  rpc Execute (MyMessage) returns (MyMessage);

                RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-nest_classes=false", "-public_classes=false");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);

                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                //assert that the service type is in the expected namespace
                Type t1 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.TestService", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IService).IsAssignableFrom(t1), "Expect an IService");
                Assert.IsTrue(t1.IsAbstract, "Expect abstract class");
                //assert that the Stub subclass type is in the expected namespace
                Type t2 = a.GetType("nunit.simple.TestService+Stub", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(t1.IsAssignableFrom(t2), "Expect a sub of TestService");
                Assert.IsFalse(t2.IsAbstract, "Expect concrete class");
        public void TestProtoFileWithIncludeImports()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = ""MyNewNamespace"";

package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
  optional string name = 1;
} ")
                string google = Path.Combine(TempPath, "google\\protobuf");
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(OriginalWorkingDirectory, "google\\protobuf")))
                    File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(google, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);
                //if you specify the protoc option --include_imports this should build three source files
                RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);

                //you can (and should) simply omit the inclusion of the extra source files in your project
                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                Type t = a.GetType("MyNewNamespace.MyMessage", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                a.GetType("MyNewNamespace." + test, true, true);
 public void TestProtoFileInDifferentDirectory()
     string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
     using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
     using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
         Environment.CurrentDirectory = OriginalWorkingDirectory;
         RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
         Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
         //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
         Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
         Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
         //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
         a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithConflictingType()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message " +
                                                test + @" {
  optional string name = 1;
} "))
                RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                a.GetType("nunit.simple.Proto." + test, true, true);
 public void TestProtoFileWithExpandedNsDirectories()
     string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
     using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(@"nunit\simple\" + test + ".cs"))
     using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
         RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-expand_namespace_directories=true");
         Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
         //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
         Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
         Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
         //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
         a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
 public void TestProtoFileWithNewOutputFolder()
     string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
     using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(@"generated-code\" + test + ".cs"))
     using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
         RunProtoc(1, proto.TempPath, "-output_directory=generated-code");
         RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-output_directory=generated-code");
         Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
         //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
         Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
         Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
         //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
         a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithExplicitEmptyUmbrellaNamespace()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message " +
                                                test + @" {
  optional string name = 1;
} "))
                //Forces the umbrella class to not use a namespace even if a collision with a type is detected.
                RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-umbrella_namespace=");
                //error CS0441: 'nunit.simple.TestProtoFileWithExplicitEmptyUmbrellaNamespace': a class cannot be both static and sealed
                RunCsc(1, source.TempPath);
 public void TestProtoFileWithIgnoredUmbrellaNamespaceDueToNesting()
     string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
     using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
     using (ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto", DefaultProto))
         RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath, "-nest_classes=true", "-umbrella_namespace=MyUmbrella.Namespace");
         Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
         //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
         Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test + "+MyMessage", true, true);
         Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
         //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
         a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileAndIgnoreGoogleProtobuf()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = ""MyNewNamespace"";
" +
                string google = Path.Combine(TempPath, "google\\protobuf");
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(OriginalWorkingDirectory, "google\\protobuf")))
                    File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(google, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);
                RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);

                Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath);
                //assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
                Type t = a.GetType("MyNewNamespace.MyMessage", true, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
                //assert that we can find the static descriptor type
                a.GetType("MyNewNamespace." + test, true, true);
        public void TestProtoFileWithoutIgnoreGoogleProtobuf()
            string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
            using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
            using (
                ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
import ""google/protobuf/csharp_options.proto"";
option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = ""MyNewNamespace"";
" +
                string google = Path.Combine(TempPath, "google\\protobuf");
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(OriginalWorkingDirectory, "google\\protobuf")))
                    File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(google, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(TempPath, "*.cs").Length);
                //Without the option this fails due to being unable to resolve google/protobuf descriptors
                RunProtoc(0, proto.TempPath);