 /// <summary>goes over all entries, and updates the ones that are dirty</summary>
 /// <returns> </returns>
 public virtual void Publish()
     if (this.Service != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < this.Entries.Count; i++)
             AtomEntry entry = this.Entries[i];
             if (entry.IsDirty())
                 if (entry.Id.Uri == null)
                     // new guy
                     Tracing.TraceInfo("adding new entry: " + entry.Title.Text);
                     this.Entries[i] = Service.Insert(this, entry);
                     // update the entry
                     Tracing.TraceInfo("updating entry: " + entry.Title.Text);
        /// <summary>
        /// parses the current position in the xml reader and fills
        /// the provided GDataFeedBatch property on the feed object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">the xmlreader positioned at a batch element</param>
        /// <param name="feed">the atomfeed object to fill in</param>
        protected void ParseBatch(XmlReader reader, AtomFeed feed)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            if (feed == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("feed");

            if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.gBatchNamespace))
                object elementName = reader.LocalName;

                if (feed.BatchData == null)
                    feed.BatchData = new GDataBatchFeedData();

                GDataBatchFeedData batch = feed.BatchData;

                if (elementName.Equals(this.nameTable.BatchOperation))
                    batch.Type = (GDataBatchOperationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(GDataBatchOperationType),
                                                                     reader.GetAttribute(BaseNameTable.XmlAttributeType), true);
                    Tracing.TraceInfo("got an unknown batch element: " + elementName.ToString());
        /// <summary>parses extension elements, needs to happen when known attributes are done</summary>
        /// <param name="reader">correctly positioned xmlreader</param>
        /// <param name="baseObject">the base object to set the property on</param>
        protected void ParseExtensionElements(XmlReader reader, AtomBase baseObject)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("reader", "No XmlReader supplied");

            if (baseObject == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("baseObject", "No baseObject supplied");

            if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.NSAtom))
                Tracing.TraceInfo("Found an unknown ATOM element = this might be a bug, either in the code or the document");
                Tracing.TraceInfo("element: " + reader.LocalName + " position: " + reader.NodeType.ToString());
                // maybe we should throw here, but I rather not - makes parsing more flexible
                // everything NOT in Atom, call it
                Tracing.TraceInfo("Found an unknown element");
                this.OnNewExtensionElement(reader, baseObject);
                // position back to the element
        /// <summary>Parses the base attributes and puts the rest in extensions.
        /// This needs to happen AFTER known attributes are parsed.</summary>
        /// <param name="reader">correctly positioned xmlreader</param>
        /// <param name="baseObject">the base object to set the property on</param>
        /// <returns> true if an unknown attribute was found</returns>
        protected bool ParseBaseAttributes(XmlReader reader, AtomBase baseObject)
            Tracing.Assert(reader != null, "reader should not be null");
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");

            Tracing.Assert(baseObject != null, "baseObject should not be null");
            if (baseObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("baseObject");
            bool fRet = false;

            fRet = true;
            object localName = reader.LocalName;


            if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.NSXml))
                if (localName.Equals(this.nameTable.Base))
                    baseObject.Base = new AtomUri(reader.Value);
                    fRet            = false;
                else if (localName.Equals(this.nameTable.Language))
                    baseObject.Language = Utilities.DecodedValue(reader.Value);
                    fRet = false;
            else if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.gNamespace))
                ISupportsEtag se = baseObject as ISupportsEtag;
                if (se != null)
                    if (localName.Equals(this.nameTable.ETag))
                        se.Etag = reader.Value;
                        fRet    = false;

            if (fRet == true)
                Tracing.TraceInfo("Found an unknown attribute");
                this.OnNewExtensionElement(reader, baseObject);
        /// <summary>Walker action. Just gets a property.</summary>
        /// <param name="atom">object to set the property on </param>
        /// <returns>returns the value of the ShouldBePersisted() of the object</returns>
        public bool Go(AtomBase atom)
            Tracing.Assert(atom != null, "atom should not be null");
            if (atom == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("atom");

            bool f = atom.ShouldBePersisted();

            Tracing.TraceInfo(atom.ToString() + " ... is persistable: " + f.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// parses the current position in the xml reader and fills
        /// the provided GDataEntryBatch property on the entry object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">the xmlreader positioned at a batch element</param>
        /// <param name="entry">the atomentry object to fill in</param>
        protected void ParseBatch(XmlReader reader, AtomEntry entry)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            if (entry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entry");

            if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.gBatchNamespace))
                object elementName = reader.LocalName;

                if (entry.BatchData == null)
                    entry.BatchData = new GDataBatchEntryData();

                GDataBatchEntryData batch = entry.BatchData;

                if (elementName.Equals(this.nameTable.BatchId))
                    batch.Id = Utilities.DecodedValue(reader.ReadString());
                else if (elementName.Equals(this.nameTable.BatchOperation))
                    batch.Type = ParseOperationType(reader);
                else if (elementName.Equals(this.nameTable.BatchStatus))
                    batch.Status = GDataBatchStatus.ParseBatchStatus(reader, this);
                else if (elementName.Equals(this.nameTable.BatchInterrupt))
                    batch.Interrupt = GDataBatchInterrupt.ParseBatchInterrupt(reader, this);
                    Tracing.TraceInfo("got an unknown batch element: " + elementName.ToString());
                    // default extension parsing
                    ParseExtensionElements(reader, entry);
        /// <summary>tries to parse a category collection document</summary>
        /// <param name="reader"> xmlReader positioned at the start element</param>
        /// <param name="owner">the base object that the collection belongs to</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AtomCategoryCollection ParseCategories(XmlReader reader, AtomBase owner)
            Tracing.Assert(reader != null, "reader should not be null");
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            AtomCategoryCollection ret = new AtomCategoryCollection();


            Tracing.TraceCall("entering Categories Parser");
            object localname = reader.LocalName;

            Tracing.TraceInfo("localname is: " + reader.LocalName);

            if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.AppPublishingNamespace(owner)) &&
                Tracing.TraceInfo("Found categories  document");
                int depth = -1;
                while (NextChildElement(reader, ref depth))
                    localname = reader.LocalName;
                    if (IsCurrentNameSpace(reader, BaseNameTable.NSAtom))
                        if (localname.Equals(this.nameTable.Category))
                            AtomCategory category = ParseCategory(reader, owner);
                Tracing.TraceInfo("ParseCategories called and nothing was parsed" + localname);
                throw new ClientFeedException("An invalid Atom Document was passed to the parser. This was not an app:categories document: " + localname);

        /// <summary>reads in the feed properties, updates the feed object, then starts
        /// working on the entries...</summary>
        /// <param name="reader"> xmlReader positioned at the Feed element</param>
        /// <param name="feed">the basefeed object that should be set</param>
        /// <returns> notifies user using event mechanism</returns>
        protected void ParseFeed(XmlReader reader, AtomFeed feed)
            Tracing.Assert(reader != null, "reader should not be null");
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");

            Tracing.Assert(feed != null, "feed should not be null");
            if (feed == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("feed");

            Tracing.TraceCall("entering AtomFeed Parser");
            object localname = reader.LocalName;

            Tracing.TraceInfo("localname is: " + reader.LocalName);
            if (localname.Equals(this.nameTable.Feed))
                Tracing.TraceInfo("Found standard feed document");
                // found the feed......
                // now parse the source base of this element
                ParseSource(reader, feed);

                // feed parsing complete, send notfication
            else if (localname.Equals(this.nameTable.Entry))
                Tracing.TraceInfo("Found entry document");
                Tracing.TraceInfo("ParseFeed called and nothing was parsed" + localname.ToString());
                // throw new ClientFeedException("An invalid Atom Document was passed to the parser. Neither Feed nor Entry started the document");
        /// <summary>executes the query and returns an AtomFeed object tree</summary>
        /// <param name="feedQuery">the query parameters as a FeedQuery object </param>
        /// <returns>AtomFeed object tree</returns>
        public AtomFeed Query(FeedQuery feedQuery)
            AtomFeed feed = null;


            if (feedQuery == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("feedQuery", "The query argument MUST not be null");

            // Create a new request to the Uri in the query object...
            Uri targetUri = null;

            try {
                targetUri = feedQuery.Uri;
            } catch (System.UriFormatException) {
                throw new System.ArgumentException("The query argument MUST contain a valid Uri", "feedQuery");

            Tracing.TraceInfo("Service:Query - about to query");

            Stream responseStream = null;

            if (feedQuery.Etag != null)
                responseStream = Query(targetUri, feedQuery.Etag);
                responseStream = Query(targetUri, feedQuery.ModifiedSince);

            Tracing.TraceInfo("Service:Query - query done");
            if (responseStream != null)
                feed = CreateAndParseFeed(responseStream, feedQuery.Uri);


        /// <summary>given a stream, parses it to construct the Feed object out of it</summary>
        /// <param name="stream"> a stream representing hopefully valid XML</param>
        /// <param name="format"> indicates if the stream is Atom or Rss</param>
        public void Parse(Stream stream, AlternativeFormat format)
            Tracing.TraceCall("parsing stream -> Start:" + format.ToString());
            BaseFeedParser feedParser = null;

            // make sure we reset our collections

            feedParser = new AtomFeedParser(this);

            // create a new delegate for the parser
            feedParser.NewAtomEntry        += new FeedParserEventHandler(this.OnParsedNewEntry);
            feedParser.NewExtensionElement += new ExtensionElementEventHandler(this.OnNewExtensionElement);
            feedParser.Parse(stream, this);

            Tracing.TraceInfo("Parsing stream -> Done");
            // done parsing
        /// <summary>helper method to create a new, decoupled entry based on a feedEntry</summary>
        /// <param name="entryToImport">the entry from a feed that you want to put somewhere else</param>
        /// <returns> the new entry ready to be inserted</returns>
        public static AtomEntry ImportFromFeed(AtomEntry entryToImport)
            Tracing.Assert(entryToImport != null, "entryToImport should not be null");
            if (entryToImport == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entryToImport");
            AtomEntry entry = null;

            entry = (AtomEntry)Activator.CreateInstance(entryToImport.GetType());

            entry.Id = null;

            // if the source is empty, set the source to the old feed

            if (entry.Source == null)
                entry.Source = entryToImport.Feed;
            Tracing.TraceInfo("Imported entry: " + entryToImport.Title.Text + " to: " + entry.Title.Text);