/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user) { // Get the ExpressBusinessService. ExpressBusinessService businessService = (ExpressBusinessService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.ExpressBusinessService); Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new String[] { "Id", "Name", "Website", "Address", "GeoPoint", "Status" }; // To get all express businesses owned by the current customer, // simply skip the call to selector.setPredicates below. Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "Status"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate.values = new string[] { "ACTIVE" }; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] { predicate }; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; ExpressBusinessPage page = null; try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get all businesses. page = businessService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (ExpressBusiness business in page.entries) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Express business found with name '{1}', id = {2}, " + "website = {3} and status = {4}.\n", i + 1, business.name, business.id, business.website, business.status); Console.WriteLine("Address"); Console.WriteLine("======="); Console.WriteLine(FormatAddress(business.address)); Console.WriteLine("Co-ordinates: {0}\n", FormatGeopoint(business.geoPoint)); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of businesses found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve express business.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user) { // Get the AdGroupCriterionService. AdGroupCriterionService adGroupCriterionService = (AdGroupCriterionService) user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201309.AdGroupCriterionService); // Create a selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "AdGroupId", "PlacementUrl"}; // Select only keywords. Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "CriteriaType"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate.values = new string[] {"PLACEMENT"}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; AdGroupCriterionPage page = new AdGroupCriterionPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get the keywords. page = adGroupCriterionService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion in page.entries) { bool isNegative = (adGroupCriterion is NegativeAdGroupCriterion); // If you are retrieving multiple type of criteria, then you may // need to check for // // if (adGroupCriterion is Placement) { ... } // // to identify the criterion type. Placement placement = (Placement) adGroupCriterion.criterion; if (isNegative) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Negative placement with ad group ID = '{1}', placement " + "ID = '{2}', and url = '{3}' was found.", i, adGroupCriterion.adGroupId, placement.id, placement.url); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Placement with ad group ID = '{1}', placement ID = '{2}' " + "and url = '{3}' was found.", i, adGroupCriterion.adGroupId, placement.id, placement.url); } i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of placements found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve placements."); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="businessId">The AdWords Express business id.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long businessId) { // Get the ExpressBusinessService. ExpressBusinessService businessService = (ExpressBusinessService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.ExpressBusinessService); // Get the PromotionService PromotionService promotionService = (PromotionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.PromotionService); // Get the business for the businessId. We will need its geo point to // create a Proximity criterion for the new Promotion. Selector businessSelector = new Selector(); Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "Id"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate.values = new string[] { businessId.ToString() }; businessSelector.predicates = new Predicate[] { predicate }; businessSelector.fields = new string[] { "Id", "GeoPoint" }; ExpressBusinessPage businessPage = businessService.get(businessSelector); if (businessPage == null || businessPage.entries == null || businessPage.entries.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No business was found."); return; } // Set the business ID to the service. promotionService.RequestHeader.expressBusinessId = businessId; // First promotion Promotion marsTourPromotion = new Promotion(); Money budget = new Money(); budget.microAmount = 1000000L; marsTourPromotion.name = "Mars Tour Promotion " + ExampleUtilities.GetShortRandomString(); marsTourPromotion.status = PromotionStatus.PAUSED; marsTourPromotion.destinationUrl = "http://www.example.com"; marsTourPromotion.budget = budget; marsTourPromotion.callTrackingEnabled = true; // Criteria // Criterion - Travel Agency product service ProductService productService = new ProductService(); productService.text = "Travel Agency"; // Criterion - English language // The ID can be found in the documentation: // https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/languagecodes Language language = new Language(); language.id = 1000L; // Criterion - Within 15 miles Proximity proximity = new Proximity(); proximity.geoPoint = businessPage.entries[0].geoPoint; proximity.radiusDistanceUnits = ProximityDistanceUnits.MILES; proximity.radiusInUnits = 15; marsTourPromotion.criteria = new Criterion[] { productService, language, proximity }; // Creatives Creative creative1 = new Creative(); creative1.headline = "Standard Mars Trip"; creative1.line1 = "Fly coach to Mars"; creative1.line2 = "Free in-flight pretzels"; Creative creative2 = new Creative(); creative2.headline = "Deluxe Mars Trip"; creative2.line1 = "Fly first class to Mars"; creative2.line2 = "Unlimited powdered orange drink"; marsTourPromotion.creatives = new Creative[] { creative1, creative2 }; PromotionOperation operation = new PromotionOperation(); operation.@operator = Operator.ADD; operation.operand = marsTourPromotion; try { Promotion[] addedPromotions = promotionService.mutate( new PromotionOperation[] { operation }); Console.WriteLine("Added promotion ID {0} with name {1} to business ID {2}.", addedPromotions[0].id, addedPromotions[0].name, businessId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add promotions.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the specified user. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user.</param> /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group for which bid simulations are /// retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) { // Get the DataService. DataService dataService = (DataService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.DataService); // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"AdGroupId", "LandscapeType", "LandscapeCurrent", "StartDate", "EndDate", "Bid", "LocalClicks", "LocalCost", "MarginalCpc", "LocalImpressions"}; // Set the filters. Predicate adGroupPredicate = new Predicate(); adGroupPredicate.field = "AdGroupId"; adGroupPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; adGroupPredicate.values = new string[] {adGroupId.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {adGroupPredicate}; try { // Get bid landscape for ad group. AdGroupBidLandscapePage page = dataService.getAdGroupBidLandscape(selector); if (page != null && page.entries != null && page.entries.Length > 0) { foreach (AdGroupBidLandscape bidLandscape in page.entries) { Console.WriteLine("Found ad group bid landscape with ad group id '{0}', type '{1}', " + "current: '{2}', start date '{3}', end date '{4}', and landscape points", bidLandscape.adGroupId, bidLandscape.type, bidLandscape.landscapeCurrent, bidLandscape.startDate, bidLandscape.endDate); foreach (BidLandscapeLandscapePoint point in bidLandscape.landscapePoints) { Console.WriteLine("- bid: {0} => clicks: {1}, cost: {2}, marginalCpc: {3}, " + "impressions: {4}", point.bid.microAmount, point.bid.microAmount, point.clicks, point.cost.microAmount, point.marginalCpc.microAmount, point.impressions); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No ad group bid landscapes were found."); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get ad group bid landscapes.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user) { // Get the MediaService. MediaService mediaService = (MediaService) user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201309.MediaService); // Create a selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"MediaId", "Width", "Height", "MimeType"}; // Set the filter. Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; predicate.field = "Type"; predicate.values = new string[] {MediaMediaType.VIDEO.ToString(), MediaMediaType.IMAGE.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; // Set selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; MediaPage page = new MediaPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; page = mediaService.get(selector); if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (Media media in page.entries) { if (media is Video) { Video video = (Video) media; Console.WriteLine("{0}) Video with id \"{1}\" and name \"{2}\" was found.", i, video.mediaId, video.name); } else if (media is Image) { Image image = (Image) media; Dictionary<MediaSize, Dimensions> dimensions = CreateMediaDimensionMap(image.dimensions); Console.WriteLine("{0}) Image with id '{1}', dimensions '{2}x{3}', and MIME type " + "'{4}' was found.", i, image.mediaId, dimensions[MediaSize.FULL].width, dimensions[MediaSize.FULL].height, image.mimeType); } i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of images and videos found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get images and videos.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user) { // Get the UserListService. AdwordsUserListService userListService = (AdwordsUserListService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.AdwordsUserListService); // Get the ConversionTrackerService. ConversionTrackerService conversionTrackerService = (ConversionTrackerService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309. ConversionTrackerService); BasicUserList userList = new BasicUserList(); userList.name = "Mars cruise customers #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(); userList.description = "A list of mars cruise customers in the last year."; userList.status = UserListMembershipStatus.OPEN; userList.membershipLifeSpan = 365; UserListConversionType conversionType = new UserListConversionType(); conversionType.name = userList.name; userList.conversionTypes = new UserListConversionType[] {conversionType}; // Optional: Set the user list status. userList.status = UserListMembershipStatus.OPEN; // Create the operation. UserListOperation operation = new UserListOperation(); operation.operand = userList; operation.@operator = Operator.ADD; try { // Add the user list. UserListReturnValue retval = userListService.mutate(new UserListOperation[] {operation}); UserList[] userLists = null; if (retval != null && retval.value != null) { userLists = retval.value; // Get all conversion snippets List<string> conversionIds = new List<string>(); foreach (BasicUserList newUserList in userLists) { if (newUserList.conversionTypes != null) { foreach (UserListConversionType newConversionType in newUserList.conversionTypes) { conversionIds.Add(newConversionType.id.ToString()); } } } Dictionary<long, ConversionTracker> conversionsMap = new Dictionary<long, ConversionTracker>(); if (conversionIds.Count > 0) { // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id"}; Predicate conversionTypePredicate = new Predicate(); conversionTypePredicate.field = "Id"; conversionTypePredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; conversionTypePredicate.values = conversionIds.ToArray(); selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {conversionTypePredicate}; // Get all conversion trackers. ConversionTrackerPage page = conversionTrackerService.get(selector); if (page != null && page.entries != null) { foreach (ConversionTracker tracker in page.entries) { conversionsMap[tracker.id] = tracker; } } } // Display the results. foreach (BasicUserList newUserList in userLists) { Console.WriteLine("User list with name '{0}' and id '{1}' was added.", newUserList.name, newUserList.id); // Display user list associated conversion code snippets. if (newUserList.conversionTypes != null) { foreach (UserListConversionType userListConversionType in newUserList.conversionTypes) { if (conversionsMap.ContainsKey(userListConversionType.id)) { AdWordsConversionTracker conversionTracker = (AdWordsConversionTracker) conversionsMap[userListConversionType.id]; Console.WriteLine("Conversion type code snippet associated to the list:\n{0}\n", conversionTracker.snippet); } else { throw new Exception("Failed to associate conversion type code snippet."); } } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No user lists (a.k.a. audiences) were added."); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to add user lists (a.k.a. audiences).", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign for which ad groups are /// retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId) { // Get the AdGroupService. AdGroupService adGroupService = (AdGroupService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.AdGroupService); // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "Name"}; // Create the filters. Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "CampaignId"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate.values = new string[] {campaignId.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; AdGroupPage page = new AdGroupPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get the ad groups. page = adGroupService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (AdGroup adGroup in page.entries) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Ad group name is '{1}' and id is {2}.", i + 1, adGroup.name, adGroup.id); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of ad groups found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve ad groups.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign from which targeting /// criteria are retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId) { // Get the CampaignCriterionService. CampaignCriterionService campaignCriterionService = (CampaignCriterionService) user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201309.CampaignCriterionService); // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "CriteriaType", "CampaignId"}; // Set the filters. Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "CampaignId"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate.values = new string[] {campaignId.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; CampaignCriterionPage page = new CampaignCriterionPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get all campaign targets. page = campaignCriterionService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion in page.entries) { string negative = (campaignCriterion is NegativeCampaignCriterion) ? "Negative " : ""; Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}Campaign criterion with id = '{2}' and Type = {3} was " + " found for campaign id '{4}'", i, negative, campaignCriterion.criterion.id, campaignCriterion.criterion.type, campaignCriterion.campaignId); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of campaign targeting criteria found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get campaign targeting criteria.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign from which targeting /// criteria are retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId) { // Get the CampaignCriterionService. CampaignCriterionService campaignCriterionService = (CampaignCriterionService) user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201309.CampaignCriterionService); // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "CriteriaType", "PlacementUrl"}; // Set the filters. Predicate campaignPredicate = new Predicate(); campaignPredicate.field = "CampaignId"; campaignPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; campaignPredicate.values = new string[] {campaignId.ToString()}; Predicate placementPredicate = new Predicate(); placementPredicate.field = "CriteriaType"; placementPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; placementPredicate.values = new string[] {"PLACEMENT"}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {campaignPredicate, placementPredicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; CampaignCriterionPage page = new CampaignCriterionPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get all campaign targets. page = campaignCriterionService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion in page.entries) { Placement placement = campaignCriterion.criterion as Placement; Console.WriteLine("{0}) Placement with ID {1} and url {2} was found.", i, placement.id, placement.url); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of placements found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get campaign targeting criteria.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user) { // Get the LocationCriterionService. LocationCriterionService locationCriterionService = (LocationCriterionService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309. LocationCriterionService); string[] locationNames = new string[] {"Paris", "Quebec", "Spain", "Deutschland"}; Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "LocationName", "CanonicalName", "DisplayType", "ParentLocations", "Reach", "TargetingStatus"}; // Location names must match exactly, only EQUALS and IN are supported. Predicate predicate1 = new Predicate(); predicate1.field = "LocationName"; predicate1.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; predicate1.values = locationNames; // Set the locale of the returned location names. Predicate predicate2 = new Predicate(); predicate2.field = "Locale"; predicate2.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate2.values = new string[] {"en"}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate1, predicate2}; try { // Make the get request. LocationCriterion[] locationCriteria = locationCriterionService.get(selector); // Display the resulting location criteria. foreach (LocationCriterion locationCriterion in locationCriteria) { string parentLocations = ""; if (locationCriterion.location != null && locationCriterion.location.parentLocations != null) { foreach (Location location in locationCriterion.location.parentLocations) { parentLocations += GetLocationString(location) + ", "; } parentLocations.TrimEnd(',', ' '); } else { parentLocations = "N/A"; } Console.WriteLine("The search term '{0}' returned the location '{1}' of type '{2}' " + "with parent locations '{3}', reach '{4}' and targeting status '{5}.", locationCriterion.searchTerm, locationCriterion.location.locationName, locationCriterion.location.displayType, parentLocations, locationCriterion.reach, locationCriterion.location.targetingStatus); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get location criteria.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group from which third party /// redirect ads are retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId) { // Get the AdGroupAdService. AdGroupAdService service = (AdGroupAdService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.AdGroupAdService); // Create a selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "Status", "Url", "DisplayUrl", "RichMediaAdSnippet"}; // Set the sort order. OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy(); orderBy.field = "Id"; orderBy.sortOrder = SortOrder.ASCENDING; selector.ordering = new OrderBy[] {orderBy}; // Restrict the fetch to only the selected ad group id. Predicate adGroupPredicate = new Predicate(); adGroupPredicate.field = "AdGroupId"; adGroupPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; adGroupPredicate.values = new string[] {adGroupId.ToString()}; // Retrieve only third party redirect ads. Predicate typePredicate = new Predicate(); typePredicate.field = "AdType"; typePredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; typePredicate.values = new string[] {"THIRD_PARTY_REDIRECT_AD"}; // By default disabled ads aren't returned by the selector. To return // them include the DISABLED status in the statuses field. Predicate statusPredicate = new Predicate(); statusPredicate.field = "Status"; statusPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; statusPredicate.values = new string[] {AdGroupAdStatus.ENABLED.ToString(), AdGroupAdStatus.PAUSED.ToString(), AdGroupAdStatus.DISABLED.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {adGroupPredicate, statusPredicate, typePredicate}; // Select the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; AdGroupAdPage page = new AdGroupAdPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get the third party redirect ads. page = service.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (AdGroupAd adGroupAd in page.entries) { ThirdPartyRedirectAd thirdPartyRedirectAd = (ThirdPartyRedirectAd) adGroupAd.ad; Console.WriteLine("{0}) Ad id is {1} and status is {2}", i, thirdPartyRedirectAd.id, adGroupAd.status); Console.WriteLine(" Url: {0}\n Display Url: {1}\n Snippet:{2}", thirdPartyRedirectAd.url, thirdPartyRedirectAd.displayUrl, thirdPartyRedirectAd.snippet); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of third party redirect ads found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get third party redirect ad(s).", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group to which ads are added. /// </param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId) { // Get the AdGroupAdService. AdGroupBidModifierService adGroupBidModifierService = (AdGroupBidModifierService) user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201309.AdGroupBidModifierService); const int PAGE_SIZE = 500; // Get all ad group bid modifiers for the campaign. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new String[] {"CampaignId", "AdGroupId", "BidModifier", "BidModifierSource", "CriteriaType", "Id"}; Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "CampaignId"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; predicate.values = new string[] {campaignId.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = PAGE_SIZE; AdGroupBidModifierPage page = new AdGroupBidModifierPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get the campaigns. page = adGroupBidModifierService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (AdGroupBidModifier adGroupBidModifier in page.entries) { string bidModifier = (adGroupBidModifier.bidModifierSpecified)? adGroupBidModifier.bidModifier.ToString() : "UNSET"; Console.WriteLine("{0}) Campaign ID {1}, AdGroup ID {2}, Criterion ID {3} has " + "ad group level modifier: {4} and source = {5}.", i + 1, adGroupBidModifier.campaignId, adGroupBidModifier.adGroupId, adGroupBidModifier.criterion.id, bidModifier, adGroupBidModifier.bidModifierSource); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of adgroup bid modifiers found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve adgroup bid modifiers.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign for which disapproved ads /// are retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long campaignId) { // Get the AdGroupAdService. AdGroupAdService service = (AdGroupAdService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.AdGroupAdService); // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"Id", "AdGroupCreativeApprovalStatus", "AdGroupAdDisapprovalReasons"}; // Create the filter. Predicate campaignPredicate = new Predicate(); campaignPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; campaignPredicate.field = "CampaignId"; campaignPredicate.values = new string[] {campaignId.ToString()}; Predicate approvalPredicate = new Predicate(); approvalPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; approvalPredicate.field = "AdGroupCreativeApprovalStatus"; approvalPredicate.values = new string[] {AdGroupAdApprovalStatus.DISAPPROVED.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {campaignPredicate, approvalPredicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; AdGroupAdPage page = new AdGroupAdPage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get the disapproved ads. page = service.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (AdGroupAd adGroupAd in page.entries) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Ad id {1} has been disapproved for the following " + "reason(s):", i, adGroupAd.ad.id); foreach (string reason in adGroupAd.disapprovalReasons) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", reason); } i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of disapproved ads found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to get disapproved ads.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="fileName">The file to which the report is downloaded. /// </param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, string fileName) { ReportDefinition definition = new ReportDefinition(); definition.reportName = "Last 7 days CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT"; definition.reportType = ReportDefinitionReportType.CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT; definition.downloadFormat = DownloadFormat.GZIPPED_CSV; definition.dateRangeType = ReportDefinitionDateRangeType.LAST_7_DAYS; // Create selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"CampaignId", "AdGroupId", "Id", "CriteriaType", "Criteria", "CriteriaDestinationUrl", "Clicks", "Impressions", "Cost"}; Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "Status"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; predicate.values = new string[] {"ACTIVE", "PAUSED"}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; definition.selector = selector; definition.includeZeroImpressions = true; string filePath = ExampleUtilities.GetHomeDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fileName; try { // If you know that your report is small enough to fit in memory, then // you can instead use // ReportUtilities utilities = new ReportUtilities(user); // utilities.ReportVersion = "v201309"; // ClientReport report = utilities.GetClientReport(definition); // // // Get the text report directly if you requested a text format // // (e.g. xml) // string reportText = report.Text; // // // Get the binary report if you requested a binary format // // (e.g. gzip) // byte[] reportBytes = report.Contents; // // // Deflate a zipped binary report for further processing. // string deflatedReportText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( // MediaUtilities.DeflateGZipData(report.Contents)); ReportUtilities utilities = new ReportUtilities(user); utilities.ReportVersion = "v201309"; utilities.DownloadClientReport(definition, filePath); Console.WriteLine("Report was downloaded to '{0}'.", filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to download report.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="productServiceSuggestion">The product/service suggestion. /// </param> /// <param name="localeText">The locale text.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, string productServiceSuggestion, string localeText) { // Get the service, which loads the required classes. ProductServiceService productServiceService = (ProductServiceService) user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201309.ProductServiceService); // Create selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"ProductServiceText"}; // Create predicates. Predicate textPredicate = new Predicate(); textPredicate.field = "ProductServiceText"; textPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; textPredicate.values = new string[] {productServiceSuggestion}; Predicate localePredicate = new Predicate(); localePredicate.field = "Locale"; localePredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.EQUALS; localePredicate.values = new string[]{localeText}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {textPredicate, localePredicate}; // Set the selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; ProductServicePage page = null; try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Make the get request. page = productServiceService.get(selector); // Display the results. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (ProductService productService in page.entries) { Console.WriteLine("Product/service with text '{0}' found", productService.text); i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of products/services found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve products/services.", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnDownloadReport control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing /// the event data.</param> protected void OnDownloadReportButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConfigureUserForOAuth(); ReportDefinition definition = new ReportDefinition(); definition.reportName = "Last 7 days CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT"; definition.reportType = ReportDefinitionReportType.CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT; definition.downloadFormat = DownloadFormat.GZIPPED_CSV; definition.dateRangeType = ReportDefinitionDateRangeType.LAST_7_DAYS; // Create selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"CampaignId", "AdGroupId", "Id", "CriteriaType", "Criteria", "CriteriaDestinationUrl", "Clicks", "Impressions", "Cost"}; Predicate predicate = new Predicate(); predicate.field = "Status"; predicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; predicate.values = new string[] {"ACTIVE", "PAUSED"}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {predicate}; definition.selector = selector; definition.includeZeroImpressions = true; string filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { // If you know that your report is small enough to fit in memory, then // you can instead use // ReportUtilities utilities = new ReportUtilities(user); // utilities.ReportVersion = "v201309"; // ClientReport report = utilities.GetClientReport(definition); // // // Get the text report directly if you requested a text format // // (e.g. xml) // string reportText = report.Text; // // // Get the binary report if you requested a binary format // // (e.g. gzip) // byte[] reportBytes = report.Contents; // // // Deflate a zipped binary report for further processing. // string deflatedReportText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( // MediaUtilities.DeflateGZipData(report.Contents)); // Set the customer id. (user.Config as AdWordsAppConfig).ClientCustomerId = txtCustomerId.Text; ReportUtilities utilities = new ReportUtilities(user); utilities.ReportVersion = "v201309"; utilities.DownloadClientReport(definition, filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to download report.", ex); } Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=report.gzip"); Response.WriteFile(filePath); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the code example. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> /// <param name="adGroupId">Id of the ad group for which keyword bid /// simulations are retrieved.</param> /// <param name="keywordId">Id of the keyword for which bid simulations are /// retrieved.</param> public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId, long keywordId) { // Get the DataService. DataService dataService = (DataService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201309.DataService); // Create the selector. Selector selector = new Selector(); selector.fields = new string[] {"AdGroupId", "CriterionId", "StartDate", "EndDate", "Bid", "LocalClicks", "LocalCost", "MarginalCpc", "LocalImpressions"}; // Create the filters. Predicate adGroupPredicate = new Predicate(); adGroupPredicate.field = "AdGroupId"; adGroupPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; adGroupPredicate.values = new string[] {adGroupId.ToString()}; Predicate keywordPredicate = new Predicate(); keywordPredicate.field = "CriterionId"; keywordPredicate.@operator = PredicateOperator.IN; keywordPredicate.values = new string[] {keywordId.ToString()}; selector.predicates = new Predicate[] {adGroupPredicate, keywordPredicate}; // Set selector paging. selector.paging = new Paging(); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 500; CriterionBidLandscapePage page = new CriterionBidLandscapePage(); try { do { selector.paging.startIndex = offset; selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize; // Get bid landscape for keywords. page = dataService.getCriterionBidLandscape(selector); // Display bid landscapes. if (page != null && page.entries != null) { int i = offset; foreach (CriterionBidLandscape bidLandscape in page.entries) { Console.WriteLine("{0}) Found criterion bid landscape with ad group id '{1}', " + "keyword id '{2}', start date '{3}', end date '{4}', and landscape points:", i, bidLandscape.adGroupId, bidLandscape.criterionId, bidLandscape.startDate, bidLandscape.endDate); foreach (BidLandscapeLandscapePoint bidLandscapePoint in bidLandscape.landscapePoints) { Console.WriteLine("- bid: {0} => clicks: {1}, cost: {2}, marginalCpc: {3}, " + "impressions: {4}\n", bidLandscapePoint.bid.microAmount, bidLandscapePoint.clicks, bidLandscapePoint.cost.microAmount, bidLandscapePoint.marginalCpc.microAmount, bidLandscapePoint.impressions); } i++; } } offset += pageSize; } while (offset < page.totalNumEntries); Console.WriteLine("Number of keyword bid landscapes found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve keyword bid landscapes.", ex); } }