public static void ShowHelp(Control control, string message) { HH_POPUP popup = new HH_POPUP(Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(message)); try { if (GetCursorPos(out { RECT WindowBounds; HandleRef Parent = new HandleRef(control, control.Handle); if (GetWindowRect(Parent, out WindowBounds)) { if (!WindowBounds.Contains( { #warning TODO: proper alignment if partially off the screen = WindowBounds.Left + ((WindowBounds.Right - WindowBounds.Left) >> 1); = WindowBounds.Top + ((WindowBounds.Bottom - WindowBounds.Top) >> 1); } HtmlHelpW(Parent, IntPtr.Zero, HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP, ref popup); // file parameter must be null } } } finally { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(popup.pszText); } }
private static extern IntPtr HtmlHelpW(HandleRef control, IntPtr file, uint command, [In] ref HH_POPUP popup);