/// <summary>
		/// Create an FMOD SoundSystem
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="initialize">Indicates whether or not the system should be initialized</param>
		/// <param name="numberOfChannels">The number of channels that this system supports</param>
		/// <returns>A SoundSystem</returns>
		public static SoundSystem CreateSoundSystem(bool initialize, int numberOfChannels)
			currentResult = Result.Ok;
			IntPtr systemRaw = new IntPtr();
			SoundSystem system = null;

			currentResult = NativeMethods.FMOD_System_Create(ref systemRaw);
			if (currentResult != Result.Ok)
				return null;

			system = new SoundSystem();
			system.Handle = systemRaw;
			// *** I'm not sure why they have the extra step of systemnew ***
			//systemnew = new SoundSystem();
			//system = systemnew;

			if (initialize)
				system.Initialize(numberOfChannels, InitializationOptions.None, IntPtr.Zero);//(IntPtr)null);

			return system;