protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { var content = WebUtility.GetRequestStr("s", ""); if (!content.StartsWith("http")) content = string.Format("http://{0}:{1}{2}", Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(content)); QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); if (qrEncoder.TryEncode(content, out qrCode)) { var fCodeSize = new FixedCodeSize(500, QuietZoneModules.Two); fCodeSize.QuietZoneModules = QuietZoneModules.Four; GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(fCodeSize, Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, ms); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = "image/Png"; Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /// generar un codigo QR para los elementos de la caja // crear un encoder, codificador QrEncoder Codificador = new QrEncoder( ErrorCorrectionLevel.H ); // crear un codigo QR QrCode Codigo = new QrCode(); // generar generar un codigo apartir de datos, y pasar el codigo por referencia Codificador.TryEncode(textBox1.Text, out Codigo); // generar un graficador GraphicsRenderer Renderisado = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedCodeSize(200, QuietZoneModules.Zero), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); // generar un flujo de datos MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // escribir datos en el renderizado Renderisado.WriteToStream(Codigo.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, ms); // generar controles para ponerlos en el form var ImagenQR = new Bitmap(ms); var ImgenSalida = new Bitmap(ImagenQR, new Size(panel1.Width, panel1.Height)); // asignar la imagen al panel panel1.BackgroundImage = ImgenSalida; }
public byte[] Generator(string codeString, int size) { this.qrCodeSize = size; this.qrCodeString = codeString; QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode qrCode = new Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(QrCodeString, out qrCode); var renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedCodeSize(QrCodeSize, QuietZoneModules.Zero), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, stream); byte[] qrCodeBuffer = null; try { qrCodeBuffer = stream.ToBuffer(); } catch (Exception exception) { SimpleConsole.WriteLine("Generator qr code fail. exception message:" + exception.Message); } return(qrCodeBuffer); }
/// <summary> /// Try to encode content /// </summary> /// <returns>False if input content is empty, null or too large.</returns> public bool TryEncode(string content, out QrCode qrCode) { try { qrCode = this.Encode(content); return true; } catch(InputOutOfBoundaryException) { qrCode = new QrCode(); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Try to encode content /// </summary> /// <returns>False if input content is empty, null or too large.</returns> public bool TryEncode(IEnumerable <byte> content, out QrCode qrCode) { try { qrCode = this.Encode(content); return(true); } catch (InputOutOfBoundaryException) { qrCode = new QrCode(); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Try to encode content /// </summary> /// <returns>False if input content is empty, null or too large.</returns> public bool TryEncode(string content, out QrCode qrCode) { try { qrCode = Encode(content); return(true); } catch (InputOutOfBoundaryException) { qrCode = new QrCode(); return(false); } }
public recieve_litecoin() { InitializeComponent(); ILitecoinService litecoinService = new LitecoinService(); string a = litecoinService.GetNewAddress(); address_textBox.Text = a; Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrEncoder Encoder = new Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrEncoder(Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode Code = Encoder.Encode(a); Bitmap TempBMP = new Bitmap(Code.Matrix.Width, Code.Matrix.Height); for (int X = 0; X <= (Code.Matrix.Width) - 1; X++) { for (int Y = 0; Y <= (Code.Matrix.Height) - 1; Y++) { if (Code.Matrix.InternalArray[X, Y]) { TempBMP.SetPixel(X, Y, System.Drawing.Color.Black); } else { TempBMP.SetPixel(X, Y, System.Drawing.Color.White); } } } //TempBMP.Size abc = new System.Drawing.Size(120,120); //Console.Write(TempBMP); //ictureBox.Image.Size =new Size(600, 700); //empBMP.Size = new Size(TempBMP.Height,TempBMP.Width); pictureBox.Size = new Size(100, 75); // pictureBox.Image = TempBMP; var imageTemp = new Bitmap(TempBMP); var image = new Bitmap(imageTemp, new System.Drawing.Size(new System.Drawing.Point(100, 75))); //image.Save("file.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp); pictureBox.Image = image; //pictureBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; }
/// <summary> /// Qr Code generation /// </summary> /// <param name="barcodeText"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult BarcodeImage(String barcodeText) { // generating a barcode here. Code is taken from QrCode.Net library QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(barcodeText, out qrCode); GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(4, QuietZoneModules.Four), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, memoryStream); // very important to reset memory stream to a starting position, otherwise you would get 0 bytes returned memoryStream.Position = 0; var resultStream = new FileStreamResult(memoryStream, "image/png"); resultStream.FileDownloadName = String.Format("{0}.png", barcodeText); return resultStream; }
private void ImageAdd() { string qrurl = CreateQRCodeUrl(); QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode qrCode = new Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(qrurl, out qrCode); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { var renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(4, QuietZoneModules.Two)); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, ms); Response.ContentType = "image/png"; Response.OutputStream.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms.Length); } LogUtil.WriteLog("二维码生成"); }
public ActionResult BarcodeImage(String barcodeText) { QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(barcodeText, out qrCode); GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(4, QuietZoneModules.Four), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, memoryStream); memoryStream.Position = 0; var resultStream = new FileStreamResult(memoryStream, "image/png"); resultStream.FileDownloadName = String.Format("{0}.png", barcodeText); return resultStream; }
public ActionResult BarcodeImage(string secretKey, string userName) { string barcodeText = string.Format("otpauth://totp/Dentco%3A%20{0}?secret={1}", userName, secretKey); QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(barcodeText, out qrCode); GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedCodeSize(200, QuietZoneModules.Zero), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, memoryStream); memoryStream.Position = 0; var resultStream = new FileStreamResult(memoryStream, "image/png"); resultStream.FileDownloadName = string.Format("{0}.png", barcodeText); return resultStream; }
/// <summary> /// 根据内容生成png格式的二维码,并保存到指定的物理路径中; /// </summary> /// <param name="content">二维码内容</param> /// <param name="moduleSize">控制图片的大小:1,2,3,4,6,7,8</param> /// <param name="physicalpath">图片存放的物理路径</param> /// <returns>返回生成的图片名</returns> public static string CreateQrCode(string content, int moduleSize, string physicalpath) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { return(null); } QrEncoder qrencoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.L); Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode qrcode = new Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding.QrCode(); qrencoder.TryEncode(content, out qrcode); GraphicsRenderer render = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(moduleSize, QuietZoneModules.Zero), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { render.WriteToStream(qrcode.Matrix, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png, ms); Image image = Image.FromStream(ms); string filename = "JHD" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + ".png"; image.Save(physicalpath + filename); return(filename); } }
Bitmap ComputeQRCode(int slice) { var qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(FErrorCorrectionLevel[slice]); var qrCode = new QrCode(); if (qrEncoder.TryEncode(FText[slice], out qrCode)) { var fc = FForeColor[slice]; var bc = FBackColor[slice]; fc = new RGBAColor(fc.B, fc.G, fc.R, fc.A); bc = new RGBAColor(bc.B, bc.G, bc.R, bc.A); using (var fore = new SolidBrush(fc.Color)) using (var back = new SolidBrush(bc.Color)) { var renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(FPixelSize[slice], FQuietZoneModules[slice]), fore, back); DrawingSize dSize = renderer.SizeCalculator.GetSize(qrCode.Matrix.Width); var bmp = new Bitmap(dSize.CodeWidth, dSize.CodeWidth); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) renderer.Draw(g, qrCode.Matrix); return bmp; } } else return null; }
private void launch(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e) { //this.pbProgress.Value = 0; //SetProgress(0); //frmMain frmMainE = (frmMain)e.Argument; myParams = (Parameters)e.Argument; ProgressStatusClass myProgress = new ProgressStatusClass(); // List of listed extensions when Only Music Files is Checked List<string> sExtOK = new List<string>(); sExtOK.Add(".flac"); sExtOK.Add(".mp3"); sExtOK.Add(".ogg"); sExtOK.Add(".wma"); sExtOK.Add(".alac"); foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks) { if (notebook.Name == myParams.Notebook) { musicNotebook = notebook; } } // Liste des M-0Top if (chkRegenLists.Checked) { //TextWriter tw_lst = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma-top.lst", false, Encoding.Default); TextWriter tw_lst = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma-top.lst", false, Encoding.GetEncoding(850)); NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter(); filter.NotebookGuid = musicNotebook.Guid; //filter.Words = "intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\""; //any: "Camuma ID: 153266" intitle:"Muse - 1999 - Showbiz" //filter.Words = "\"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\""; // Recherche par CaMuMa ID ou Titre //filter.Words = "any: \"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\" intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\""; filter.Words = "tag:M-0Top"; NotesMetadataResultSpec spec = new NotesMetadataResultSpec(); spec.IncludeTitle = true; int pageSize = 10; int offset = 0; NotesMetadataList notes = noteStore.findNotesMetadata(authToken, filter, 0, pageSize, spec); do { notes = noteStore.findNotesMetadata(authToken, filter, offset, pageSize, spec); foreach (NoteMetadata note in notes.Notes) { Console.WriteLine("M-0Top : " + note.Title); tw_lst.WriteLine(note.Title); } offset = offset + notes.Notes.Count; } while (notes.TotalNotes > offset); tw_lst.Close(); } //Liste des M-0Top /*if (chkPdf.Checked) { PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(); pdf.PageLayout = PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft; //pdf.PageMode = PdfPageMode. pdf.Info.Title = "CaMuMa List"; //pdf.Info.Producer = "Calexo CaMuMa"; pdf.Info.Creator = "Calexo CaMuMa"; }*/ // Listing all directories DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(myParams.Folder); DirectoryInfo dir2; //String sMsg=""; Int32 i = 0; foreach (DirectoryInfo f in dir.GetDirectories()) { this.sFolderList[i] = f.FullName; dir2 = new DirectoryInfo(this.sFolderList[i]); foreach (DirectoryInfo f2 in dir2.GetDirectories()) { i++; this.sFolderList[i] = f2.FullName; } i++; myProgress.Info = i + " directories..."; worker.ReportProgress(0, myProgress); } //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode); //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, Encoding.GetEncoding(65001)); //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(myParams.Folder + "\\camuma.lst", false, Encoding.Default); // Checking each directory // Checking if MP3 or Flac is here // Adding note bool isFlac, isMP3, isAlac, isWma; bool isFolderJPG; bool isSpotify; String sFileList; String sContent = ""; String sFolderJPG = ""; Int32 j = 0; String sId = ""; List<string> lTagNames; String sArtist, sAlbum, sYear; //, sGenre; Boolean isParsed; Regex oRegex; MatchCollection oMatchCollection; String regArtist = @"^(?<ARTIST>([\w\'\(\)\&\, -])*([\w\'\(\)\&\,]))"; String regAlbum = @"(?<ALBUM>([\w\'\(\)\-\&\,\. ])+)$"; String regYear = @"(?<YEAR>([0-9]{4}))"; String regDash = "[ ]+-[ ]+"; foreach (String sDirName in sFolderList) { if (worker.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; break; } if (sDirName != null) { dir = new DirectoryInfo(sDirName); isFlac = false; isMP3 = false; isWma = false; isAlac = false; isSpotify = false; isFolderJPG = false; sFolderJPG = ""; sFileList = "<div ><ul>";// "<div><b>" + WebUtility.HtmlEncode("Liste des fichiers :") + "</b></div>"; sContent = ""; sArtist = ""; sAlbum = ""; sYear = ""; //sGenre = ""; isParsed = false; if (chkAddIdTags.Checked) { if (File.Exists(dir.FullName + "\\")) { TextReader tr = new StreamReader(dir.FullName + "\\"); sId = tr.ReadLine().Trim(); } else { Random rRnd = new Random(); int iRnd = rRnd.Next(1001, 999999); sId = iRnd.ToString().PadLeft(6,'0'); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@dir.FullName + "\\", sId); } // Ajout au camuma.lst tw.WriteLine(sId + ":" + dir.FullName.Replace(myParams.Folder+"\\","")); //tw.Flush(); if (!File.Exists(dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png")) { QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.M); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); //QrCode qrCode = qrEncoder.Encode(sId, out qrCode); qrEncoder.TryEncode("camuma://" + sId, out qrCode); //GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(5, Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(5, QuietZoneModules.Zero), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); //int pixelSize = renderer.Measure( qrCode.Matrix.Width).Width; //WriteableBitmap wBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(pixelSize, pixelSize, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray8, null); //renderer.CreateImageFile(qrCode.Matrix, @dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png", ImageFormat.Png); using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png", FileMode.Create)) { renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, stream); } SizeF size; Font f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif,20); // creates 1Kx1K image buffer and uses it to find out how bit the image needs to be to fit the text using (Image imageg = (Image)new Bitmap(1000, 1000)) size = Graphics.FromImage(imageg).MeasureString(sId, f); using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap((int)size.Width, (int)size.Height)) //,, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) { Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)image); //g.TranslateTransform(image.Width, image.Height); //g.RotateTransform(180.0F); //note that we need the rotation as the default is down //Color colBG = new Color(); //colBG. g.Clear(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ABDA4C")); g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; // draw text g.DrawString(sId, f, Brushes.Black, 0f, 0f); //note that this image has to be a PNG, as GDI+'s gif handling renders any transparency as black. //context.Response.AddHeader("ContentType", "image/png"); using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream()) { //note that context.Response.OutputStream doesn't support the Save, but does support WriteTo image.Save(memStream, ImageFormat.Png); //memStream.WriteTo(context.Response.OutputStream); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@dir.FullName + "\\camumaid.png", memStream.ToArray()); } } } } foreach (FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles()) { //if (f.Extension.Equals("flac", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) if (f.Extension.Equals(".flac", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isFlac = true; else if (f.Extension.Equals(".mp3", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isMP3 = true; else if (f.Extension.Equals(".wma", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isWma = true; else if (f.Extension.Equals(".alac", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) isAlac = true; else if (f.Name.Equals("folder.jpg", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { isFolderJPG = true; sFolderJPG = f.FullName; } if (!chkMusicFiles.Checked || sExtOK.Contains(f.Extension.ToLower())) { sFileList += "<li>" + WebUtility.HtmlEncode(f.Name) + "</li>"; } } sContent = "<h1>" + WebUtility.HtmlEncode(dir.Name) + "</h1>"; sContent += sFileList + "</ul></div>"; if (isMP3 || isFlac || isWma || isAlac) { j++; myProgress.ProgressValue = j; myProgress.Info = j + "/" + i +" \nAlbum..."; worker.ReportProgress(j, myProgress); //Info("Creating Note... " + j + "/" + i); lTagNames = new List<string>(); lTagNames.Add("M-Support:Cowon"); lTagNames.Add("M-Support:NAS2"); lTagNames.Add("M-Support:WD"); lTagNames.Add("M-Album"); if (isMP3) lTagNames.Add("M-MP3"); if (isFlac) lTagNames.Add("M-FLAC"); if (isAlac) lTagNames.Add("M-ALAC"); if (isWma) lTagNames.Add("M-WMA"); if (isFolderJPG) lTagNames.Add("M-Cover"); else lTagNames.Add("M-NoCover"); Console.WriteLine(dir.Name + "..."); // ARTIST - YEAR - ALBUM oRegex = new Regex(regArtist + regDash + regYear + regDash + regAlbum); oMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(dir.Name); foreach (Match oMatch in oMatchCollection) { Console.WriteLine(" * " + oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"] + ":" + oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"] + "(" + oMatch.Groups["YEAR"] + ")"); sArtist = oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString(); sYear = oMatch.Groups["YEAR"].ToString(); sAlbum = oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"].ToString(); isParsed = true; } // ARTIST - ALBUM - YEAR if (!isParsed) { oRegex = new Regex(regArtist + regDash + regAlbum + regDash + regYear); oMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(dir.Name); foreach (Match oMatch in oMatchCollection) { Console.WriteLine(" * " + oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"] + ":" + oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"] + "(" + oMatch.Groups["YEAR"] + ")"); sArtist = oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString(); sYear = oMatch.Groups["YEAR"].ToString(); sAlbum = oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"].ToString(); isParsed = true; } } // ARTIST - ALBUM if (!isParsed) { oRegex = new Regex(regArtist + regDash + regAlbum); oMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(dir.Name); foreach (Match oMatch in oMatchCollection) { //lTagNames.Add (oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" * " + oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"] + ":" + oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"]); sArtist = oMatch.Groups["ARTIST"].ToString(); sAlbum = oMatch.Groups["ALBUM"].ToString(); isParsed = true; } } if (isParsed) { sArtist = sArtist.Trim(); sYear = sYear.Trim(); sAlbum = sAlbum.Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sArtist)) lTagNames.Add("M-Artist:" + sArtist); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sYear)) lTagNames.Add("M-Year:" + sYear); else lTagNames.Add("M-Year:None"); //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sAlbum)) lTagNames.Add("M-Album:" + sAlbum); myProgress.Info = j + "/" + i + "\n" + "Album : " + sArtist + ":" + sAlbum + "... "; worker.ReportProgress(j, myProgress); } else lTagNames.Add("M-NotParsed"); // Spotify if (chkSpotify.Checked) { try { SearchResults<Album> spoRes = Search.SearchAlbums(dir.Name); if (spoRes.SearchResultsPage.Length > 0) { Album album = spoRes.SearchResultsPage.First(); Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + album.Artist + " - " + album.Name + " (" + album.Url + ")"); sContent += "<div><br/></div>"; sContent += "<h2>Liens</h2>"; sContent += "<div><strong>Spotify</strong> : "; sContent += "<a href=\"" + album.Url + "\">"; sContent += WebUtility.HtmlEncode(album.Artist + " - " + album.Name + " : " + album.Url); sContent += "</a>"; sContent += "</div>"; lTagNames.Add("M-Spotify"); isSpotify = true; } } catch (WebException we) { Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + we.Message); } catch (System.FormatException we) { Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + we.Message); } } // chkSpotify true /*foreach (Album album in spoRes.SearchResultsPage) { Console.WriteLine(" * Spotify : " + album.Artist + " - " + album.Name + " (" + album.Url + ")"); }*/ // Add CaMuMa Id sContent += "<div><p><i>CaMuMa ID:</i> <a href=\"camuma://" + sId + "\">" + sId + "</a></p>"; byte[] image = ReadFully(File.OpenRead(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png")); byte[] hashQR = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image); String hashHexQR = BitConverter.ToString(hashQR).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); //sContent += "<a href=\"camuma://" + sId + "\">"; sContent += "<en-media type=\"image/png\" hash=\"" + hashHexQR + "\"/>"; sContent += "</div>"; Data data = new Data(); data.Size = image.Length; data.BodyHash = hashQR; data.Body = image; Resource imgQR = new Resource(); imgQR.Mime = "image/png"; imgQR.Data = data; Console.WriteLine(@dir.FullName + "\\camuma.png -> " + hashHexQR); // On ajoute si on n'est pas dans le Action AddSpotify // ou si il y a effectivement du Spotify if (chkEvernote.Checked) { if (!rbActSpotify.Checked || isSpotify) { // On recherche la note avec le même titre NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter(); filter.NotebookGuid = musicNotebook.Guid; //filter.Words = "intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\""; //any: "Camuma ID: 153266" intitle:"Muse - 1999 - Showbiz" //filter.Words = "\"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\""; // Recherche par CaMuMa ID ou Titre //filter.Words = "any: \"CaMuMa ID: " + sId + "\" intitle:\"" + dir.Name + "\""; filter.Words = "\"CaMuMa ID: " + sId; NotesMetadataResultSpec spec = new NotesMetadataResultSpec(); spec.IncludeTitle = true; int pageSize = 10; NotesMetadataList notes = noteStore.findNotesMetadata(authToken, filter, 0, pageSize, spec); // Non existing Note if (notes.TotalNotes == 0) { // If Adding ou Replacing if (rbAdd.Checked || rbReplace.Checked) { // Creating new note createNote(sFolderJPG, sContent, dir.Name, lTagNames, imgQR); Console.WriteLine(" * Creation"); } } else if (notes.TotalNotes == 1) { NoteMetadata noteToMod = notes.Notes.First(); Console.WriteLine(" * Existing..."); if (rbReplace.Checked) { Note note = noteStore.getNote(authToken, noteToMod.Guid, true, true, false, false); String hashHex = ""; // Suppr tags négatifs (NotParsed, ...) note.TagGuids.Remove(getTagGuid("M-NotParsed")); note.TagGuids.Remove(getTagGuid("M-NoCover")); // Adding new tags note.TagNames = lTagNames; byte[] hash = null; if (sFolderJPG != "") { Console.WriteLine(" * folder.jpg exists"); image = ReadFully(File.OpenRead(sFolderJPG)); hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image); hashHex = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); } if (note.Content != nodeContentEnrich(sContent, hashHex)) { Console.WriteLine(" * Different contents"); note.Content = nodeContentEnrich(sContent, hashHex); note.Resources = new List<Resource>(); if (hash != null) { Console.WriteLine(" * Adding folder image"); Data dataF = new Data(); dataF.Size = image.Length; dataF.BodyHash = hash; dataF.Body = image; Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.Mime = "image/jpg"; resource.Data = dataF; note.Resources.Add(resource); } note.Resources.Add(imgQR); Console.WriteLine("Res : " + note.Resources.Count); note.UpdateSequenceNum = 0; note.Updated = 0; Note newNote = noteStore.updateNote(authToken, note); if (newNote != null) { Console.WriteLine(" * Modified"); Console.WriteLine("Res : " + newNote.Resources.Count); //Console.WriteLine(newNote.Title); //Console.WriteLine(newNote.Updated); //Console.WriteLine(note.UpdateSequenceNum + " -> " + newNote.UpdateSequenceNum); } else { Console.WriteLine(" * Modification failed"); } } } } // TotalNotes=1 else // More than 1 matches { createNote(sFolderJPG, sContent, dir.Name, lTagNames, imgQR); Console.WriteLine(" * ERROR - Multiple found"); } } // ActSpotify } // chkEvernote } else { i--; } } //this.pbProgress.Maximum = i; //pbProgress.Value = j; myProgress.ProgressMax = i; myProgress.ProgressValue = j; worker.ReportProgress(j, myProgress); } //Info("OK"); tw.Close(); }
public FileResult getQRCode(int id = 0) { Task task = db.Tasks.Find(id); if (task == null) { return null; } int t = (int)db.Tasks.Sum(s => s.bonusPoints); QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode("http://localhost:1558/Tasks/SubmitQR/?token=" + task.token, out qrCode); GraphicsRenderer renderer = new GraphicsRenderer(new FixedModuleSize(2, QuietZoneModules.Two), Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); renderer.WriteToStream(qrCode.Matrix, ImageFormat.Png, ms); var imageTemp = new Bitmap(ms); return File(ms.ToArray(), "image/png"); }
public ActionResult Generate(String longurl) { var jsonResp = new UrlShortenResponse{ Success = true }; /* * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Step 1: Check if the URL is valid. We will issue a web request and see the | * | status code. | * | Step 2: Check if this URL is already in the system. If exists, return | * | We will check for the current user, since we will generate a unique | * | URL for each user for a given original URL | * | Step 3: Generate short URL. (May be check again if we generated a duplicate?) | * | Step 4: Generate a QR code for the URL | * | Step 5: Save generated short url and also save the QR image. | * | Step 6: Send Json response back to the user. | * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #region Step 1 - Check for a valid URL bool bValidUrl = true; try { HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(longurl) as HttpWebRequest; request.Method = "GET"; request.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore); var response = request.GetResponse(); bValidUrl = response.Headers.Count > 0; } catch { bValidUrl = false; } if (!bValidUrl) { return Json(new UrlShortenResponse { Success = false, Message = "Please check if the URL is correct and try again." }, "text/html"); } String protoPrefix = "http://"; String webUrl = longurl; if (longurl.Contains("://")) { int iIndex = longurl.IndexOf("://"); protoPrefix = longurl.Substring(0, iIndex + 3); webUrl = longurl.Substring(iIndex + 3); } #endregion #region Step 2-5 - Generate URL and save UrlMap url = _UrlMapDataSource.FindSingleUrlByUserName(longurl, User.Identity.Name); if (url == null) { url = new UrlMap(); url.OriginalUrl = longurl; url.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; url.IsActive = true; //Step 3: //Now generate hash for the longUrl; uint hash = FNVHash.fnv_32a_str(webUrl + User.Identity.Name); //Convert hash to base36 url.ShortUrlCode = Base36Converter.Encode(hash); url.ShortUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}", _URLShortenerHost, url.ShortUrlCode); //Step 4: QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(url.ShortUrl, out qrCode); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(5, Brushes.Black, Brushes.White); String fileName = String.Format("{0}{1}.qr", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, url.ShortUrlCode); renderer.CreateImageFile(qrCode.Matrix, fileName, ImageFormat.Png); jsonResp.QRCodeUrl = String.Format("{0}Home/QRImage/{1}.qr", _URLShortenerHost, url.ShortUrlCode); //Save Url Map _UrlMapDataSource.AddUrlMap(url, User.Identity.Name); //Save method appends the .qr extension _UrlMapDataSource.SaveQRCode(fileName, url.ShortUrlCode); } #endregion // Step 6 jsonResp.Url = url.ShortUrl; jsonResp.QRCodeUrl = String.Format("{0}Home/QRImage/{1}.qr", _URLShortenerHost, url.ShortUrlCode); return Json(jsonResp, "text/html"); }
/// <summary> /// 计算矩阵 /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> /// <param name="width">画布的尺寸</param> /// <param name="height">画布的尺寸</param> /// <param name="rectangle">画二维码的窗口</param> /// <returns></returns> private static byte[,] Calculate(QrCode code, int width, int height, Rectangle rectangle) { const int margin = 5; var map = new byte[width, height]; int matrixW = code.Matrix.Width; int matrixH = code.Matrix.Height; int n = rectangle.Height > rectangle.Width ? (rectangle.Width - margin * 2) / matrixW : (rectangle.Height - margin * 2) / matrixH; int w = matrixW * n; int h = matrixH * n; int x = rectangle.X + (rectangle.Width - w) / 2 - n; int y = rectangle.Y + (rectangle.Height - h) / 2 - n; for (int xx = 0; xx < code.Matrix.Width; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < code.Matrix.Height; yy++) { if (code.Matrix.InternalArray[xx, yy]) { int xxx = x + n + (n - 1) / 2 + xx * n; int yyy = y + n + (n - 1) / 2 + yy * n; //g.FillRectangle(black, new Rectangle(xxx, yyy, 2, 2)); FillRoundedRectangle(map, (byte)ColorType.Dark, new Rectangle(xxx, yyy, 2, 2)); } else { int xxx = x + n + (n - 1) / 2 + xx * n; int yyy = y + n + (n - 1) / 2 + yy * n; //g.FillRectangle(white, new Rectangle(xxx, yyy, 2, 2)); FillRoundedRectangle(map, (byte)ColorType.Light, new Rectangle(xxx, yyy, 2, 2)); } } } DrawFinder(map, x, y, n); DrawFinder(map, x + (code.Matrix.Width - 7) * n, y, n); DrawFinder(map, x, y + (code.Matrix.Height - 7) * n, n); DrawAlignment(map, x + (code.Matrix.Width - 7 - 1) * n, y + (code.Matrix.Height - 7 - 1) * n, n); return map; }
public ActionResult IDCard(Guid Id) { string ProfilDirSetting = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProfileImage"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProfilDirSetting)) return null; Person p = reposetory.GetPersonComplete(Id); if (p == null) return null; string ProfilImageedPath = Server.MapPath(string.Format(ProfilDirSetting, p.PersonID)); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(ProfilImageedPath)) return null; string idCardPath = Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARD"]); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(idCardPath)) return null; //ProfileImage parameters int ProfilImageX = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilX"]) ? 200 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilX"]); int ProfilImageY = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilY"]) ? 200 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilY"]); int ProfilImageH = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilH"]) ? 550 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilH"]); int ProfilImageW = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilW"]) ? 428 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDProfilW"]); //Name Box parameters int NameX = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameX"]) ? 200 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameX"]); int NameY = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameY"]) ? 200 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameY"]); int NameH = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameH"]) ? 550 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameH"]); int NameW = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameW"]) ? 428 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDNameW"]); //QR Box parameters int QRX = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDQRX"]) ? 200 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDQRX"]); int QRY = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDQRY"]) ? 200 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDQRY"]); string QRCR = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDQRCR"]) ? "M" : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IDCARDQRCR"]; Image idCard = Bitmap.FromFile(idCardPath); Image ProfilImage = Bitmap.FromFile(ProfilImageedPath); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(idCard); //Add profile image (Crop and Scale) RectangleF destinationRect = new RectangleF( ProfilImageX, ProfilImageY, ProfilImageW, ProfilImageH); RectangleF sourceRect; if (ProfilImage.Width / ProfilImage.Height <= ProfilImageW / ProfilImageH) { // Height sourceRect = new RectangleF( (ProfilImage.Width - ProfilImage.Height * ProfilImage.Width / ProfilImage.Height) / 2, 0, ProfilImage.Height * ProfilImage.Width / ProfilImage.Height, ProfilImage.Height ); } else { // Width sourceRect = new RectangleF( 0, (ProfilImage.Height - ProfilImage.Width * ProfilImage.Height / ProfilImage.Width) / 2, ProfilImage.Width, ProfilImage.Width * ProfilImage.Height / ProfilImage.Width ); } //RectangleF sourceRect = new RectangleF( g.DrawImage( ProfilImage, destinationRect, sourceRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel ); //Name using (Font font1 = new Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point)) { RectangleF NameRect = new RectangleF(NameX, NameY, NameW, NameH); Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 0); StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; g.DrawString(p.FullName, font1, Brushes.Black, NameRect, sf); //g.DrawRectangle(null, Rectangle.Round(NameRect)); } QrEncoder qrEncoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.M); QrCode qrCode = new QrCode(); qrEncoder.TryEncode(this.Url.Action("Verify", "ID", new { id = p.PersonID, area = "" }, this.Request.Url.Scheme), out qrCode); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(5, Brushes.Black, Brushes.Transparent); //Image QRCode = new Bitmap(200, 200); renderer.Draw(g, qrCode.Matrix, new Point(QRX, QRY)); g.Dispose(); MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(); idCard.Save(m, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); m.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); FileStreamResult result = new FileStreamResult(m, "image/jpeg"); result.FileDownloadName = "IDKORT.jpeg"; return result; }