public ResponseObject BreakRootMapInheritance(string webUrl, GlymaSecurableObject securableObject)
            ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };

                SecurityContextManager context = new SecurityContextManager(webUrl);
                result = context.BreakRootMapInheritance(securableObject);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.HasError = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            return result;
        internal ResponseObject BreakRootMapInheritance(GlymaSecurableObject securableObject)
            ResponseObject response = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };
                GetSecurableContextIdResponse securableContextIdResponse = GetSecurableContextId();
                if (!securableContextIdResponse.HasError)
                    int securableContextId = securableContextIdResponse.Result;
                    SecurableObject obj = GetSecurableObject(securableContextId, securableObject.SecurableObjectUid);
                    GlymaSecurableObjectContext securableObjectContext = new GlymaSecurableObjectContext(this, securableContextId, securableObject);
                    if (obj == null)
                        obj = securableObjectContext.CreateSecurableObject(true);
                    if (!obj.BreaksInheritance)
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.HasError = true;
                response.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;

            return response;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by a Glyma Project Manager when they create a new project, it will associate any Glyma Project Manager group the user belongs to
        /// with the newly created project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webUrl">The URL for the SP site</param>
        /// <param name="securableObject">Describes the project that was just added</param>
        /// <returns>A response object indicating if the operation completed without error.</returns>
        public ResponseObject SetProjectManagerGroupAssociations(string webUrl, GlymaSecurableObject securableObject)
            ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };

                SecurityContextManager context = new SecurityContextManager(webUrl);
                result = context.CurrentUser.SetProjectManagerGroupAssociations(securableObject);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.HasError = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds or Removes security associations for a batch of groups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="webUrl">The URL for the SP site</param>
        /// <param name="securityAssociations">The details of the group and the securable object and whether it's an add or remove operation</param>
        /// <returns>A response object to indicate if it completd without error.</returns>
        public ResponseObject UpdateSecurityAssociations(string webUrl, IList<GlymaSecurityAssociation> securityAssociations)
            ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };

            SecurityContextManager securityContext = new SecurityContextManager(webUrl);
            if (securityContext.CurrentUser.IsUserSecurityManager())
                    foreach (GlymaSecurityAssociation securityAssociation in securityAssociations)
                        GlymaSecurityAssociationContext securityAssociationContext = new GlymaSecurityAssociationContext(securityContext, securityAssociation.GlymaSecurityGroup, securityAssociation.SecurableObject);
                        if (securityAssociation.Value)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.HasError = true;
                    result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                result.HasError = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = "Access Denied. User does not have permissions to access this web service.";
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by a Glyma Project Manager when they create a new project, it will associate any Glyma Project Manager group the user belongs to
        /// with the newly created project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securableObject">Describes the project that was just added</param>
        /// <returns>A response object indicating if the operation completed without error.</returns>
        internal ResponseObject SetProjectManagerGroupAssociations(GlymaSecurableObject securableObject)
            ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };

                if (this.IsUserProjectManager()) //ensure they are a project manager
                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Context.WebUrl))
                        using (SPWeb currentWeb = site.OpenWeb())
                            GetSecurityGroupsResponse response = Context.GetSecurityGroups(GlymaPermissionLevel.GlymaProjectManager);
                            if (!response.HasError)
                                IList<GlymaSecurityGroup> pmGroupsToAssociate = new List<GlymaSecurityGroup>();
                                IList<GlymaSecurityGroup> pmGroups = response.Result;

                                //for any group that is a Glyma Project Manager group
                                foreach (SPGroup group in CurrentSPUser.Groups)
                                    foreach (GlymaSecurityGroup projectManagerGroup in pmGroups)
                                        Group glGroup = Context.GetGroup(projectManagerGroup);
                                        if (group.ID == glGroup.GroupSPID)

                                //Add the security association for every Glyma Project Manager group the current user belongs to.
                                foreach (GlymaSecurityGroup glGroup in pmGroupsToAssociate)
                                    GlymaSecurityAssociationContext securityAssociationContext = new GlymaSecurityAssociationContext(Context, glGroup, securableObject);
                                    ResponseObject addResponse = securityAssociationContext.SetSecurityAssociation(false);
                                    if (addResponse.HasError)
                                        //if an error occurs adding the security association for any of the groups stop and return the error
                                        result.HasError = true;
                                        result.ErrorMessage = addResponse.ErrorMessage;
                                //there was an error get the groups that have been assigned the permission level of Glyma Project Manager
                                result.HasError = true;
                                result.ErrorMessage = response.ErrorMessage;
                    //Only a Glyma Project Manager can call this method
                    result.HasError = true;
                    result.ErrorMessage = "Access Denied. User does not have permissions to access this web service method.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.HasError = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the group association if it exists
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A response object indicating if completed without error</returns>
        internal ResponseObject RemoveSecurityAssociation()
            ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };
            if (Group != null)
                        using (IGlymaSession glymaSession = new WebAppSPGlymaSession(Context.WebUrl))
                            using (IDbConnectionAbstraction connectionAbstraction = glymaSession.ConnectionFactory.CreateSecurityDbConnection())
                                using (SecurityServiceDataContext dataContext = new SecurityServiceDataContext(connectionAbstraction.Connection))
                                    Group sgroup = Context.GetGroup(Group);

                                    if (sgroup != null)
                                        IEnumerable<GroupAssociation> groupAssociations = null;
                                        if (SecurableObject.SecurableParentUid != Guid.Empty)
                                            //removing a root map group association
                                            groupAssociations = from ga in dataContext.GroupAssociations
                                                                    ga.SecurableObjectUid == SecurableObject.SecurableObjectUid &&
                                                                    ga.SecurableParentUid == SecurableObject.SecurableParentUid
                                                                    && ga.SecurableContextId == Group.SecurableContextId && ga.GroupId == sgroup.GroupId
                                                                select ga;
                                            //removing a project group association
                                            groupAssociations = from ga in dataContext.GroupAssociations
                                                                    ga.SecurableObjectUid == SecurableObject.SecurableObjectUid &&
                                                                    ga.SecurableParentUid.HasValue == false
                                                                    && ga.SecurableContextId == Group.SecurableContextId && ga.GroupId == sgroup.GroupId
                                                                select ga;
                                        if (groupAssociations.Any())
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result.HasError = true;
                        result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                result.HasError = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = "The Glyma security group was not known.";
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a security association for a SharePoint group to the security DB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="breakInheritance">Whether it should have inheritance broken or not</param>
        /// <returns>A response object indicating if completed without error</returns>
        internal ResponseObject SetSecurityAssociation(bool breakInheritance)
            ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject() { HasError = false };

                if (Group != null)
                    Group group = Context.GetGroup(Group);

                    //if (group == null)
                    //    //Create the Group since it doesn't exist
                    //    group = this.CreateGroup();

                    bool response = this.HasAssociation();
                    if (!response)
                        SecurableObject so = Context.GetSecurableObject(Group.SecurableContextId, SecurableObject.SecurableObjectUid);
                        GlymaSecurableObjectContext securableObjectContext = new GlymaSecurableObjectContext(Context, Group.SecurableContextId, SecurableObject);
                        if (so == null)
                            so = securableObjectContext.CreateSecurableObject(breakInheritance);

                        //Create the group association since it doesn't exist
                    result.HasError = true;
                    result.ErrorMessage = "The Glyma security group was not known.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.HasError = true;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            return result;