public static void InitTypes() { Types.Clear(); // vectors foreach (var type in BuiltinType.BaseTypes) { for (var comp = 2; comp <= 4; ++comp) { var vect = new VectorType(type, comp); var swizzler = vect.SwizzleType; Types.Add(vect.Name, vect); Types.Add(swizzler.Name, swizzler); } } // quat foreach (var type in BuiltinType.BaseTypes) { var quat = new QuaternionType(type); Types.Add(quat.Name, quat); } // matrices foreach (var type in BuiltinType.BaseTypes) { for (var rows = 2; rows <= 4; ++rows) { for (var cols = 2; cols <= 4; ++cols) { var matt = new MatrixType(type, cols, rows); Types.Add(matt.Name, matt); } } } // generate types foreach (var type in Types.Values) { type.Generate(); } }
public override IEnumerable <Member> GenerateMembers() { var boolVType = new VectorType(BuiltinType.TypeBool, Components); var mat3Type = new MatrixType(BaseType, 3, 3); var mat4Type = new MatrixType(BaseType, 4, 4); var vec3Type = new VectorType(BaseType, 3); var vec4Type = new VectorType(BaseType, 4); var dquatType = new QuaternionType(BuiltinType.TypeDouble); var dvec3Type = new VectorType(BuiltinType.TypeDouble, 3); var lengthType = new AnyType(BaseType.LengthType); // fields foreach (var f in Fields) { yield return new Field(f, BaseType) { Comment = $"{f}-component" } } ; // predefs yield return(new StaticProperty("Zero", this) { Value = Construct(this, ZeroValue.RepeatTimes(Components)), Comment = "Predefined all-zero quaternion" }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseType.OneValue)) { yield return(new StaticProperty("Ones", this) { Value = Construct(this, OneValue.RepeatTimes(Components)), Comment = "Predefined all-ones quaternion" }); yield return(new StaticProperty("Identity", this) { Value = Construct(this, Fields.Select(f => f == "w" ? OneValue : ZeroValue)), Comment = "Predefined identity quaternion" }); for (var c = 0; c < Components; ++c) { yield return new StaticProperty("Unit" + ArgOfUpper(c), this) { Value = Construct(this, c.ImpulseString(BaseType.OneValue, ZeroValue, Components)), Comment = $"Predefined unit-{ArgOfUpper(c)} quaternion" } } ; } if (BaseType.IsComplex) { yield return(new StaticProperty("ImaginaryOnes", this) { Value = Construct(this, "Complex.ImaginaryOne".RepeatTimes(Components)), Comment = "Predefined all-imaginary-ones quaternion" }); for (var c = 0; c < Components; ++c) { yield return new StaticProperty("ImaginaryUnit" + ArgOfUpper(c), this) { Value = Construct(this, c.ImpulseString("Complex.ImaginaryOne", ZeroValue, Components)), Comment = $"Predefined unit-imaginary-{ArgOfUpper(c)} quaternion" } } ; } // Basetype constants foreach (var constant in BaseType.TypeConstants) { yield return(new StaticProperty(constant, this) { Value = Construct(this, $"{BaseTypeName}.{constant}".RepeatTimes(Components)), Comment = $"Predefined all-{constant} quaternion" }); } // values yield return(new Property("Values", new ArrayType(BaseType)) { GetterLine = $"new[] {{ {CompArgString} }}", Comment = "Returns an array with all values" }); // ctors yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { Parameters = Fields.TypedArgs(BaseType), Initializers = Fields, Comment = "Component-wise constructor" }); yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { ParameterString = BaseTypeName + " v", Initializers = "v".RepeatTimes(Components), Comment = "all-same-value constructor" }); yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { ParameterString = this.NameThat + " q", Initializers = Fields.Select(f => "q." + f), Comment = "copy constructor" }); yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { ParameterString = vec3Type.NameThat + " v, " + BaseTypeName + " s", Initializers = new[] { "v.x", "v.y", "v.z", "s" }, Comment = "vector-and-scalar constructor (CAUTION: not angle-axis, use FromAngleAxis instead)" }); if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint) { // from angle between axes yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { Parameters = vec3Type.TypedArgs("u", "v"), Code = new[] { $"var localW = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Cross(u, v);", $"var dot = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Dot(u, v);", $"var q = new {NameThat}(localW.x, localW.y, localW.z, {OneValue} + dot).Normalized;" }, Initializers = new[] { "q.x", "q.y", "q.z", "q.w" }, Comment = "Create a quaternion from two normalized axis (" }); // from euler angle yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { Parameters = vec3Type.TypedArgs("eulerAngle"), Code = new[] { $"var c = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Cos(eulerAngle / 2);", $"var s = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Sin(eulerAngle / 2);", }, Initializers = new[] { "s.x * c.y * c.z - c.x * s.y * s.z", "c.x * s.y * c.z + s.x * c.y * s.z", "c.x * c.y * s.z - s.x * s.y * c.z", "c.x * c.y * c.z + s.x * s.y * s.z" }, Comment = "Create a quaternion from two normalized axis (" }); // from matrices yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { ParameterString = mat3Type.Name + " m", ConstructorChain = "this(FromMat3(m))", Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat3Type.Name}." }); yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields) { ParameterString = mat4Type.Name + " m", ConstructorChain = "this(FromMat4(m))", Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat4Type.Name}." }); } // implicit upcasts var implicits = new HashSet <BuiltinType>(); var upcasts = BuiltinType.Upcasts; foreach (var ukvp in upcasts.Where(k => k.Key == BaseType)) { var otherType = ukvp.Value; implicits.Add(otherType); var targetType = new QuaternionType(otherType); yield return(new ImplicitOperator(targetType) { ParameterString = NameThat + " v", CodeString = Construct(targetType, CompString.Select(c => TypeCast(otherType, "v." + c)).ExactlyN(Components, otherType.ZeroValue)), Comment = $"Implicitly converts this to a {targetType.Name}.", }); } // explicit casts foreach (var oType in BuiltinType.BaseTypes) { var otherType = oType; if (otherType.Generic != BaseType.Generic) { continue; // cannot mix generic/non-generic } if (BaseType.IsComplex && !otherType.IsComplex) { continue; // cannot "downcast" complex type } { { var targetType = new VectorType(otherType, Components); yield return(new ExplicitOperator(targetType) { ParameterString = NameThat + " v", CodeString = Construct(targetType, CompString.Select(c => TypeCast(otherType, "v." + c))), Comment = $"Explicitly converts this to a {targetType.Name}." }); } if (otherType == BaseType) { continue; // same type and comps not useful } if (implicits.Contains(otherType)) { continue; // already has an implicit conversion } { var targetType = new QuaternionType(otherType); yield return(new ExplicitOperator(targetType) { ParameterString = NameThat + " v", CodeString = Construct(targetType, CompString.Select(c => TypeCast(otherType, "v." + c))), Comment = $"Explicitly converts this to a {targetType.Name}." }); } } } // from matrices if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint) { yield return(new ExplicitOperator(this) { ParameterString = mat3Type.Name + " m", CodeString = "FromMat3(m)", Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat3Type.Name}." }); yield return(new ExplicitOperator(this) { ParameterString = mat4Type.Name + " m", CodeString = "FromMat4(m)", Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat4Type.Name}." }); } // IEnumerable yield return(new Function(new AnyType($"IEnumerator<{BaseTypeName}>"), "GetEnumerator") { Code = Fields.Select(f => $"yield return {f};"), Comment = "Returns an enumerator that iterates through all components." }); yield return(new Function(new AnyType("IEnumerator"), "IEnumerable.GetEnumerator") { Visibility = "", CodeString = "GetEnumerator()", Comment = "Returns an enumerator that iterates through all components." }); // ToString yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString") { Override = true, CodeString = "ToString(\", \")", Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using ', ' as a seperator." }); yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString") { ParameterString = "string sep", CodeString = Fields.Aggregated(" + sep + "), Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator." }); if (!BaseType.Generic) { yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString") { ParameterString = "string sep, IFormatProvider provider", CodeString = Fields.Select(f => f + ".ToString(provider)").Aggregated(" + sep + "), Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator and a format provider for each component." }); if (BaseType.HasFormatString) { yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString") { ParameterString = "string sep, string format", CodeString = Fields.Select(f => f + ".ToString(format)").Aggregated(" + sep + "), Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator and a format for each component." }); yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString") { ParameterString = "string sep, string format, IFormatProvider provider", CodeString = Fields.Select(f => f + ".ToString(format, provider)").Aggregated(" + sep + "), Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator and a format and format provider for each component." }); } } // Parsing if (!BaseType.IsComplex && !BaseType.Generic) { // Parse yield return(new Function(this, "Parse") { Static = true, ParameterString = "string s", CodeString = "Parse(s, \", \")", Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using ', ' as a separator)." }); yield return(new Function(this, "Parse") { Static = true, ParameterString = "string s, string sep", Code = new[] { "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);", string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components), $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim())").CommaSeparated()});" }, Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator)." }); if (BaseType.Name != "bool") { yield return(new Function(this, "Parse") { Static = true, ParameterString = "string s, string sep, IFormatProvider provider", Code = new[] { "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);", string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components), $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), provider)").CommaSeparated()});" }, Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a type provider)." }); yield return(new Function(this, "Parse") { Static = true, ParameterString = "string s, string sep, NumberStyles style", Code = new[] { "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);", string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components), $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), style)").CommaSeparated()});" }, Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a number style)." }); yield return(new Function(this, "Parse") { Static = true, ParameterString = "string s, string sep, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider", Code = new[] { "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);", string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components), $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), style, provider)").CommaSeparated()});" }, Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a number style and a format provider)." }); } // TryParse yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "TryParse") { Static = true, ParameterString = $"string s, out {NameThat} result", CodeString = "TryParse(s, \", \", out result)", Comment = "Tries to convert the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using ', ' as a separator), returns false if string was invalid." }); yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "TryParse") { Static = true, ParameterString = $"string s, string sep, out {NameThat} result", Code = new[] { "result = Zero;", "if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;", "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);", $"if (kvp.Length != {Components}) return false;", $"{BaseTypeName} {CompString.Select(c => c + " = " + ZeroValue).CommaSeparated()};", $"var ok = {Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.TryParse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), out {ArgOf(i)})").Aggregated(" && ")};", $"result = ok ? new {NameThat}({CompArgString}) : Zero;", "return ok;" }, Comment = "Tries to convert the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator), returns false if string was invalid." }); if (!BaseType.IsBool) { yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "TryParse") { Static = true, ParameterString = $"string s, string sep, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out {NameThat} result", Code = new[] { "result = Zero;", "if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;", "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);", $"if (kvp.Length != {Components}) return false;", $"{BaseTypeName} {CompString.Select(c => c + " = " + ZeroValue).CommaSeparated()};", $"var ok = {Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.TryParse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), style, provider, out {ArgOf(i)})").Aggregated(" && ")};", $"result = ok ? new {NameThat}({CompArgString}) : Zero;", "return ok;" }, Comment = "Tries to convert the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a number style and a format provider), returns false if string was invalid." }); } } // IReadOnlyList yield return(new Property("Count", BuiltinType.TypeInt) { GetterLine = Components.ToString(), Comment = $"Returns the number of components ({Components})." }); yield return(new Indexer(BaseType) { ParameterString = "int index", Getter = SwitchIndex(Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"case {i}: return {ArgOf(i)};")), Setter = SwitchIndex(Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"case {i}: {ArgOf(i)} = value; break;")), Comment = "Gets/Sets a specific indexed component (a bit slower than direct access)." }); // Equality comparisons yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "Equals") { ParameterString = NameThat + " rhs", CodeString = Fields.Select(Comparer).Aggregated(" && "), Comment = "Returns true iff this equals rhs component-wise." }); yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "Equals") { Override = true, ParameterString = "object obj", Code = new[] { "if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;", string.Format("return obj is {0} && Equals(({0}) obj);", NameThat) }, Comment = "Returns true iff this equals rhs type- and component-wise." }); yield return(new Operator(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "==") { Parameters = this.LhsRhs(), CodeString = "lhs.Equals(rhs)", Comment = "Returns true iff this equals rhs component-wise." }); yield return(new Operator(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "!=") { Parameters = this.LhsRhs(), CodeString = "!lhs.Equals(rhs)", Comment = "Returns true iff this does not equal rhs (component-wise)." }); yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeInt, "GetHashCode") { Override = true, Code = new[] { "unchecked", "{", $" return {HashCodeFor(Components - 1)};", "}" }, Comment = "Returns a hash code for this instance." }); // Basetype test functions foreach (var kvp in BaseType.TypeTestFuncs) { yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, kvp.Key, this, "v", kvp.Value)); } // Component-wise static functions yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "Equal", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", BaseType.EqualFormat)); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "NotEqual", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", BaseType.NotEqualFormat)); if (BaseType.HasComparisons) { yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "GreaterThan", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} > {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "GreaterThanEqual", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} >= {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "LesserThan", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} < {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "LesserThanEqual", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} <= {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, "<", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} < {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, "<=", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} <= {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, ">", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} > {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, ">=", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} >= {1}")); } if (BaseType.IsBool) { yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "Not", this, "v", "!{0}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "!", this, "v", "!{0}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "And", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} && {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Nand", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "!({0} && {1})")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Or", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} || {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Nor", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "!({0} || {1})")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Xor", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} != {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Xnor", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} == {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "&", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} && {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "|", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} || {1}")); } if (BaseType.HasArithmetics) { // ops yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "+", this, "v", "identity") { ReturnOverride = "v" }); if (BaseType.IsSigned) { yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "-", this, "v", "-{0}")); } yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "+", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} + {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "-", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} - {1}")); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "*", this, "lhs", BaseType, "rhs", "{0} * {1}") { CanScalar0 = false, CanScalar1 = false }); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "*", BaseType, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} * {1}") { CanScalar0 = false, CanScalar1 = false }); yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "/", this, "lhs", BaseType, "rhs", "{0} / {1}") { CanScalar0 = false, CanScalar1 = false }); // quat-quat-mult yield return(new Operator(this, "*") { Parameters = this.TypedArgs("p", "q"), CodeString = Construct(this, "p.w * q.x + p.x * q.w + p.y * q.z - p.z * q.y", "p.w * q.y + p.y * q.w + p.z * q.x - p.x * q.z", "p.w * q.z + p.z * q.w + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x", "p.w * q.w - p.x * q.x - p.y * q.y - p.z * q.z"), Comment = "Returns proper multiplication of two quaternions." }); // quat-vec-mult, vec-quat-mult yield return(new Operator(vec3Type, "*") { Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q").Concat(vec3Type.TypedArgs("v")), Code = new[] { $"var qv = {Construct(vec3Type, "q.x", "q.y", "q.z")};", $"var uv = {vec3Type.Name}.Cross(qv, v);", $"var uuv = {vec3Type.Name}.Cross(qv, uv);", "return v + ((uv * q.w) + uuv) * 2;" }, Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the quaternion." }); yield return(new Operator(vec4Type, "*") { Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q").Concat(vec4Type.TypedArgs("v")), CodeString = Construct(vec4Type, "q * " + Construct(vec3Type, "v"), "v.w"), Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the quaternion (preserves v.w)." }); if (BaseType.IsSigned) { yield return(new Operator(vec3Type, "*") { Parameters = vec3Type.TypedArgs("v").Concat(this.TypedArgs("q")), CodeString = "q.Inverse * v", Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the inverted quaternion." }); yield return(new Operator(vec4Type, "*") { Parameters = vec4Type.TypedArgs("v").Concat(this.TypedArgs("q")), CodeString = "q.Inverse * v", Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the inverted quaternion (preserves v.w)." }); } // dot yield return(new Function(BaseType, "Dot") { Static = true, Parameters = this.LhsRhs(), CodeString = Fields.Format(DotFormatString).Aggregated(" + "), Comment = "Returns the inner product (dot product, scalar product) of the two quaternions." }); // length yield return(new Property("Length", lengthType) { GetterLine = "(" + lengthType.Name + ")" + SqrtOf(Fields.Select(SqrOf).Aggregated(" + ")), Comment = "Returns the euclidean length of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Property("LengthSqr", BaseType) { GetterLine = Fields.Select(SqrOf).Aggregated(" + "), Comment = "Returns the squared euclidean length of this quaternion." }); // normalized if (!BaseType.IsInteger) { yield return(new Property("Normalized", this) { GetterLine = $"this / {BaseTypeCast}Length", Comment = "Returns a copy of this quaternion with length one (undefined if this has zero length)." }); yield return(new Property("NormalizedSafe", this) { GetterLine = $"this == Zero ? Identity : this / {BaseTypeCast}Length", Comment = "Returns a copy of this quaternion with length one (returns zero if length is zero)." }); } } // Logicals if (BaseType.IsBool) { yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "MinElement", BaseType, "&&", "Returns the minimal component of this quaternion.")); yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "MaxElement", BaseType, "||", "Returns the maximal component of this quaternion.")); yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "All", BaseType, "&&", "Returns true if all component are true.")); yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "Any", BaseType, "||", "Returns true if any component is true.")); } // floating point if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint) { // angles yield return(new Property("Angle", BuiltinType.TypeDouble) { GetterLine = "Math.Acos((double)w) * 2.0", Comment = "Returns the represented angle of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Property("Axis", vec3Type) { Getter = new[] { "var s1 = 1 - w * w;", $"if (s1 < 0) return {vec3Type.Name}.UnitZ;", $"var s2 = 1 / {SqrtOf("s1")};", $"return {Construct(vec3Type, BaseTypeCast + "(x * s2)", BaseTypeCast + "(y * s2)", BaseTypeCast + "(z * s2)")};" }, Comment = "Returns the represented axis of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Property("Yaw", BuiltinType.TypeDouble) { GetterLine = "Math.Asin(-2.0 * (double)(x * z - w * y))", Comment = "Returns the represented yaw angle of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Property("Pitch", BuiltinType.TypeDouble) { GetterLine = "Math.Atan2(2.0 * (double)(y * z + w * x), (double)(w * w - x * x - y * y + z * z))", Comment = "Returns the represented pitch angle of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Property("Roll", BuiltinType.TypeDouble) { GetterLine = "Math.Atan2(2.0 * (double)(x * y + w * z), (double)(w * w + x * x - y * y - z * z))", Comment = "Returns the represented roll angle of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Property("EulerAngles", dvec3Type) { GetterLine = Construct(dvec3Type, "Pitch", "Yaw", "Roll"), Comment = "Returns the represented euler angles (pitch, yaw, roll) of this quaternion." }); yield return(new Function(this, "FromAxisAngle") { Static = true, Parameters = BaseType.TypedArgs("angle").Concat(vec3Type.TypedArgs("v")), Code = new[] { "var s = Math.Sin((double)angle * 0.5);", "var c = Math.Cos((double)angle * 0.5);", $"return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)v.x * s)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)v.y * s)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)v.z * s)", BaseTypeCast + "c")};" }, Comment = "Creates a quaternion from an axis and an angle (in radians)." }); yield return(new Function(this, "Rotated") { Parameters = BaseType.TypedArgs("angle").Concat(vec3Type.TypedArgs("v")), CodeString = "this * FromAxisAngle(angle, v)", Comment = "Rotates this quaternion from an axis and an angle (in radians)." }); } // mat casts if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint) { yield return(new Property("ToMat3", mat3Type) { GetterLine = Construct(mat3Type, "1 - 2 * (y*y + z*z)", "2 * (x*y + w*z)", "2 * (x*z - w*y)", "2 * (x*y - w*z)", "1 - 2 * (x*x + z*z)", "2 * (y*z + w*x)", "2 * (x*z + w*y)", "2 * (y*z - w*x)", "1 - 2 * (x*x + y*y)" ), Comment = $"Creates a {mat3Type.Name} that realizes the rotation of this quaternion" }); yield return(new Property("ToMat4", mat4Type) { GetterLine = Construct(mat4Type, "ToMat3"), Comment = $"Creates a {mat4Type.Name} that realizes the rotation of this quaternion" }); yield return(new Function(this, "FromMat3") { Static = true, Parameters = mat3Type.TypedArgs("m"), Code = new[] { "var fourXSquaredMinus1 = m.m00 - m.m11 - m.m22;", "var fourYSquaredMinus1 = m.m11 - m.m00 - m.m22;", "var fourZSquaredMinus1 = m.m22 - m.m00 - m.m11;", "var fourWSquaredMinus1 = m.m00 + m.m11 + m.m22;", "var biggestIndex = 0;", "var fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourWSquaredMinus1;", "if(fourXSquaredMinus1 > fourBiggestSquaredMinus1)", "{", " fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourXSquaredMinus1;", " biggestIndex = 1;", "}", "if(fourYSquaredMinus1 > fourBiggestSquaredMinus1)", "{", " fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourYSquaredMinus1;", " biggestIndex = 2;", "}", "if(fourZSquaredMinus1 > fourBiggestSquaredMinus1)", "{", " fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourZSquaredMinus1;", " biggestIndex = 3;", "}", "var biggestVal = Math.Sqrt((double)fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 + 1.0) * 0.5;", "var mult = 0.25 / biggestVal;", "switch(biggestIndex)", "{", $" case 0: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 - m.m21) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 - m.m02) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 - m.m10) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)")};", $" case 1: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 + m.m10) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 + m.m02) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 - m.m21) * mult)")};", $" case 2: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 + m.m10) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 + m.m21) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 - m.m02) * mult)")};", $" default: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 + m.m02) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 + m.m21) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 - m.m10) * mult)")};", "}" }, Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat4Type.Name}." }); yield return(new Function(this, "FromMat4") { Static = true, Parameters = mat4Type.TypedArgs("m"), CodeString = $"FromMat3({Construct(mat3Type, "m")})", Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat3Type.Name}." }); } if (BaseType.IsSigned) { yield return(new Property("Conjugate", this) { GetterLine = Construct(this, "-x", "-y", "-z", "w"), Comment = "Returns the conjugated quaternion" }); yield return(new Property("Inverse", this) { GetterLine = "Conjugate / LengthSqr", Comment = "Returns the inverse quaternion" }); } if (BaseType.HasArithmetics) { // cross yield return(new Function(this, "Cross") { Static = true, Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q1", "q2"), CodeString = Construct(this, "q1.w * q2.x + q1.x * q2.w + q1.y * q2.z - q1.z * q2.y", "q1.w * q2.y + q1.y * q2.w + q1.z * q2.x - q1.x * q2.z", "q1.w * q2.z + q1.z * q2.w + q1.x * q2.y - q1.y * q2.x", "q1.w * q2.w - q1.x * q2.x - q1.y * q2.y - q1.z * q2.z"), Comment = "Returns the cross product between two quaternions." }); // mix if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint) { yield return(new Function(this, "Mix") { Static = true, Parameters = this.TypedArgs("x", "y").Concat(BaseType.TypedArgs("a")), Code = new[] { "var cosTheta = (double)Dot(x, y);", "if (cosTheta > 1 - float.Epsilon)", " return Lerp(x, y, a);", "else", "{", " var angle = Math.Acos((double)cosTheta);", string.Format(" return {0}( (Math.Sin((1 - (double)a) * angle) * {1}x + Math.Sin((double)a * angle) * {1}y) / Math.Sin(angle) );", BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + this.Name + ")", BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + dquatType.Name + ")"), "}", }, Comment = "Calculates a proper spherical interpolation between two quaternions (only works for normalized quaternions)." }); yield return(new Function(this, "SLerp") { Static = true, Parameters = this.TypedArgs("x", "y").Concat(BaseType.TypedArgs("a")), Code = new[] { "var z = y;", "var cosTheta = (double)Dot(x, y);", "if (cosTheta < 0) { z = -y; cosTheta = -cosTheta; }", "if (cosTheta > 1 - float.Epsilon)", " return Lerp(x, z, a);", "else", "{", " var angle = Math.Acos((double)cosTheta);", string.Format(" return {0}( (Math.Sin((1 - (double)a) * angle) * {1}x + Math.Sin((double)a * angle) * {1}z) / Math.Sin(angle) );", BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + this.Name + ")", BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + dquatType.Name + ")"), "}", }, Comment = "Calculates a proper spherical interpolation between two quaternions (only works for normalized quaternions)." }); yield return(new Function(this, "Squad") { Static = true, Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q1", "q2", "s1", "s2").Concat(BaseType.TypedArgs("h")), CodeString = "Mix(Mix(q1, q2, h), Mix(s1, s2, h), 2 * (1 - h) * h)", Comment = "Applies squad interpolation of these quaternions" }); } // linear interpolation yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Lerp", this, "min", this, "max", this, "a", "{0} * (1-{2}) + {1} * {2}")); } } } }