/// <summary> /// It writes the head and the conclusion of a .h c++ file /// </summary> /// <param name="className">The name of the C++ class to be implemented</param> private void WriteHead(string className) { // Create the string of the head List <string> headlist = new List <string>(); headlist.Add("#ifndef _" + className.ToUpper() + "_H_"); headlist.Add("#define _" + className.ToUpper() + "_H_"); headlist.Add("\n"); headlist.Add("#include \"gtkmm.h\""); headlist.Add("\n"); headlist.Add("class " + className + " {"); headlist.Add(Utils.Tabs(1) + "public:"); headlist.Add("\n"); // Transform the portion of text to array of bytes // Point the current position of the buffer to the end of the stream CurrentBufferPosition = IOManager.WriteListOfStringIntoStream(headlist); // Clear the list headlist.Clear(); // Continue with the end of the head class headlist.Add("};"); headlist.Add("\n"); headlist.Add("#endif /* _" + className + "_H_ */"); // Write the second part of the head class to the HeaderFileStream IOManager.WriteListOfStringIntoStream(headlist); // Bring back to the begin of the public methods declaration IOManager.SetStreamPosition(CurrentBufferPosition); }
private void WriteInitComponents(BindingForm form) { WriteText(form.Class + "::" + "InitComponents() {"); WriteText(Utils.Tabs(1) + "builder->get_widget(\"" + form.Id + "\", window);"); WriteText(""); WriteText(Utils.Tabs(1) + "// Widgets initialisation"); List <string> initcomplist = new List <string>(); foreach (BindingWidget widget in form.Widgets) { if (widget.AddToClass) { initcomplist.Add(Utils.Tabs(1) + "builder->get_widget(\"" + widget.Name + "\"," + widget.VariableName + ");"); } } IOManager.WriteListOfStringIntoStream(initcomplist); WriteText("}"); }