public GitSvnCloneWindow(GitSvnClient client) { if (client == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(client)); } this.client = client; InitializeComponent(); }
private void IncludeGitBashInGUI(Window w) { var windowHandle = new WindowInteropHelper(w).Handle; var hWndParent = IntPtr.Zero; //TODO var fileName = @"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe"; var info = new ProcessStartInfo(fileName) { UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized }; consoleProcess = Process.Start(fileName); consoleHandle = IntPtr.Zero; while (consoleHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { consoleProcess.WaitForInputIdle(100); //wait for the window to be ready for input; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); consoleProcess.Refresh(); //update process info if (consoleProcess.HasExited) { return; //abort if the process finished before we got a handle. } // //TODO consoleHandle = GetGitBashWindowName(); } client = new GitSvnClient(WorkingDir, consoleHandle); const int GWL_STYLE = -16; const int WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000; WinAPI.SetWindowLong(consoleHandle, GWL_STYLE, WS_VISIBLE); //Windows API call to change the parent of the target window. //It returns the hWnd of the window's parent prior to this call. hWndOriginalParent = WinAPI.SetParent(consoleHandle, windowHandle); //Wire up the event to keep the window sized to match the control mainWindow.SizeChanged += WindowResize; //Perform an initial call to set the size. WindowResize(new object(), new EventArgs()); }