        /// <summary>
        /// Callback on the command line text ready.
        /// We execute a custom (immediate) command which can be either a direct git
        /// command or a shell (command prompt?) command.
        /// Several commands may be separated by "&&" token. This accomodates Gerrit
        /// code review process and its shortcuts that can be easily pasted.
        /// </summary>
        private void CmdBoxTextReady(object sender, string cmd)
            foreach (string command in cmd.Split(new[] { " && " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                // Print out the command itself
                App.PrintStatusMessage(command, MessageType.Command);

                // If the command text started with a command 'git', remove it
                string[] tokens = command.Split(' ');
                string   args   = String.Join(" ", tokens, 1, tokens.Count() - 1);

                // We are guaranteed to have at least one token (by the TextBoxEx control)
                string run;
                if (tokens[0].ToLower() == "git")
                    // Command is a git command: execute it
                    run = ClassGit.Run(args).ToString();
                    // Command is an arbitrary (command line type) command
                    // Use the command shell to execute it
                    run = ClassUtils.ExecuteShellCommand(tokens[0], args);
                App.PrintStatusMessage(run, MessageType.Output);
        /// <summary>
        /// Start scanning at the time the form is first shown
        /// </summary>
        private void FormNewRepoScanAddShown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            enableAdd = true;
            int count = 1;

            // Create each of the repos for the selected directories
            foreach (var d in dirs)
                if (enableAdd == false)
                    // Update progress bar and make sure it gets painted
                    progressBar.Value = count++;

                    textRepo.Text = d;
                    if (ClassGit.Run("init").Success() == false)
                        throw new ClassException("init failed.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    App.PrintLogMessage("Unable to add repo: " + ex.Message, MessageType.Error);
                    App.PrintStatusMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.Error);
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        public ExecResult Run(string args, bool async)
            ExecResult output = new ExecResult();


                // Set the HTTPS password
                string password = Remotes.GetPassword("");
                ClassUtils.AddEnvar("PASSWORD", password);

                // The Windows limit to the command line argument length is about 8K
                // We may hit that limit when doing operations on a large number of files.
                // However, when sending a long list of files, git was hanging unless
                // the total length was much less than that, so I set it to about 2000 chars
                // which seemed to work fine.

                if (args.Length < 2000)
                    return(ClassGit.Run(args, async));

                // Partition the args into "[command] -- [set of file chunks < 2000 chars]"
                // Basically we have to rebuild the command into multiple instances with
                // same command but with file lists not larger than about 2K
                int    i   = args.IndexOf(" -- ") + 3;
                string cmd = args.Substring(0, i + 1);
                args = args.Substring(i);       // We separate git command up to and until the list of files

                App.PrintLogMessage("Processing large amount of files: please wait...", MessageType.General);

                // Add files individually up to the length limit using the starting " file delimiter
                string[] files = args.Split(new [] { " \"" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                // Note: files in the list are now stripped from their initial " character!
                i = 0;
                    StringBuilder batch = new StringBuilder(2100);
                    while (batch.Length < 2000 && i < files.Length)
                        batch.Append("\"" + files[i++] + " ");

                    output = ClassGit.Run(cmd + batch, async);
                    if (output.Success() == false)
                } while (i < files.Length);
            catch (Exception ex)
                App.PrintLogMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.Error);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets or removes a global git configuration value.
        /// If the value is null or empty string, the key will be removed (unset).
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetGlobal(string key, string value)
            string setkey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? "--unset " : "";
            string val    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? "" : " \"" + value + "\"";
            string cmd    = setkey + key + val;

            if (ClassGit.Run("config --global " + cmd).Success() == false)
                App.PrintLogMessage("Error setting global git config parameter!", MessageType.Error);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value of a global git configuration key
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetGlobal(string key)
            ExecResult result = ClassGit.Run("config --global --get " + key);

            if (result.Success())

            App.PrintLogMessage("Error getting global git config parameter!", MessageType.Error);