static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a new UI to initialize the game UI ui = new UI(); //Print the welcome message and ask user if they want to play Console.Write(ui.DrawUI()); //Read response, if the user wants to play bool startGame = Console.ReadLine() == "ja" ? true : false; //initialize a new game GuessNumber theGame = new GuessNumber(startGame); //start the game if the user wants to theGame.PlayGame(); }
private void NewGamePrompt() { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play? <y/n>"); string answer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (answer) { case "y": GuessNumber guessNumber = new GuessNumber(true); break; case "n": Console.WriteLine("Maybe another time. BYE!"); break; default: NewGamePrompt(); break; } }