        private void AnalyzerItemsGrid_RowDoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //show the item edit page
            if (AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem is AnalyzeAction)
                AnalyzeAction currentAnalyzeAction = (AnalyzeAction)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem;
                Act           actionIssue          = currentAnalyzeAction.mAction;
                actionIssue.SolutionFolder = WorkSpace.Instance.Solution.Folder.ToUpper();
                ActionEditPage actedit = new ActionEditPage(actionIssue, General.eRIPageViewMode.ChildWithSave, currentAnalyzeAction.mBusinessFlow, currentAnalyzeAction.mActivity);
                //setting the BusinessFlow on the Action in Order to save
                //actedit.mActParentBusinessFlow = ((AnalyzeAction)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem).mBusinessFlow;
                //actedit.ap = null;

            if (AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem is AnalyzeActivity)
                AnalyzeActivity currentAnalyzeActivity = (AnalyzeActivity)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem;
                Activity        ActivityIssue          = currentAnalyzeActivity.mActivity;
                //ActivityIssue.SolutionFolder =  WorkSpace.Instance.Solution.Folder.ToUpper();
                GingerWPF.BusinessFlowsLib.ActivityPage ActivityEdit = new GingerWPF.BusinessFlowsLib.ActivityPage(ActivityIssue, new Context()
                    BusinessFlow = currentAnalyzeActivity.mBusinessFlow
                }, General.eRIPageViewMode.ChildWithSave);
                //setting the BusinessFlow on the Activity in Order to save
                //ActivityEdit.mBusinessFlow = ((AnalyzeActivity)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem).mBusinessFlow;
                //ActivityEdit.ap = null;
        private static void FixFlowControlWrongActivityMapping(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //look for Activity with same name and re-map the Flow Control
            AnalyzeAction AA = (AnalyzeAction)sender;

            if (AA.ErrorInfoObject == null)
                AA.Status = eStatus.CannotFix;
            FlowControl flowControl = (FlowControl)AA.ErrorInfoObject;

            if (AA.mBusinessFlow.GetActivity(flowControl.GetGuidFromValue(true), flowControl.GetNameFromValue(true)) == null)
                Activity similarNameActivity = (Activity)AA.mBusinessFlow.Activities.Where(x => x.ActivityName == flowControl.GetNameFromValue()).FirstOrDefault();
                if (similarNameActivity != null)
                    string updatedMappingValue = similarNameActivity.Guid + flowControl.GUID_NAME_SEPERATOR + similarNameActivity.Description;
                    flowControl.Value           = updatedMappingValue;
                    flowControl.ValueCalculated = string.Empty;
                    AA.Status = eStatus.Fixed;

            AA.Status = eStatus.CannotFix;
        private List <string> RunBusinessFlowAnalyzer(BusinessFlow businessFlow, bool markCompletion = true)
            List <string> usedVariablesInBF       = new List <string>();
            List <string> usedVariablesInActivity = new List <string>();

            DSList = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <DataSourceBase>();
            SetStatus("Analyzing " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow, suffixString: ":  ") + businessFlow.Name);
            List <AnalyzerItemBase> issues = AnalyzeBusinessFlow.Analyze(mSolution, businessFlow);

            foreach (Activity activity in businessFlow.Activities)
                issues = AnalyzeActivity.Analyze(businessFlow, activity);
                foreach (Act action in activity.Acts)
                    List <AnalyzerItemBase> actionissues = AnalyzeAction.Analyze(businessFlow, activity, action, DSList);
                    List <string> tempList = AnalyzeAction.GetUsedVariableFromAction(action);
                ReportUnusedVariables(activity, usedVariablesInActivity);
            ReportUnusedVariables(businessFlow, usedVariablesInBF);

            if (markCompletion)

        private void AnalyzerItemsGrid_RowDoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //show the item edit page
            if (AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem is AnalyzeAction)
                AnalyzeAction currentAnalyzeAction = (AnalyzeAction)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem;
                Act           actionIssue          = currentAnalyzeAction.mAction;
                actionIssue.SolutionFolder = App.UserProfile.Solution.Folder.ToUpper();
                ActionEditPage actedit = new ActionEditPage(actionIssue, General.RepositoryItemPageViewMode.Child, currentAnalyzeAction.mBusinessFlow, currentAnalyzeAction.mActivity);
                //setting the BusinessFlow on the Action in Order to save
                //actedit.mActParentBusinessFlow = ((AnalyzeAction)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem).mBusinessFlow;
                //actedit.ap = null;

            if (AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem is AnalyzeActivity)
                AnalyzeActivity currentAnalyzeActivity = (AnalyzeActivity)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem;
                Activity        ActivityIssue          = currentAnalyzeActivity.mActivity;
                //ActivityIssue.SolutionFolder = App.UserProfile.Solution.Folder.ToUpper();
                ActivityEditPage ActivityEdit = new ActivityEditPage(ActivityIssue, General.RepositoryItemPageViewMode.Child, currentAnalyzeActivity.mBusinessFlow);
                //setting the BusinessFlow on the Activity in Order to save
                //ActivityEdit.mBusinessFlow = ((AnalyzeActivity)AnalyzerItemsGrid.CurrentItem).mBusinessFlow;
                //ActivityEdit.ap = null;
        static AnalyzeAction CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow BusinessFlow, Activity Activity, Act action)
            AnalyzeAction AA = new AnalyzeAction();

            AA.Status        = AnalyzerItemBase.eStatus.NeedFix;
            AA.mActivity     = Activity;
            AA.ItemName      = action.Description;
            AA.ItemParent    = BusinessFlow.Name + " > " + Activity.ActivityName;
            AA.mAction       = action;
            AA.mBusinessFlow = BusinessFlow;
            AA.ItemClass     = "Action";
        private static void FixRemoveDuplicateActInputValues(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AnalyzeAction AA = (AnalyzeAction)sender;

            if (AA.ErrorInfoObject == null)
                AA.Status = eStatus.CannotFix;
            ActInputValue AIV = (ActInputValue)AA.ErrorInfoObject;

            while (AA.mAction.InputValues.Where(aiv => aiv.Param == AIV.Param).ToList().Count > 1)
                AA.mAction.InputValues.Remove((from aiv in AA.mAction.InputValues where aiv.Param == AIV.Param select aiv).LastOrDefault());
            AA.Status = eStatus.Fixed;
        private static void DeleteUnusedVariables(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AnalyzeAction AA = (AnalyzeAction)sender;

            if (AA.Details.Equals("Activity"))
                Activity activity = AA.mActivity;
                foreach (VariableBase var in activity.Variables)
                    if (var.Name.Equals(AA.ItemName))
                        AA.Status = eStatus.Fixed;
                BusinessFlow BFlow = AA.mBusinessFlow;
                if (AA.Details.Equals("BusinessFlow"))
                    foreach (VariableBase var in BFlow.Variables)
                        if (var.Name.Equals(AA.ItemName))
                            AA.Status = eStatus.Fixed;
                    foreach (VariableBase var in BusinessFlow.SolutionVariables)
                        if (var.Name.Equals(AA.ItemName))
                            AA.Status = eStatus.Fixed;
        private void RunBusinessFlowAnalyzer(BusinessFlow businessFlow, bool markCompletion = true)
            DSList = Ginger.App.LocalRepository.GetSolutionDataSources();
            SetStatus("Analyzing " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow, suffixString: ":  ") + businessFlow.Name);
            List <AnalyzerItemBase> issues = AnalyzeBusinessFlow.Analyze(mSolution, businessFlow);

            foreach (Activity activitiy in businessFlow.Activities)
                issues = AnalyzeActivity.Analyze(businessFlow, activitiy);
                foreach (Act action in activitiy.Acts)
                    List <AnalyzerItemBase> actionissues = AnalyzeAction.Analyze(businessFlow, activitiy, action, DSList);

            if (markCompletion)
        public static List <AnalyzerItemBase> Analyze(BusinessFlow BusinessFlow, Activity parentActivity, Act a, ObservableList <DataSourceBase> DSList)
            // Put all tests on Action here
            List <string>           ActivityUsedVariables           = new List <string>();
            List <string>           mUsedGlobalParameters           = new List <string>();
            List <string>           mMissingStoreToGlobalParameters = new List <string>();
            List <AnalyzerItemBase> IssuesList = new List <AnalyzerItemBase>();
            ObservableList <GlobalAppModelParameter> mModelsGlobalParamsList = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <GlobalAppModelParameter>();

            // Check if the action is obsolete and suggest conversion/upgrade/delete
            //if (a is IObsoleteAction)
            //    if (a.Active)
            //    {
            //        // TODO: get platform from activity in test
            //        Platform.eType ActivitySourcePlatform = Platform.eType.AndroidDevice;  //FIXME temp

            //        // if it is active then create conversion issue
            //        if (((IObsoleteAction)a).IsObsoleteForPlatform(ActivitySourcePlatform))
            //        {
            //            AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(IssuesList, BusinessFlow, Activity, a);
            //            AA.Description = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " Contains Obsolete action"; ;
            //            AA.Details = a.Description + " Old Class=" + a.ActClass;
            //            AA.HowToFix = "Convert to new action"; // TODO: get name of new action
            //            AA.CanAutoFix = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.Yes;
            //            AA.IssueType = eType.Warning;
            //            AA.Impact = "New action can have more capabilities and more stable, good to upgrade";
            //            AA.Severity = eSeverity.Medium;
            //            AA.FixItHandler = UpgradeAction;
            //            AA.ActivitySourcePlatform = ActivitySourcePlatform;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // old action but not active so create issue of delete old unused action
            //        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(IssuesList, BusinessFlow, Activity, a);
            //        AA.Description = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " Contains Obsolete action which is not used"; ;
            //        AA.Details = a.Description + " Old Class=" + a.ActClass;
            //        AA.HowToFix = "Delete action";
            //        AA.CanAutoFix = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.Yes;
            //        AA.IssueType = eType.Warning;
            //        AA.Impact = "slower execution, disk space";
            //        AA.Severity = eSeverity.Low;
            //        AA.FixItHandler = DeleteAction;
            //    }
            //Flow Control -> GoToAction , Check if Action u want to go to exist
            if (a.FlowControls.Count > 0)
                foreach (GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl f in a.FlowControls)
                    if (f.Active == true)
                        if (f.FlowControlAction == eFlowControlAction.GoToAction)
                            string GoToActionName = f.GetNameFromValue();
                            if (parentActivity.GetAct(f.GetGuidFromValue(true), f.GetNameFromValue(true)) == null)
                                AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                AA.Description = "Flow control is mapped to Action which does not exist";;
                                AA.Details     = "'" + GoToActionName + "' Action does not exist in '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity);
                                AA.HowToFix    = "Remap the Flow Control Action";

                                if (parentActivity.Acts.Where(x => x.Description == f.GetNameFromValue()).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                    //can be auto fix
                                    AA.HowToFix        = "Remap Flow Control Action. Auto fix found other Action with the same name so it will fix the mapping to this Action.";
                                    AA.ErrorInfoObject = f;
                                    AA.CanAutoFix      = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.Yes;
                                    AA.FixItHandler    = FixFlowControlWrongActionMapping;
                                    AA.CanAutoFix = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;

                                AA.IssueType = eType.Error;
                                AA.Impact    = "Flow Control will fail on run time";
                                AA.Severity  = eSeverity.High;

                        if (f.FlowControlAction == eFlowControlAction.GoToActivity)
                            string GoToActivity = f.GetNameFromValue();
                            //if (BusinessFlow.Activities.Where(x => (x.ActivityName == GoToActivity)).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                            if (BusinessFlow.GetActivity(f.GetGuidFromValue(true), f.GetNameFromValue(true)) == null)
                                AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                AA.Description = "Flow control is mapped to " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " which does not exist";;
                                AA.Details     = "'" + GoToActivity + "' " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " does not exist in the '" + BusinessFlow.Name + " ' " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow);
                                AA.HowToFix    = "Remap the Flow Control Action";

                                if (BusinessFlow.Activities.Where(x => x.ActivityName == f.GetNameFromValue()).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                    //can be auto fix
                                    AA.HowToFix        = "Remap Flow Control " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + ". Auto fix found other " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " with the same name so it will fix the mapping to this " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + ".";
                                    AA.ErrorInfoObject = f;
                                    AA.CanAutoFix      = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.Yes;
                                    AA.FixItHandler    = FixFlowControlWrongActivityMapping;
                                    AA.CanAutoFix = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;

                                AA.IssueType = eType.Error;
                                AA.Impact    = "Flow Control will fail on run time";
                                AA.Severity  = eSeverity.High;

                        if (f.FlowControlAction == eFlowControlAction.GoToNextActivity)
                            if (BusinessFlow.Activities.IndexOf(parentActivity) == (BusinessFlow.Activities.Count() - 1))
                                AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                AA.Description = "Flow control is mapped to " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " which does not exist";;
                                AA.Details     = "Flow Control is set to 'GoToNextActivity' but the parent " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " is last one in flow.";
                                AA.HowToFix    = "Remap the Flow Control Action";
                                AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                                AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                                AA.Impact      = "Flow Control will fail on run time";
                                AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

                        if (f.FlowControlAction == eFlowControlAction.SetVariableValue)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Value) || ValueExpression.IsThisDynamicVE(f.Value) == false)
                                string   SetVariableValue = f.GetNameFromValue();
                                string[] vals             = SetVariableValue.Split(new char[] { '=' });
                                if (!BusinessFlow.CheckIfVariableExists(vals[0].ToString().Trim(), parentActivity))
                                    AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                    AA.Description = "Flow control mapped to " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + " which does not exist";;
                                    AA.Details     = "'" + vals[0].Trim() + "' " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + " does not exist in parent items";
                                    AA.HowToFix    = "Remap the Flow Control Action";
                                    AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                                    AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                                    AA.Impact      = "Flow Control will fail on run time";
                                    AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

                        if (f.FlowControlAction == eFlowControlAction.RunSharedRepositoryActivity)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Value) || ValueExpression.IsThisDynamicVE(f.Value) == false)
                                //f.CalcualtedValue(BusinessFlow, App.ProjEnvironment, WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems<DataSourceBase>());
                                string RunSharedRepositoryActivity   = f.GetNameFromValue();
                                ObservableList <Activity> activities = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <Activity>();
                                if (activities.Where(x => x.ActivityName == RunSharedRepositoryActivity).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                    AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                    AA.Description = "Flow control mapped to Shared Repository " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " which does not exist";
                                    AA.Details     = "'" + RunSharedRepositoryActivity + "' " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " does not exist in Shared Repository";
                                    AA.HowToFix    = "Remap the Flow Control Action";
                                    AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                                    AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                                    AA.Impact      = "Flow Control will fail on run time";
                                    AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

                        if (f.FlowControlAction == eFlowControlAction.GoToActivityByName)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Value) || ValueExpression.IsThisDynamicVE(f.Value) == false)
                                string activityToGoTo = f.GetNameFromValue();
                                if (BusinessFlow.Activities.Where(x => x.ActivityName == activityToGoTo).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                    AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                    AA.Description = "Flow control mapped to " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " which does not exist";
                                    AA.Details     = "'" + activityToGoTo + "' " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " does not exist in the parent " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow);
                                    AA.HowToFix    = "Remap the Flow Control Action";
                                    AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                                    AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                                    AA.Impact      = "Flow Control will fail on run time";
                                    AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;


            if (a.ActReturnValues.Count > 0)
                foreach (ActReturnValue ARV in a.ActReturnValues)
                    if (ARV.StoreTo != ActReturnValue.eStoreTo.None)
                        string StoreToValue = ARV.StoreToValue;
                        ActReturnValue.eStoreTo StoreToType = ARV.StoreTo;
                        if (StoreToType == ActReturnValue.eStoreTo.Variable)
                            if (BusinessFlow.GetAllVariables(parentActivity).Where(x => x.Name == StoreToValue).Select(x => x.Name).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                AA.Description = "Output Values is missing " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + " '" + StoreToValue + "'";
                                AA.Details     = "'" + StoreToValue + "' does not exist In " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " '" + BusinessFlow.Name + "' => " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' =>" + "Action '" + a.Description + "' ";
                                AA.HowToFix    = "Remap Output Values";
                                AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                                AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                                AA.Impact      = "Execution will fail in run time";
                                AA.Severity    = eSeverity.Critical;

                        else if (StoreToType == ActReturnValue.eStoreTo.DataSource)
                            if (StoreToValue != "" && StoreToValue != null)
                                string chkDataSource = "";
                                Regex  rxDSPattern   = new Regex(@"{(\bDS Name=)\w+\b[^{}]*}", RegexOptions.Compiled);

                                MatchCollection matches = rxDSPattern.Matches(StoreToValue);
                                foreach (Match match in matches)
                                    chkDataSource = GingerCore.General.CheckDataSource(match.Value, DSList);
                                    if (chkDataSource != "")
                                        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                                        AA.Description = chkDataSource;
                                        AA.Details     = "Invalid '" + StoreToValue + "' StoreTo Value used In " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " '" + BusinessFlow.Name + "' => " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' =>" + "Action '" + a.Description + "' ";
                                        AA.HowToFix    = "Remap Output Values";
                                        AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                                        AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                                        AA.Impact      = "Execution will fail in run time";
                                        AA.Severity    = eSeverity.Critical;
            //Disabling the below because there are many actions which shows Locate By/Value but it is not needed for most operation types
            //if (a.ObjectLocatorConfigsNeeded == true && a.ActionDescription != "Script Action" && a.ActionDescription != "File Operations")
            //    if (a.LocateBy.ToString() == "NA")
            //    {
            //        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(IssuesList, BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
            //        AA.Description = "Action is missing LocateBy value";
            //        AA.Details = "Action '" + a.Description + "' In " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' is missing LocateBy value";
            //        AA.HowToFix = " Add LocateBy value to '" + a.Description + "'";
            //        AA.CanAutoFix = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;    // yes if we have one target app, or just set the first
            //        AA.IssueType = eType.Warning;
            //        AA.Impact = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will not be executed and will fail";
            //        AA.Severity = eSeverity.Medium;
            //    }
            //    if (a.LocateValue == null || a.LocateValue == "")
            //    {
            //        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(IssuesList, BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
            //        AA.Description = "Action is missing Locate Value ";
            //        AA.Details = "Action '" + a.Description + "' In " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' is missing Locate value";
            //        AA.HowToFix = " Add Locate Value to '" + a.Description + "'";
            //        AA.CanAutoFix = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;    // yes if we have one target app, or just set the first
            //        AA.IssueType = eType.Warning;
            //        AA.Impact = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will not be executed and will fail";
            //        AA.Severity = eSeverity.Medium;
            //    }

            VariableBase.GetListOfUsedVariables(a, ref ActivityUsedVariables);
            if (ActivityUsedVariables.Count > 0)
                foreach (string Var in ActivityUsedVariables)
                    if (BusinessFlow.GetAllVariables(parentActivity).Where(x => x.Name == Var).Select(x => x.Name).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                        AA.Description = "The " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + " '" + Var + "' is missing";
                        AA.Details     = "The " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + ": '" + Var + "' Does not exist In " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " '" + BusinessFlow.Name + "' => " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' =>" + "Action '" + a.Description + "' ";
                        AA.HowToFix    = " Create new " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable) + " or Delete it from the action.";
                        AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                        AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                        AA.Impact      = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will fail due to missing " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable);
                        AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;


            GlobalAppModelParameter.GetListOfUsedGlobalParameters(a, ref mUsedGlobalParameters);
            if (mUsedGlobalParameters.Count > 0)
                foreach (string Param in mUsedGlobalParameters)
                    GlobalAppModelParameter globalParam = mModelsGlobalParamsList.Where(x => x.PlaceHolder == Param).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (globalParam == null)
                        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                        AA.Description = "The Application Global Parameter " + Param + " is missing";
                        AA.Details     = "The Application Global Parameter: '" + Param + "' Does not exist in Models Global Parameters";
                        AA.HowToFix    = " Create new Application Global Parameter or Delete it from the action.";
                        AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                        AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                        AA.Impact      = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will fail due to missing " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Variable);
                        AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

            GetAllStoreToGlobalParameters(a, mModelsGlobalParamsList, ref mMissingStoreToGlobalParameters);
            if (mMissingStoreToGlobalParameters.Count > 0)
                foreach (string Param in mMissingStoreToGlobalParameters)
                    AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                    AA.Description = "The Output Value with Parameter '" + Param + "' is having store to Parameter which doesn't exist anymore";
                    AA.Details     = "The Output Value with Parameter: '" + Param + "' can be found at " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " '" + BusinessFlow.Name + "' => " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " '" + parentActivity.ActivityName + "' =>" + "Action '" + a.Description + "' ";
                    AA.HowToFix    = " Create new Parameter and change to it in the 'Store to' dropdown under the above path";
                    AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                    AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                    AA.Impact      = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will fail due to missing Parameter";
                    AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

            // Put All Special Actions Analyze Here
            //actions combination
            if (a.GetType() == typeof(ActLaunchJavaWSApplication))//forbidden combination: Launch & (platform\agent manipulation action)
                List <IAct> driverActs = parentActivity.Acts.Where(x => ((x is ActWithoutDriver && x.GetType() != typeof(ActAgentManipulation)) == false) && x.Active == true).ToList();
                if (driverActs.Count > 0)
                    string        list = string.Join(",", driverActs.Select(x => x.ActionDescription).ToList().ToArray());
                    AnalyzeAction AA   = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                    AA.Description = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " has forbidden combinations";
                    AA.Details     = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " has " + a.ActionDescription + " Action with the following platform actions: " + list + ".\nPlatform action inside this current " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will try to activate the agent before the application is launch(will cause agent issue).";
                    AA.HowToFix    = "Open the " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " and put " + a.ActionDescription + " Action in a separate " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity);
                    AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;   // we can autofix by delete, but don't want to
                    AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                    AA.Impact      = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " will be executed and will fail due to java agent connection";
                    AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;


            if (a.LocateBy == eLocateBy.POMElement || ((a is ActUIElement) && ((ActUIElement)a).ElementLocateBy == eLocateBy.POMElement))
                    string[]            pOMandElementGUIDs = ((ActUIElement)a).ElementLocateValue.Split('_');
                    Guid                selectedPOMGUID    = new Guid(pOMandElementGUIDs[0]);
                    ApplicationPOMModel POM = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetRepositoryItemByGuid <ApplicationPOMModel>(selectedPOMGUID);
                    if (POM == null)
                        AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                        AA.Description = "Action's mapped Page Objects Model is missing";
                        AA.Details     = "Action " + a.ActionDescription + " has mapped Page Objects Model which is missing, reason can be that the Page Objects Model has been deleted after mapping it to this action.";
                        AA.HowToFix    = "Open the " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " and the Action in order to map different Page Objects Model and Element";
                        AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                        AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                        AA.Impact      = "Action will fail during execution";
                        AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

                        Guid        selectedPOMElementGUID = new Guid(pOMandElementGUIDs[1]);
                        ElementInfo selectedPOMElement     = (ElementInfo)POM.MappedUIElements.Where(z => z.Guid == selectedPOMElementGUID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (selectedPOMElement == null)
                            AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                            AA.Description = "Page Objects Model Element which mapped to this action is missing";
                            AA.Details     = "Action " + a.ActionDescription + " has mapped Page Objects Model Element which is missing, reason can be that the Element has been deleted after mapping it to this action.";
                            AA.HowToFix    = "Open the " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " and the Action in order to map different Element";
                            AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                            AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                            AA.Impact      = "Action will fail during execution";
                            AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    AnalyzeAction AA = CreateNewIssue(BusinessFlow, parentActivity, a);
                    AA.Description = "Action's mapped Page Objects Model or Element is invalid";
                    AA.Details     = "Action " + a.ActionDescription + " has invalid mapped Page Objects Model or Element.";
                    AA.HowToFix    = "Open the " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + " " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.Activity) + " and the Action in order to map different Page Objects Model and Element";
                    AA.CanAutoFix  = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.No;
                    AA.IssueType   = eType.Error;
                    AA.Impact      = "Action will fail during execution";
                    AA.Severity    = eSeverity.High;

        public void ReportUnusedVariables(object obj, List <string> usedVariables)
            List <AnalyzerItemBase> IssuesList = new List <AnalyzerItemBase>();
            Activity     activity           = null;
            BusinessFlow BusinessFlow       = null;
            string       variableSourceType = "";
            string       variableSourceName = "";
            ObservableList <VariableBase> AvailableAllVariables = new ObservableList <VariableBase>();

            if (typeof(BusinessFlow).Equals(obj.GetType()))
                BusinessFlow = (BusinessFlow)obj;
                if (BusinessFlow.Variables.Count > 0)
                    AvailableAllVariables = BusinessFlow.Variables;
                    variableSourceType    = "BusinessFlow";
                    variableSourceName    = BusinessFlow.Name;
                if (typeof(Activity).Equals(obj.GetType()))
                    activity = (Activity)obj;
                    if (activity.Variables.Count > 0)
                        AvailableAllVariables = activity.Variables;
                        variableSourceType    = "Activity";
                        variableSourceName    = activity.ActivityName;
                    Solution solution = (Solution)obj;
                    AvailableAllVariables = solution.Variables;
                    variableSourceType    = "Solution";
                    variableSourceName    = solution.Name;
                    BusinessFlow          = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <BusinessFlow>()[0];

            foreach (VariableBase var in AvailableAllVariables)
                if (usedVariables != null && (!usedVariables.Contains(var.Name)))
                    AnalyzeAction aa = new AnalyzeAction();
                    aa.Status        = AnalyzerItemBase.eStatus.NeedFix;
                    aa.ItemName      = var.Name;
                    aa.Description   = var + " is Unused in Activity" + var.Description;
                    aa.Details       = variableSourceType;
                    aa.mActivity     = activity;
                    aa.mBusinessFlow = BusinessFlow;
                    aa.ItemParent    = variableSourceName;

                    aa.CanAutoFix   = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.Yes;  // we can autofix by delete, but don't want to
                    aa.IssueType    = eType.Error;
                    aa.FixItHandler = DeleteUnusedVariables;
                    aa.Severity     = eSeverity.Medium;
        public List <string> RunBusinessFlowAnalyzer(BusinessFlow businessFlow, ObservableList <AnalyzerItemBase> issuesList)
            List <string> usedVariablesInBF       = new List <string>();
            List <string> usedVariablesInActivity = new List <string>();

            ObservableList <DataSourceBase> DSList = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <DataSourceBase>();

            foreach (AnalyzerItemBase issue in AnalyzeBusinessFlow.Analyze(WorkSpace.Instance.Solution, businessFlow))
                AddIssue(issuesList, issue);

            Parallel.ForEach(businessFlow.Activities, new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5
            }, activity =>
                if (activity.Active)
                    foreach (AnalyzerItemBase issue in AnalyzeActivity.Analyze(businessFlow, activity))
                        AddIssue(issuesList, issue);

                Parallel.ForEach(activity.Acts, new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5
                }, iaction =>
                    Act action = (Act)iaction;
                    if (action.Active)
                        foreach (AnalyzerItemBase issue in AnalyzeAction.Analyze(businessFlow, activity, action, DSList))
                            AddIssue(issuesList, issue);

                    List <string> tempList = AnalyzeAction.GetUsedVariableFromAction(action);

                List <string> activityVarList = AnalyzeActivity.GetUsedVariableFromActivity(activity);
                ReportUnusedVariables(activity, usedVariablesInActivity, issuesList);

            //Get all the missing variable issues Grouped by Variable name
            var missingVariableIssuesGroupList = issuesList.Where(x => x.IssueCategory == AnalyzerItemBase.eIssueCategory.MissingVariable).GroupBy(x => x.IssueReferenceObject);

            foreach (var variableIssueGroup in missingVariableIssuesGroupList)
                //If for specific variable, all the issues are for set variable action then we support Auto Fix
                var canAutoFix = variableIssueGroup.All(x => x is AnalyzeAction && ((AnalyzeAction)x).mAction.GetType() == typeof(ActSetVariableValue));

                if (canAutoFix)
                    foreach (AnalyzeAction issue in variableIssueGroup)
                        issue.CanAutoFix    = AnalyzerItemBase.eCanFix.Yes;
                        issue.FixItHandler += MarkSetVariableActionAsInactive;

            ReportUnusedVariables(businessFlow, usedVariablesInBF, issuesList);
