public GifFrame( Stream inputStream, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, ColourTable gct, GraphicControlExtension gce, GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1 ) : base( inputStream, lsd, gct, gce, previousFrame, previousFrameBut1 ) {}
public GifFrame(Stream inputStream, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, ColourTable gct, GraphicControlExtension gce, GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1) : this(inputStream, lsd, gct, gce, previousFrame, previousFrameBut1, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Sets the pixels of the decoded image. /// </summary> /// <param name="imageData"> /// Table based image data containing the indices within the active /// colour table of the colours of the pixels in this frame. /// </param> /// <param name="lsd"> /// The logical screen descriptor for the GIF stream. /// </param> /// <param name="id"> /// The image descriptor for this frame. /// </param> /// <param name="activeColourTable"> /// The colour table to use with this frame - either the global colour /// table or a local colour table. /// </param> /// <param name="gce"> /// The graphic control extension, if any, which precedes this image in /// the input stream. /// </param> /// <param name="previousFrame"> /// The frame which precedes this one in the GIF stream, if present. /// </param> /// <param name="previousFrameBut1"> /// The frame which precedes the frame before this one in the GIF stream, /// if present. /// </param> /// <param name="status"> /// GifComponentStatus containing any errors which occurred during the /// creation of the bitmap. /// </param> private static Bitmap CreateBitmap( TableBasedImageData imageData, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, ImageDescriptor id, ColourTable activeColourTable, GraphicControlExtension gce, GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1, out GifComponentStatus status ) { status = new GifComponentStatus( ErrorState.Ok, "" ); Color[] pixelsForThisFrame = new Color[lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width * lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height]; Bitmap baseImage = GetBaseImage( previousFrame, previousFrameBut1, lsd, gce, activeColourTable ); // copy each source line to the appropriate place in the destination int pass = 1; int interlaceRowIncrement = 8; int interlaceRowNumber = 0; // the row of pixels we're currently // setting in an interlaced image. for( int i = 0; i < id.Size.Height; i++) { int pixelRowNumber = i; if( id.IsInterlaced ) { #region work out the pixel row we're setting for an interlaced image if( interlaceRowNumber >= id.Size.Height ) { pass++; switch( pass ) { case 2 : interlaceRowNumber = 4; break; case 3 : interlaceRowNumber = 2; interlaceRowIncrement = 4; break; case 4 : interlaceRowNumber = 1; interlaceRowIncrement = 2; break; } } #endregion pixelRowNumber = interlaceRowNumber; interlaceRowNumber += interlaceRowIncrement; } // Colour in the pixels for this row pixelRowNumber += id.Position.Y; if( pixelRowNumber < lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height ) { int k = pixelRowNumber * lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width; int dx = k + id.Position.X; // start of line in dest int dlim = dx + id.Size.Width; // end of dest line if( (k + lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width) < dlim ) { // TESTME: CreateBitmap - past dest edge dlim = k + lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width; // past dest edge } int sx = i * id.Size.Width; // start of line in source while (dx < dlim) { // map color and insert in destination int indexInColourTable = (int) imageData.Pixels[sx++]; // Set this pixel's colour if its index isn't the // transparent colour index, or if this frame doesn't // have a transparent colour. Color c; if( gce.HasTransparentColour && indexInColourTable == gce.TransparentColourIndex ) { c = Color.Empty; // transparent pixel } else { if( indexInColourTable < activeColourTable.Length ) { c = activeColourTable[indexInColourTable]; } else { // TESTME: CreateBitmap - BadColourIndex c = Color.Black; string message = "Colour index: " + indexInColourTable + ", colour table length: " + activeColourTable.Length + " (" + dx + "," + pixelRowNumber + ")"; status = new GifComponentStatus( ErrorState.BadColourIndex, message ); } } pixelsForThisFrame[dx] = c; dx++; } } } return CreateBitmap( baseImage, pixelsForThisFrame ); }
public GifFrame( Stream inputStream, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, ColourTable gct, GraphicControlExtension gce, GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1, bool xmlDebugging ) : base( xmlDebugging ) { #region guard against null arguments if( lsd == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "lsd" ); } if( gce == null ) { SetStatus( ErrorState.NoGraphicControlExtension, "" ); // use a default GCE gce = new GraphicControlExtension( GraphicControlExtension.ExpectedBlockSize, DisposalMethod.NotSpecified, false, false, 100, 0 ); } #endregion int transparentColourIndex = gce.TransparentColourIndex; ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = new ImageDescriptor( inputStream, XmlDebugging ); WriteDebugXmlNode( imageDescriptor.DebugXmlReader ); #region determine the colour table to use for this frame Color backgroundColour = Color.FromArgb( 0 ); // TODO: is this the right background colour? // TODO: use backgroundColourIndex from the logical screen descriptor? ColourTable activeColourTable; if( imageDescriptor.HasLocalColourTable ) { _localColourTable = new ColourTable( inputStream, imageDescriptor.LocalColourTableSize, XmlDebugging ); WriteDebugXmlNode( _localColourTable.DebugXmlReader ); activeColourTable = _localColourTable; // make local table active } else { if( gct == null ) { // We have neither local nor global colour table, so we // won't be able to decode this frame. Bitmap emptyBitmap = new Bitmap( lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width, lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height ); _image = emptyBitmap; _delay = gce.DelayTime; SetStatus( ErrorState.FrameHasNoColourTable, "" ); return; } activeColourTable = gct; // make global table active if( lsd.BackgroundColourIndex == transparentColourIndex ) { backgroundColour = Color.FromArgb( 0 ); } } #endregion // decode pixel data int pixelCount = imageDescriptor.Size.Width * imageDescriptor.Size.Height; TableBasedImageData indexedPixels = new TableBasedImageData( inputStream, pixelCount, XmlDebugging ); WriteDebugXmlNode( indexedPixels.DebugXmlReader ); if( indexedPixels.Pixels.Count == 0 ) { // TESTME: constructor - indexedPixels.Pixels.Count == 0 Bitmap emptyBitmap = new Bitmap( lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width, lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height ); _image = emptyBitmap; _delay = gce.DelayTime; SetStatus( ErrorState.FrameHasNoImageData, "" ); WriteDebugXmlFinish(); return; } // Skip any remaining blocks up to the next block terminator (in // case there is any surplus data before the next frame) SkipBlocks( inputStream ); _indexedPixels = indexedPixels; _extension = gce; if( gce != null ) { _delay = gce.DelayTime; } _imageDescriptor = imageDescriptor; _backgroundColour = backgroundColour; GifComponentStatus status; _image = CreateBitmap( indexedPixels, lsd, imageDescriptor, activeColourTable, gce, previousFrame, previousFrameBut1, out status ); WriteDebugXmlFinish(); }
/// <summary> /// Main file parser. Reads GIF content blocks. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputStream"> /// Input stream from which the GIF data is to be read. /// </param> private void ReadContents( Stream inputStream ) { // read GIF file content blocks bool done = false; GraphicControlExtension lastGce = null; string message; // for error conditions while( !done && ConsolidatedState == ErrorState.Ok ) { int code = Read( inputStream ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; WriteCodeToDebugXml( code ); switch( code ) { case CodeImageSeparator: WriteDebugXmlComment( "0x2C - image separator" ); AddFrame( inputStream, lastGce ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; break; case CodeExtensionIntroducer: WriteDebugXmlComment( "0x21 - extension introducer" ); code = Read( inputStream ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; WriteCodeToDebugXml( code ); switch( code ) { case CodePlaintextLabel: // FEATURE: handle plain text extension WriteDebugXmlComment( "0x01 - plain text extension" ); SkipBlocks( inputStream ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; break; case CodeGraphicControlLabel: WriteDebugXmlComment( "0xF9 - graphic control label" ); lastGce = new GraphicControlExtension( inputStream, XmlDebugging ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; WriteDebugXmlNode( lastGce.DebugXmlReader ); break; case CodeCommentLabel: // FEATURE: handle comment extension WriteDebugXmlComment( "0xFE - comment extension" ); SkipBlocks( inputStream ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; break; case CodeApplicationExtensionLabel: WriteDebugXmlComment( "0xFF - application extension label" ); ApplicationExtension ext = new ApplicationExtension( inputStream, XmlDebugging ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; WriteDebugXmlNode( ext.DebugXmlReader ); if( ext.ApplicationIdentifier == "NETSCAPE" && ext.ApplicationAuthenticationCode == "2.0" ) { _netscapeExtension = new NetscapeExtension( ext ); } else { // TESTME: ReadContents - non-Netscape application extension _applicationExtensions.Add( ext ); } break; default : // uninteresting extension // TESTME: ReadContents - uninteresting extension WriteDebugXmlComment( "Ignoring this extension" ); SkipBlocks( inputStream ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; break; } break; case CodeTrailer: // We've reached an explicit end-of-data marker, so stop // processing the stream. WriteDebugXmlComment( "0x3B - end of data" ); done = true; break; case 0x00 : // bad byte, but keep going and see what happens WriteDebugXmlComment( "0x00 - unexpected code" ); message = "Unexpected block terminator encountered at " + "position " + inputStream.Position + " after reading " + _frames.Count + " frames."; SetStatus( ErrorState.UnexpectedBlockTerminator, message ); break; case -1: // reached the end of the input stream WriteDebugXmlComment( "-1 - end of input stream" ); message = "Reached the end of the input stream without " + "encountering trailer 0x3b"; SetStatus( ErrorState.EndOfInputStream, message ); break; default : WriteDebugXmlComment( "Not a recognised code" ); message = "Bad data block introducer: 0x" + code.ToString( "X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ).PadLeft( 2, '0' ) + " (" + code + ") at position " + inputStream.Position + " (" + inputStream.Position.ToString( "X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) + " hex) after reading " + _frames.Count + " frames."; SetStatus( ErrorState.BadDataBlockIntroducer, message ); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a frame from the input stream and adds it to the collection /// of frames. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputStream"> /// Input stream from which the frame is to be read. /// </param> /// <param name="lastGce"> /// The graphic control extension most recently read from the input /// stream. /// </param> private void AddFrame( Stream inputStream, GraphicControlExtension lastGce ) { GifFrame previousFrame; GifFrame previousFrameBut1; if( _frames.Count > 0 ) { previousFrame = _frames[_frames.Count - 1]; } else { previousFrame = null; } if( _frames.Count > 1 ) { previousFrameBut1 = _frames[_frames.Count - 2]; } else { previousFrameBut1 = null; } GifFrame frame = new GifFrame( inputStream, _lsd, _gct, lastGce, previousFrame, previousFrameBut1, XmlDebugging ); MyProgressCounters[_readStreamCounterText].Value = (int) inputStream.Position; _frames.Add( frame ); WriteDebugXmlNode( frame.DebugXmlReader ); }
private static void CheckGraphicControlExtension( Stream s, Color transparentColour) { // check graphic control extension GraphicControlExtension gce = new GraphicControlExtension( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, gce.ConsolidatedState ); Assert.AreEqual( 10, gce.DelayTime ); if( transparentColour == Color.Empty ) { Assert.AreEqual( 0, gce.TransparentColourIndex ); Assert.AreEqual( false, gce.HasTransparentColour ); Assert.AreEqual( DisposalMethod.DoNotDispose, gce.DisposalMethod ); } else { Assert.AreEqual( true, gce.HasTransparentColour ); // TODO: a way to check the transparent colour index? Assert.AreEqual( DisposalMethod.RestoreToBackgroundColour, gce.DisposalMethod ); } Assert.AreEqual( false, gce.ExpectsUserInput ); }
public void WriteToStreamTest() { ReportStart(); int blockSize = 4; DisposalMethod disposalMethod = DisposalMethod.DoNotDispose; bool expectsUserInput = false; bool hasTransparentColour = true; int delayTime = 10; int transparentColourIndex = 6; _gce = new GraphicControlExtension( blockSize, disposalMethod, expectsUserInput, hasTransparentColour, delayTime, transparentColourIndex ); MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); _gce.WriteToStream( s ); s.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin ); _gce = new GraphicControlExtension( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, _gce.ConsolidatedState ); Assert.AreEqual( blockSize, _gce.BlockSize ); Assert.AreEqual( disposalMethod, _gce.DisposalMethod ); Assert.AreEqual( expectsUserInput, _gce.ExpectsUserInput ); Assert.AreEqual( hasTransparentColour, _gce.HasTransparentColour ); Assert.AreEqual( delayTime, _gce.DelayTime ); Assert.AreEqual( transparentColourIndex, _gce.TransparentColourIndex ); ReportEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the base image for this frame. This will be overpainted with /// the pixels for this frame, where they are not transparent. /// </summary> /// <param name="previousFrame"> /// The frame which preceded this frame in the GIF stream. /// Null if this is the first frame in the stream. /// </param> /// <param name="previousFrameBut1"> /// The frame which preceded the previous frame in the GIF stream. /// Null if this is the first or seond frame in the stream. /// </param> /// <param name="lsd"> /// The logical screen descriptor for this GIF stream. /// </param> /// <param name="gce"> /// The graphic control extension for this frame. /// </param> /// <param name="act"> /// The active colour table for this frame. /// </param> /// <returns></returns> private static Bitmap GetBaseImage(GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, GraphicControlExtension gce, ColourTable act) { #region Get the disposal method of the previous frame read from the GIF stream DisposalMethod previousDisposalMethod; if (previousFrame == null) { previousDisposalMethod = DisposalMethod.NotSpecified; } else { previousDisposalMethod = previousFrame.GraphicControlExtension.DisposalMethod; } #endregion Bitmap baseImage; int width = lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width; int height = lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height; #region paint baseImage switch (previousDisposalMethod) { case DisposalMethod.DoNotDispose: // pre-populate image with previous frame baseImage = new Bitmap(previousFrame.TheImage); break; case DisposalMethod.RestoreToBackgroundColour: // pre-populate image with background colour Color backgroundColour; if (lsd.BackgroundColourIndex == gce.TransparentColourIndex) { backgroundColour = Color.Empty; } else { // TESTME: background colour index different to transparent colour backgroundColour = act[lsd.BackgroundColourIndex]; } baseImage = new Bitmap(width, height); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < height; x++) { baseImage.SetPixel(x, y, backgroundColour); } } break; case DisposalMethod.RestoreToPrevious: // pre-populate image with previous frame but 1 // TESTME: DisposalMethod.RestoreToPrevious baseImage = new Bitmap(previousFrameBut1.TheImage); break; default: // DisposalMethod.NotSpecified if (previousFrame == null) { // this is the first frame so start with an empty bitmap baseImage = new Bitmap(width, height); } else { // pre-populate image with previous frame // TESTME: DisposalMethod.NotSpecified on 2nd frame or later baseImage = new Bitmap(previousFrame.TheImage); } break; } #endregion return(baseImage); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the pixels of the decoded image. /// </summary> /// <param name="imageData"> /// Table based image data containing the indices within the active /// colour table of the colours of the pixels in this frame. /// </param> /// <param name="lsd"> /// The logical screen descriptor for the GIF stream. /// </param> /// <param name="id"> /// The image descriptor for this frame. /// </param> /// <param name="activeColourTable"> /// The colour table to use with this frame - either the global colour /// table or a local colour table. /// </param> /// <param name="gce"> /// The graphic control extension, if any, which precedes this image in /// the input stream. /// </param> /// <param name="previousFrame"> /// The frame which precedes this one in the GIF stream, if present. /// </param> /// <param name="previousFrameBut1"> /// The frame which precedes the frame before this one in the GIF stream, /// if present. /// </param> /// <param name="status"> /// GifComponentStatus containing any errors which occurred during the /// creation of the bitmap. /// </param> private static Bitmap CreateBitmap(TableBasedImageData imageData, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, ImageDescriptor id, ColourTable activeColourTable, GraphicControlExtension gce, GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1, out GifComponentStatus status) { status = new GifComponentStatus(ErrorState.Ok, ""); Color[] pixelsForThisFrame = new Color[lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width * lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height]; Bitmap baseImage = GetBaseImage(previousFrame, previousFrameBut1, lsd, gce, activeColourTable); // copy each source line to the appropriate place in the destination int pass = 1; int interlaceRowIncrement = 8; int interlaceRowNumber = 0; // the row of pixels we're currently // setting in an interlaced image. for (int i = 0; i < id.Size.Height; i++) { int pixelRowNumber = i; if (id.IsInterlaced) { #region work out the pixel row we're setting for an interlaced image if (interlaceRowNumber >= id.Size.Height) { pass++; switch (pass) { case 2: interlaceRowNumber = 4; break; case 3: interlaceRowNumber = 2; interlaceRowIncrement = 4; break; case 4: interlaceRowNumber = 1; interlaceRowIncrement = 2; break; } } #endregion pixelRowNumber = interlaceRowNumber; interlaceRowNumber += interlaceRowIncrement; } // Colour in the pixels for this row pixelRowNumber += id.Position.Y; if (pixelRowNumber < lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height) { int k = pixelRowNumber * lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width; int dx = k + id.Position.X; // start of line in dest int dlim = dx + id.Size.Width; // end of dest line if ((k + lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width) < dlim) { // TESTME: CreateBitmap - past dest edge dlim = k + lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width; // past dest edge } int sx = i * id.Size.Width; // start of line in source while (dx < dlim) { // map color and insert in destination int indexInColourTable = (int)imageData.Pixels[sx++]; // Set this pixel's colour if its index isn't the // transparent colour index, or if this frame doesn't // have a transparent colour. Color c; if (gce.HasTransparentColour && indexInColourTable == gce.TransparentColourIndex) { c = Color.Empty; // transparent pixel } else { if (indexInColourTable < activeColourTable.Length) { c = activeColourTable[indexInColourTable]; } else { // TESTME: CreateBitmap - BadColourIndex c = Color.Black; string message = "Colour index: " + indexInColourTable + ", colour table length: " + activeColourTable.Length + " (" + dx + "," + pixelRowNumber + ")"; status = new GifComponentStatus(ErrorState.BadColourIndex, message); } } pixelsForThisFrame[dx] = c; dx++; } } } return(CreateBitmap(baseImage, pixelsForThisFrame)); }
public GifFrame(Stream inputStream, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, ColourTable gct, GraphicControlExtension gce, GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1, bool xmlDebugging) : base(xmlDebugging) { #region guard against null arguments if (lsd == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("lsd"); } if (gce == null) { SetStatus(ErrorState.NoGraphicControlExtension, ""); // use a default GCE gce = new GraphicControlExtension(GraphicControlExtension.ExpectedBlockSize, DisposalMethod.NotSpecified, false, false, 100, 0); } #endregion int transparentColourIndex = gce.TransparentColourIndex; ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = new ImageDescriptor(inputStream, XmlDebugging); WriteDebugXmlNode(imageDescriptor.DebugXmlReader); #region determine the colour table to use for this frame Color backgroundColour = Color.FromArgb(0); // TODO: is this the right background colour? // TODO: use backgroundColourIndex from the logical screen descriptor? ColourTable activeColourTable; if (imageDescriptor.HasLocalColourTable) { _localColourTable = new ColourTable(inputStream, imageDescriptor.LocalColourTableSize, XmlDebugging); WriteDebugXmlNode(_localColourTable.DebugXmlReader); activeColourTable = _localColourTable; // make local table active } else { if (gct == null) { // We have neither local nor global colour table, so we // won't be able to decode this frame. Bitmap emptyBitmap = new Bitmap(lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width, lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height); _image = emptyBitmap; _delay = gce.DelayTime; SetStatus(ErrorState.FrameHasNoColourTable, ""); return; } activeColourTable = gct; // make global table active if (lsd.BackgroundColourIndex == transparentColourIndex) { backgroundColour = Color.FromArgb(0); } } #endregion // decode pixel data int pixelCount = imageDescriptor.Size.Width * imageDescriptor.Size.Height; TableBasedImageData indexedPixels = new TableBasedImageData(inputStream, pixelCount, XmlDebugging); WriteDebugXmlNode(indexedPixels.DebugXmlReader); if (indexedPixels.Pixels.Count == 0) { // TESTME: constructor - indexedPixels.Pixels.Count == 0 Bitmap emptyBitmap = new Bitmap(lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width, lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height); _image = emptyBitmap; _delay = gce.DelayTime; SetStatus(ErrorState.FrameHasNoImageData, ""); WriteDebugXmlFinish(); return; } // Skip any remaining blocks up to the next block terminator (in // case there is any surplus data before the next frame) SkipBlocks(inputStream); _indexedPixels = indexedPixels; _extension = gce; if (gce != null) { _delay = gce.DelayTime; } _imageDescriptor = imageDescriptor; _backgroundColour = backgroundColour; GifComponentStatus status; _image = CreateBitmap(indexedPixels, lsd, imageDescriptor, activeColourTable, gce, previousFrame, previousFrameBut1, out status); WriteDebugXmlFinish(); }
public void ConstructorTest() { ReportStart(); int blockSize = 4; DisposalMethod method = DisposalMethod.DoNotDispose; bool expectsUserInput = false; bool hasTransparentColour = true; int delayTime = 40; int transparentColourIndex = 22; _gce = new GraphicControlExtension( blockSize, method, expectsUserInput, hasTransparentColour, delayTime, transparentColourIndex ); Assert.AreEqual( blockSize, _gce.BlockSize ); Assert.AreEqual( method, _gce.DisposalMethod ); Assert.AreEqual( expectsUserInput, _gce.ExpectsUserInput ); Assert.AreEqual( hasTransparentColour, _gce.HasTransparentColour ); Assert.AreEqual( delayTime, _gce.DelayTime ); Assert.AreEqual( transparentColourIndex, _gce.TransparentColourIndex ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, _gce.ErrorState ); ReportEnd(); }
private void ConstructorStreamTestDisposalMethodNotSpecified( bool xmlDebugging ) { int blockSize = 4; DisposalMethod method = DisposalMethod.NotSpecified; bool expectsUserInput = false; bool hasTransparentColour = true; int delayTime = 40; int transparentColourIndex = 22; MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); s.WriteByte( (byte) blockSize ); // Packed fields: // bits 1-3 = reserved // bits 4-6 = disposal method // bit 7 = user input flag // bit 8 = transparent flag byte packedFields = (byte) ( ( (int) method & 7 ) << 2 | ( expectsUserInput ? 1 : 0 ) << 1 | ( hasTransparentColour ? 1 : 0 ) ); s.WriteByte( packedFields ); // Write delay time, least significant byte first s.WriteByte( (byte) ( delayTime & 0xff ) ); s.WriteByte( (byte) ( ( delayTime & 0xff00 ) >> 8 ) ); s.WriteByte( (byte) transparentColourIndex ); s.WriteByte( 0 ); // block terminator s.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin ); _gce = new GraphicControlExtension( s, xmlDebugging ); Assert.AreEqual( blockSize, _gce.BlockSize ); Assert.AreEqual( DisposalMethod.DoNotDispose, _gce.DisposalMethod ); Assert.AreEqual( expectsUserInput, _gce.ExpectsUserInput ); Assert.AreEqual( hasTransparentColour, _gce.HasTransparentColour ); Assert.AreEqual( delayTime, _gce.DelayTime ); Assert.AreEqual( transparentColourIndex, _gce.TransparentColourIndex ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, _gce.ConsolidatedState ); if( xmlDebugging ) { Assert.AreEqual( ExpectedDebugXml, _gce.DebugXml ); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the base image for this frame. This will be overpainted with /// the pixels for this frame, where they are not transparent. /// </summary> /// <param name="previousFrame"> /// The frame which preceded this frame in the GIF stream. /// Null if this is the first frame in the stream. /// </param> /// <param name="previousFrameBut1"> /// The frame which preceded the previous frame in the GIF stream. /// Null if this is the first or seond frame in the stream. /// </param> /// <param name="lsd"> /// The logical screen descriptor for this GIF stream. /// </param> /// <param name="gce"> /// The graphic control extension for this frame. /// </param> /// <param name="act"> /// The active colour table for this frame. /// </param> /// <returns></returns> private static Bitmap GetBaseImage( GifFrame previousFrame, GifFrame previousFrameBut1, LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd, GraphicControlExtension gce, ColourTable act ) { #region Get the disposal method of the previous frame read from the GIF stream DisposalMethod previousDisposalMethod; if( previousFrame == null ) { previousDisposalMethod = DisposalMethod.NotSpecified; } else { previousDisposalMethod = previousFrame.GraphicControlExtension.DisposalMethod; } #endregion Bitmap baseImage; int width = lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Width; int height = lsd.LogicalScreenSize.Height; #region paint baseImage switch( previousDisposalMethod ) { case DisposalMethod.DoNotDispose: // pre-populate image with previous frame baseImage = new Bitmap( previousFrame.TheImage ); break; case DisposalMethod.RestoreToBackgroundColour: // pre-populate image with background colour Color backgroundColour ; if( lsd.BackgroundColourIndex == gce.TransparentColourIndex ) { backgroundColour = Color.Empty; } else { // TESTME: background colour index different to transparent colour backgroundColour = act[lsd.BackgroundColourIndex]; } baseImage = new Bitmap( width, height ); for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < height; x++ ) { baseImage.SetPixel( x, y, backgroundColour ); } } break; case DisposalMethod.RestoreToPrevious: // pre-populate image with previous frame but 1 // TESTME: DisposalMethod.RestoreToPrevious baseImage = new Bitmap( previousFrameBut1.TheImage ); break; default: // DisposalMethod.NotSpecified if( previousFrame == null ) { // this is the first frame so start with an empty bitmap baseImage = new Bitmap( width, height ); } else { // pre-populate image with previous frame // TESTME: DisposalMethod.NotSpecified on 2nd frame or later baseImage = new Bitmap( previousFrame.TheImage ); } break; } #endregion return baseImage; }
public void WikipediaExampleTest() { ReportStart(); _e = new AnimatedGifEncoder(); GifFrame frame = new GifFrame( WikipediaExample.ExpectedBitmap ); frame.Delay = WikipediaExample.DelayTime; _e.AddFrame( frame ); // TODO: some way of creating/testing a UseLocal version of WikipediaExample string fileName = "WikipediaExampleUseGlobal.gif"; _e.WriteToFile( fileName ); Stream s = File.OpenRead( fileName ); int code; // check GIF header GifHeader gh = new GifHeader( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, gh.ConsolidatedState ); // check logical screen descriptor LogicalScreenDescriptor lsd = new LogicalScreenDescriptor( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, lsd.ConsolidatedState ); WikipediaExample.CheckLogicalScreenDescriptor( lsd ); // read global colour table ColourTable gct = new ColourTable( s, WikipediaExample.GlobalColourTableSize ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, gct.ConsolidatedState ); // cannot compare global colour table as different encoders will // produce difference colour tables. // WikipediaExample.CheckGlobalColourTable( gct ); // check for extension introducer code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( GifComponent.CodeExtensionIntroducer, code ); // check for app extension label code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( GifComponent.CodeApplicationExtensionLabel, code ); // check netscape extension ApplicationExtension ae = new ApplicationExtension( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, ae.ConsolidatedState ); NetscapeExtension ne = new NetscapeExtension( ae ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, ne.ConsolidatedState ); Assert.AreEqual( 0, ne.LoopCount ); // check for extension introducer code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( GifComponent.CodeExtensionIntroducer, code ); // check for gce label code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( GifComponent.CodeGraphicControlLabel, code ); // check graphic control extension GraphicControlExtension gce = new GraphicControlExtension( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, gce.ConsolidatedState ); WikipediaExample.CheckGraphicControlExtension( gce ); // check for image separator code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( GifComponent.CodeImageSeparator, code ); // check for image descriptor ImageDescriptor id = new ImageDescriptor( s ); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, id.ConsolidatedState ); WikipediaExample.CheckImageDescriptor( id ); // read, decode and check image data // Cannot compare encoded LZW data directly as different encoders // will create different colour tables, so even if the bitmaps are // identical, the colour indices will be different int pixelCount = WikipediaExample.FrameSize.Width * WikipediaExample.FrameSize.Height; TableBasedImageData tbid = new TableBasedImageData( s, pixelCount ); for( int y = 0; y < WikipediaExample.LogicalScreenSize.Height; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < WikipediaExample.LogicalScreenSize.Width; x++ ) { int i = (y * WikipediaExample.LogicalScreenSize.Width) + x; Assert.AreEqual( WikipediaExample.ExpectedBitmap.GetPixel( x, y ), gct[tbid.Pixels[i]], "X: " + x + ", Y: " + y ); } } // Check for block terminator after image data code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( 0x00, code ); // check for GIF trailer code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( GifComponent.CodeTrailer, code ); // check we're at the end of the stream code = ExampleComponent.CallRead( s ); Assert.AreEqual( -1, code ); s.Close(); _d = new GifDecoder( fileName ); _d.Decode(); Assert.AreEqual( ErrorState.Ok, _d.ConsolidatedState ); BitmapAssert.AreEqual( WikipediaExample.ExpectedBitmap, (Bitmap) _d.Frames[0].TheImage, "" ); ReportEnd(); }
internal static void CheckGraphicControlExtension( GraphicControlExtension ext ) { Assert.AreEqual( GraphicControlExtension.ExpectedBlockSize, ext.BlockSize, "ExpectedBlockSize" ); Assert.AreEqual( DelayTime, ext.DelayTime, "DelayTime" ); Assert.AreEqual( DisposalMethod, ext.DisposalMethod, "DisposalMethod" ); Assert.AreEqual( TransparentColourIndex, ext.TransparentColourIndex, "TransparentColourIndex" ); Assert.AreEqual( HasTransparentColour, ext.HasTransparentColour, "HasTransparentColour" ); Assert.AreEqual( ExpectsUserInput, ext.ExpectsUserInput, "ExpectsUserInput" ); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Graphic Control Extension to the supplied output stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="frame"> /// The GifFrame to which this graphic control extension relates. /// </param> /// <param name="transparentColourIndex"> /// The index within the active colour table of the transparent colour. /// </param> /// <param name="outputStream"> /// The stream to write to. /// </param> private void WriteGraphicCtrlExt( GifFrame frame, int transparentColourIndex, Stream outputStream ) { outputStream.WriteByte( GifComponent.CodeExtensionIntroducer ); outputStream.WriteByte( GifComponent.CodeGraphicControlLabel ); // The frame doesn't have have a graphic control extension yet, so we // need to work out what it would contain. DisposalMethod disposalMethod; bool hasTransparentColour; if( _transparent == Color.Empty ) // TODO: remove reference to _transparent - parameterise? { hasTransparentColour = false; disposalMethod = DisposalMethod.NotSpecified; // dispose = no action } else { // TESTME: WriteGraphicCtrlExt - _transparent != Color.Empty hasTransparentColour = true; disposalMethod = DisposalMethod.RestoreToBackgroundColour; // force clear if using transparent color } int blockSize = 4; GraphicControlExtension gce = new GraphicControlExtension( blockSize, disposalMethod, frame.ExpectsUserInput, hasTransparentColour, frame.Delay, transparentColourIndex ); gce.WriteToStream( outputStream ); }